Disclaimer: I don't own Freddy, Jason (though I wish I did), or future characters, but I do own Eve! She's mine!

Now, I'm not really up-to-date with my horror movies, so some of this might not be true.


Freddy says "Review!!"

Jason says: "Review!!"

Chapter 1

The high school was a grand one, St. Ive's Public High School. Wonderful teachers, wonderful students…yeah right.

This story is about two boys who went to this school; Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. Freddy was very smart, but not one of those nerds. He never volunteered in class, and never studied. He never cared. But even thus, he still got the best marks. He was very powerful, a master of the art of Claw fighting (A/N: a made up sport for Freddy's weapon…^.^;;)

They were the only friend of the other, because Freddy hated everyone else, and Jason was Jason. Strong, silent type, ugly, kinda slow…but, even though he's 16, very much tall, very much muscular, and trained a lot. He was leader of the fencing club (A/N: Go figure, eh?). They hated the 'popular' people (A/N Who doesn't?) and wanted them all to die and rot in Hell (A/N: Another go figure). What happens when another of their…'kind' comes to the school? What if they were a girl?


It was a brisk, cold morning. Sixteen-year-old Freddy Krueger winced slightly as his backpack dug into the wound made by his step-father. He hated that man. Hated with more then hate. His mother was in the metal hospitable again. -Where's the damn bus?!- he thought, -and where the hell is Jason?!-

Suddenly, Jason appeared beside him. "About time, Voorhees." he muttered.

"…Hey." Jason sighed

"Gah!" Freddy tried not to wince as his bag dug deeper into his wound, but it turned into a small cry of pain as it ripped open another wound. "Crap."

Jason frowned, wanting to help his only friend, but he knew he would be pushed away. He was the only one who knew Freddy was beaten by his 'father'.

The yellow bus rounded the corner. It slowed to a shrieking stop in front of the boys. They climbed in and walked to the very back of the bus. That was where they sat, no one else. Until today. A girl walked in then. If it wasn't for her metallic blue hair, Freddy wouldn't have noticed. She wore Gothic jeans, and a black, Gothic shirt. Black eye liner cascaded around her silver eyes. Several people snickered at her. Yet she held her head up high as she walked to the back, the only empty seats. She sat three seats away from Freddy, who sat on one side, while Jason sat on the other. The bus started, and she took out a walkman and left the world behind as she day dreamed.


"Class, we have a new student today. Her name is Eve Hope." The teacher motioned to the blue haired girl standing beside him. "Tell us about yourself, Eve."

The Goth shrugged, "If I have to. Where I come from is none of your business, but since this old teacher is making me, I come from Egypt. What I did there is none of your business." a sturdy frown was planted on her face. The students were horrified. No one had talked to a teacher like this…since Freddy arrived.

"Sit down, Hope, and don't start your year with a detention!" the teacher snapped. Eve smirked and sat two desks away from Jason, who was sniggering. Before her, the only ones who were able to make adults lose their cool had been him and Freddy.

Lisa Carter was a middle-man. Middle-woman, actually. Not popular, not hated. Just middle. With plain brown hair and green eyes, she was mousy-looking. She and her friends watched Eve, and were sure she'd end up being friends with Freddy and/or Jason. That'd be bad. Then there would be three.

"We have to stop her. Look, she's sitting by herself over there…let's go join her!' Lisa sighed.

"Yes, let's!" piped Luna. Her bright, gleaming eyes reflected happiness, and her blonde hair swished as she rocked to and fro on her chair.

"Fine." Reda snapped. As she got up, her red hair swirled around her hazel eyes. They got up with their trays, and sat down with her. Eve looked startled at their arrival.

"Hey! My name's Lisa!" She smiled, "This is Luna, and this is Reda!"

"Hey," Eve leaned back on her chair.

"Hey, can we move?" Reda said suddenly, "I have this weird feeling, ya know?"

"Why should we move?" Eve asked.

"Because, this is where me an' Jason sit, whores." a icy voice asked from behind Eve. The other three girl's eyes widened in terror.

"F-Freddy!" Lisa yelped jumping up. The other two girls did the same. Eve looked up into the cool-but-angry face of Freddy.

"You have a problem with me sitting here?" Eve smirked.

"That's what I just said." Freddy narrowed his eyes, "I sit here."

"Funny, I don't see your name on it." Eve snarled.

"Eve! Let's just go, please!" Luna said, shaking.

"No. We got here first." Eve stood up.

Freddy growled, "You looking for a fight?"

"Why not, it'll be over in two seconds, with you on the ground." she smirked.

"I don't think so." another cold voice said. Eve turned to see Jason. Her eyes widened as she saw the sheer size of him. Then, she was back to calm.

"Fine, two on one? That's cool."

"NO, IT'S NOT!!!!" Lisa grabbed Eve, and dragged her away.

~~~~In the Yard~~~

"What in the seven hells were you thinking?!?!?" Lisa yelled at the girl.

"Who was the shrimp and the tank??" Eve asked, ignoring Lisa.

Luna gulped, "Freddy was the guy with that hat. Jason's the tank."

"WHY DID YOU CHALLENGE THEM?!?!?" Lisa yelled.

"He challenged me. Sheesh, Lisa, calm down."

"You lucky that Lisa risked her neck to get you! Jason would've beaten you to a pulp!" Reda smirked.

"What, are they boyfriends or something?" Eve raised her eyebrows.

All three clamped a hand over her mouth, looking around wildly. "NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!!" Lisa roared. Some muffled noises came from Eve's mouth.

"What?" Luna pulled back her hand.

"Fine! Just stop yelling!" Eve sighed, rubbing her temples, "I'm gonna go for a walk. By myself." she got up, and walked away.


She was in the forest by the school, resting on the trunk of an old oak.

-I never should have come here,- she thought,-I should've stayed in Egypt, where the gods were at least with me.-

"But now, in this foreign land, the gods are only in my soul." she whispered. She wanted to see the pyramids again, she wanted to feel the sand on her face. She wanted the heat on her shoulders…

"I want to go home," she muttered, and a tear danced onto her cheek. Realising what was happening, she wiped it off, and looked around. Had anyone seen…? No. Good.

Hearing the bell ring, she got up. She was gonna see her locker now.


"This is your locker, Hope." the teacher smacked it, then turned and disappeared into the crowd. She opened it, and started putting her books into it. Then she pasted two pictures in it: one of a pyramid, and one of her…'family', when they had been happy. She was four in that picture. Suddenly, she heard people skirt off to the sides of the halls. She looked around to see The Tank coming.

"Aw, no." she muttered, seeing him head towards the locker next to hers.

Jason slammed his locker open, and grabbed some stuff from it. He pulled it out, and slammed it shut again, without locking it. She stared at his huge back, thinking, -Why didn't he lock it?-

"Hey, Eve." Lisa's voice cut through her thoughts, "This your locker?"

"Yeh, right beside Jason's." she muttered, slamming shut her locker and locking it.

"That's not good," Lisa frowned.

"Why doesn't he lock his locker?" Eve asked.

"He doesn't? I dunno." Lisa shrugged, and walked off to her first class, waving over her shoulder. Eve shook her head and walked to history, her class.

And as luck would have it, the teacher glared at her and told her to sit next to "Mr. Krueger."


Plz Review! No flames, plz, as they r a arch-enemy of authors everywhere!