A/n: I'm sorry about not updating, actually this has been on my computer for about a week, I thought I uploaded it already but...I was wrong. Thanks a lot and enjoy.

Reading Between the Lines

By: Mystery

"Lily!" Someone called, the redhead turned, her vision of the Hogwarts Train blocked by a swishing ponytail of the girl who had nearly tackled her with a hug.

"Hey Jess!" she said, laughing slightly and pulling away. "How are you?"

"I'm good, Granddad's doing a lot better. Oh, sorry I couldn't meet you and Victoria to get our supplies by the way." She said quickly.

"It's ok, I know you wanted to be with your Grandfather. I'm glad he's doing better." Lily nodded sympetheticly.

"Yeah, the boys came a visited me a few times, Granddad finds all their pranks hallarious, gave them a few more ideas in fact." Jessi said, laughing.

"I know you've known Sirius and James since you were little, but I still don't see how you put up with them." She said, shaking her head, then smirking.

Jessi raised her eyebrows. "James eh, what happened to Potter?"

Lily rolled her eyes.

"Oh don't start Jess, no feelings have changed whatsoever." She assured, stepping onto the train. "It's just since it's our last year and since I've been named Head Girl, I've decided to be more mature about the whole situation." She said, looking through the doors of each compartment that they pasted.

"James will appreciate that...he's still mad about you, you know."

Lily shook her head. "Speaking of being mad about someone...how's Remus?" She asked, smirking.

"He's fine, was last time I saw him anyway. Grandpa had a "man to man" talk with him about dating me though. Surprised he survived." she said.

"Aww, you know your Grandpa loved him, who couldn't love Remus?" she asked, stopping when someone waved at her from inside a compartment.

"Hey Victoria." Lily said, shoving her trunk in the overhead rack.

"Victoria!" Jessi smiled, pulling the dark haired girl into a crushing embrace.

"Jessi!" Victoria chorused, pulling away and smiling. "How's your Grandfather?"

"Much better." She said, putting her trunk on the rack also and sitting down beside Victoria.

"How was your summer?" Jessi asked.

Victoria sighed. "It was alright, America was amazing, too bad Alexandra had to go."

"Vacationing with the evil Step-Mom, not good." Lily said, as Alexandra usually treated Victoria horribly compared to her own children. "How were Elizabeth and Christina?"

"The 'perfect' offsprings of Queen Alexandra were as expected, angels around the parents and demonds around me." Victoria said, rolling her eyes.

"Yikes, well, at least you got to see America." Lily offered.

"Yeah, it was beautiful." Victoria admited.

"Yes, you are beautiful." A voice said from the doorway. "How are all my beautiful women this fine day?" Sirius Black asked, slipping into the compartment and plopping down between Jessi and Victoria, putting an arm around each.

"Sirius." All the girls chorused, rolling their eyes.

"Where're the other boys Siri?" Jessi asked, looking toward the door.

"Well, Remus decided to move to some unknown location and become a monk, he told me to look after you Jess." Sirius said, batting his eyelashes comically.

"You are such a dork." Jessi said, smiling.

Sirius held a hand to his heart. "You wound me, my friend since dipers and you wound me." The girls laughed.

"Hey!" Said a voice from the door. "Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend Padfoot." Remus said, walking in, followed by James and Peter.

"Who me?" Sirius asked innocently, drapping his arm back around Jessi.

"Yes you." Remus said, Sirius gave a bark like laugh and took his arm from around Jessi, moving over so Remus could sit beside her.

"You guys are no fun." He stated, turning to Victoria. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are, Love?

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Riiight." she said, removing his arm from her shoulders.

"Jessi, Victoria." James said, accknowledging each with a nod, he paused for a moment, looking at Lily. "And Lily." he said finally, nodding at her as well. "Mind if I sit, it's the only spot left." he said, guesturing to the spot beside her.

"No-" she started, James sighed.

"Listen Lily, I know you don't like me and I'd be lying if I said you were on my top list of favorite persons right now but, being as your Head Girl and I, for some odd reason, have been named Head Boy, we need to try to get along. Now I have been nothing but nice to you so far and there is no reason for you to be so immature, I was just politely asking you if you wouldn't mind sharing your seat, it wasn't a marriage proposal."

The compartment was silent for a few minutes.

Sirius cleared his throat loudly.

Lily gave him a sharp look before turning back to James. "I was going to say no, I don't mind." She said, looking up at him.

He faultered and seemed to shrink a bit. "Oh." He said, blushing slightly and sitting down.

There were another few minutes of silence, once again inturupted by Sirius.

"Well..." he said, rubbing his hands together. "I for one gave it two thumbs up." he said, grinning, which disapeared when no one laughed and he saw the glare James was giving him.

"Right then...oh food!" Sirius said, jumping up as soon as the food trolly come into sight. The other boys got up as well, collecting many treats from the trolly, each giving a large amount of coins to the lady.

They sat back down, each with a stach of candy in their shirts, which they were using as pouches.

"Err...chocolate frog?" James offered Lily, obvously an apology.

She stared at the frog, then at him, before sighing and accepting. "Thanks." she said, opening it and biting the frog's head off.

After a few minutes of quiet munching, or loud on Sirius and Peter's part, Lily froze and turned to James. "Head....boy?" she asked, apparently in shock.

He nodded absentmindedly, observing the card he had gotten.

"You're....you're Head boy...but....Remus?" she asked, looking at Remus who shrugged and took a bean that Jessi offered him.

"It's true Lils, he got the letter." Remus said, shrugging and placing the bean in his mouth before making a face. "Eww...tastes like grease." he glared playfully at Jessi, who laughed and shurgged.

"Just your luck, I got honey." she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Uh, you guys are sickening sometimes." Victoria said, rolling her eyes goodnaturedly.

Sirius attempted to say something but his mouth was so full he just ended up spraying food everywhere, making everyone jump back.

"Sirius!" James yelled, almost getting hit with the flying food.

"Sorry man." Sirius said after swallowing, he held up a chocolate frog. "To the best year both we, and Hogwarts, will ever have." he said, grinning broadly when everyone else, most rolling their eyes, tapped their candy against his, laughing.

REVIEW! Thankies .
