A/N: Hey, ya'll! Here is my first Inuyasha fanfic! Enjoy! Please R&R. And, also, I still can't get words to be bold or italic. In the document they're italic and bold, but they won't show up that way on ff.net. So, could someone help? Maybe there's some special way. . . I dunno, but please help?

Summary: Kagome is kidnapped! (What's new?) But this time, she's kidnapped by the last person in Japan that anyone would suspect.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other characters. . . Sadly.


Save Me Chapter 1: Black Hair

"Bye Mom!"

"Kagome, wait!"

Kagome Higurashi stopped at the door and looked back. Her mom was walking toward her carrying another medic-pack.

"Wouldn't want to forget this," her mother said, smiling pleasantly.

Kagome took her hands off of her backpack straps and grabbed the box. "Thanks, Mom." She waved goodbye and headed towards the well.

"Bye, honey! Be careful!" Mrs. Higurashi waved.

(Right, 'cause THAT'S possible,) Kagome thought sarcastically, but she still smiled.

Coming to the shrine, she slid open the doors and skipped down the stairs to the well. She was ready to hop into the well when she spotted someone sitting by it. "Inuyasha?"

He was asleep.

(What's he doing here?) Kagome asked herself. She crouched down in front of him. Yup, definitely asleep; head hung and his arms folded around the Tetsusaiga. She put her hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him. "Hey, Inuyasha. . ." she whispered quietly. "Inuyasha, shouldn't you be with Sango and Miroku?" No response. He was out like a light. (What could've worn him out so much?)

She tried again. "Inuyasha, c'mon, let's go."

When there was no response, she stood up and put her hands on her hips, frustrated. Of course he heard her, his hearing is better than anyone's. "Fine," she growled. "I'm sure you'll figure out that I left." She tucked the medic-pack under her arm and swung her legs over the frame of the well. Just as she was about to push herself in, Inuyasha stirred. She glared at him.

Inuyasha blinked a few times, then lifted his head. "Kagome?" He turned and spotted her.

"Oh, so you DID notice me," Kagome mumbled. "What in the world are you doing sleeping here?"

He jumped up. "Well. . . I. . . Shippo was irritating me. This is the only place where he ain't gonna bother me."

(So then why is he blushing?) Kagome thought.

The few light that was in the room disappeared.

"Actually, Kagome," Inuyasha corrected himself. "I sorta don't wanna go back. . ." He stared at the floor. Now the room was completely dark, save for the light from the streets below, which was very little.

Kagome's eyes widened in realization. "Oh. . ." She turned away from Inuyasha so that he was out of view and peered down the well. A few minutes passed and she heard a grunt behind her. Turning sharply, she looked around and found the now black-haired Inuyasha sitting by the open door and staring and the moonless sky.

"There's not very many stars here," he mumbled.

Kagome left her backpack and medic-pack by the well and climbed the stairs to sit with Inuyasha.

"Yeah, that's the downside about living in this time," Kagome replied. She sat down next to Inuyasha and rested her head on his shoulder. Though she couldn't see it, he was blushing.

"Uh. . ." Inuyasha began, thinking of what he was trying to say. (Isn't this a little too close?) But he instead decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Oh look! Make a wish!" Kagome suddenly shouted, pointing at the sky where a shooting star had just passed. (For love,) she squeezed Inuyasha's arm, (and for the shards of the Shikon Jewel.)

Inuyasha thought for a while. What did he want so badly? He looked down at Kagome. (For Kagome's safety,) he finally wished. (Yes, that is truly what I desire.) He looked back up at they sky. (Kagome to be safe.)


"Miroku, what do you think is taking Inuyasha so long?" Sango, the demon slayer, asked her fellow monk friend. She leaned over and peered into the well. "Maybe something happened to him."

Miroku, with his sick perverted mind, smirked. "Why yes, something MUST have happened to him."

Sango glared at him through the corner of her eye.

"Ah the things that would make a man stay. . ."


"You have such a gross mind," Sango grumbled, walking away from the currently stunned monk.

Miroku rubbed the red mark on his face where Sango had smacked him.

"Ah, how I love the feisty ones. . ." he sighed gleefully, following Sango.


"Mom, Grandpa!"

Mrs. Higurashi looked away from her spot on the couch and spotted her son, Sota, running to her from the front door.

"Sota, what were you doing outside, I thought I told you to go to bed?" Mrs. Higurashi worried.

Completely ignoring the question, Sota continued when Grandpa came into the room. "It's Kagome! She's with some weird black-haired guy in the shrine! They're LAYING together!"

Automatically, Mrs. Higurashi dropped her magazine, sprang from her seat and ran to the well with Grandpa and Sota following. She stopped at the door and swung around the corner, getting a good look at this man who dared lay with HER daughter.

Kagome was sleeping with her head on his chest, and the man was sleeping, too; his head resting on hers and his arm wrapped around her.

"KAGOME!!!!" Mrs. Higurashi yelled with full rage. Kagome jumped awake immediately and rubbed her eyes, ears ringing. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, LAYING HERE WITH-" Mrs. Higurashi paused. The man stood up, angry from being woken up. He looked so familiar. . . that kimono. . .

"Mom, it's just Inuyasha," Kagome yawned.

"But, where's his white hair and ears?" Sota asked, way confused.

"Hey, what's the big idea?! Can't a guy get some sleep around here?" Inuyasha growled.

Mrs. Higurashi blinked and watched Inuyasha put his sword and sheathe back in his sash. Inuyasha looked up.

"Could you NOT stare at me?" Inuyasha snapped.

"Inuyasha! Don't be so rude! Show some respect!" Kagome fumed.

"Oh," Mrs. Higurashi said quietly. "As long as him holding you like that was just a simple hug. I don't want him holding you in ANY other way."

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other then quickly glanced away, blushing. Then Kagome spoke up. "But Mom, it's not like anything went on, we just. . . fell asleep. Don't you trust Inuyasha?"

Mrs. Higurashi thought for a minute. "Yes, I do. I trust him to protect you against demons and that sort of thing. But he IS still a boy, and-"

"HEY! Listen, if you think I would try anything on Kagome at all, then you've got it all mixed up," Inuyasha spat. "I'M not the one you should be worrying about, it's the pervert mo-"

Kagome grabbed his arm and smiled innocently. "Kay, well now that this is settled, I guess we should be going! Bye Mom!" She dragged Inuyasha into the well and ended that conversation quite abruptly.


A/N: Well, there's the first chapter! Sorry it was so short, but I couldn't really think of much! 'Kay, well please review! Thanks you guys for readin!