Well this is my first story so bear with me here ok. I would like constructive criticism but no "OMG YOUR STORY SUCKS!!!" please ^_^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Perfect? By: Lee-Kagome

She was sitting on the bus on her way home from PS 120 high school, her trademark scowl firmly in place. Not much had changed since the fourth grade for the 15 year old Helga G. Pataki personality wise anyway. She was still the same bitter bully who seemed oh so angry at the world, but now she no longer sported the Pataki trademark unibrow she now had two nice thin eyebrows and she didn't wear her hair in the pigtails that stuck out of her head she now wore it down to frame her face and her figure had filled out nicely in the hip and bust area. she was writing in her little pink notebook, which like the rest of them were filled with poetry about her football headed love.

She sat next to her best and only friend Pheobe Hiyerdol (someone help me with the spelling please) Who since fourth grade had changed also, she was still soft spoken and the smartest girl in school, and her patience with her best friend hadn't worn thin, but she had grown taller and her figure was nice as well, she still kept her glasses. Pheobe was looking over the notes from today's english lesson worrying that if she didn't study she wouldn't do well. Looking up from her poetry Helga shook her head at her, Phoebe would do well if she studied or not.

Looking over to where Arnold and Gerald were seated laughing over something that she couldn't hear. Oh how she wished he would pine for her the way she pined for him. But she knew that wasn't going to happen, but there was nothing wrong with wishing right? She stood as the bus came to a halt in front of her house and got off her scowl reappearing as she looked up at the house she called hell she waved goodbye to Phoebe and walked in only to meet an overly happy Olga.

"Oh baby sister! I've been waiting for you to get home, I made dinner just for you." She babbled on. "So you rush upstairs and get ready ok? Ok" She walked into the kitchen to finish preparing the food not even waiting for an answer. Helga sighed 'Yup this place is hell, even more so now that Olga is living with us instead of in Alaska.' Trudging upstairs she sat down at her desk and began her homework, well her liturature homework anyway. It was her best subject. As her old teacher Mr. Simmons would say, her work was very "Special." She had to write a essay on the thing that inspired her the most.

Smirking she pulled out her locket of a very handsom looking 15 yr old Arnold. "Well it's kinda obvious what inspires me the most."

What inspires me the most By: Helga G. Pataki aka Annonomus The thing that inspires me most is a person, they are my constant source of insparation and have been since I was five. He was the first person to be nice to me and since then he has looked past the harsh cold outer shell that I use to sheild myself with to the person that was hiding within, he refused to beleive that I was as mean as I came off to be. No matter what I say or how I act towards him he never beleives that I am all I come off as like everyone else around me. My life is only good because he is around to make me smile, it's as if I live to see him....

Her writing was inturrupted by a loud pounding on her door, signaling that Big Bob was outside, standing she walked over to the door and opened it and glared at him. "You know Bob you only have to knock once I'm sure the door would be much better off if you did." She snapped irritated. "Hey! Hey young lady don't you take that tone with me! Now get your little but downstairs for the dinner that Olga made young lady!" He yelled peeved. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever Bob, I have homework to do and then I'm going over to Phoebe's house, there is no way I'm going to eat that crap that Olga and you call food." She gritted out through clenched teeth, she wasn't really going anywhere she just didn't want to eat another dinner where everyone paid attention to Olga, and praised her for he oodles of accomplishments and then criticized her for not being more like the protigal child.

He bristled "You are going to have your behind down there, and your going to tell your little friend that you can't make it or else!" He spat, spit flying into her face. She wiped it away wordlessly and slammed the door in his face and locked it. "I am NOT coming to dinner got it BOB!" She screamed.

He began pounding on the door his face beet red in rage, as he tried to get to her, he felt like wringing her little neck, how dare she disrespect him! Olga came upstairs to see why he was making such a racket and looked distressed to see him in such a state "Daddy! Your blood pressure! I'm sure little Helga will come out when she gets a good whiff of my delicious dinner." He pounded on the door a few more times before his faced turned the right color and he turned and walked down the stairs grumbling about ungrateful little brats, with Olga following behind him Helga forgotten.

She growled putting on her jacket and grabbed her Cd player and climbed out of her window thankful for the tree that was growing right outside. Once she was on the street she ran as fast as she could to the park her golden hair streaming out behind her as she ran. Once there she sat down breathing heavily thankful that there was a breeze stirring and that it was a nice fall night. Once her breathing had gone back to normal she put on her headphones and turned to track 12 closing her eyes and letting herself become absorbed in the song that was playing, she liked it. It was by Simple Plan, it expressed her feeling so well. She began to sing along with the song her voice was light and beautiful.

Hey dad look at me

Think back and talk to me

Did I grow up according to plan?

And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?

But it hurts when you disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it

I just want to make you proud

I'm never gonna be good enough for you

I can't pretend that

I'm alright

And you can't change me

'Cuz we lost it all

Nothing lasts forever

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

Now it's just too late and

We can't go back

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

I try not to think

About the pain I feel inside

Did you know you used to be my hero?

All the days you spend with me

Now seem so far away

And it feels like you don't care anymore

And now I try hard to make it

I just want to make you proud

I'm never gonna be good enough for you

I can't stand another fight

And nothing's alright

'Cuz we lost it all

Nothing lasts forever

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

Now it's just too late and

We can't go back

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said

Nothing's gonna make this right again

Please don't turn your back

I can't believe it's hard

Just to talk to you

But you don't understand

'Cuz we lost it all

Nothing lasts forever

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

Now it's just too late and

We can't go back

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

'Cuz we lost it all

Nothing lasts forever

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

Now it's just too late and

We can't go back

I'm sorry

I can't be perfect

She sighed shakily and brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them and buried her face in her knees. 'God I hate them all so MUCH! Why can't I just be old enough to move out?!' Turning it to track 11 she listened.

Sometimes this house feels like a prison

That I just can't leave behind

There's so many rules

I gotta follow

Cuz you can't let go

I don't wanna hear it

And I just can't believe it

All the stupid things you say, but

One day

I won't take this anymore

One day

I'll be old enough

To do what I want to

And I won't have to run away

And you won't be there to say I'm not allowed to

One day

Sometimes I wonder if you know me

Or if you just pretend to care

So tell me are you

On a mission to bring me down?

I don't wanna hear it

And I just can't believe it

All the stupid things you say, but

One day

I won't take this anymore

One day

I'll be old enough

To do what I want to

And I won't have to run away

And you won't be there to say I'm not allowed to

One day

Go away

Don't look at me

Cuz we're not the same

And you can't do nothing

You can say

That it's not okay

But I'm not afraid

And you can't do nothing

One day

I won't take this anymore

One day

I'll be old enough

To do what I want to

And I won't have to run away

And you won't be there to say I'm not allowed to

One day

Nanana (....) One day

She smiled and lifted her head, "One day that's right" "Helga?" A deep voice sounded from behind her causing her to go ridged as she peeked behind her to discover.."Arnold?! W-What are you doing here footballhead?" she stuttered.

He sighed at the use of his nickname and stood in front of her hands in his pockets, he had been walking through the park because he was restless when he heard Helga's singing and her beautiful voice drew him closer. The songs she were singing were sad, and he had been worried that something was wrong. "I was taking a walk when I heard you singing, so I came over..." He scrathced his head akwardly. Since the fourth grade Arnold was about 6'0 his head was still the same shape though. He looked good more mature, he was still the same optamistic guy that he always was. "Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

'He's concerned about me! Oh my love if only you knew how far from ok I am' She thought, sadly, but she scowled and sat up "Of course I'm fine! If you call living with a dad who orders you around like a dog, criticizes you compares you constantly to your SICKENING older sister, and a mom who's constantly drunk from smoothies ok, then I guess I'm fine." She said bitterly, her eyes blazing with hate for her family.

His eyes widened slightly at her outburst and he sat down next to her "They can't be all that bad Helga, and if they are you only have to put up with their bull for another three years then you can move out on your own." Turning to face him she smiled exasperatedly, "You just don't get it football head do you?

My life has been a living hell since as long as I can remeber, my father calls me Olga all the time, my sister is perfect leaving more room for Bob to criticize me and put me down, my mom gets drunk and stays that way most of the time." Once she started she just couldn't seem to stop herself. "I know you lost your parents and that you live with those boarders, but I would LOVE to switch places with you."

Once she finished, she looked shocked and embarrased and looked away from him. He looked a little shocked as well but that soon melted away to understanding, and suddenly it looked as if he had an idea. "I think I have a way to help you solve your problem...see one of our boarders moved out a few weeks ago...if I talk it over with my grandpa (yes he is still alive) he might let you stay." She whipped her head around to look at him shock written plainly on her face, mixed with hope. "Your not playing with me are you football head? Cause if you are you may be taller but I'll still kick your butt!" She threatened, shaking 'ol betsie threateningly.

He chuckled and shook his head, "No I'm not, so if it's alright with grandpa and grandma you can stay in the room, but then there's the problem of your parents..." He bit his lip trying to think about what to do about them. Helga was watching this picturing his lips carressing his that she didn't notice when he turned to look at her confusion written across his face as he raised an eyebrow. "Um...Helga..?"

Blinking snapping out of it she scowled, "What do you want Arnoldo?" 'Oh god did he see me staring at him with that goofy look on my face?' "Did you hear me, I asked what are we going to do about your parents." She smirked and rubbed her hands together, half to warm them and half for the dramatics. "Don't you worry your footballed head about it ok, I'll handle it." She stood up and turned to leave, but stopped and turned to face him gracing him with a rare smile. "Um, Arnold...thanks." She waved and ran back towards her house golden hair streaming out behind her.

Arnold sat on the bench smiling, and waved shortly before getting up and heading home, shaking his head. 'Helga looks pretty when she smiles...did I just think that about Helga G. Pataki? What have you gotten yourself into Arnold my man?' He sighed smiling, "It might not be so bad after all." He thought smiling to himself.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Well that's the first chapter, PLEASE reveiw. I'll update without reviews but I would like to know how I'm doing. Any questions I'll try to answer. ^_^ I hope you like perfect?