Rose Potter
Rose's Birth
A/N: Sob. This is the last chapter to Rose Potter. I would like to say thank you to everybody who reviews or reviewed and that I had a lot of fun writing about Rose's character. I don't normally like OC characters, but now that I've written one, I have more appreciation for them.
Love you guys lots!
Rose's Birth
" GOD DA**IT, GET IT OUT!" yelled a very sweaty and furious Rose Potter. She was *trying* to give birth to her baby.
Ron Weasley, who was her husband, winced as she squeezed his already white knuckles even harder. He just wisely didn't say anything.
" GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!" she screamed as another painful contraction hit her.
Harry Potter, her brother, tried to hold back his amusement but a snort escaped his lips. His wife, Ginny Weasley, chuckled a little and they turned around, shoulders shaking with laughter.
Hermione Granger rolled her eyes and muttered, " So immature," but couldn't help letting a small smile cross her lips.
" Rose, it's gonna be fine," murmured Ron comfortingly.
Everyone winced.
Rose turned her glaring eyes on her husband. " FINE?! FINE?! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU HAVE THIS BABY! AND THIS BABY BETTER BE WORTH ALL THE PAIN!"
* I know that seems like a cruel thing to say, but cut her some slack: She's giving birth.*
Ron just sighed.
A overly cheery Healer swooped in, long blonde hair waving out underneath her. Her nametag said: Healer Samantha
Samantha looked at Rose and said, " Smile! It'll all be over in a few hours!"
A couple hours later
Tears streaming down her cheeks, Rose pushed heavily.
" Breathe, Rose, breathe," instructed Harry soothingly. Hermione had taken over the job of holding Rose's hand. She too was grimacing.
" AGGGHH!" Rose screamed painfully.
" I see a head!" instructed Samantha cheerfully.
Ron and Harry looked a little queasy.
" Keep pushing, Rose!" siad Ginny comfortingly. She was wiping the hairs off Rose's sweaty forehead.
" Ok, here come the little feetsies! Now, which one of you boys wants to cut the cord?" asked Samantha pleasantly.
At the mention of ' cut the cord', Ron and Harry's eyes wideneded and they fainted.
" Oh, brother," muttered Ginny and cut the cord herself. Her eyes started watering with tears when she saw the baby.
" It's a boy," said Samantha gently. She handed the baby to Rose.
" Daryl," whispered Rose. " Daryl Issac Weasley."
* 1 review for their story if anybody guesses why I name the baby Daryl!*
A Few Hours Later
Harry and Ron had finally woken up to lots of yells and snickers at their immatutity. Mostly from Hermione and Rose.
Ron was sitting by Rose's bed, holding Daryl, and cooing at him.
" Ron, can I please have Daryl back?" asked Rose gently. She couldn't help but smile at the pleasant image.
He shook his head stubbornly. Rose sighed.
Harry and Ginny
" You guys.... I have something very important to ask you," said Rose softly.
Harry and Ginny exchanged concerned looks. " What?" asked Ginny as softly as Rose.
" Could you guys be Daryl's godmother and father?"
They grinned and hugged Rose tightly.
" I'll take that as a yes..."
Hermione came in, wearing an almost miserable expression. As she sat by Rose, Rose immediatly knew what was wrong.
She blushed and pressed her hand to her mouth. " Oh my gosh, Hermione, I am so sorry! I know you were the first person to be my friend and trust me, I just completely forgot! It's just that Harry is my brother and Ginny is his wife, so...."
Hermione tried to smile. " It's all right."
Rose frowned. " No, it's not."
She then cocked an eyebrow and got a thoughtful expression on her face. " What about.... god aunt?"
Hermione squealed and nodded.
In The Leaky Cauldron
" Another butterbeer!" yelled Harry loudly over the noise of the Leaky Cauldron. " For the new mother!"
Rose sank down and blushed. " Merlin, Harry, do you have to tell the whole pub?" she muttered.
He mischeviously grinned at her. " Yeah."
She smacked him hard on the shoulder.
Tom came over and smiled his usual toothless grin. " Congraulations, Mrs. Potter."
She blushed and thanked him quietly.
" So, where's Daryl?" asked Hermione curiously. She sipped from her butterbeer and casually linked hands with Seamus.
"Healer Samantha pratically begged me to go out and let her have some time with him. I'm kinda scared of her, so I agreed."
She smiled, remembering her son's red hair and green eyes.
Harry raised his glass and said loudly, " I propose a toast! I wish Daryl good luck!"
Ginny frowned. " Why?"
Harry chuckled. " Have you seen Rose when she's angry?"
He ducked just in time to miss getting hit by a empty butterbeer glass.
" Hear, hear!"
Rose smiled and said, " I'm sure we'll all manage fine with each other."
They grinned at each other.
" Ooh, Harry, we have to go pick up Lily!" said Ginny frantically. " We're already 5 minutes late!"
Harry rolled his eyes. " Gin, she's probably having the time of her life. Fred and George are probably teaching her.. new... tricks...."
His voice trailed off and he said firmly, " Yep, time to go!"
* Now, who can guess who Lily is?*
Hermione chuckled and turned to Seamus. " Oh, and sweetie, we're meeting your parents tonight."
He nodded and waved a goodbye to everybody.
Rose slunk in her chair beside Ron and muttered, " Except for when everybody's rushing off in different directions!"
Rose's Birth
A/N: Sob. This is the last chapter to Rose Potter. I would like to say thank you to everybody who reviews or reviewed and that I had a lot of fun writing about Rose's character. I don't normally like OC characters, but now that I've written one, I have more appreciation for them.
Love you guys lots!
Rose's Birth
" GOD DA**IT, GET IT OUT!" yelled a very sweaty and furious Rose Potter. She was *trying* to give birth to her baby.
Ron Weasley, who was her husband, winced as she squeezed his already white knuckles even harder. He just wisely didn't say anything.
" GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!" she screamed as another painful contraction hit her.
Harry Potter, her brother, tried to hold back his amusement but a snort escaped his lips. His wife, Ginny Weasley, chuckled a little and they turned around, shoulders shaking with laughter.
Hermione Granger rolled her eyes and muttered, " So immature," but couldn't help letting a small smile cross her lips.
" Rose, it's gonna be fine," murmured Ron comfortingly.
Everyone winced.
Rose turned her glaring eyes on her husband. " FINE?! FINE?! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU HAVE THIS BABY! AND THIS BABY BETTER BE WORTH ALL THE PAIN!"
* I know that seems like a cruel thing to say, but cut her some slack: She's giving birth.*
Ron just sighed.
A overly cheery Healer swooped in, long blonde hair waving out underneath her. Her nametag said: Healer Samantha
Samantha looked at Rose and said, " Smile! It'll all be over in a few hours!"
A couple hours later
Tears streaming down her cheeks, Rose pushed heavily.
" Breathe, Rose, breathe," instructed Harry soothingly. Hermione had taken over the job of holding Rose's hand. She too was grimacing.
" AGGGHH!" Rose screamed painfully.
" I see a head!" instructed Samantha cheerfully.
Ron and Harry looked a little queasy.
" Keep pushing, Rose!" siad Ginny comfortingly. She was wiping the hairs off Rose's sweaty forehead.
" Ok, here come the little feetsies! Now, which one of you boys wants to cut the cord?" asked Samantha pleasantly.
At the mention of ' cut the cord', Ron and Harry's eyes wideneded and they fainted.
" Oh, brother," muttered Ginny and cut the cord herself. Her eyes started watering with tears when she saw the baby.
" It's a boy," said Samantha gently. She handed the baby to Rose.
" Daryl," whispered Rose. " Daryl Issac Weasley."
* 1 review for their story if anybody guesses why I name the baby Daryl!*
A Few Hours Later
Harry and Ron had finally woken up to lots of yells and snickers at their immatutity. Mostly from Hermione and Rose.
Ron was sitting by Rose's bed, holding Daryl, and cooing at him.
" Ron, can I please have Daryl back?" asked Rose gently. She couldn't help but smile at the pleasant image.
He shook his head stubbornly. Rose sighed.
Harry and Ginny
" You guys.... I have something very important to ask you," said Rose softly.
Harry and Ginny exchanged concerned looks. " What?" asked Ginny as softly as Rose.
" Could you guys be Daryl's godmother and father?"
They grinned and hugged Rose tightly.
" I'll take that as a yes..."
Hermione came in, wearing an almost miserable expression. As she sat by Rose, Rose immediatly knew what was wrong.
She blushed and pressed her hand to her mouth. " Oh my gosh, Hermione, I am so sorry! I know you were the first person to be my friend and trust me, I just completely forgot! It's just that Harry is my brother and Ginny is his wife, so...."
Hermione tried to smile. " It's all right."
Rose frowned. " No, it's not."
She then cocked an eyebrow and got a thoughtful expression on her face. " What about.... god aunt?"
Hermione squealed and nodded.
In The Leaky Cauldron
" Another butterbeer!" yelled Harry loudly over the noise of the Leaky Cauldron. " For the new mother!"
Rose sank down and blushed. " Merlin, Harry, do you have to tell the whole pub?" she muttered.
He mischeviously grinned at her. " Yeah."
She smacked him hard on the shoulder.
Tom came over and smiled his usual toothless grin. " Congraulations, Mrs. Potter."
She blushed and thanked him quietly.
" So, where's Daryl?" asked Hermione curiously. She sipped from her butterbeer and casually linked hands with Seamus.
"Healer Samantha pratically begged me to go out and let her have some time with him. I'm kinda scared of her, so I agreed."
She smiled, remembering her son's red hair and green eyes.
Harry raised his glass and said loudly, " I propose a toast! I wish Daryl good luck!"
Ginny frowned. " Why?"
Harry chuckled. " Have you seen Rose when she's angry?"
He ducked just in time to miss getting hit by a empty butterbeer glass.
" Hear, hear!"
Rose smiled and said, " I'm sure we'll all manage fine with each other."
They grinned at each other.
" Ooh, Harry, we have to go pick up Lily!" said Ginny frantically. " We're already 5 minutes late!"
Harry rolled his eyes. " Gin, she's probably having the time of her life. Fred and George are probably teaching her.. new... tricks...."
His voice trailed off and he said firmly, " Yep, time to go!"
* Now, who can guess who Lily is?*
Hermione chuckled and turned to Seamus. " Oh, and sweetie, we're meeting your parents tonight."
He nodded and waved a goodbye to everybody.
Rose slunk in her chair beside Ron and muttered, " Except for when everybody's rushing off in different directions!"