Authors Note: So I was watching "Bad Boys 2" and one part sparked an idea. It's just an inspired thought from my twisted imagination. It is rated -R- for the mention of drugs and naughty behaviour. =} Oh, this is not an R/BB. I love the two separate, but not as a couple. This is, however, an R/R, as in Robin/Raven. I do like that couple. *successfully ducks flying rotted tomatoes* Hey! If you don't like it, then don't let the disclaimer hit you on the way out. It really will be a good story (I hope!)

Disclaimer: I will only write this once-- I do not, I repeat, *DO NOT*, own the Teen Titans in any way shape or form. The cartoon version, of which I am basing my story on, belongs to Cartoon Network. The original comic belongs to DC Comics Don't sue me I don't own anything!

Xtacy: Chapter 1- Ill

"Titans! We have a situation." Robin stood in the entryway to the 'living' area for a moment.

"The situation..?" Cyborg prompted, after pausing his video game.

"Right. The details are sketchy, but the police think an illegal shipment of drugs has come into the city. They tried to pull over an armored truck, but the suspects panicked and are speeding recklessly around, people have been injured. They- the police- have asked for our help, and, uh, where's Raven?"

"Our friend is not feeling well. She departed to her room a while ago." Starfire informed him.

"Heh, yeah, right after departing to the bathroom. We could hear her *hehe* puking all the way in here" Beast Boy laughed. The thought of oh so stoic Raven throwing up like any normal person seemed immensely funny to him.

"Beast Boy! It is not amusing that Raven is ill. We must help her, not make fun at her" Starfire scolded.

"Sorry" Beast Boy blushed, duly chastised.

"Yeah, well we can help her all night *after* we take care of the armoured truck." Cyborg reminded them.

"I'll go make sure she's alright, you guys go ahead and I'll catch up" Robin ordered, then left to check on his team member. Raven sick was a rather odd concept, and a disturbing one because she always seemed so indomitable. She was his second in command so he was naturally more worried than if one 0f the others had been ill. 'Keep telling yourself that wonder boy.' The thought came unbidden to his mind. He blushed slightly. 'Maybe...'


Raven nestled even further into her cocoon of heavy black blankets. Why was it so damned cold in this room? Why did her head have to throb so? Why was she being tormented for no good reason that her pickled brain could think of? The mighty Raven had fallen so low that she was not even above whining.

"Why why why why why ME!" she moaned. A wave of nausea besieged her already empty and sensitive stomach and she curled tighter into the fetal position. She whimpered. She refused to get up just to dry heave.

"Boom! Boom!" The knocks on her lead door were amplified by her migraine and echoed around inside her head. "Go 'way" she called weakly. She hated the fragile sound of her voice. All because of a lousy flu. Curse this virus for reducing her to this.

Thinking so much hurt her head, so she ceased thinking of anything at all. Distantly she heard the door open and a low voice ask if she was all right. 'Robin' she noted flatly. Not feeling very charitable at the moment, she waved her hand slightly and sent a lamp flying at the door. Her aim was way off but he got the message.

"Jeeze! I was just checking on you. There's a situation so we're going to go take care of it. Will you be okay by yourself?"

In response she flung another lamp across the room at him.

"That's what I thought."


Robin closed the door quietly, shaking his head and grinning. A miserable groan filtered through and he winced. "Sorry Raven. We'll take care of you when we get back" he muttered. Then he followed his other team mates.

When he finally caught up they were nearly there. Cyborg raised an eyebrow at him. "That was quick"

"Yeah well, I didn't think she wanted me around considering she threw a couple of lamps at me.

"Man, that had to hurt"

"Nah, she missed"

"Dude, Raven *missed*? She must really be sick"

"I think she is Beast Boy. Let's wrap this up here so we can get back to her."

"I believe that is the transportation device that is recklessly endangering the lives of our fellow beings." Starfire had stopped mid flight and was now pointing at a van careening toward them.

"Right. Titans Go!"


"Oh, man!"

"Look at that wreck!"

"It is truly a horrendous sight"

Robin stared at the mangled remains of the armoured vehicle. They had refused to stop so Cyborg had been forced to use his cannon. Even on a low setting the blast had been too much. Luckily, Starfire and Beast Boy had pulled the two thugs out just in time.

The men didn't seem very grateful. "The boss is gonna kill us!" one of them whined while being handcuffed.

Robin approached the back of the vehicle and tried to pull them open to no avail. "It's locked up tight." he murmured. Then, from his utility belt he removed a small pen-like device. In reality it was a high powered lazer, fresh from Wayne Enterprise's research and development laboratory. He flicked it on and cut through the lock. Turning it off and setting it aside, Robin tugged at the doors. They budged this time.

"Hey, let's see what they were protecting." The rest of the team plus a dozen or so cops crowded around as he swung open one door then the other. Inside were piles upon piles of aspirin bottles and prescription pill vials full of white tablets. There must have been ten thousand of them there.

"What is this? They all appear to have the same substance within" Starfire commented staring at and orange bottle and a green one.

"Don't touch those- they're evidence" a cop hissed, removing them from her person.

"Oi. This is turning into one big headache. We're going to have to process all of this. It's going to take months. Hell, just one pill takes a minimum of five days to find out what the hell it is." The chief looked severely put upon.

"Listen, chief, there's some pretty high tech equipment at the T-tower. If you want I could take a bottle of each to process. It should only take a few hours, then I'll call you with the results so you can tell your people specifically what to look for." Robin offered.

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea... Alright, but the stuff must be returned. I can't take the risk of this stuff getting out into the public. Here." The chief took the two vials the other cop had taken from Star. "I expect to hear from you within five hours."

"It'll only take three"

The chief smiled a little. This hero took his job seriously. He trusted Robin.

The Beast Boy was busy trying to hail a cab. Finally one stopped and Cyborg, BB and Star piled in. "We're going to get some much needed pie action. As in pizza pie. Coming?" Cyborg inquired.

Robin slammed the door. "Nah, I gotta get back and start on these.

"Whatever you say, dude. C'mon let's go!"

"Farewell Robin!" Star's voice faded as the taxi took off.

Deciding it was a pleasant night, all things considered, Robin walked back to T-Tower. Looked like it was going to be a by hisself kind of night, just like he'd been wanting. So why did the thought make him feel so empty?

So do you like. I will update VERY soon. I promise.