Kindred Spirits

An Inu Yasha and Saiyuki fan fiction by Iapetus

Disclaimer:  I do not own either one of these series.  If I did I wouldn't have to worry about paying for my college tuition…


Issue number one, there is always the possibility for spoilers in this story.  However, if you know who Kagura and Kanna are from Inu Yasha, and about the incident in the desert involving a scorpion demon from Saiyuki (and generally what happened up to these points in both series), you should be fine.

Issue number two, the Inu Yasha universe is a bit AU, since they are all older in this story.  You'll find out by how much as you read.


There is a reason for the rating.  I might even eventually push it up to R, because it is on the borderline of PG-13 and R.  This doesn't really apply to the first chapter, but it will definitely apply in the later ones.


Chapter 1:  Inverted

            Kagome wanted to pound her fist against the wall in frustration.  It was going to be the last night she spent in her house for a long time, and she wanted to get a good night's sleep.

            In a decisive attempt to finally complete the Shikon no Tama as well as to kill Naraku, Kagome was going to leave her world for a full year.  No side trips home that would anchor her to the Bone Gobbling Well – they would be free to travel across all of Japan to search for the shards.  Of course, Naraku had already had this advantage that he lived in only one time.  He was sure to have ensnared the shards beyond their reach by now, but there was always hope.  His greatest concern were the ones that Inu Yasha and her could reach.

            Kagome's reasoning had not been solid, but she also knew that all the shards had not been accounted for.  Naraku and herself both possessed a sizeable chunk of the Jewel, and Kouga still had shards in his legs.  Even Sesshomaru had a shard now.  Approximately half of the jewel shards had shown their faces, but it still left a huge prize.  It was only a question on who would claim it first.

            She had, against her own will at first, begun this suicidal quest six years ago.  Kaede had told them that the jewel could have shattered into any amount of shards when Kagome's fateful arrow struck the crow demon.  The possibility that the jewel would be in a hundred pieces was almost too much for her to bear, but now it seemed like there was closer to a thousand.

            That, and the fact that her previous incarnation Kikyo had shattered Naraku's portion of the jewel two years ago.  The vile half demon had in possession at the time all but Sesshomaru's, Kouga's and her shards.  However, with the Reshattering (as they now referred to the event as), Kagome knew that she'd never have a chance at a normal life again.

            Closing her eyes, the young woman of twenty-one years tried to will herself to sleep.  It might be the last time she'd ever sleep in her bed again.  To openly oppose Naraku was a death wish, but she knew that without her purification power, their group could never hope to completely kill him.

            That wasn't the only thing, though.  She wasn't sure she wanted to come back to this time.

            A person can only live in one time, and Kagome found herself torn between her two worlds.

            Distraught, the woman's breathing slowly became regular.  A gentle breeze blew across her face and danced briefly over her closed eyelids.

            She was here again.  How could she never remember when she was awake?  Well, that wasn't completely true.  When she was younger, she could only remember contentment after waking.  As she got older, she began to remember someone, as if from a past life.

            The image was never very clear, though, as a child.  He'd be wearing the robe of an apprentice monk, and she'd be wearing the child version of miko robes.  However, she could never seem to see his face.  It was either that, or she could not remember it.  But, the boy was always familiar to her, and she loved to gaze into his eyes.  What color were his eyes? She wondered.

            When she'd be crying over something, he'd always be there.  Kagome had the suspicion that he wasn't there completely of his own will.  He always seemed distracted, always thinking about what was going to happen next.  His aloof attitude did not make sense to the young girl, but she did not question his actions.

            And she remembered times when she had been feeling perfectly fine, but would find herself in their world – the boy slightly upset over something.  Of course, he'd never admit anything was wrong, but with time Kagome could tell.  He became as transparent to her as she was to him.

            This was her secret friend, someone no one else knew about.  He was not like the imaginary friends she had had before, or that her friends had.  He was REAL.  Kagome didn't know how to describe it.  His moods, his attitude, even his touch was alive.

            Kagome had discovered later in school that one couldn't feel in a dream.  Emotions can be felt, but touch cannot.  She was taught to pinch herself when she thought she was dreaming, so that she could wake up.

            Kagome needed no pinch to tell herself that the boy was real.  She could feel him, yet she knew she had never been to any place like that in her "dream."

            All of this swirled in her mind as she traced the steps to the river.  The path was worn, but familiar.  Donned in miko robes yet again, Kagome contemplated the humor of her outfit.  How had her dream known that she was Kikyo's reincarnation?  How had she known even before her fateful fifteenth birthday?  Face pulled back in distaste, Kagome untied the ribbon that held back her hair.  She shook her head slightly, freeing the raven colored stands from their former prison.  There had been occasions were Kagome had been forced to dress up as a miko, causing herself to look the exact mirror image of her former self.  It was a form of rebellion – Kagome would not tie her hair back like a good miko should.  Hair was meant to fly in the wind, not to be restrained.  She smiled a small smile as she slowly reached her destination.  The apprentice monk was rebellious as well.  She could never remember many details about him, but he had never shaved his head.  What color was his hair?  She tried to remember.

            Sitting down on the bank of the river, Kagome looked at her reflection.  She had not been to this place in years.  Ever since she had met Inu Yasha… a chasm had seemed to fill in her heart.  Well, not completely.  In dreams like this, she'd long for her old friend, her double.  He was what she had always wanted to act like, but was taught that doing such things were rude.  He lived her life for her.  But now, with her main life back in the Era of Warring States, she could be more of herself without society caring.  In the past, she was a warrior, not a woman who should be going to college.

            Her quiver began to roll to the water's edge, and she caught it just in time.  While they always stole unused arrows from the quivers of those fallen in battle, she could not waste them.  It was a short time of peace, and they would have to buy any arrows she would use.

            After arranging her bow and quiver on the bank so that it would not roll, Kagome went back to admiring the water.  It was so clear, she could see the tiniest of pebbles at its bottom.  This was her favorite river in the whole world.  But, where was it?

            It seemed like only minutes had passed when she heard footsteps from the direction she came.  Who would know of this spot?  No one had been here in years except her.  It was her sanctuary, her refuge from the world.  Not even Inu Yasha knew of this spot…

            Then, she felt something she had not felt in years.  Turning around, she was startled at what she beheld.

            She couldn't believe it – it was him.

            The ki that felt so much like hers… her double...  Her kindred spirit.  Her secret friend.

            The sun was setting as she got the first good look at the One who had been her comforter.  Her childhood savior.

            The boy was now a man.  In the short distance that separated them, Kagome could see that he was, yet again, taller than her.  He had always been taller than her, but this time it felt so different.  He no longer wore the robes of an apprentice, but of a high rank.  Underneath the robes appeared to be a form fitting black top, as well as matching sleeves.  In the back of her mind, she could remember Miroku tell her of these particular robes.  Monks of this caliber simply did not live in Japan.  They resided in mainland Asia.  Despite her efforts, she could not place his title.

            He was not built like most monks.  She could tell that under the folds of robes that he would be muscular.  She had seen him practice katas occasionally in their dreams before.  As her eyes traveled to his face, she knew that if her friends from home could only see her "imaginary" friend now…

            His face took her breath away.  Hair as golden as the sun blew softly in the wind from underneath what appeared to be a crown of metallic gold.  She could feel the wind in her own hair, and smiled inwardly.  He had not changed – he still had not shaved his head.  She had a feeling that he would still be rebellious.  His face beautiful to behold, a strong angular face that seemed to radiate his strength.  On his forehead was the red chakra she remembered receiving after his master's death.  It had not suited him as a child.  Now it only enhanced his features.

            It was his eyes, however, that truly captured her.  She was reminded of the lilac tree that grew on the temple grounds.  Sparkling with intensity, he gazed back at her with equal curiosity.

            How could she have ever thought that the boy she knew would be him?  There was no mistaking him anywhere – it was her childhood friend – but there was absolutely no way that he could be human.  She must have died, and he was taking her to heaven.

            No, that couldn't be right.  Inu Yasha would never let her die.  Then was this man an angel?  He simply couldn't be human.  He was too perfect, too beautiful.  He was like a god.

            Kagome had to repress the incredible urge to run up and hug the man.  She was letting her memories get the best of her.  There was no way she could just run up and hug a god, or an angel, or even if he was just a high ranking priest.  In her mind, Kagome compromised by reminding herself that the boy (now a man) had never liked being touched.  It was rare that he ever would reach out to comfort her, and it was why she treasured each time that he did.  It was almost as if a touch was taboo to him.

            Tears began to form in the back of her eyes.  No liquid pooled in her eye, but she could feel the pressure behind them ready to break loose.  Closing her eyes to relieve the pressure, she smiled at her long lost friend.  Where had he been?  She had wanted to tell him of all of her adventures with Inu Yasha and her other friends, especially since she could not tell her friends at school.  They had both drifted apart, but now they were back.

            There was so much she wanted to say; so much she wanted him to say to her.  To her sadness, her mouth would make no noise as she opened it.  Puzzled, she massaged her throat and tried again.  A look of concern crossed his face, and he went to ask what was wrong.

            At least, that is what she knew he was trying to ask.  He too could not speak from his mouth.  Kagome desperately wanted to ask him what he was.  Was he a god?  Or was he only a priest?  If so, what rank of priest?  The man seemed to ask the same question of her.  Did she really look that different in the miko robes, now that she was a grown woman?  She reminded herself that this was the only thing he ever saw her in.  It wasn't like Inu Yasha's reaction to her whenever she wore miko robes.  This was what was familiar to him.

            Moving closer, she pleaded a question from her eyes that she knew he could not answer.  Her friend had never had a name.  For whatever reason, they simply had never thought to ask it of each other.  Either that, or when she'd ask (or when he'd ask), they'd….

            …wake up.

            Kagome groaned inwardly at her luck.  Why did she have to think the thought?  Maybe there would have been some way for her to break whatever had been sealing their mouths, and they could have talked.  Opening her eyes, she stared at the ceiling, and then shut her eyes quickly.  There was no way she would forget the image of her kindred spirit, not when she had had the first chance to ever see him so clearly.

            "Who are you?" she whispered, as she slowly fell back asleep, wishing to return to his presence and to have her questions answered.

            Genjo Sanzo woke up violently, as if kicked from behind.  Glaring at the rear-view mirror, he saw the sleeping form of Gojyo shifting his feet.  Cursing their bad luck at not making it to the nearest town, he tried to settle back down again in his spot in the front of the jeep.

            He hadn't believed it when he first saw her.  She wasn't the little girl he remembered running and playing in the temple yard, or the one crying by the side of the river.  This was a woman, and she was alive.  He had never forgotten about the dreams of his childhood "friend," but he had not thought about her in years.  As a young boy, he had denied her authenticity by telling himself that he simply imagined her out his frustration while growing up.  But, if she had been a true aparation of his mind, how could she have changed so much?

            And why was it, that he could not feel her anywhere in this world?  It was obvious that she was real – he remembered her touch the night after his master had died.  He had been there for her when her father passed away, and she could understand his pain.  As he traveled though Tougenkyou looking for his master's Seitan Scriptures, he was sure he would have been able to find her.

            Their contact had faded, as they grew older, and had all but dissolved when Sanzo freed Goku from the mountain.  But tonight… tonight was so vivid.  He could remember everything so clearly – her foreign priestess robes, her long hair blowing in the wind, the large chocolate brown eyes filled with joy.

            He wondered why she had called out to him.  It was obvious that he was not distressed about anything in particular.  Well, nothing beyond what was happening on a regular basis.  Nothing huge had happened that he needed to talk to someone secretly about it.  She had to have been distressed, but he could have sworn that she was just as surprised as he was to see her in their dream.

            Why now? He thought.  Why, if neither of us are troubled, do we see each other again?


Please let me know what you thought.  Comments and criticisms are both greatly appreciated!
