Disclaimer: All characters recognized are owned by J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl) and Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh)

Summary: AU!! Everyone knows the Golden Trio is Harry, Ron, and Hermione from Gryffindor, but what happens when Seto Kaiba and Artemis Fowl are invited to Hogwarts?

Spoilers: Artemis Fowl The Eternity Code and Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix

General Info: In this story Seto Kaiba has lost Mokuba during the Duelist Kingdom (even though it's not true) and Artemis Fowl has not yet regained his memory after the Eternity Code, and has turned back to his criminal ways. Set after a few years of the Eternity Code so Artemis is 16 years old like everyone else. Seto Kaiba and Artemis Fowl are both on the dark side!!!

The Silver Trio

By: Mystic Fire Demon

Chapter One:

It was a dark and stormy night at Fowl Manor, but Artemis Fowl the Second was still awake working on his new project to further replenish his family's account, which had taken a poor dive since his father had decided to become an honest businessman. It was a pity, in Artemis's own opinion, for there was so much more to gain when you're on the more shady side of business. Suddenly Butler appeared with a letter and jolted Artemis from his previous thoughts.

"Artemis, this just arrived for you, but the strange thing is it was delivered by an owl," Butler announced to the person who was more of a younger brother than an employer as Butler had been his bodyguard since Artemis had been born.

" Thank you Butler," Artemis replied quietly. As Artemis opened the letter carefully, he felt a sudden jolt of power coming from within the parchment. Artemis quickly scanned the contents of the letter and strange memories began to form in his mind.

" What is it Artemis? Are you alright?" Butler asked worriedly.

" I'm fine Butler, but it seems that I am a wizard, and we have been mind wiped," Artemis answered angrily.

Butler was dumbfounded, 'he had been mind wiped, how was that possible?' " But Artemis, how?"

" It seems that we'll find everything we need to know once we contact a certain troll by the name of Mulch Diggums."

At the same time in Domino City, Japan

Seto Kaiba was at his mansion in a dark room where the only light was from the lit candles in Mokuba's bedroom, mourning the loss of his brother Mokuba. He had been here each night, not sleeping, but instead remembering his only surviving family member he loved. Then he heard a soft rustling outside and was quickly in a fighting stance that he had been trained to do. A man dressed in black appeared and quietly said the magic words Seto had been waiting to hear.

" I know a way to bring your brother back, but you must agree to my conditions if I am to help you. Are you willing to hear me out Seto Kaiba?"

" Tell me who you are first and then we'll talk," Seto replied.

The man lifted his hood to show a blond aristocratic man and said, " I am Lucius Malfoy and I am here to tell you that you are a wizard with extraordinary powers that has been suppressed for many years by the Ministry of Magic, fearing that you would be another supported of The Dark Lord. If you choose to accept my help, I will help you reach the limits of you power, but you must join us in defeating Harry Potter, and I will bring back your brother.

" If you are able to retrieve Mokuba from Pegasus, then I will agree to whatever your conditions may be," Seto Kaiba replied coldly.

The day before at Malfoy Manor

The richly decorated doors of the Malfoy's study were suddenly opened with a strong blast of magic. Draco, who had been reading an ancient book on dark potions, was surprised to see his father Lucius Malfoy standing in the doorway.

" Father, you're back, how was the escape from Azkaban?" Draco asked casually, knowing how easily his father could escape from the wizarding prison, now that Lord Voldemort controlled the dementors.

" Took too long, but there isn't much time for us to talk. I have a very important assignment to do that will help our cause greatly if it works," Lucius replied quickly.

" Care to explain Father?" Draco asked intrigued.

" All I can say for now is that there will two boys joining us soon, and I expect you to become friends with them," Lucius answered.

A/N: Hope you like it, if it sucks, break it to me gently since this is my first fanfic ever!!!!