SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 Lucky Pendant

By: KC

Yay! The final chapter of this fic is here! I'm actually finishing a fic for once! (Most of my others are 30+ pages and counting...) I'm so proud of me! ^.^

*Pokes Valgaav* You read it this time. *Waves the disclaimer at him*

Valgaav: '0.0 You won't beat me up, will you...?

That's pathetic. You're worried about getting beaten're a dragon, for goodness sake!

Valgaav: You're the authoress.

Good point. *Thinks for a little bit* Read it anyway. Yami, put that pen away before I shove it up your nose.

Yami: *Blushes and pockets pen*

Thank you. *Waves hand at Valgaav* Read it!

Valgaav: *Shivers a little bit* The...the authoress does not own any Yu Yu Hakusho characters, nor does she own any of the characters mentioned in the opening paragraphs (such as myself), even though she acts as though she own them, it's not true.

*Twitches* If you added that last part on a whim, you have point zero-zero-zero-zero-two seconds of life left...

Valgaav: It's written in! See?! *Waves paper at authoress, vaguely reminiscent of Kurama in previous chapter*

It is written in...YAMI!!!

Yami: I didn't do it this time, I swear!

Then who did...?

Kurama: *Grins and waves Yami's pen* Guilty as charged. However, what I wrote is true...


Kurama: You can't kill me. You need me for the rest of this fanfiction.

*Blinks* Is true...but I must kill somebody...*Lightbulb* YAMI!!!

Yami:0.0 But...but I didn't do it!! *Points wildly at Kurama* He even admitted it! DON'T KILL ME!!! PLEASE!!!

Yugi: *Sigh* You're taking one for the team, buddy.

Kurama: *Nods sagely* Too true.

Yami: But...but...*sees authoress bearing down on him* AAAAAAAAH! *Runs away*

Valgaav: *Watches them go* Uh...

Kurama: You'll get used to it. *Turns to readers* Enjoy the fic!


Chapter Five: Resolution


"Kurama?" I heard somebody call my name as if from a distance. Everything was still dark.

"Come on, Kurama," The voice continued. "Wake up."

Slowly, my vision returned. I was lying face-down in some sort of bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw black cloth and the hilt of a sword. Hiei.

"Where am I," I muttered, feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on.

"You're back in our room," Hiei replied calmly. "You fainted."

I cringed internally at the word. Fainting shows weakness, something I couldn't afford - at least not until the tournament was over.

My headache got worse.

"You'd better get up," Hiei continued. "Somebody is here to see you." I felt him nudge me.

"Alright," I moaned. I didn't really want to get up, but Hiei obviously wasn't giving me any choice in the matter. I rolled over and slowly sat up, my eyes adjusting to the brighter sunlight. It took me a couple of seconds to see clearly.

When I could, I thought I was going to faint again.

Kuronue was sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Glad to see you're awake," he smiled.

My headache was suddenly gone.

Hiei gave a little half-smile and stood. "I'll just leave you two alone."

The door swung shut behind him.

I was once again alone with my best friend.


I looked down. After what had happened so long ago, I didn't think I could meet my friend's eyes. I wasn't even sure I could call him my friend anymore after I had abandoned him.

I heard him get up, and soon I felt the bed sag where he sat next to me. I felt him take my chin gently in his hand, and he turned my head so I was looking at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly.

How can you ask that. You can't have forgotten what happened. How can you say that to me.

I tried to speak and choked on my words. My throat was once again frozen.

I think he understood anyway.

"It's about what happened thirty years ago, isn't it." It wasn't a question.

I nodded silently and laid my head against his chest. I could feel tears coming and I tried my hardest to keep them back.

I heard him lean over until his head was next to mine.

"It's not your fault," he whispered softly.

That was when I let go completely. I let the coming tears flow down my cheeks as I lay against my almost-brother's chest. I cried uncontrollably and he let me.

We sat like that for a long time.


I woke up suddenly. I hadn't even been aware that I was asleep.

I realized I was still leaning against Kuronue's chest. I hastily sat up.

He smiled down at me. "Glad to see you're awake."

I smiled back. "Didn't you say that before?"

He laughed softly. "So I did." Then his tone turned serious. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked me softly.

I smiled reassuringly at him. "I feel much better," I told him. Then I realized it was true. I felt as though thousand-pound weights had been lifted from my shoulders and my heart.

He must have seen this in my face. "Glad to hear that." He was silent for a couple of seconds, then he began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

He grinned at me. "I guess I'm just used to seeing you at eye level."

I blinked as I realized that my human form was indeed a full eighteen inches shorter than my demon form. "I guess now I know how Hiei feels all the time," I laughed.

I heard that, Hiei growled in my head.

I know, I thought back at him.

Then I remembered I had something to ask Kuronue.

I turned to look at him. "Why did you enter this tournament anyway?"

He gave me a little half-smile. "I had heard that you had taken a human form, but I couldn't get permission from the Spirit World to search for you." He stopped and chuckled softly. "My reputation preceded me."

"So?" I prompted.

"Then I heard that the winner of this tournament gets one wish granted. I was going to wish for access to the human world so I could find you."

I put a hand over my eyes. My God. He went to all this trouble simply to find me. All of that just for me, just to find me...

I turned my attention back to Kuronue and found him looking at me. I raised an eyebrow. "You've been looking strangely at me all day," I told him. "Spit it out already."

He gave me a half-smile. "When I heard you had taken a human form, I came up with a sort of quiz I could give you when I found you to make sure you were really...well, you." He blinked. "That came out completely wrong."

"I understood it." I smiled again. "If you had given me the quiz, what would I have had to do?"

"Tell me something that only the two of us know," he responded.

I grinned. I knew exactly what to say. I leaned in and whispered it in his ear.

The effect on him was instantaneous. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He turned slowly to look at me. " still remember that?"

I nodded slowly. "Yep. Sure do." I leaned in toward him, a grin that could only be described as sharklike on my face. "I'll tell her, too."

Kuronue's eyes got even wider. "There...There's no do that..." He blinked. "It's blackmail!"

I laughed. "You are so gullible."


The next thing I knew, Kuronue hand me in a headlock and was noogieing me mercilessly.

"Aagh!" I yelled. "Stop it! Let go! MERCY!"

And then he stopped.

His hand was on my collarbone. "What's this?" he asked, feeling the lump under my shirt.

I pulled it out.

"It's your pendant," I said slowly. "I...I went back later and found it." I took it off my neck and held it out to him. "Take it. It's still yours."

Kuronue looked at the pendant for one very long moment. Then he closed his hand over mine and pushed it back toward me. "No," he said softly. "I want you to have it, Kurama. You keep it."

"Are you sure," I asked him softly.

"Yes." His face split into a grin. "It is lucky, and you're going to need plenty of luck for the rest of this tournament!"

I smiled as I put the pendant back around my neck. "You're right."

Just then, Hiei opened the door. "Kurama, the fourth round is about to start. Are you ready?"

I looked up at Kuronue, then back at Hiei. I guess my heart belongs in two places now. It feels pretty good.

"Yes, Hiei. I'm ready."


So how was it? I really hope you liked the fic! I know I sure had fun writing it...^.^

Okay, time to tell you about my other projects. (It's free advertising, I'll take it.)

1) Humor/Intro: Called "Shetauni". I basically create my own YYH character and see how she (yes, she) reacts with the boys. Pointless in the scheme of things, but lots of fun.

2) Humor/Crossover: Called "Switch Fic Yet Again." This time, I put Kurama in Dragon Knights and Rune in YYH. Lots of fun, attampted murder (Don't worry, nobody dies unless I kill them), and more insanity then you can shake a proverbial stick at. Wahoo!

3) Humor/Crossover: "Yet Another Switch Fic". (Yeah, all the names of my switches have "switch fic" somewhere in the title.) We put Yami in X/1999 and Fuma in Yu-Gi-Oh. For this one, I'm teaming up with my friend, who knows more about X then I'll ever *want* to know, and I know much more about Yu-Gi-Oh than she does. Perfect trade!

4) Action/Adventure: This one doesn't have a title yet...*sigh* I'm thinking, though! Basically, Valgaav from Slayers Try gets pulled forward to present-day Japan and, with the help of a teenage girl named Sheila, has to figure out how to get back to his own time and how to get his enemy, who was also dragged with him, back as well. (I'm really enjoying writing this one.)

5)Humor/Crossover: "Kitty Kaper." If you've ever been to the website Ghost's Anime Kitties (and if you haven't, what are you waiting for *Google searches work best*), then you'll know it has a fanfiction section. This fic is being written for them, but I'll post it here if I get even one request to do so. Basically, has to do with kitties and their corresponding bishie, and how they interact with each other.

6) Humor/Crossover: "Harem Day 2003." Harem Day: noun: a day in which an author(ess)'s five favorite characters (of the opposite sex) come spend 24 hours in the real world with them. This one is a laugh a minute, even if you're not on a sugar high and don't get any of my inside jokes. I just love this one.

Also, every fic mentioned in this list is a work in progress, so there is some stuff done on all of them already. I won't post them unless I get at least one review asking me to, though. So, please R&R&R! (Read, Review, Request)

Thanks for sticking with me for all five chapters of this thing! *Puts an "I Love My Readers" bumper sticker on her car* (It looks really good next to her "Otaku and Proud" sticker.) Please, please e-mail me - I just love getting mail, and if you ask me a question or something, I will be sure to e-mail you back! My address is youkokuronue11686@yahoo. com.  If you do e-mail me, though, please put "about your fic (name of fic)" or "To the authoress of (name of fic)" in the subject, so I'll know that your e-mail is a review or a question, and not some psycho virus designed to crash my computer. If I don't reply, that means a) I have not yet read your e-mail, b) I never received your e-mail, c) the e-mail doesn't have one of the designated messages in the subject, and was considered a virus and deleted, or d) your e-mail flamed me and I fed it to Enix, the dragon-demon living under my bed who eats all the flames I receive.

Thanx again for taking the time to read this fic! See ya!