Title: The Forgotten Shall Rise
Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Not telling (But it's not
Summary: Keladry finds herself
trapped between the threat from Scanra and Galla. When New Hope is attacked, and devastated,
she can't even ride off to rescue her people, because this time, they were all
killed. When she does something both crazy and extremely stupid, she is ordered
away from the battlefield. A squad of the King's Own is to accompany her on the
long ride back to Corus. But something unexpected is thrown their way. Besides
the obvious, that she wasn't going to go without a fight. Thrown into the lies
and deceptions of everyday life, Keladry has to fight for what she believes in,
and a way back to the front line.
- - - - -
They fall
There is no remorse in their eyes
Just lingering pain
And hope, for what soon shall be
The time draws near
When all will stand back
And watch as they rise
Rise glorious and strong
But all that is felt is scorn
This is not their place
This is not where they should be
Lost is their cause
To fight for good or evil
It is no matter
You, you are different
You see what no other can see
Hear what others have missed
Feel what no one can imagine
There is compassion here
And sorrow
Don't let it best you
You must believe
Believe and hope
Nothing conquers hope
Except fear
But fear engulfs us all as war comes
It comes swiftly
With out notice
Do not let it sway you
There is work to be done
Before the hour is over
The forgotten people will rise
Ready for what should have been
You will bring them forth
Riding at their head
Leading them where others would fall behind
Do not fail them, and they won't fail you
They fall and shall fall again
But you must help them rise again
Above the hate and anger
To feel freedom again
With every passing hour
Nearer it grows
Do not wait for the end
Ride forward and challenge it
Meet anger and confusion with love and clarity
Greet wrath and hate with peace and serenity
Do not fall
Do not linger
Ride forth to the end
And live life again
The forgotten will not forgive lightly
Remember that always
Do not pass them off as inferior
For their hour soon will come
The forgotten shall rise
Let fear strike your heart as they do
To long did they hide
In the gathering shadows and gloom
It is the end
It is everyone's doom
- - - - -
Just setting the stage. Don't worry, we don't get well into the plot for a while now… No worries though, we will get there eventually. Please though, I need your help. I cannot decide what to do. I have to choose between
a] No relationship.
b] Keladry and Nealan
c] Keladry and Domitan
So please, review, and tell me what you think. The majority may or may not influence the final vote, and there may be a chance in later chapters for one person to choose. So, keep your eyes open! In Chapter Seven there is going to be a little contest thing-me. But you'll have to read it to find out.
That shall be all,