Hello...I'm back with another fanfic. I decided to make this one because I had read one similar to what I'm writing down here...Yet this one will be very, very different, believe me. I will make sure to add a bunch of suspense and twists as I finish this story. It will get you thinking and guessing...and hopefully wanting more...so I hope you enjoy this fanfic. Oh yeah...sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.. I'll read it before I send it in but if I miss something... Gomen nasai!

Disclaimers: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. I am only a worshipper!

Edit06/109/05 Changed a couple of things that sounded funny.

"..." is talking.

Thoughts are in Italics.

Flashbacks are in italics.

The Heartbreaks of Love

By: Satin Elegance formly known asYukimaru

Chapter One: Arriving in Kyoto

She was so happy that she was going to finally be able to see him again. It had been ten long years since their separation. They had been very close back then. Everyone who knew them knew that they were in love. Even before they became an official couple, people dubbed them as such. Whenever she was with him, she always seemed to be much more happier. Being separated from him nearly broke her heart into nothing but the thought of seeing him again someday helped her cope with his sudden departure.

She peered down at the ring that he gave her before he left. It was a white gold ring with a single somewhat large sapphire with two diamonds on the side. Ever since that time, she cherished it because it was the only true memory she had left from him. This ring symbolized their undying love for each other...well, at least that's what she thought of it. He never really gave her a reason as to why he had giving this very special endowment to her.

It was a gift to her that he would always remember her even while he was in Kyoto training with the famous swordsman Seijuro Hiko. She was so happy for him when she found out. Who wouldn't be? To have their boyfriend go under the intense training of the thirteenth master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. That was a very big honor and it didn't happen everyday, she was certain about that. But one thing saddened her about that memory. He had never promised that he would come back.

"Take this ring, my Kaoru-chan. May it always remind you of me. I will never forget you either, dearest. Sayonara."

That and a short...err...well, long kiss (A/N: Believe me it was a looooong kiss wink wink) was the last thing she ever heard and did with her beloved Kenshin. After he had left, Kaoru had heard nothing from him. She didn't even know if he had arrived safely or if he had arrived at all. But still the raven haired teen didn't let that worry her. She knew that somewhere he was out there. She would send him letters every single day waiting for a response of some kind but none ever came. After the first four years, she had just decided to give up knowing she'd never get anything back.

That was such a long time ago...back when I was so young and immature...but then again, I don't think I've changed much when it comes to my love for Kenshin..

The raven haired woman sighed as she had to wait another five hours to get to Kyoto. If it hadn't been for one of her patients requesting her in Kyoto, she wouldn't of even been on this plane at all. Kaoru was already twenty-six and became a very well-known doctor even within the first two years of her short career. One of her past patients had gotten in a horrible accident and couldn't move. So at his request, she boarded the first plane to Kyoto and well...here she is.

"Please place on your seat beats we will be arriving in Kyoto in five minutes."

Kaoru's eyes widened as she heard the announcement. How long had she been thinking of him? Or thinking at all? Her pinks lips quirked up into a small smile at the thought of thinking of him for five hours straight. It was just like her to do such a thing. She hadn't spent this much time thinking since she was a mere love-sick teenager.

Well...I don't need to be thinking about him anymore, I will be able to see him.

Doing some small research Kaoru had found out that Kenshin was still indeed in Kyoto. It made her wonder why he never replied to her letters. She always believed them to be inseparable but...had she beenwrong? The young doctor shook her head. No, she couldn't think like that. Kenshin was her first and only love since she could remember. He was the first to comfort her when her parents had died all that time ago. In fact, that had been the first time she met him. And ever since then they had been together...

A girl of maybe seven or eight is sitting on a bench in a park. Her small petite body is curled up into a ball as she cries quietly. Earlier that day, she had found out her parents had died in a car accident. She could believe it. She was trulyall alone now. Who could take care of her? Who would love her now that her beloved Mommy and Daddy were gone? These thoughts scared her as more tears flowed down her pale cheeks.

"Mommy...Daddy...come back...please…I don't want to be alone..." These few words filled with such sorrow caused her to go into another fit of sobs.

An older looking boy walked up to the curled up Kaoru and placed a hand on her shaking form in efforts to stop her weeping.

Feeling something warm on her shoulder, the raven haired girl's head snapped up and her sapphire eyes fell on a red-haired boy standing next to her. He had such long, beautiful fiery red hair that was tied back at the nape of his neck with his bangs framing his young handsome face. The boy appeared to be no more than thirteen. The young Kaoru was instantly locked on with his gentle lavender eyes that held such concern. Concern for me..? She thought as this boy she hadn't never met before filled her with so many other emotions than sadness. Some how just looking in his eyes gave her hope that it wouldn't be all that bad.

The young Kenshin frowned at this young girl. She was too pretty to be sad like this. Whatever had happened must've been horrible. He took this time to take in her disheveled appearance. Her silky hair was all tousled and tangled since she was too occupied with her loss to notice or care that her hair had gotten messed up. He brought up one of his hands and moved it closer to her face.

Kaoru visibly flinched but regretted it seeing as something flashed in his eyes as she stared into them with her own tear filled ones. Gently, Kenshin touched her cheek wiping off the tears that had managed to escape as she blinked her gorgeous sapphire orbs.

"Please don't cry. You are too pretty to have tears on your face, that you are." He smiled gently and Kaoru knew then she could trust him. Instantly after that, she lunched herself in his warm, comforting embrace.

"Thank you..."

Snapping out of thoughts from the past, Kaoru grabbed her things tightly as the plane descended onto the run-way. Her stomach started twisting with anxiety as she just couldn't wait to see him. She idly wondered how he looked. If he still had those compassionate violet eyes that held a certain tenderness to them. She wondered if his hair was still lengthy and if the fiery tresses still framed his strikingly handsome face.

"Thank you very muchfor using Kyoto Airlines. We hope you enjoyed your flight and your stay in Kyoto. Please gather your things and exit to the right. Once again, thank you and come again."

The sapphire eyed female stood and grabbed her duffle bag as she made her way over to the airplane's door. I think Misao was supposed to pick me up. She thought as she climbed down the aircraft's stairs. MakimachiMisao was a friend from her past, in fact the younger girl was Kaoru's best friend. Although Kaoru had decided to stay in Tokyo to attend medical school, Misao had decided to go to Kyoto to live with her grandfather. The young soon-to-be doctor, back then, was very sad but they contacted each other everyday after Misao's departure.

Making her way to the building, Kaoru placed her purse on her shoulder looking around for her younger ninja friend. She was definitely shorter than Kaoru and had long raven hair that was tied back into a two feet braid. Her eyes were the color of the sea when it was a beautiful sunny day. They were the color turquoise.

"Where could she be..." The raven haired doctor muttered to herself as she continued to look for her friend.

"Kaoru!" She heard from the right.

Kaoru turned seeing her shorter friend waving one hand in the air and with the other on the side of her mouth that had a huge smile on it. She had to smile back. Misao was just so bouncy and always full of life and energy. Kaoru held her smile as her younger friend ran to her and engulfed her in a hug. The young doctor returned the friendly gesture. To her, Misao was like the little sister she never had when she hadmet her in junior high. That was such a long time ago.

Kaoru smiled and pulled back from Misao. "You've grown so beautiful, Misao-chan. How long has it been?" The doctor's voice was soft and gentle.

"About three years! That's too long for me to be away from my bestest friend! It's so good to see you again, Kaoru-chan. You look wonderful!" Misao once again pulled Kaoru into a warm, sisterly hug.

"It's been such a long time since I've visited you and everyone else. How have they been, Misao-chan?" Misao marveled over how mature and sophisticated Kaoru had become over the years. She talked with such politeness and grace. This was like a whole different person from the Kaoru she knew back in junior high.

"They've been great! Aoshi-sama and I have been living together although we are only friends as we both wanted it...Sano and Megumi has finally said their feelings and they are now dating. Uhmm...who else..." Misao took on a thoughtful look for a moment.

Ahh...Shinomori Aoshi.. Kaoru thought as they drove in Misao's small car.

The current Okashira of the Oniwabanshu, Shinomori Aoshi, she had met him in high school. He was the leader of a small group that had transferred to Tokyo for about seven years. This was about the time that she first met Misao. She was also part of this group that consisted of some very dangerous people. The group itself was very known in the underground world. Jobs such as assassination and spying were only the normal work they did. Not even Kaoru or Misao knew what else was done in the Oniwabanshu.

The young doctor then snapped out of her thoughts about the okashira and remembered her red-headed love.

"What about Kenshin..? How is he?" Kaoru said with much anticipation. More than she had wanted to let on.

"Uhh..." The younger blue-green eyed woman said looking away. What was she suppose to say to Kaoru? That Kenshin completely forgot her and is now dating some bitch of a whore? I guess I will just have to stray away from the subject of him as much as I can...I think it's better if she finds out for herself...if she has to at all...I will kill Himura for what he did.

"He's fine...Come on! Let's go. I'm sure Aoshi-sama will be happy to see you again." Kaoru smiled and nodded as the ninja pulled her out of the building completely missing that her question was avoided.

After they had gotten out of the airport, they went straight to Misao's apartment. It was in a nice, quiet area and the neighborhood looked very friendly and peaceful. People were outside conversing with each other in friendly conversations. Children were running around playing games with each other. Couples walking hand in hand as they headed toward the park near the building. The young doctor inwardly sighed. What a heavenly place to live in...

"This is a great place to live." Kaoru voiced aloud as they got out of Misao's dark blue two-seater car.

"Yeah, when me and Aoshi-sama found it we knew it was the place we wanted to live. It was both perfect for him and perfect for me. The people around here are very nice and welcomed us immediately." Misao smiled brightly and led Kaoru up to the apartment complex.

It was a rather large apartment complex, about four stories high. The residence rooms themselves looked very large because there were only four apartments on each side. The whole building itself was shaped into a half square. In the middle was a small playground for the children to play in. All around the playground was the parking lot. Misao had parked on the right side of the large structure.

"Come on, Kaoru-chan. My room is on the third floor." Misao said climbing up the stairs as Kaoru trudged on behind her. The way upstairs went by pretty fast, the young doctor would have usually hated climbing up so many stairs but the environment made it all the more better. Kaoru was surprised that she wasn't that out of shape as she originally thought. The two old friends made their way to the apartment 254.

"I hope Aoshi-sama is here." The younger woman got her keys and opened the door.

"Aoshi-sama! We're here!" Misao yelled into the room.

The doctor took this time to look around the rather large apartment. It was quite cozy too. A large living room that also served as a dining room with a kitchen on the right side of it. The kitchen had like a bar-like table with stools and all. Down to the left, Kaoru noticed the rooms. There was a hall with about three rooms on the right and four on the left.

As she was looking at the second door on the right, a very handsome man walked out. He was tall with a slender yet muscular form. Kaoru had to try her best not to drool over this mysteriously attractive man. His jet black hair fell over his icy blue eyes. Kaoru idly remembered his nickname back in high school, Ice Blue Eyes. It suited him very well.

She always knew Aoshi was cute but now cute wasn't the only word that came to her head. He was so sexy and had that silent man yet great lover kind of look to him. It made her eyes fill with lust. A feeling that she hadn't felt in such a long time. It was almost foreign to her.

Kaoru quickly blinked the lust away when she saw Aoshi's lips quirk up in a slight smirk. She cursed inwardly. He knew what his appearance did to the opposite sex and used it to his advantage when he needed to. For example, now would be the perfect example.

I need to remember I'm here for Kenshin...I can't be going all ooglie-eyed for Aoshi..

"Kamiya. It's been a while." Aoshi said with his deep, smooth monotone voice that sent shivers down the young doctor's spine.

He took this time to scan her over. These last three years had indeed been good to her. Back then, she was known as a tomboy dressing and acting like a boy. She was the only girl who joined kendo with the exception of Misao, of course. Kaoru would even defeat some of the strongest guys in that class too. But this new Kaoru was almost too much for his usually controlled hormones.

She was dressed in a casual summer dress. It was a light periwinkle blue with darker blue flowers dancing on the material. It was a tight-fitting, off-the-shoulder kind of dress that had a flowing skirt with a hem that reached but below her knees. Behind those baggy clothing she used to wear, Aoshi knew that she had a very desirable figure underneath and this dress just proved it. Her form was slim and had curves in all the right places, one thing that he admired in the opposite gender. She wore light make-up that only accented her natural beauty rather than covering it all with false flawlessness. Another thing that made a woman more appealing to him.

"It has. How have you been, Shinomori-san?" Kaoru said with a professional voice that she usually used with patients and other colleagues.

The stoic okashira blinked at her tone. Was this the same Kamiya Kaoru he had known in high school?

"I've been fine, how about yourself?" He paused before continuing. "Aoshi is fine."

The doctor let out a small smile. "I've been quite well. Call me Kaoru then."

Aoshi nodded.

"Well Kao-chan, let's go get your things from the car. Aoshi-sama could you help us, please?" Misao asked with puppy eyes as the dark haired man inwardly sighed.

"Very well." Was his monotone reply.

Soon enough they were outside grabbing all of Kaoru's suitcases which weren't many since she wasn't expecting to stay long. When they were finished the sun was already setting. The sky painted with reds, oranges, golden yellows, blues, and purple. Kaoru looked toward the beautiful sunset from Misao's balcony view. I can't wait. Tomorrow I will be able to see my beloved Kenshin again. I've waited so long for this. She thought as she felt a cool breeze sweep through her hair.

Aoshi found himself awake in the middle of the night. He just couldn't sleep. All he did was toss and turn attempting to catch even the shortest moments of slumber. But nothing seemed to work so he finally decided to give up. From the room next to him, the okashira could feel Misao's calm, sleeping ki. He turned to the room where that Kamiya girl was sleeping and felt absolutely nothing at all. This got him wondering where could she be.

Slowly getting out of bed, Aoshi pulled on random clothes and made his way out his room. Deciding to check on the room first, the tall dark haired man peered into Kaoru's room and found it completely empty. She hadn't even touched her things since they were all in the places where he had put them. All but one bag. There was a duffle bag on her bed, the bag she was carrying when she arrived. It was opened and saw some various items on the bed near it so he assumed she had taken things out. Aoshi left her room and wondered outside the apartment.

It was almost there but he felt it. It was a strong, determined ki nearby in the park located near the apartment complex. Being curious, the okashira made his way to the park. Because of his occupation's requirements, he was quiet and very alert of everything around him. When he reached the middle, his usual emotionless eyes widened.

She was there dressed in very old Japanese training clothes, clothes that were probably worn in the Meiji Era and even before that. The top was a tight fitting crème colored gi with a view of her bounded chest underneath. Also she wore a loose navy blue hakama that fitted at her tiny waist yet flared out towards her feet. In her hands was a skillfully made shinai, the finest he had seen. Its shaft appeared to be very sturdy and almost indestructible. The hilt was wrapped in leather grip making it a very formidable weapon even for a wooden weapon.

Her raven tresses blew with the breeze as it swayed in its high positioned ponytail. Aoshi watched with amazement as she executed flawless, graceful, fluid-like katas with great concentration. He almost felt a taste of his own medicine as his mind filled with lustful thoughts as his dark blue eyes scanned over her perfect figure that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

"It's not polite to stare, Aoshi-san." Kaoru said as she let her arm drop to her side with her eyes closed and shinai in hand.

He was slightly surprised that he was caught but he didn't allow himself to show it. The young okashira walked out of the shadows heading toward where the raven haired doctor was standing. He marveled at her beauty from this close. The moonlight accented her curves and made her hair glimmer with a slight blue hue. She turned to him and opened her stunning eyes that would make even the most superb sapphires green with envy. Snapping out of it, his eyes remained cold.

"You know kendo?" He said still with his cold, indifferent voice. But regretting it since he already knew the answer.

Kaoru smiled and nodded as she lifted her shinai and held it on her shoulder. "Of course I do. I happen to be the proud assis--...err...master of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, a sword style passed on through the Kamiya line. Plus that whole kendo class we had in high school." Her voice held pride and Aoshi was impressed by that.

"I can tell you still aren't some push over yourself when it comes to kendo, am I correct? " She surprised him once again with that analysis.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one of the three who could beat me in high school." She continued still with that smile on her face.

The stoic man nodded as he remembered the past as well. Kaoru went over to the bench and grabbed another shinai she had just in case anything were to happen to the one she had.

"How about a little match?" The sapphire eyed kendo master said tossing him the shinai.

"I'd rather not..." Aoshi said catching the shinai with ease.

"Nonsense! You will fight me or I will have to make you." Kaoru smirked as Aoshi's eyes narrowed.

"And just who are you to--..." He was cut off by Kaoru lunging at him. The okashira barely had enough time to block.

She's fast...but not fast enough. He thought as he pushed her back.

"Not bad. This will be fun. It's been so long since I've had a challenge." The raven haired woman smiled excitedly.

The young okashira blocked the oncoming attack as Kaoru swung her shinai toward him. That was faster than the last one.. Aoshi's blue eyes narrowed once again as he blocked another faster attack.

"Enough games." He muttered out as he dodged her assault and went for a sweeping attack that would knock her over. But to his surprise she jumped and flipped over him landing behind him.

"Ha! Thought you had me there didn't you?" Her thrilled voice rang out behind him but when he turned around she was not there.

Aoshi lifted the shinai behind him and blocked Kaoru's attack. Her eyes widened in surprised. How could he have known I was going to attack his back... She thought as she did two back flips and landed on the edge of the fountain that was in the center of the park.

Aoshi was very impressed with her skills even though they didn't even come close to his own. Once again she has surprised me. He thought eyeing Kaoru as to see what would she do next.

Kaoru then brought the shinai in front of her horizontally with her other hand toward the edge of the shaft. With a graceful jump, she lunged at Aoshi. He swiftly evaded and brought his shinai across her mid-section which knocked the wind out of her and sent her flying on the ground. She landed painfully on the ground wheezing for air.

"That was not bad." Her voice was slightly raspy from the blow.

"You lasted longer than I thought you would, Kamiya." Kaoru smiled at that. That was the closest she was going to get to a compliment from him. From the beginning she knew she wouldn't last long with the taller, stronger man. He was more experienced and she knew it. That made her frown. She really wanted to beat him this time. Not only had she been hurt physically but now her pride was damaged. Damn..

The dark haired man walked over to her and offered a hand. She chose to ignore it and got up by herself with a slight wobble. Aoshi narrowed his eyes at her. What a stubborn woman. He thought coldly but her petite, limping figure made a small smirk appear on his lips as she walked back to the apartment. A very beautiful, stubborn woman. With that last thought, the okashira walked to the apartment after her knowing his life was about to get a lot more interesting with her around.

Well...folks! There's the first chapter for you. I hope you like it. In the next chapter our favorite rurouni will make an appearance. And by what hints I gave you all...how will he be? More like the rurouni that we love? Or the cold, feeling less Battousai? Find out in the next chapter of The Heartbreaks of Love.