Undertones: Navi's Story

Wow. It's been over a year since I updated this story. I'm amazed. Thanks for your patience, I guess. XD

I realized that it doesn't make too much sense, either. I read it…well, skimmed it over and realized that the chapters don't really line up with each other. So…yeah. Haha. Thanks for liking it anyway.

Chapter Eight

Navi was glad Link had forgotten what had happened. She was glad he didn't remember she'd grown up to his size the day before; she was glad he didn't remember that she'd followed him around for a day, probably holding him down from solving more riddles in the latest Temple. She was also glad he didn't remember that she'd told him she loved him. Navi remembered that he hadn't heard her. It was almost as if Rauru had blocked Link's ears in that moment…like he wasn't to know or something.

The idea puzzled her. What harm would come to Link if he knew? Still, she knew she could never do anything about her feelings for him. Her fairy friends back in Kokiri Forest would laugh at her for her foolishness. No fairy could ever love their Kokiri partner.

But, Navi could argue back, Link wasn't a Kokiri. Clearly, she stated to herself, glancing at him as he read a sign on his way back from the Ranch, he was a Hylian.

He glanced back at his fairy to see that she was still following him and she giggled, ducking under his hat. "Well, guess we'd better get back to the Temple of Time…the stones in the Spirit Temple said something about being a child."

Navi grinned. She had a lot of fun with Link when he was a kid. There were more games to play in the Marketplace. They would eat junk food when they got the opportunity, like the sugary donut-treats that a stall from the market sold. Navi wasn't one to enjoy people-food, but Link would always offer her some of his pastry when he bought one for himself. She, being a fairy, didn't really have any interest in his food but to please the boy, she'd always have a taste.

Flowers were more her fancy, but she was a fairy. Perhaps one day she'd make Link eat a flower and see how he liked it.

The Temple of Time was just as it had been the thousand other times they'd come, and Link winked at her before placing the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time. Light surrounded them and when Navi opened her eyes, she was staring at the back of young Link's neck.

"Hey!" she cried. "Are we going to the Spirit Temple now?"

Link shrugged. "I'm kinda hungry," he stated, rubbing his empty belly. Sure, they hadn't eaten in days. Navi wouldn't have minded a flower or two. "Well, get your pastry or whatever. I need some good food!" she said, picturing the delicacies that were only in the garden of Hyrule Castle.

Link shook his head with a grin and headed to the Marketplace, two green rupees in hand. "I'm so excited," he said, more to himself. "I haven't had a donut in like…a week!"

"If you ever did the math, it would probably equal a few hundred years with the way we travel through time," Navi joked. Link shrugged, agreeing. "Yeah, I guess so."


Navi drank the nectar of the honeysuckles deeply while Link stretched out on the grass, far from the sight of the guards. He figured it would benefit to go visit Zelda, but he also knew that since he'd recovered the Stones and opened the Door of Time, Zelda and Impa had escaped from the Castle to some unknown location.

The royal courtyard would probably be guarded by those idiot guards anyway, he figured.

Finishing his donut, Link wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at the clouds floating by. He needed a nap. It had been a long time since he'd slept properly. He missed his bed back home in the Forest. He was starting to feel worn out. Time travel did that to a person.

Navi curled up on his chest and sighed contentedly, her tiny stomach full. "Let's have a nap," she said. "The grass is so nice…"

Before Link could protest, Navi was asleep. He decided it best to leave her there, but he knew there would be a price to pay if he was caught in the grass by the guards.

Still, the warmth of the sun and the softness of the grass lulled him into a peaceful sleep…until he felt the butt end of a spear poking him in the side. "Hey, you! Kid! What are you doing in here? You're not allowed in here!"

Before he knew what was happening, he'd been thrown out of the castle garden, again. It was never a surprise, and it rarely hurt, even if it left him with scraped elbows from the harsh landing.

Link brushed himself off and checked on Navi. "You okay?" he asked. The fairy shook her head and gave a quiet yawn. "Yeah…let's get going to check on Nabooru!" she suggested. Link shrugged and pulled out the Ocarina.


Nabooru's request seemed simple enough, but there was something brewing in her eyes that Link couldn't quite place. She wanted him to go get the Silver Gauntlets for her. What, because she was too big to fit through the hole? Link was tired of doing people's dirty work for them. Still, curiosity drove him and he needed to know if Ganondorf was in there. So, he crawled through the hole.

Met by new foes, Link, with Navi's help, defeated the enemies quickly. It felt like forever before he found himself standing outside, feeling the warm winds of the sandstorm blowing around him while he opened the strange treasure chest on the statue-arm of the Temple.

Hearing a scream from down below, Link and Navi looked in horror as two witches circled around Nabooru, who was being sucked into a dark, swirling vortex.

"Yeearggh! Let me go! You, you fiends! Ganondorf's minions!" The Gerudo teenager spotted Link standing up on the statue and cried out to him, her eyes full of terror. Her thoughts now weren't of getting the gauntlets, but getting the kid out of danger.

"Link! Get out of here! Now! These witches! They're using black magic on me!" The witches cackled as they circled around Nabooru two more times before disappearing into the Temple. Nabooru screamed once more before disappearing into the vortex.

Link's heart felt heavy. He could have helped her. But how? Shoot the witches with a sling shot? Lot of good that would have done. He sighed. "Navi…What do I do now?" he asked quietly, holding the gauntlets in his hands. They were too big to fit him in his current stage.

Navi thought for a moment. "Hmm…Maybe you should try coming back as an adult and use the gauntlets here? It's not like we have a limit to how many times we can travel through time, right?"

The Hero shrugged and nodded. "I guess," he said. Pulling out his Ocarina, he played the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time. It was time to grow up. Again.


Nabooru's actual quotes came from the game first…but I took them from a site because it's been awhile since I've played that scene. Hee. Taken from psloz. com.