A/N: hey hey! What is up my friends? Sorry I took so long. My only excuse for this-sadly-is that I was lazy. L I am soooo sorry! I will make it up to you guys! I don't know how but I will! Thank you everyone for the reviews! I nearly died of happiness! I know exactly what's going to happen I just have to put it into words! So I won't not, finish this story! It may be very long. I am not quite sure yet.

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize as Meg Cabot's.

When They Were Little Ch.3:



"I dunno 1 minute I was standing there laughing because Lilly fell on her butt the next I was taking the cookie jar blame, losing my dessert, and winking at Mia!!!

OH . . . MY . . . GOD.


Michael POV

Oh my god, how could this be possible?! I cannot like a girl! I am too . . . too . . . um . . . young! Aha! Yes I am too young to like a girl.

*grunt* who am I kidding? I like her. Yes, I Michael Moscovitz like a girl. I have to tell Juddith. Maybe she can help me not like Mia no more. That will be the first thing I'll tell her on Monday at school.



*Gawd does Juddith have to laugh so loud? I thought she would be understanding of my serious problem.

Me: Gee Juddith; you sure are great at helping out a friend aren't you?

J: Ahahaha I'm sorry Michael but, isn't she in kindergarten?

M: 1st grade


*wow I never noticed how gross that makes me sound. I like little 1st grade girls. I hope I don't grow up to be a creepy old guy.

J: I am sorry Michael but I don't know how to help you.

M: *sigh* okay, fine. Just, don't tell anybody. Having our class laugh at me for ripping my pants at David's Chuck E, Cheese party was bad enough.

J: okay.

Even though the ripping pants incident was a long time ago, I remember it all too well. I need a cookie, or a poptart.


Monday came too fast. *yawn* I am so sleepy. I wonder if we get nap time around here.

Yay! Today is Alex's birthday! He brought pizza and cupcakes! Mmm I LOVE pizza (A/N: please remember she is not vegetarian yet)! Cupcakes are good too, but nothing beats pizza! I can't wait until recess when we get our pizza! I am so excited! I think it is time for a song. In my head of course! I could NEVER sing out loud! Someone might hear me singing and run away because it is too ugly to listen to.

Ooo I'll sing my favorite song!

Jingle bells jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse

 . . . Something sleigh hey!

Uh oh I think I was humming it out loud.

Lilly: Jingle Bells? But it's September.

Me: I just really like that song is all. It is one of my favorites.

Lilly: haha that'th Michael'th favorite too. Weird.

I almost forgot about Michael. He is so nice. I wonder if he likes me like I like him. Haha sure and I am secretly a princess.

Michael POV

I feel really weird. Everyone keeps staring at me and giggling. Something funky is going on. And I don't mean Mrs. Wailey's breath. I hope there is nothing on my face. I guess I won't know until they let us out for recess. I have this weird song stuck in my head. I have only heard it once but it is stuck in there. Oh! I know where it's from! There is a band called the Raymons or something (A/N: hmmm I wonder who THAT could be? If you can guess you get a prize!) they sing that song!

Ringy ringy ringy the president

Find out where my baby went

Ringy ringy ringy the FBI

And find out if my baby's alive . . .

*yawn* I am so sleepy. I wish I could sleep all day today. Maybe when I get home I can take a nap. That . . . sounds . . . . . nice.

Whoa! I fell asleep for a few seconds! Good thing Juddith hit me so hard. I would have never woken up! I think I drooled a little, because my workbook is kinda wet in this one little spot. . .

*wipes off drool*

I hope whoever uses this book after me won't notice.


Is it recess yet? *RRRRRING!!!* Yay! It is pizza time!

*4 minutes later*

Mmm good, hot, cheesy pizza. This is so good mmm. Wait someone just called my name.

Me: Lilly?

Lilly: I didn't call you it wath thteve *points at little boy*

Me: oh. *turns toward direction where Lilly is pointing*

Me: Hi Steve.

Steve: H-hi Mia. I just wanted to know if you wanted my pizza. I don't really like pizza.

Me: Sure! *grabs pizza* thanks Steve!

Steve: Sure. Bye Mia. Oh, bye Lilly *shudders* *walks away*

Aha! More pizza for me! Mmm mmm mmm! I LOVE pizza! Someone should make a song about pizza. Pizza deserves a song.

Lilly: Ooo Mia hehehe

Me: What?

Lilly: Thteve likes youuuuuu.

Me: he does not.

Lilly: oh yes he does!

Thteve and Mia thitting in a tree!


Firtht cometh love then cometh marriage

Then cometh the baby in the baby carriage!

Me: Lilly?

Lilly: yeth?

Me: shut up

Lilly: haha you know it'th true Mia!

Me: maybe, but does my brain know that yet? No.

Then me and Lilly started laughing. Recess sure is fun today. *RRRING*

Aw there's the bell time to go back to class. *sigh*

Michael POV

Recess was so not fun today. UGH!!! I hate Juddith!!! She told Susie that I like a 1st grader! And of course  . . .

Susie told Sam, Sam told Maria, Maria told Rick, Rick told Mark, Mark told Paul, Paul told Melinda who told her twin Kelly and so on.


I could hit Juddith right now, but because I am a nice person and all I won't.

I curse whoever invented that dumb K-I-S-S-I-N-G song!

*flash back*

"Michael and a 1st grader sitting in a tree


First comes love then comes marriage

Then comes the baby in the baby carriage!"

Ugh. Well, at least Felix is still talking to me-and not about Mia. He understands what I mean. He says he likes a 1st grader too. I felt very "connected" with him (as mom would say), that is, until he told me who he liked.

Me: so which one do you like?

Felix: well, there is this one girl I think her name is Lilly.

Ew, how could ANYONE like my sister? I pointed this out to Felix but he said he didn't care. Of course, I didn't tell him that Lilly is my sister. Why would I want to do that? Ah, time for Math. Ugh I can't stand school, or sitting next to Juddith! She used to be fun. What happened?


Alright, now, please do me the pleasure of reviewing. This chapter wasn't so good, but I will try harder! If you want me to put in anything or put you in my story please Email or IM me. XOXO –S.T.S.S.C.S.