A/N: Written for the lyric wheel challenge on the Naruto Yaoi community on livejournal. It's not very yaoi-ish though... I'll openly admit that I am not very good at songfics. I'm not good at visualizing what the songs would say if they were in story form (which is weird since I am very good at finding emotion in music). Either way, I have no idea what I'm doing or what this fic is going to be like, so here goes nothing. The song I had to use a lyric from was "The Boy With The Thorn In His Side" by the Smiths. I've still never actually heard the song.

Disclaimer: As I'm sure you could have all guessed, Naruto's not mine, nor are any of the characters found therein.


"Are you sure that putting them on the same team is a wise decision?" The question was a fair one. Iruka was genuinely concerned that they were inviting disaster with open arms by placing the loner and the misfit together. Both had incredibly volatile personalities; the two boys would either love or hate one another, that much was certain. Iruka was willing to bet money on the latter of the two possible scenarios.

"The other groups have already been formed to all of our satisfaction. With this combination, all of the teams should be pretty equally balanced," one of the soon-to-be jounin teachers pointed out reasonably. "The odds are against this team succeeding, anyway. Remember, only one in three groups will pass. If they cannot work together to the satisfaction of their instructor, they will return to the academy and be sorted into different groups next time."

The man had valid point, but Iruka retained the bitter opinion that he was simply voicing the inner thoughts of all of his peers. Each of the jounin in the room were relieved that their personal chances of being unlucky enough to oversee the education one of the two 'problem students' would be reduced since they were both on the same team. The time-honored tradition of forming the groups and assigning the senseis at random afterwards was certainly demonstrating its downside. In years past, tradition had ensured that the teams would truly be formed as equally as possible since no sensei wanted to risk being saddled with a team of weaklings who stood no chance at becoming genins. This year, though...

"But to put them both on the same team!" Iruka protested, turning to the hokage in the hope that he would find an ally in the more powerful man. "That will all but destroy their chances of succeeding as a team. It will destroy THEM!"

"As ninjas, they will not always be given ideal conditions to work with," a woman broke in crossly. "For goodness sake Iruka, they have graduated from the academy and from your care. Give them a chance to show you what they can do. Maybe they'll surprise you."

"Sasuke will be merciless with him and Sakura will see nothing but Sasuke. You are pairing him up with the two children who won't think twice about hurting him! Don't you see? I know that he is easily passed off as a beast, as the Nine Tails demon, but look underneath that. He is as human as you or I! He has lived his whole love being hated, and behind the hatred there lies a murderous desire for love. You will be throwing his dreams in his face and shoving him into the middle of a nightmare if you inflict those two children on him!" The man was pleading now, begging the group before him to take pity on the student he both loved and hated, admired and feared.

He found no support from the faces before him. Even the hokage simply tugged his head covering lower over his eyes and remained silent. The decision had been made and all he could do now was wait. And hope for Naruto.