Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings. If you see any characters or any of that stuff that you don't recognize, it's mine. The rest belongs to Tolkien.


"I absolutely hate being short. They should make some kind of pill to make people taller," Ali complained during their school lunch period.

"Oh, come on, Ali, I'm sure being four foot six isn't all that bad," Ali's friend Elena commented.

"Yeah, after all, if you read Lord of the Rings, you would know that the hobbits in the story barely topped four feet," Eli, one of Ali's other friends said.

"Oh, that's comforting. Makes me feel a whole lot better. And anyways, I don't read the Lord of the Rings. Watching the Fellowship of the Ring was enough for me," Ali stated.

"Yeah, that's just because we forced you to watch it, Ali," Elena smirked.

Ali just rolled her eyes. They were always trying to make her feel better because she was on the short side. Just let THEM try to be short for a day Ali thought. They were also always trying to get her to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, but Ali Wimund just didn't care for it. She was down-to-earth and liked stories with a little more reality to it. Like Hatchet by Gary Paulson, or The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline B. Cooney.

After school that day the three friends were walking down the bike path towards home. Eli was skateboarding ahead of Ali and Elena, trying to impress them, like he always did.

"You know that's not gonna impress, us, Eli. It's not going to happen," Elena called out.

"I wasn't trying to impress you," Eli said, working his way back to them.

Ali rolled her eyes. "I don't even know how you can stay on that thing."

"Quite simple. You just have to have a lot of balance and patience," Eli stated, stopping in front of Ali. "Why don't you try it?"

"No, thanks," Ali said.


Ali shook her head.

"Oh, go on, Ali, just to make him stop being his annoying self," Elena said, exasperated by the both of them. "Oh, fine. I will, since you people are so insistent," Ali said, taking the skateboard from Eli, glaring at him.

Eli just grinned. Ali put the skateboard on the ground and put one of her feet on it and pushed off. And to her amazement, she didn't fall flat on her face. Ali pushed harder with her foot to make herself go faster. No wonder guys at school liked skateboards. But she wouldn't want to do it all the time; it was tiring.

"Ali, you better slow down, or you're going to run into that tree! Ali, stop!" Elena yelled, but it was too late.

Ali looked up in horror as she saw that she was heading straight towards a tree on the side of the bike path. She tried to swerve, but she got pitched foreword from the momentum and got thrown against the tree. The world soon went black.