Disclaimer: Not mine, but I think you already knew that.

Warning: This writing contains elf torture and some human torture.  Please don't flame me if you don't like these kinds of fics, because I did warn you.

Author's Note: Well, this is my first fanfic.  Please tell me what you think by reviewing, constructive criticism welcome! :-D

Oh yeah, and stupid question of the day.  Anyone else think Return Of The King was AMAZING?!  *waves hand around*  I do, I do!!  Yes, onto the chapter…


The large moose walked carefully forward, its mouth dragging on the ground as he sought out more to eat.  His carefully placed steps quietly cracked the leaves under its hooves, the large animal unable to be completely silent.  Its great head bobbed slightly as it ate, unawares of the danger a few feet off.

Eomer leaned forward slightly in apprehension as the moose slowly made its journey towards his position.  The bow in his hand wavered slightly, as he was not use to the feeling.  Swords and spears were his weapons of choice.  He never had much practice with a bow, and the wood felt unfamiliar and wrong in his hands.  He could shoot, but not very well.  His finger quietly tapped against the wood of the bow, and his companion gave him an annoyed look, before turning his attention back to the moose.

"Can't we shoot now?"  Eomer finally asked, impatience getting the better of him.

Legolas gave him a side-wards glance, his own bow steady and firm in his hands.  "The skin on the moose is thick."  He whispered.  "My arrow will not penetrate deep enough to kill unless he is close."

"If he gets much closer he will trample us!"

Legolas sighed.  "Eomer, please, just be quiet.  Its eyes are on the ground, but its ears are alert and he will hear your grating voice."

Eomer looked back towards the moose.  It was still walking towards them, and now he could hear its harsh breath.  He thought that if it got any closer, the moose would surely notice them and flee.  "You are wise, Legolas, but even the wisest of all elves can make mistakes."  And having said that, Eomer leaped up from his position and let loose the arrow.

Unfortunately for Eomer, the moose heard Eomer right before he jumped up, and ran off into the bushes, fleeing from the scene.  Eomer's arrow hit empty air, and lodged itself into the trunk of a tree.

"No!!"  Eomer shouted as he watched the back of the moose as it got farther and farther away.  "Come Legolas, if we move quickly, perhaps…"  He never finished.  Turning around, he stopped when he saw Legolas standing silently behind me, giving him a look that Eomer feared greatly.  "Umm…I…"  Eomer felt heat rush over his cheeks as he lowered his head slightly in embarrassment.  "I'm sorry."

Legolas, of course, would have none of that.  "Sorry?  You're sorry??  Blast, did I not tell you to keep your mouth shut?  But, oh no, you're too wise to follow my instructions.  Well, Eomer, you're intelligence just lost us a good catch that would have made a fine feast!  Can you not just do as I instruct you?  Is that too difficult?"

"Yes?"  Eomer responded, sounding fearful, yet hopeful.  Legolas just rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation, then moved to smack him upside the head, but Eomer caught his hand in time and pushed Legolas slightly.  Not wanting to be outdone by the man, Legolas seized up and ran into him, knocking the man down onto him bum.  Laughing slightly, Eomer reached up…

…and turned serious when he saw the expression on Legolas' face.  He was looking into the forest intently, his brow creased in confusion and concentration, his sharp eyes scanning into the forest, seemingly searching for something.  Pushing himself up using his hands, Eomer dusted off his bottom and quickly scanned the area.  Not seeing or sensing anything, he turned back to his companion.

"What is it?  What do you feel?"

Legolas hesitated a moment before answering.  The presence he felt in his mind was not clear, the beings still rather far away.  He didn't want to worry Eomer unnecessarily, as he knew how easily the man could get upset.  Instead he asked, "Where are Aragorn, and his company?"

Eomer shook his head.  "They must be…a good deal away.  We agreed that we would hunt in opposite ends of the forest, hoping to catch more game this way.  Why?  What is worrying you?"

Legolas shook his head.  "There is someone…"  Suddenly, Legolas' eyes widened and he drew an arrow from the quiver on his back.  Notching it to the string on his bow, he aimed it into the trees.  "Orcs!  Eomer, there are many!"

Legolas' excited voice told Eomer just how serious this was.  Rushing back to the place where they were hiding from the moose, he picked up his sword, which he had laid on the ground so he could better shoot the bow.  The familiar weapon felt good and strong in his hand, and he grasped the handle firmly, a small smile gracing his features, as if he was welcoming back an old friend.  But the moment was soon over, and he ran back to Legolas' side.

They awaited the battle in tense silence.  Eomer stood straight beside Legolas, his sword raised high in front of him, trying to look somewhat fierce.  Soon, he could hear the faint cries of yelling orcs, though it was obvious they were still a ways away.  Eomer looked at Legolas.  "Should we not hide?  Mayhap they will pass us by."

Legolas shook his golden head.  "No.  From the moment I clearly sensed their dark presence, they have only come steadily toward us, at a fast speed.  I believe they know we are here, though I know not how."

This worried Eomer greatly.  How could they have possibly known we are here?  Somebody must have told them.  Perhaps a scout that we didn't notice spotted us, and went back and told the main group of orcs where we are.  Or perhaps… A lump formed in Eomer's throat as the last thought formed in his mind.  No, that couldn't be it.  Even if Aragorn and Faramir were somehow captured, they would never have told the orcs our position.  They don't even know our position!  It's not possible.

His thoughts were interrupted by Legolas' sudden yell, and his mind snapped back to reality, his body tensing.  "Here they come!!"