This story's so weird! It's got a bit of messed up, one-sided love now! XD
Blargh! Here's an update for yaz! XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

"This is talking"
'These are thoughts'

Chapter Nine - Mutiny

Yami flapped his bat-like wings harder and pulled himself up the last few metres to the top of Kaiba Corp, pressing his wings hard against his back as he walked quickly towards the door leading down stairs. He slammed it closed once he'd stepped inside, locking out the ever-present storm that raged around the city.

Sighing heavily Yami ran his hands through his hair as he began to descend the stairs, intending on heading straight for his room. It had been five days since he had found Joey's blood, and each day he had gone out in search of the missing teen. He didn't know why he bothered; Joey was probably dead by now anyway. He just spent all day flying around the city looking for clues that he would never find, all to help find a human he didn't care about. Or shouldn't.

When he had returned the first day, he had been surprised to find Yugi unconscious on the couch in his room, hugging the Millennium Puzzle close to his chest. Demica had been standing before him and had been reaching for the Puzzle when Yami arrived, but he had quickly ordered her to let Yugi keep it.

"Keep it?" she had asked, confused, as he stepped up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Why should we let him? We could use the magic-"

Yami had silenced her by placing a soft kiss on her lips, then whispering, "He needs it to survive, so I do too..." Another lie. "Just let the item with him..."

She had left soon afterwards, looking a little bemused, and Yami had turned his attention to Yugi. The teen was nearly paler than the last time Yami had seen him, and was whimpering weakly in his sleep. Placing a hand to the sleeping Yugi's forehead, Yami had discovered the boy had a burning fever, which accounted for his behaviour.

He had expected it to clear up in a few days, but as he walked back into the room now, five days later, Yugi was worse than ever. He had barely woken for more than a few minutes every few hours, and it seemed to be getting worse as the days past. He kept getting paler, his fever worse, and he was beginning to have fitful nights in which he could barely sleep.

Yugi jerked awake as Yami opened the door, staring towards his once-other half with wide, blood-shot eyes. He tried to sit up, but the sudden movement caused him to break out into a coughing fit. Yami would have stepped forward to try and help, but when he had tried to on the second day Yugi had screamed and trashed until Yami had moved the opposite wall. Instead he just stood at the door and let Yugi's coughing subside. It had also gotton worse, it sounded so painful.

When his coughing finally stopped Yugi managed to push himself into a sitting position, shuffling to the other side of the couch when he thought Yami was making a move towards him, but the demon merely strode across the room and stood before the window, staring out at the city that had once stood so proud. Fires had not stopped burning since the demon race began to take over.

Narrowing his eyes Yugi coughed lightly, "Proud of yourself, are you?" he croaked out, his voice like shards of glass in his throat. Yami didn't respond, he just continued to stare at the burning buildings before him. Gasping slightly Yugi pressed his back against the back of the couch, shutting his eyes tight as dizziness overcame him again. "How're you... goin'... to do it?" He could feel Yami's questioning glance. "Kill me?"

Again, silence greeted him. Forcing his eyes open Yugi looked towards Yami, his heart skipping a beat when he noticed the demon was looking at him, "Why do you... do it? Just kill me... It'll give you and... your girl-friend more space," Yugi coughed heavily, pressing his hand to his mouth as another fit came.

Yami stared at Yugi a little longer, waiting for him to stop coughing, then turned back to the window.

Yugi gritted his teeth angrily, "Just kill me!" he yelled hoarsely, coughing again, "I won't let you toy with me-" he winced as a flame of pain shot through him, "anymore! If you want... some sort of enjoyment from my death," his voice quietened, "then do it yourself..."

Yami shut his eyes but otherwise made no other movement. Yugi groaned in pain but forced himself forward to his feet, causing the demon spun around when he heard Yugi's footsteps. He was surprised to see the teen stumbling towards him, but when Yugi threw his hand towards the blade at Yami's waist he quickly caught onto Yugi's intentions.

The younger boy missed the sword, but managed to grab one of the daggers Yami had strapped to his waist behind his sword. Yami's hand gripped Yugi's wrist quickly, holding the teen still with little effort. "Let go!" Yugi yelled hoarsely, tightening his grip on the handle of the dagger.

But he was far to weak; his legs gave way from under him and Yami lowered his slowing so he was kneeling on the floor, but still Yugi didn't let go of the dagger. Tears where now streaming down his face as he muttered quietly to himself. Finally, Yami jerked the dagger from the teens grip, and Yugi collapsed down on his hands and knees. "Why?" Yugi croaked, sobbing loudly. "Why don't you just let me die!"

"'Why?' is right..." Yami thought as he stepped sideways, walking past Yugi and sheathing his dagger once again. "Why do I keep you here, alive? Why do I search for Joey, why have I not yet killed? I am leader of the demon race, and I choose to keep a sick human here, his family and friends all dead, instead of letting him to die... Am I torturing him? No. I still care.." he turned around and looked at Yugi, who had curled up on the floor and was sobbing quietly to himself, "I still care about you Yugi..." he lowered his head and shut eyes stinging eyes, "But I have already brought my race to this realm. I have destroyed your home and your world, and been the cause of your family's deaths. I shouldn't care, but I do. If I care, I should no longer lead this race, but I have no choice."

"I can't keep this up forever... Demons are no fools..." Yami opened sat down on the couch, spreading his wings so they did not fold uncomfortable o the couch. "They will discover we have no link, and then you shall die, and I will be next," he looked over to Yugi and frowned, "There's no way out..."

"Demica... there is something amiss with our leader..."

The female demon turned to face her comrade and narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "What do you mean, Tsukiyo?"

Shaking his head the other demon, slim and tall with a black blade hanging from his side, Tsukiyo narrowed his blood red eyes as well, "Do not pretend you have not noticed, Demica. Yami has changed since last he fought with us. He has only began leaving that room of his over the last few days, and is never out longer than a few hours. He also specifically ordered that no harm come to the child inside, the one that looks so similar to him."

"That's because there's a link between them," Demica explained, flicking her hair out of her face and turning away from Tsukiyo. The two demons had left to 'patrol' that city for fresh victims that had managed to slip through their fingers before. Demica was presently looking down into the face of a man with a dagger in his chest. He had tried to remove it, but Demica knew that would instantly kill him. She wanted to drag this out, so she stepped on the handle of the dagger and kept it in place, staring into the eyes of the dying man. "If the child is hurt, then Yami will be too."

"What?" Tsukiyo asked, then chuckled. "Oh... you poor fool..."

"What?" Demica turned her head to look back at the other demon, just as the man breathed his last breath. Curse him, she had missed the best part. "What are you talking about?" she growled angrily.

"Demica, has being Master Yami's personal whore blinded you to everything?" Tsukiyo spat, ignoring the flare of anger in the female demon's eyes, "Humans and Demons are incapable of connecting. Yami may have been able to link with the child in his human form, but now that the spell over him has been broken and he has returned to his true form, their souls are opposites. Repellent. There is no way their souls could bond..."

Demica stood frozen, eyes wide in shock. Tsukiyo turned and looked up at Kaiba Corporation, to the top floor, where Yami had been staying in what used to be Seto's office. "Yami has changed from all his time spent with humans. I do not believe there has been blood on his hands since we arrived here, nor any time before that. Our leader has weakened..."

Demica's eyes grew wide in realisation, "You can't try to over-throw him; he's been our leader for millennia!"

"Most of which he spent in solitude or in the company of humans..." Tsukiyo pointed out.

"That doesn't mean anything," the female demon growled, "Yami is still our master, and you should treat him with respect."

"I'm not the only one who thinks this," Tsukiyo folded his arms and began to walk away from the fresh body at Demica's feat, giving the female demon no choice but to follow him if she wanted to here the rest of his explanation, "I'm am merely the one to speak out. Humans are weak, and if the leader of the demon race has been influenced by them, then it is about time the title was passed to someone more deserving."

"Just because he's not comfortable with regaining his powers yet doesn't make him any less powerful," Demica argued.

"You truly are a fool..." Tsukiyo stopped and spun around to face her. "Why should you care if Yami is our leader or not?" Demica remained silent at that, and the taller demon chuckled. "Ah yes... his favouritism towards you. If someone else takes his position, you may not be held in such high regard anymore, am I correct?" Demica paused, then nodded in defeat. Tsukiyo thought for a moment, "That's another change I've noticed in our leader... the way he looks at you... No, he shows no less interest in you," he said when he noticed a pang of worry in Demica's eyes, "No, in fact, he seems to show more."

"More?" Demica blinked, but was only pretending to be confused. She had noticed a change in Yami's attitude towards her too. The way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her; it wasn't like before. Millennia ago she had been nothing but a toy to him, something she, as a demon, did not mind. But now...

She heard her own voice as memories of there first conversation in this time came back to her; "So you haven't had your eye on anyone else in the last five millennia?" she had asked, but had not been serious.

The way Yami had looked at her; it was so unlike how he once used to. He had been smiling, with a look in his eyes she did not understand, and had hugged her close, giving her a light kiss on the cheek before saying, "No one but you..."

A simple kiss on the cheek; even that tiny gesture had shown her a whole new side to Yami. He didn't look at her with lust anymore, but with some sort of human emotion.

"You're right..." she muttered as the situation became clear, "He has changed..."

"Typical you would only realise it when it was directed at yourself," Tsukiyo grunted.

"B-but that does not mean it cannot be fixed. It's that child; he's what has changed our leader," Demica narrowed her eyes at the thought of Yugi, "If we destroy him, Yami will have no more ties to this life, and can return to the way he was."

"I see Yami's new-found emotions have no effect on you?" Tsukiyo smirked.

"Not in the slightest," Demica huffed, making a sort of disgusted face. If Yami had developed feelings for her that was his problem. Human feelings such as love and compassion were sinful to demons, while the virtues of their race were the sins of humans. Associating with him just kept her status high, and therefore her living was more comfortable. That was the only reason she was worried about him losing power.

"Hn," Tsukiyo grunted, looking up towards Kaiba Corporation's top floor once again. "Alright... we'll kill the little brat, if your so desperate to prove me wrong. If nothing else, he will provide a tasty meal for some of the other demons. Not right now, however. As much as our leader has changed, he is still powerful." he folded his arms and shut his eyes, "Once he leaves tomorrow... we will kill the child.

"And then I can proove to you just how weak Yami has become..."

To Be Continued

Mrep, tis terrible, I know, but at least it's an update -sweatdrops- No spelling or grammar-checks, how lazy ish me?