DISCLAIMER:  Hmm…let's see…where's my prepared disclaimer? Ah hah! " This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended."



I tossed and turned all night just waiting for the first rays of dawn to come shining through my window.  Grateful to be finally giving up the notorious notion of sleep, I hauled myself out of bed and pulled on my cool satin robe.  The morning was quite warm for the end of April, but I had more pressing things on my mind than the weather.  I headed down to the Common Room and took a seat on the sofa in front of the extinguished fireplace.  Between the cushions of the sofa I discovered a Muggle magazine, no doubt belonging to either Pravati or Lavender.  With nothing to do but wait for a sign of life from the male dormitory, I leafed my way through the latest issue of TeenZine.  With a satirical laugh I began reading an article titled "What to do when you know it's over."  It was an article about breaking up.  Tears sprung to my eyes despite my ironic chuckling as I read through the article.  It didn't make the prospect of what I was about to do any easier, but at least I had something to keep my mind occupied until the inevitable should arise.

It was a surprisingly short amount of time before I heard the creak of the boys' dormitory.  I looked at the clock.  It was still early, but it had to be him.  It had to be.  Who else would it be?  I didn't turn to verify my suspicions.  Instead, I closed the magazine and stared into the unlit fireplace.  I heard his soft footsteps as he walked up to the sofa.  He stood beside it, no doubt feeling the aura of unpleasantness that was filling the room.  Out of my peripheral vision I could see him standing in his pajamas, his hands in the pockets of his trousers.  His red hair was disheveled and his face looked extremely pale. 

"You're up early," he said lightly. 

"So are you," I answered, not looking at him. 

"I couldn't sleep," he replied as he walked to the sofa and sat down next to me.  "I can tell you couldn't either." 

We sat in silence for a long time, waiting for the other to speak.  I knew I couldn't count on him to say anything.  This was my job.  We've been going out since the beginning of the year.  He knew it was coming to end, how could he not?  Our relationship has been heading downhill for months now.  We can't drag it on any longer.  There's no reason to pretend like nothing is wrong when we can both feel that there is.  I cursed myself for not bringing any tissues with me.  I knew I wouldn't be able to get through this dry-eyed. 

"Ron, I…I think…" I hesitated as the tears began flowing down my cheeks.  Once I said the words, that would be it, there would be no going back.  I'm afraid that I'm about to make a big mistake, I thought.  No, we need the time apart.  I took a deep breath.  "I think we need to break up." 

There, I said it.  Now, my tears were falling uncontrollably.  I couldn't even gather up the strength to look Ron in the eyes.  It hurt too much.  It didn't register to me at the time that if it hurt as badly as it did, it wasn't the right thing to do.  I felt like I was doing the right thing:  for myself, for him, for us. 

"I knew it was coming," he sighed dejectedly.  "Can I ask why, or am I supposed to know that, too?" 

I cringed at his bitterness, but I knew it was expected and probably deserved. 

"Don't get the wrong idea, Ron," I said, trying to hold my tears and speak truthfully at the same time.  "It's not that I don't care about you, because I do."  I suddenly found my throat constricted. 

"I care about you, too, so why are we breaking up?" he asked, his voice shaky. 

"It's probably going to be hard for you to understand, but I just can't take it anymore," I wept.  "You may not realize it, but you demand so much from me! I work so hard at trying to please you that I put everything second to you.  My schoolwork has been suffering because I don't want you to get mad at me because I don't spend enough time with you.  My health has been suffering because I stress constantly about pleasing you and trying to keep my head above water in school.  It probably sounds crazy to you, but it's too much for me to handle anymore."

There is a tense silence in which the only sounds in the room are my faint sobs.  I hear Ron's unsteady breathing as he no doubt tries to comprehend everything I just said.  Suddenly I feel his warm touch on my hand, and I look over at him through my veil of tears.  His eyes are brimming with tears but none have fallen. 

"I understand," he whispers.  "I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused you, but I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"Me neither," I cried. 

"So you think we can still be friends?" he asked cautiously. 

"Of course," I agreed through my unrelenting sobs.  I leaned forward and hugged him tightly, and he embraced me with strong arms.  I knew he didn't want to let me go, and I didn't want him to.  I convinced myself that even though it hurt, it was the right thing to do.  I pried myself out of his hold and stood up.  I couldn't force myself to say goodbye.  I simply stared into his shining eyes and walked back to my dormitory.  I had only just reached the stairs when a tugging at my heart forced me to stop at the foot of the stairs.  "Ron…I love you."  I had never said those words to him, not in the seven months we were together.  As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn't have waited so long to say them. 

His response was quiet and full of emotion.  "I love you, too, Hermione." 

*****                                                   *****                                                   *****

[A/n] Please do me the favor and review!! Luv ya! Merry-almost-Christmas!