In A Lifetime

Chapter One: Unbreakable

Disclaimer: I own them. All of them! No, actually, you guessed it- the characters are not mine. I am still awaiting their appearance for sale on EBay, though. Hmmm.... Monica for $3.....

A/N: I probably shouldn't be starting this, but I have ideas occasionally that just won't go away. This has been checked by no one, and approved by no one. It is totally spontaneous. That's why I need you to review! I need to know what people think. I know people read things without reviewing, so at least find some way to tell me you like it. Yes, all you FB people- you know who you are......

This is just a short first chapter- the rest will be longer. If I continue.

It's gonna be dramatic, and has probably been done before, but I have not seen it, and hope it will attract people's attention. It's gonna be both Mon and Chan torture. So if you hate that kind of stuff- run! Run for your lives!

You people still here- did I mention review? Yeah, I think I did. But I'll say it again: review! Please?


"Honey?" called Monica into the living room.

"Yeah?" she heard Chandler shout back.

She picked up the calender and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her so the draught from the window didn't enter the living room. A short draught of it drifted out, making the wind chimes near the balcony flutter and softly chime.

Monica walked over. "Do you have your tux yet? It's only two months until we get married!" she said, pointing to the ringed date on the calender, which was circled with heavy red pen.

Chandler smiled. "Yes, I'm going with Rachel to get it tomorrow." His expression suddenly changed. "Hey, did you hear what you just said?" he asked, moving closer to her, looking at her coyly.

Monica frowned. "What?"

Chandler took her hands and smiled. "That we are getting married in two months," he said, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face and staring into her eyes.

"Really?" smiled Monica. "Well, then you'd better enjoy your last days of batchelor life." She cleared her throat and spoke in a nasal voice. "Oh- my- Gawd! Chand-ler Bing!" she imitated, laughing. "You better take this last chance to bump uglies with me, or else we'll never get another chance!" she exclaimed, laughing again.

Chandler crossed his arms. "Is that supposed to turn me on, or annoy me to hell?" he said, trying not to laugh.

Monica shrugged and returned to her normal voice. "I don't know. Which did it do?"

"Guess," said Chandler, grinning and moving slowly towards her, making her walk backwards into the bedroom.

"Ahahahahahaha!" exclaimed Monica, laughing.


Rachel took a couple of tuxes off the rack and held them up. "How about this one?" she asked, holding one out.

"No," said Chandler, shaking his head. "Too dull."

Rachel hung it back up. "This one?" she asked.

Chandler considered."Hmm... no, it's a little too bright. I don't want people not to be able to see."

Rachel rolled her eyes, but picked up another one. "How about this one?"

Chandler squinted. "That's too small," he said, pointing at the short jacket.

"What?" said Rachel, holding it out so she could look at it. "Oh, yeah...." She hung it up on an empty rack, and picked up another tux. "What about.... this one?" she said.

Chandler frowned. "Yeah, that's quite a nice one... Let me try it on."

Rachel handed it to him. "There you go," she said, pointing to the changing room.

Chandler walked in and closed the door.

"So, you nervous, Chandler?" asked Rachel, leaning back against the wall. "Big day approaching... you're getting married... Must be pretty scary," she said, closing her eyes from exhaustion. Finding Chandler a tux was harder than she'd expected.

"No, not really," called Chandler, muffled as he started to pull off his jumper."I mean, I know I was all freaky about this kind of commitment back then, but, y'know, I've found the woman I love and nothing is gonna change that. I love her, and I'm so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with her. She's mine, and I won't let anyone take her away, especially not me."

Rachel smiled. "That's so sweet, Chandler," she said.

Chandler smiled, even though Rachel couldn't see him. He stuck his leg into the pants. It didn't go in. "Dammit, you couldn't have chosen one with a pair of pants that actually let people fit their legs inside them, could you?!" moaned Chandler, his tone changing, and he threw the pants over the top of the door. Rachel jumped up and caught them.

"Chandler! These tuxes are expensive! You're not supposed to throw them around!" Rachel snipped, folding the trousers neatly over the hanger, and putting them on a rack.

"Well, they should be the right size for someone! No one could fit in those!" he said. "Now give me one that actually fits!"

Rachel searched through the rack. "Here," she said, and slid it through the crack in the door that Chandler opened. "So, you're really not nervous?"

"Nope," said Chandler. "I'm looking foward to it, actually. Nothing will stop us now. We're unbreakable." He paused. "Dammit, are you an expert at picking out pants that are too small?!"


Monica paced up and down the kitchen floor, looking down at the floor, her ear to the phone.

"Uh huh. And you're sure that's what it is? Well, couldn't it be something else? Oh. Well, thank you."

She put the phone down, and stopped pacing. She heard noise outside, and grabbed the duster from the table.

Chandler walked in. "Hey, Mon. Whatcha doing?"

Monica rubbed the table. "Er... I was just... just dusting the table. Y'know, dust dust dust. Where have you been?" she asked, dropping the duster and putting her hand on her forehead.

Chandler sorted through the post as he answered. "I went to get a tux with Rach," he said. "Who was that?" he asked, indicating the phone, which lay messily out of the base unit.

Monica sighed. "Oh, it was just someone at the restaurant," she said, worried about how much he had heard. "They were just asking about the wedding food. Y'know, do we want chips and salsa, chips and salsa."

Chandler frowned. "Who has chips and salsa at a wedding?" he asked.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Monica. "That's why I told them..."she said slowly, her face softening, looking sadly at him. "That's why I told them that it was stupid, and that we didn't want it."

Chandler smiled. "You okay, Mon?" he asked, standing up.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," she said, walking over to him. "I love you," she said softly, kissing him lightly on the lips.

He smiled. "I love you too," he said. "Can you wait?" he said, pointing to the calender on the coffee table.

Monica looked. "No, I can't. I really can't," she whispered, and he kissed her deeply, his lips touching her's, his hands roaming through her hair. She moaned softly, her eyes closing in pleasure. Kissing him was like summertime in Oz, where every day was sunny and beautiful, and nothing bad ever happened. She wished she could stay in that world forever.

"And now I love you even more," she said, when they broke apart.

He smiled.


Monica tapped her fingers on the chair as she waited for him to come back.

A doctor's office? Of all the places to be seven weeks before her wedding, she was in a doctor's office.

She looked around at the walls, which were painted cream. How dull, she thought. With all the pain that comig to a doctor's office usually came with, you'd think they would have at least painted the walls a nice colour. But no, they were cream.

And then she saw the stupid poster of that smiling woman with super white teeth. Who has teeth like that?, she thought. I mean, its impossible to get them that white. Floss every day, and still there's a tinge of yellow on your teeth. The white's probably put there by computers, she thought.

Chandler would know. He knew all about computers, even if sometimes, he resented always having to work with them. She loved that he stuck by it, since he knew that was the only way he could support her. He always took care of her. That was why she loved him so much.

She looked around as the doctor came in.

"Sorry it took me so long," said the doctor, pushing his glasses up. "Now, where were we?"

Monica coughed. "Almost finished. You were talking to me about telling Chandler," she said quietly.

"Oh, yes," he said, looking down at her. "Monica, you have to tell him."

"Why?" asked Monica, quite calmly, although her nerves were wavering uncontrollably.

"Because!" said the doctor, as if it were obvious. "You need him to know."

"But it'll ruin everything!" she said exasperately, holding out her hands pleadingly. "I don't want it hanging over our wedding. It might be gone after then, and he'll never have to know. I like things the way they are. I don't want them to change."

The doctor sighed. "Monica, you don't know whether it'll have gone. There's a lot of factors that affect it. You still have to make a proper decision about it. It won't just vanish. So you need to tell Chandler."

Monica looked down, her fingers playing nervously with her cuff. "I don't know if I can," she admitted, her voice cracking. "He's always been nervous about commitment, and I know he's fine about marriage now, but I don't know what it'll do if I tell him this," she said quietly.

The doctor put a comforting hand on Monica's. "I'll leave it with you. I can't force you to decide. But it would be so much easier for you if you told him." He moved his hand away. "He could be the one who gets you through this," he said, and left silently, giving Monica one last glance.


A/N: You've guessed what it is already, haven't you? Well, review and tell me what you thought. Just a minute of your time will make my day! Thanks!