Hello again my faithful readers. Here is the fifth chapter. Thank you all for the reviews I love them, BUT see I am only in 10th grade and my comp doesn't have microsoft word, and what I do have is Microsoft task launcher and that does have spell check but then I can't upload the story onto FF.Net. So please forgive me for the spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Again I am only in 10th grade and not on top of my English class --;; Maybe I should study more...Oh and PLEASE don't kill me! I KNOW it's been forever and you all problem hate me very much but I have a really good excuse...well not good. My dad died recently so I haven't been interested in much of anything lately. sees them holding lit torches and pitchforks and sweatdrops ;;;; I AM REALLY REALLY sorry I just got bored with my story a little and I felt lazy! watches frightened as they come closer OK OK I'll keep writing!

Perfect? By: Lee-Kagome

Helga frowned and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she continued to look up at Arnold, "Arnold?" She said again, louder in case he hadn't heard her the first time. Arnold stuttered for a moment, wracking his brain he finally looked at her and blushed, "Uh... I... this old potato has got to go." Reaching over her head he picked up his Hey Arnold alarm clock, and pulled out his new potato. He'd changed it two days ago, but it was a good enough reason for now as to why he was towering over her.

She raised an eyebrow, but shrugged.

Arnold chucked the potato in the garbage by his bed, and then turned to face her, looking embarrassed, "Heh, heh... potato... heh, heh..." She sat up yawning and stretching a little, "Riiight Arnoldo. So what time do we eat around here? I'm starving." She stated swinging her legs over the side of the bed, and stood, closing the space between her and her golden headed dream boat. They were standing so close that there was only an inch between them, swaying a little, she was about to plop back onto the bed, but Arnold caught her by the arm before she could, closing the space between them so that they were touching.

My heart's about to burst! She thought, as her pulse rate accelerated, and her arms tingled with excitement as she looked up at Arnold, her eyes wide with surprise. Arnold was just as surprised as he rubbed her arms for a minute, studying her face before bringing his hand up to her cheek, brushing his thumb across it. Helga shuddered at the contact, it wasn't unpleasant, it was just the opposite, and the touch of his fingers warmed her heart. Suddenly, Gerdie walked into the room, not surprised in the least to see Arnold and Helga so close. They both separated immediately, Helga sitting back on the bed, and Arnold moving a few feet away from her. She smiled at them and winked, "Hey there, Tex. You and Eleanor better get down before all the chow is eaten." With a crazed laugh she left making giddiup sounds. Helga stood, and Arnold looked everywhere but at her. The tension in the room was thick.

"We should get down to dinner..." He said, blushing slightly, and turned and left the room quickly, leaving Helga alone for a moment. Standing there silently for a moment, she let out happy sigh, and fell back on the bed, laughing happily, and hugging her midsection.

After dinner, Arnold went to take a bath after Helga had finished showering, to wash away all the grim and dirt from the work he and Helga had done that day. The warm water soothed his tired muscles as he relaxed under the firm stream of water. His thoughts drifted to earlier, when he and Helga had been so close. Why had I reacted that way? I mean It's Helga Pataki, for crying out loud, I've known her since pre-school. Maybe it was just because I hadn't been that close to any other girls. Yea... that's it... or, is it...? With a sigh, he turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower. After putting on his clothes, he walked upstairs to his room, and found Helga asleep on the couch, her blond hair splayed across her pillow like a golden halo, and her face relaxed and peaceful. He couldn't help but take in how pretty she looked. After a couple of moments, she rolled over with a grunt, and settled down, facing the other direction, successfully blocking her face from view. Arnold lay down on his bed with a sigh. Man it's going to be a long night. He thought, as he tried to get some sleep for school the next day.

the next day Helga woke up to that annoying "Hey Arnold, Hey Arnold" alarm clock, the suddenness of it startling her enough to make her fall off the couch, and onto the floor with a thump noise. "Damn clock, it's six in the fucking morning!" She grumbled, sleepily. Hearing deep laughter, she glared up at the laughing Arnold, "Shut the hell up! I'm not used to waking up so early..." she said, standing, and stretching.

He simply shook his head, and stood, stretching as well, yawning, and then turned to make his bed. When he was done, he found Helga back on the couch, snuggled up with her head under his pillow, "Helga, get up..." He said, pulling the pillow off of her head, and smiling, "Time to rise and shine sweetheart!" He bellowed cheerfully.

She merely glared at him, and sat up yawning. "What are you on? I didn't even know that people who woke up this early were classified as living, cause I sure the hell ain't." She replied sarcastically, but in a friendly way.

Arnold just shook his head, and chuckled. Grabbing some clothes out of his drawers, he headed for the door, "Well you'd better resurrect yourself, because we have to get to school, or else. You know Mrs. Fusco is a maniac when anyone is late." Helga groaned, and smacked her forehead, that woman was one crazy person, and needed to be locked up, but, she did have a reputation for no one failing her class, because it was such a memorable class, with all of her antics.

As Arnold got dressed, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd explain Helga living in the boarding house to people. He'd just have to cross that bridge when he got there. Suddenly, though a piercing scream met his ears, and he ran out of the bathroom, only wearing a pair of pants, and one sock, finding Helga chasing Abner 2. "DAMN PIG, GIVE ME BACK MY PANTS!!!!" Helga screamed, as she ran down the hall in a sheet and a shirt, making the borders open their doors to complain, and look at the madwoman.

"Eh, Suzie, why is that crazy girl screaming? Some people have to get sleep so they can do important work." Oscar commented sleepily. "Shut up Picoshca!" Ernie said, before slamming his door. Arnold didn't know whether to laugh hysterically, or just go in his room for the rest of the day. Well, whatever he did, this day had sure started out interesting.

OK done with that chapter people! cheers happily Woosh! And again I am really sorry about the MONTHS that I neglected to update, don't kill me I will finish this story! We may all be old and gray when it's done but it will get done! Oh and thank you SOOO much Rachel for editing my story! Ok now go off and reveiw reveiw like you've never reviewed before!