A/N: this will be the last chappie. I honestly thought it would be longer...but I guess not. I think it's best to end it here.

I really want to thank everyone that reviewed. Ppl didn't really like the sorato in there...im sorry but it had to be there. 'Sides...I had gotten into sorato more. Don't hate me.

I'd like to thank those who kept reviewing especially...and gave me advice. Like TanukiGirl22. I read ur review on the passive v. active. ur were really write. As much as I want to try it out right away, im gonna write this chappie like I usually do. Im glad this was the first digimon story u read. I'll try to work on my writing, but im gonna try to end my stories sooner...cuz I can't promise quick updates.

As I'd like to...I don't think I'll make any new stories...unless it's one I really want to write.

Not to mention, I fell out of taiora..but still a fan of it, and into sorato.

Taiorato fan. Im into sorato right now, but if u can handle BOTH taiora and Sorato, then read my other fic- Her Sad Smile. Taiora and sorato ending.

BabyD:i know the ages seemed whack, but Tai went to live with family. and the love thing...i don't know. i just did that. XP

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon
Sora tossed and turned in her bed. Her shot open, and she was now staring at the white ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking about the party. Wondering if she should or shouldn't go.

"What should I do?" she whispered to herself.

'If I go...then maybe I'll have fun, but he'll be there. That would be too awkward. If I don't go then, I won't see him..but people would suspect."

She sighed in frustration.

"I hate making decisions!"

Kari too, was having a predicament of her own. Although, she was with Davis, she couldn't help but have feelings for T.K. He was her first crush, that then turning to an infatuation.

"Am I really happy with Davis...or is that nothing but a mirage."she mumbled to herself.

It was the next morning and Yagami home was all ready for the party held later on.

Tai wasn't all too ecstatic, he knew that Sora wouldn't come...he knew she'd just be at her home, he could easily go there...but he didn't know if he should.

It was already 11a.m. and Kari hadn't come out of her room ever since they finished getting the place ready for the party. He decided to check up on her, making sure she was alright.


He saw her lying on her made bed with a throw pillow over her face. He laughed to himself at his sister's state.

"What taichi?" she said, taking off the pillow.

"Well, I was wondering why you were here in your room, instead of talking to Davis about lovey dovey stuff." he joked, sitting down on the bed beside her.
She sat up, sitting next to him. She let out a deep sigh, her eyes filled with sadness.

"That's just the problem."

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Tai...I'm with Davis, but I have feelings for T.K." she continued."

"Oh..."was his only comment.

"Tai! I need to know what to do, and it's best I do soon."

He sighed at the irony. Part of the reason he left in the first place was because his sister wasn't giving him as much attention anymore, and she never needed his help. And yet here she was asking for his advice, his help, but he didn't know what to say.

He had ideas, just couldn't exactly put in words.

"Well...who do you like more?"

"I...I'm not sure"

"Tell me what you like about them both."

A sigh came from her lips.

"Hmm...well I guess I do like Davis a lot, I mean I am dating him. He's just so funny, he could always make me laugh...along with everyone else. He is pretty cute, and does care a lot about me, but does that really mean anything?"

she said more of a statement rather than a question. He didn't bother to answer, but to just let her go on.

"T.K. however, never really tries to be funny, or does something funny for everyone, except for me. He is immensely cute, getting that from his brother most likely. I know he cares a lot about me, and I care a lot about him...he'd probably die for me."

She looked down, letting what she said sink in to herself. She then stared into his eyes, looking for answers.

He could see it now, she was in love with T.K. and he likewise. He didn't want to just point it out, he wanted to her to figure it out on her own.

"What means more to you? The qualities of Davis or of T.K.'s?"

She looked back down, not saying anything. She knew he wasn't going to tell her anything, just ask her more questions. The brunette was sure of what she wanted to do....what she had to do.

He got up abruptly and left the room. He took a glance at the place he called home. It was already set for the party. There was food, thep lace was clean, and the drinks and the cups were set. All that was left was for him to take a shower and change.

"That's it! I've made my decision! I'm not going to go!" she huffed to herself. She laid down un her bed again, staring at the blank ceiling.

She knew she was lying to herself. Sora still hadn't made a decision. She really wanted to go, to see him. But then again, she didn't know if she could. She'd probably end up running away once she got to the front door.

She sighed, frustrated. Closing her eyes, tears began to run down her face. She shifted to her side, clutching on a pillow.

"Why do some of the easiest things to do, are actually so hard?" she asked to no one.

"Oh Tai..."
In was 10 to noon, and the guests have started to come already.

Davis arrived first, to see his girlfriend, along with him was Yolei and Izzy.

"Oh, hey Davis." Kari said, shyly. Davis approached her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

She connected eyes with her brother. She saw him glance at her than at Davis. She looked back at her boyfriend and knew what to do.

"Hey Tai, ready for the party?" Izzy asked.

Tai plastered a fake smile on.

"You know it. If you guys want anything, help yourself, cuz I'm not getting it." the four let out a laugh.

"Hey...um do you think you two can check out our stereo?"

"Why what's wrong with Tai?" Yolei asked.

"Uh, well I was tossing a soccer ball yesterday, and I accidentally broke the stereo."

" Uh huh...and how did you break it?" Izzy asked. Although he knew the answer.

Tai smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, maybe it was more of kicking rather than tossing..."

"I see, nice move Yagami." Izzy said making his way to the stereo, Yolei following.

Tai glanced over to see his sister dragging Davis into her room. He knew what was coming, and was ready to see a depressed Davis.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" she sat down on her bed, and motioned for him to do the same.

Sh placed a hand over his, and looked deeply into his eyes. Then looking down, biting her lip, she let the words he wasn't expecting.

"I think we should break up." she was expecting a sudden outburst of rage, or for him to cry, or peter her with a million questions, but he didn't do anything.

She looked back up at him. His eyes were glued to the floor. Then he began to talk so softly it was almost a whisper.

"I see...I was kind of expecting you to do that...but not now. I always thought it would be later...but I guess it is later." he looked back at her.

She was gawking at the serious state he was in. This made him smirk.

"Yeah, I know...I'm serious." he said, getting back her attention.

"So...you're okay?"

"Yeah..I guess. Well I know why you are, so I'm okay with it....sure I'm hurt, but I'll get over it."

"Oh...wait! How do you know why I'm breaking up with you?"

"I'm not that stupid! It's T.K. I see how he's depressed whenever we do couple things. And the way you always take glance at him." he let out a sad smile.

"You love him, and he loves you. You need to tell him."

She smiled and gave him a hug, he hugged back, and pecked her cheek.

"I'll miss that....oh well. Hmm....you know now that I'm single again I think I'll go ask Ashley out! she sure is hot!" he grinned like an idiot.

She punched his arm playfully.

"You dork! C'mon let's get back to the party."

They came out of the hallway, seeing that Joe and Cody had made it. Izzy and Yolei, were still gazing at the broken stereo, and Tai was sitting on the couch, watching the two brainiacs.

Tai looked over to the two children, and stared blankly.

'Hmm...why's Davis smiling?'

"Uh..hey, you guys okay?"

They nodded, then Davis spoked up.

"Yeah, we're over...but I'm okay with it."

"Glad to hear that."
Sora sat on her couch. The t.v. was on, but she wasn't paying attention. Her thoughts were of the party she should be attending, but wasn't.

"Maybe I should go? I really do want to see him again, he probably still hates me..."

"No he doesn't" her mother, said coming from the hall.

This startled the young girl.

"Mom? How do you know that?"

"Oh Sora...I'm mother, I supposed to know these things. I see the way he looks at you, and how you look at him. You two are head over heels for each other. The last person he'd ever hate is you."

The redhead couldn't help but blush, deeply.

"Mom? What should I do?"

"Go to the party, I bet he's just moping around because you're no there."

Sora knew that was something he'd do. She didn't want him to be so depressed. Letting out a sigh, she began to walk to her room.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go change. I can't go the party in my PJ's." she let out a warm smile, and made her ay to the room.
The party had already started, and all the guests were there, except for a certain red-headed girl.

Tai had kept to himself mostly. He did talk occasionally to the others...that is except for Matt. He didn't even bother to look at him.

While Tai was getting a drink, he saw form the corner his eye that the blonde he had been avoiding was coming towards him.

"What Matt?" he said rather coldly, something he didn't expect himself to do.

"Tai, listen I know we're not on the best terms...but we're not on bad ones either. I just want to know, why are you here?"

"What kind of question is that? I'm here for the party...I'm pretty much the reason we're having it."

Matt rolled his eyes at the density of his own friend.

"What I mean is, why are here and not with Sora?"

"She's sick, remember...you even told us yourself."

"Don't play dumb with me. That was just an excuse and you know it. Tai, I know this will sound corny, but go to her."

Tai looked down at his drink, thinking about it.

"She doesn't want to see me. That's why she didn't come. She hates me, and I don'tr think I can face her."

"Tai, you really are an idiot. She doesn't hate you, she loves a lot. She's just afraid. She thinks you hate her."

"Why would she think that?"

"Geez Tai, you're wearing me out. You two fought. You yelled at her! You thought you were too good to be with her! You were the one he practically kicked her out! And you ask why she think you hate her?" Matt tried very hard not to yell.

"You're right. I was such an idiot. What do I do know?" he asked his friend.

The blonde got annoyed by the constant moronic questions.

"Seriously Tai! You need to think for yourself for a change. Go apologize to her! She's in her home right now, waiting for you to come."

He nodded, and headed out the door, followed by looks of curiosity from the people inside.

Once Tai left, Kari decided now would be best to tell T.K. about her feelings.

She walked over to him. He was standing next to Mimi and Joe, casually talking.
The brunette tapped him on the shoulder lightly. He turned around, facing the object of his affections.


"T.K. can I talk to you in private?"

He nodded reluctantly. She took his hand and guided him to her room. They sat in the same spots where she had just earlier broken up with her boyfriend, and now she would confess her love to the blonde.

"Kari...is something wrong? I noticed that you weren't talking much to Davis? Did he do anything to hurt you?"

She shook her head, laughing inside at hid protectiveness.

"We broke up."


"About ten minutes ago."

"Are you alright? Is there anything I can do? Did he break your heart?"

she laughed out loud this time.

"Yes, no, and no. I broke up with him."

"Well, that's good...I guess. So what did you want to talk about?"

She blushed furiously.

"T.K. I..um...well...I think I love you?"

She looked in his cerulean eyes searching for any emotion. He had huge grin on his face, and in his eyes she found happiness and love.


She nodded.

"Good. Because I think I love you too."

She smiled, causing him to grin more.

"Uh..what now?" he asked, blushing.

She giggled.

"We kiss."

He chuckled at his own stupidity.


He leaned in closer, as did she. Their lips met, and their eyes closed.

She moved back, blushing a bit.

"That was the perfect kiss. You're good you know that?"

He smirked.

"Yeah I do."

They both shared a laugh, their foreheads touching.

'I hope she can forgive me.' thought Tai.

He was standing in the elevator, awaiting his stop.

To him it seemed like forever, but in reality only half a minute.

The long awaited ding finally went off, and he went sprinting.

She walked out of the doorway looking up at the sky.

'This is it. Tai...'

Unknowingly to herself, she was walking swiftly, not really paying attention. As she made a turn on the corner, she had bumped in to something or someone. She fell on her bottom, as she noticed the person did too.

'Great! just what I need!'

"Can you please watch where you're going!" she said frustrated.

"I'm so sorry." the voice said. That was when she realized she knew the person.

Her eyes widen in shock, and before her was the boy she was just about to see.

"Tai?!" she exclaimed.

He looked up, and locked eyes with her.

"Sora! I'm glad you're here!"

"Yeah, well you pretty much bumped into me."

"Oh yeah...sorry."

He got up, and let a hand out. She took the kind gesture and dusted herself off.

"So um...were just coming over to my place?"

They both blushed, knowing how awkward it was.

"Uh yeah..where were you off to?"

"The party?" they both shared a laugh.

'Just tell her already!' Tai screamed in his mind.

She bit her lip, unsure of what to say.



"I..I'm sorry, about our fight, about everything."

"I'm sorry too. If it weren't for me you never would have left."

"No! Don't blame anything on you. I realized that you were just doing what you thought was right, going with Matt, and I did what I thought was right, leaving. "

she smiled, making him smile.

"Sora...can you forgive me?"

"I already have."

"I love you...I never stopped."

Her smile grew, as did his.

"I love you too Tai."

Tai took her hand and leaned in closer. Their faces were inches apart, moving closer, their lips finally met.

It felt like total bliss to them both.

'She tastes so sweet, I don't ever want to stop.'

'So this is it. I'm finally happy...with you Tai.'

They broke apart, and looked deeply in each other's eyes. His arms were wrapped around her slim waist. Hers were around his neck, playing with his hair.

"Tai...don't ever leave me." she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Never crossed my mind."

A/N: YES! FINALLY FINISHED! I finally finished a story! Yay! I know this chapter isn't written the best, but I got really lazy and just wanted to finish it. I'm sorry.

I'm really into Sorato now, so I kinda lost the thing for Taiora..but still a fan.


oh and special thanx to everyone that kept reviewing.

thanks to...


Takukigirl22 DarkMetalAngel od Destruction KaguyaEvenstar

and evryone else!