"Honor and Courage"

by The Merry Prankster

Author's Note: The title for the first part of this ongoing story, "Currahee, had been chosen for the fact that it translated into "We Stand Alone, and was a good analogy to five American teenagers who joined 300 Rohirrim in their defiance of Saruman's ten thousand Uruk-hai. It is also the motto for the United States Army's 506th Parachute Regiment who also stood alone against a overwhelming enemy by themselves.

With the teenagers becoming more integrated with the Rohirrim as they get ready for the events outlined in "Return of the King" it became necessary to choose a title that reflected the importance of the horse in both Rohan and American history. Thus, "Honor and Courage", the motto for the 8th Cavalry Regiment was chosen as the title. Both the Rohirrim banner and 8th Cavalry Regiment use a white horse in their heraldry.

Formed in 1866, the 8th Cavalry Regiment has had a distinguished history, having seen action during the Indian Wars and Spanish American War. The regiment was the first unit to enter newly liberated Manila during World War II and won battle honors in Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm. During its long service, 101 troopers of this regiment were awarded the nation's highest military award, The Congressional Medal of Honor. The symbol of the 8th Cavalry is a white Mustang, proud and unconquered.

Dedications: I would like to thank my fellow author and co-conspirator Erica Marr who was my alter-ego in the writing of this fanfic. I would also like to thank Steve Pantovich who inspired me to take up writing this type of fiction. And, I would like to thank the readers who took the time to post twenty-one reviews to Currahee and have waited patiently for the sequel.

One final note: The characters and places from Middle Earth come directly from the Lord of the Rings trilogy by JRR Tolkien. The idea of a massive plague striking Earth is based on that in Stephen King's "The Stand." The other characters are the creations of myself and Erica Marr. Also, there is a time difference between Middle Earth and Earth so while it is March in Middle Earth, its August on Earth. Such changes will be pointed out.

Cast of Characters:

Mike: Fifteen year old high school student and JROTC cadet. He is also the leader of the Wolfpack paintball team and military tactician.

Erica: High school student whose grandfather works on classified projects with the Department of Defense. She is a good rider and crack shot.

Earl: Mike's best friend and JROTC cadet. He is a crack shot with the long rifle and an expert with explosives and chemicals.

David: The third survivor of Shiloh High School's JROTC unit and computer nerd.

Dena: The final member of the Wolfpack.

Chapter 1: Boots and Saddles

Helms Deep

Land of Rohan

0639 hours

March 6, 3019

(Middle Earth)

The two American teenage girls reached the their bed chambers quickly giggling all the way.

"Boy I never thought a elf could blush."  Dena giggled as closed the door behind them.

"No kidding."  Erica laughed as she looked out the window to see the object of their discussion walking towards Gimli who was sitting on a dead Orc.

"So girl are you better?"  Dena asks in a more serious tone.

"Hmmm."  Erica responses as she watches a conversation happened between the elf and the dwarf than she notices him shot an arrow between the dwarfs leg into the apparently dead Orc.  Then she thinks to herself.  "I am going to have to listen to the M.A.P.'s Recon Saucer recording to find out what they said." 

Noticing her friend wasn't answering her question Dena walked over to the window and looked at what had to captivate her friend's attention and spotted Gimli yelling at the elf. 

"Earth to Erica!!!"  Dena yelled to her friend.

"Huh?  What?"  Erica replied as she pulled back at the elf looking up towards her direction with a unnerving smiling.

"I asked if your feel any better?"  Dena asked, smiling at her friend's nervousness.

"I am fine.   Why do you ask?"  Erica replies.

"HELLO!  This is your best friend!"  Dena says as she knocks on Erica's head.  "I know you well enough to know that after a battle like last night you freak out after the battle is over and you can."

"Hey!"  Erica remarked as she tried blocking her friend's hand.

"Well any better?" 

"Yeah.  I am better."  Erica answered as she glances back to the window.

"You LIKE him!"  Dena jeered her friend.

"Who?"  Erica tried to deny.

"Legolas.  That's who."  Dena countered as she started to undress for rest.

"He's nice."  Erica answered as she started doing the same when she noticed that several bright blonde long hairs, much longer than her own, caught in between her fingers.

"What do you have there?"  Dena asked as she noticed her friend staring down at something.

"Nothing."  Erica replied as she placed her hand with the hairs in them.

"Don't give me that nothing crap! What's you hiding?" Dena said as she tried to see what the girl had behind her back.

"Fine! I'll tell you if you don't make any smart ass comments. And NO Laughing! Or I'll never trust you again." Erica required of her friend.

"Ok, I promise." Dena promised which got her friend to slowly show what was being hind her back. "That isn't yours.. Is it?"

"I think so. He held me and I cried out my "freak out" as you put it. I guess I must have gotten some entangled in my hand when I hung on to him." Erica explained.

"Can I touch it?" Dena asked

"Why?" Erica asked.

"Because his hair looks so soft. I just got to know." Dena explains which causes her friend to start to feel the hairs.

"It is soft." Erica remarks

"Hey. Let me see for myself." Dena demands.

Carefully Erica hands her the line bright blonde strands. Dena carefully touches them and says. "Man they are soft. It's better feeling then silk." Than hands them back to her friend. Erica nods her head in agreement.

"So what you going to do with them?" Dena asks


"Come on you and I both know you have the major hots for him but he'll never return the feeling but you will want to keep him close. So why don't you ….." Dena explains as she starts to think about what her friend could do with them.

"I don't know." Erica shrugs

"I know." Dena explains as she points towards Erica's family locket.

Seeing that Dena was pointing at the silver heart shape locket around her neck that held the last picture her family took before her father left. Getting on the same line of thinking as her friend Erica gently open the locket and locket at her families picture of her family (Her grandfather (Gandalf) His son (her father), her mother and herself.) and very carefully placed the strands in the empty side of the locket. With a smile on her face she closes the locket and heads for bed.


Five hours later,

The morning sun burned away the mist that had been hovering over the valley floor.  From within the teen's sleeping chambers, sounds of crashing , moaning, and cursing could be heard.

"Our fearless leader is up."  David remarked

Hearing the commotion, Legolas rushed over to Erica and Dena who had just appeared.  "What is that racket?" asked the elf

"Oh just Mike getting up," answered Dena.  

"Five says he demands for coffee and his eye aren't even open." Looking up from her breakfast Erica bets her friend.

Dena thought about for a minute than said. "You're on."

Legolas just shakes his head.  "What is it with this coffee stuff?" The creaking sound of the opening door caught the elf's attention. He watched as the door to the darkened room cracked open, and out shot a mass of reddish brown fur.  The dog immediately loped over to Erica and began pawing at her.

Earl looked up and toasted the elf with canteen cup, full of steaming fresh coffee. "Liquid energy," remarked the teen.

"Here you go."  Erica said as she opened a door to let the dog out. With a quick glance back, the dog raced out into the courtyard. 

The bedroom door opened yet again, and out stumbled, Mike.  Still groggy from his rest, He stumbled past the others mumbling, "Morning, Where's the coffee?" only to run smack into Eomer, who was turning the corner.  Theoden's nephew looked down at the boy and turned to the others, "Let me guess, Mike is not a morning person?"

"That is putting it lightly."  Earl remarked through a mouthful of food.

Eomer smiled even more as he watched the boy named, David hand Mike a cup of some steaming brown liquid.  Without a word the boy took the cup and began drinking.  A few minutes later, his eye popped open.  With a grin the boy said, "Morning everyone.  You guys ready to start the day?"

Erica held out her hand to her friend, "Where's my five bucks?" 

Legolas shook his head over the change.  Turning to Erica he observed, "Wasn't Mike half-dead a few minutes ago?"

"Yup that what coffee does for humans but elves it would make dead.  So honey stay away from the stuff."  Erica told him as she collected her five from Dena

Finishing his coffee, Mike looked over to the Elf and Rohirrim, "Okay, I cannot function in the morning before downing my first cup of coffee."

"I noticed,"  both remarked

Mike straightened himself and pulled out a notebook from his BDUs.  Calling for the teens to gather round, he began, "Okay people lets get on the same page with what needs to be done." 

"Help our allies bury the bodies of fallen allies.  I don't want the M.A.P. to run over any allies body."  Erica answered as she took a sip of another hot liquid

Eomer looked up and answered, "My people have already begun clearing the field.  You won't have that problem."

Mike looked at his pad, "Okay, Erica and David, we need to get the MAP ready to move.  Empty all the trailers, we are going to need the space."

"Hey Mike, don't forget our new mother and children, who need to get to Lothlorien," added Dena.

When Mike realized who Deana was talking about, he slapped his own head because he forgot.  "Thanks for the reminder, Dena make one of the trailers into a makeshift litter for the mother," responded Mike.  Turning back to Eomer, he asked, "I don't suppose you could spare some horses for David and myself?"

Earl gave Eomer a questioning look, "Did Mike just ask to borrow a horse?  For riding?"

"Yes he did.  But I have the horse for him."  Gandalf said as he appeared behind Earl, who jumped out of his pants at the wizard voice.

"Damn!  You have got to be related to Erica's Grandfather.  Because you are just as good as he was about sneaking up on people," Earl remarked

"Mike what about that freaky new forest?"  Dena asked while pointing towards the mouth of the valley.

Mike turned back and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Duh, Mike the living forest that showed up and killing all the retreating Uruk-hai.  And you used to laugh at Reggie for being a tree hugger."  Erica told him. "I am sure we don't want to go in there." 

Mike looked at the two girls like they lost their minds, "Did you two get into the uncut stuff last night?"

"Yeah, Erica were you and Dena, uh getting into Gandalf's private stash?" added Earl.

"The girls are correct but there is no need for concern they are old friends and will not harm you."  Gandalf said with a harsh look at Earl.

"Okay, the trees are old friends, now how, a member of the plant family can become active and actually move, I won't ask.  But we should get ready to move out."

"Gandalf had the remaining stuff loaded into a wagon that will be driven by an injured Rohirrim," answered Earl as he sunk away from the White wizard's harsh stare.

"Okay, Dena, how did you know about the trees?" asked Earl

"Duh!  I told her."  Erica says as she slapped him.

To the visible amusement of the adults, the lanky teen rubbed his head and whined, "What's with the hitting?  I haven't made my smart remark."

"But you will and better now than later."  Erica snickers

Eomer traded a puzzled look with Legolas. Steering the conversation back to its original subject, finally he asked, "Just what is the problem with Mike riding a horse?"

"Erica, show them the tape of Earl and Mike pulling the Indiana Jones stunt."  Gandalf told his granddaughter.

"With Pleasure," Erica responded as she keyed the M.A.P. to enter.

Mike quickly moved between them and pleaded, "I really don't think this is the time."

"You are right this is not."  Gandalf responded, giving the teen a moment of relief, until he turned and added.  "Dena, go get the King. When he arrives, it will be the right time."

Legolas and Eomer both smiled at the teen's situation.

Mike's face began turning a bright shade of red, "For the record, I was only a young kid at the time and didn't know any better."

"Mike it was less than a year ago when you pulled that stunt."  Erica laughed.

Both Earl and Mike shared a look of resignation while their friend prepared the showing. The wait seemed to stretch for hours, when in fact minutes had passed before Dena returned with the King.

"Yeah right," conceded the teen.  Turning to the grinning adults, he accused, "And don't tell me YOU never did anything foolish when you were fourteen."


Theoden had been surprised when Dena walked into the hall and relayed Gandalf's request. The girl quickly explained that Erica wanted to show him the stunt that the two boys had pulled back on Earth and he was on his way.

The king followed the girl into the room and quickly noticed Mike and Earl sitting off to the side with looks of quiet resignation on their faces. When Mike asked the adults if they had done anything in their youths, Theoden could only smile.


Erica started the movie which even had the Indiana Jones theme running. By the end of the clip almost everyone in the entire room was laughing, except two teens.

"She had to show them," Earl groaned.

Mike just sat down and cradled his head in his hands, "I'm never going to live this down."

Eomer finally pulled himself together and asked the teens, "Just what were you two thinking to try such a stunt?"

"Who wants a replay?"  Erica happily asked

Mike turned around and asked in a worried voice, "Uh Erica, you don't have the temple scene on there do you?"

Erica just answered him with a big smile that says "DAMN STRAIGHT I DO."

"Now you know why I chose the horse for the young lad to ride."  Gandalf said with a smile.  "Nickie would never allow him to do such a stunt."

Barely suppressing a scream, the teen responded, "That was only one time!"

"Huh Gandalf do you want me to show them the Zorro stunt?"  Erica asked.

Earl looked over at his friend, "Zorro stunt?"

"Yup he tried to make a Z while horse back riding," Erica laughed.

Dena added, "Don't forget the time he tried making like Roy Rogers."

"If he pulls that stunt again we should hand out ear plugs to everyone."

Mike glared at the girl, "I have not tried the Lone Ranger bit in a LONG time."

David looked over to Eomer and laughed.

"Two years ago," Dena added.

Mike looked at the king and shrugged, "I'm fifteen. Two years is a lifetime for us."

The king smiled and patted the teen on the shoulder. "It doesn't matter now.  Prepare your team to leave immediately."  Theoden replied to the lad than turned to Erica and quietly said.  "I want a full report of your leader's antics when you return."

Mike suppressed a shudder and asked Eomer, "Why would your uncle want a report of every stunt I pulled in the past?"

"You are under his command.  Wouldn't you want to know the stuff one of your soldiers would pull if he were like you?"  Eomer replies with a knowing smile.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Mike, think about it."  David commented with a laugh.

"Okay, are we through with the beating up on Mike session?" asked the teen.

"NO!"  Several of the persons in the room answered with a laugh

Mike didn't bother answering as he stalked out the door, "I swear I don't get any respect."


The White Wizard quickly followed the teen outside and in moments caught up with the teenager outside the stable.

"Michael. Just relax you and your team needed a good laugh after last night."  Gandalf said.  "Now relax and come and meet the mare I have for you."

"Yes sir."

"She may be smaller than other horses but she has more speed than most and the stamina to last longer," Gandalf explained as he led the teen inside.

"How is she around sharp noises and explosions?" asked the teen.

"She will handle them better than others.  However she was sired by Shadowfax and is older and wiser than most steeds.  So I suggest you don't do anything stupid or she'll correct you in her own way." Gandalf remarked with a knowing smile.

"So she won't be skittish around gun shots?"

"Like I said, she is older and wiser than the other horses.  She will handle anything they won't," said the wizard.

The two walked inside.  Mike followed the wizard to the horse.  Without a pause, he approached the horse and pulled out a sugar cube and began petting the mare.  Turning around, he smiled, "She's a beauty all right.  Why do I have this feeling that you already know my soft spot for animals?"

The wizard smiled, "Remember Michael she is wiser and older than almost any horse here.  She will do what needs to be done.  Treat her with respect."

Mike just shook his head and turned back to the mare.  "I have a feeling you and I will be the best of friends."

The mare responded by reaching around and nipping the teen on the butt. "Hey!" the teen yelled while rubbing his sore rear. Gandalf shook his head, answering, "I said she is older and wiser plus she is smarter and she knows of your actions."

"She knows about Indiana Jones?" asked the teen as the horse appeared to snicker.

Turning back to mare, he said, "I understand, no hare brain stunts on the way to Georgia and back."

Nickie, the horse just looked at the teen as if to say "We will see."

With a laugh, the teen walked back to the entrance, "Well, I had better talk to Haldir and Eomer about getting this show on the road.  I want to be out of here by noon."

"Michael be careful!  There are dangers in both worlds."  Gandalf warned the youth.

Michael paused and in a sad voice replied, "You know, after watching everyone die back home and fighting here, I am well aware of the dangers."

"Not all.  There is something coming.  I don't know what, but it is a danger to both worlds."  Gandalf revealed.

Mike nodded then answered, "Then the sooner we leave, the sooner we are back with the ammunition."

The wizard followed the teen outside the stable. Before entering the main building he paused and motioned for Mike to stop.

"While you were asleep I had the M.A.P. unloaded and reloaded with a few days supplies, for all that are going.  On your way you will find your little gang will be joined by mules.  They too have agreed to help. Treat them with respect."  Gandalf told him.

"You know I will," answered the teen as he went off in search of Haldir. 


Earl looked out the doors to see Theoden, Aragorn, and Legolas standing at the foot of the steps leading to the great hall.  Hobbling over to the adults, he pointed to where Mike, Erica, Eomer, and Haldir were getting ready to leave.  "You sure about letting Mike near a horse after watching the Indiana Jones stunt?" asked the teen.

"Gandalf picked the horse for him."  Erica snickered.

"And that is to prevent him from pulling some other lame brain stunt, How?" asked the teen.

"Think about who Gandalf reminds you of.  Now how would Gramps handle such things?"  Erica answered.

Earl looked over to the wizard and shook his head, "He probably had a horse trained to bite Mike in the butt if he pulled something stupid."

A voice spoke out from behind the teen, "No, she already knows to do that to any teen." Earl turned around to see Gandalf looking him in the eye as if to say that she'll do it to him

Earl looked back to the horse then back to Erica, "You don't mean...."

"I would hide that injured butt of yours."  Dena laughed.


Mike finished checking the saddle and slung a pair of saddle bags onto the horse.  Turning to Erica, he asked, "You about ready?"

"Yeah but you might want to check your girth on the saddle."  Erica suggested as she spots that he only tightened the one side.

"I was getting to that," defended the teen as he moved to the other side and checked the saddle. "Remind me when we get back to Atlanta, to stop by McHale's saddlers in Douglasville."

"Hey you can't blame them for NOT CHECKING the saddle I always taught you to check both sides but your the one who never does.  I should have let you fall off like last time."  Erica remarked as she too finished checking her saddle incase there were any cuts from the orcs the night before.

Nodding, he continued, "You remember when we visited McHales around Spring Break?"

"No, I wasn't with you. Gramps and I went away to do some stunt riding.  Remember?"  Erica answered.

"Oh yeah.  But anyway, McHale had just gotten in some Army surplus McClellen saddles that were in top condition with all the accruements including 19th century pistol holsters. An extra brace of pistols would come in handy in the future."

Earl shook his head and yelled out, "You still trying to get that cavalry saddle, your mom wouldn't buy you?"

"That sounds like a plan.  But I prefer the stuff Van left me."  Erica replied.

Mike looked up at his friend as he finished his preparations, "Yeah, you know I had been invited to join that group of civil war reenactors, the 5th Georgia Cavalry before the Superflu hit."

Dena slapped mike on the back of the head and the teen asked. "What was that for?"

"For even thinking of leaving our little group to join those jerks," Dena told him

"I wasn't leaving you just adding something else to.  But anyway, the McClellen has been used by the Army until they disbanded the last horse cavalry unit." Turning back to the king, he commented, "I assume if my friends and myself are to stay with the Rohirrim, we will be expected to be able to ride and keep up."

Thinking that the boy was making fun of his wound, Earl snapped, "Mike shut up." 

Mike ignored his friend as he continued, "You know, the more I think about, I could swear McHale had some nice cavalry sabers in stock also."

"Yeah but the McShain's Ancient Weapons would have a better selection of usable swords and knives," Erica said as she mounted her steed.

Mike followed her lead and mounted up, rifle slung across his back, "But those were government issue.  Probably the last made before sabers were made only for ceremonial purposes."

"Nope McShain only carried the highest quality."  Erica countered.

"Well anyway we need to be going," confirmed the teen.  With a light tap of the heels, he directed his mount over to Eomer at the head of the column.  "Are you ready to go?"

Mike turned back to Theoden, "We'll meet you in a few days."

"Here Michael, this will help to cut down the time." Gandalf says as he hand him a blue stone in a medallion.

How should I use it?" asked Mike.

"Place your hand on the stone and think of the location you wish to be.  But it will only work on Middle Earth and only in places it's been," Gandalf answered. "Plus it can only be used twice in a day and it needs sunlight.  I designed it to only work with you." 

Mike smiled, "I take it will be best to use it once we return to Middle Earth."

"You can return to the Rohirrim village."  Gandalf replies.

"We'll be there.  I don't want to spend much time back there," answered the teen.


The company of Elves, Rohirrim, and America teens were soon mounted and ready to go.  Mike was about to say something to Eomer, when something glinting in the sun caught his eye.  Turning around to see what it was, he asked David, "Okay don't tell me you brought THAT back from Atlanta?"

"No he didn't I did," Dena informed him.

Haldir asked Erica, "What did your friend bring?"

"First cover your ears then I'll tell you."  Erica replied as she covered her own.

The elf looked at her strangely, but did as he was told.  "Okay, now that I have my ears covered, what is going on?"

Just as he finished asking his question, David placed the instrument to his lips and started blowing some off key notes.

Eomer looked over to Mike and asked, "What was that all about?"

Legolas began rubbing his ears and looked at Erica as if to say 'you could have warned me.' The girl merely gave the elf a bright smile in return.

Mike shook his head, "Back home David was the bugler for our Boy Scout Troop.  Soon afterwards, he got into the older cavalry movies and learned every command.  I figure that since we are moving out mounted, he thought he should provide some appropriate music." Turning back to David, Mike ordered, "Since you had to bring that out, you are now company bugler.  If you will, sound off 'The General."

"Oh shit."  Erica muttered as she held her ears even more tightly.


Up on the wall overlooking the newly repaired gate, Dena began raising two flags to half mast in honor of the fallen. The girl looked down from her perch and yelled out, "Have a safe trip and get back here soon."


Making sure everyone was ready Mike turned to Eomer, "With your permission, I'll have David give the order to move out."

"Give the Order."  The warrior told the young leader.

Mike looked around one last time.  He gave one last nod to the king before telling David, "Sound The March."

At that, Erica slowly turned around to the teen and gave him her evil eye.


"You just had to order him to play that thing."  Erica sneered as she started the M.A.P. to follow last.

David quickly used his bugle to relay the order to move out.  As the last note faded away, Mike, Eomer, Erica, and Haldir led the column down the path and out the gate.  As they passed through the rebuilt doors, Mike answered Erica, "Hey, we're on horseback.  I think it's pretty neat."

"We are definitely stopping at Wally World for supplies.  I am sure all our friends will need some Advil by the time we reach the 10 mile point. Hell, I already need it."  Erica remarked.

The March warden of Lothlorien looked first to Legolas and then back to Erica. "Is this Wally World another world?"  Haldir asked the teens.

David answered the Marchwarden's question, "Wally World is a nickname for a popular store in America. Wal-Mart was a place where you could purchase anything from clothes, to gardening supplies, and even medicine. We started calling it Wally World after watching a movie and it stuck."

Mike, agreeing with the girl, nodded, "You could be right.  Knowing him, he'll be using every command one time or another. Besides blame Dena.  SHE'S the one who brought the blasted thing."

"Don't worry she will be paying for it.  But in a way it is a good idea.  But I think horns would be a better idea than THAT THING!"  Erica replied

"Well it is an actual cavalry bugle.  So it is appropriate for this."  Turning to Haldir, he asked, "Haldir, you don't have anything that could make him play that thing any better?"

"A hammer would work."  Erica remarked under her breath in a tone that only the elves could understand.

"Maybe, but seriously, there will be times when we don't have enough radios or be out of range.  Trained buglers could be useful in future engagements."

"It is something to be considered."  Haldir commented.


Back in Hems Deep, Aragorn shook his head at David's playing, then walked over to where Dena and Earl were watching the column march into the distance.  The ranger asked the girl, "Why did you give David that horn?"

Earl could not hold back making a smart comment. "To torture Erica," Earl remarked, which was quickly followed by Dena slapping him up the head..

Aragon smiled, "And it looks like Mike played along.  Was there any purpose to those tunes played, however badly?"

"When David perfects his art he will be able to send orders out from the commander without the enemy knowing what is being said."  Dena explained.

Earl added, "The first tune, The General, was the command to strike camp and prepare to move out.  The second was to move out.  There was a whole system of bugle calls that were used by the horse cavalry back home."

"Oh shit poor Erica.  What have I done?  She is so going to kill me."  Dena moaned as she realized her friend is going to want some serious pay back.

"You know, I did see her shoot a if looks could kill stare in your direction," teased Earl.

"Excuse me Aragorn. I need to go get my will in order."  Dena said as she ran down the stairs.

"Earl what is a will?"  Aragorn asked.

"It's a document outlining who gets what when you die," answered the teen.  "When Erica gets back, she will make Dena wish she were dead after that little stunt."

"I don't believe Erica would do such a thing her friends."  Aragorn remarked.

"Oh boy you have much to learn about American Teenagers especially the girls."  Earl responded as he put his arm over Aragorn's shoulder and said, "Here let me give you a few pointers."

Aragon let out a laugh and suggested, "You are still not completely healed.  Why don't you go lie down."

"You help me back to my room and I will give you a few pointers."  Earl laughed.

Suppressing a chuckle, the ranger placed the teen's arm around his shoulder and began helping him towards the door."


Two Miles East of Edoras

Land of Rohan

1100 hours

March 7, 3019

(Middle Earth)

The column rode through the Rohirrim countryside.  The trip had been marked by several rest stops as the elf healer looked after the woman and her children. Mike watched the last episode, turned back to the scenery and thought, Such pristine beauty, it'll be a shame to ruin it with industry. Trying to get his mind off recent events, he asked Haldir, "So just why did you volunteer to come with us to my world?"

"I am interested what kind of world you come from."  Haldir answered with a smile.

A sad smile appeared on his face as the teen commented, "A few months ago, it would have been a sight to see.  Now, it is one big grave yard.  If we didn't need to restock our ammunition and weapons, I would never want to go back.  Just the thought of what awaits us is very painful."

"In all my years of life death never comes easy but I do promise you this time will help to ease the pain."  The elf replies as he places a hand on the boys shoulder.

"You may be right. But there was just so much death back there, so many dead in the streets.  I cannot wait for us to be back here."

"I am here and so are your friends.  We all will help."  Haldir told the boy but wished that the youth had not suffered like he did.

"And that is why I choose to fight.  Rohan is my home now and I will do whatever it takes to defeat the darkness."


Meanwhile Erica was messaging her head from the pain David was inflicting with his bugle.   An elf by the name of Vidmor rode along side her.

"Is there anything I can do to help, My lady."  He asks.

"Shoot David."  Erica answered with a laugh but to her surprise the elf pulled off his bow and drew an arrow.  "I was joking," Erica told the elf.

"I know," responded the Elf.  "But you should be careful of what you ask for."

"You elves have been hanging around Mike too much."  Erica laughed.

"Well, thanks to Earl and him, we are alive to be doing that.  For that, we are most grateful."

"Well what are Dena and I, Chopped liver?"  Erica questioned the elf.

Haldir had been listening to their conversation and dropped back to ride next to Erica, "Both of you are equally important.  What my friend was referring to was Earl and Mike killing the orcs that were about to run me through."

"Boy you guys can't take a joke.  But I too am glad he was there."  Erica replied.

Haldir smiled, "If you want jokes, you should talk to my younger brothers.  They were always pulling pranks when we were growing up a few centuries ago."

"Just don't let them near Mike or Earl.  But I could use a few good ideas for getting Dena back for that THING!"  Erica told him.  "Got any suggestions?"

"I would introduce you to my brothers, but after Gandalf's warning, I wonder," countered the elf.

"I promise not to kill her just get even."  Erica answered.

"Actually, I referring to some of the pranks you and your friends pulled on your own."

Erica pointed towards her leader riding at the head of the column. "Hey he's the prankster I just happen to be there a lot of times.  Either to pull his ass out of the fire, or to help him with it," Erica laughed

"Then, I will definitely do as the wizard suggested and keep my brothers away from you and your friends.  I don't think Middle Earth could survive such a meeting."

"But you are here and that you must have been in on some of the pranks so spill!"  Erica comments

"I'll think on it," Haldir replied as he moved back to the head of the column.

"Now my lady for the earlier question, Is there anything I can do to help other than shooting your friend?"  Vidmor ask which only causes Erica to laugh and place her hand on his arm.  Unseen by them Legolas observed the touch and quickly pushed back the small ting of jealously.

The exchange between the two had not gone completely unnoticed as Haldir pondered the implications. Finally, he pulled next to Mike and relayed what he had learned.


The party rode on through the day and into the night.  Finally, they stopped at a point a few miles outside Edoras.  Mike looked at his watch and saw that the glowing hands read 7:00pm.

Eomer looked around and finally asked, "Just what are we looking for?"

Mike dismounted and began examining the scenery from foot.  Not looking back, he responded, "I really don't know.  There wasn't any sign when we came through.  Just one minute we were walking in Georgia, the next minute, the plains of Rohan."

"Would that be what you were talking about?"  Eomer asked as he pointed towards a shimmering haze in the distance.

Mike had not been paying attention and looked over to Erica, "Hey Erica, you remember anything unusual when we came over to Middle Earth?"

"Not really it just the scenery changed like when you walk through a museum and you suddenly in another area of time."  Erica remarks


While they were looking for the portal, one of the Rohirrim warned of approaching riders from the North. The teenagers quickly dismounted and took up fighting positions as did the adults. Disregarding any danger to his self, Mike stood up and looked through his binoculars. Recognizing that they were more elves, he yelled back, "It's okay, They are elves." He handed his field glasses to Haldir, remarking, "I have a feeling Lady Galandrial wanted to tell us something."

The Marchwarden nodded and handed back the binoculars, "It would appear so, young one."

The riders rode up and stopped. Haldir recognized the leader of the other elves as his brother Rumil. Rumil quickly dismounted and greeted his older brother with a warm hug. The two began talking in low tones.

Mike leaned over to David and remarked, "Looks like they know each other."

"I agree, wonder why they are here though."

Haldir, hearing the two teens, motioned for his brother to follow him over. His voice started the teens, "To answer your questions, Rumil is my younger brother and I do know him. However, as to why he is here, I will leave it to him."

Rumil gave the two a knowing grin, saying, "Lady Galandrial knows about the mother and children, you have been tasked with escorting. She also knows the importance of your journey back to your old homes and that time is precious. You do not have the time to make a side trip to Lothlorien, so she has sent us to bring the mother and children to her realm for healing."

Mike looked back to a recently arrived Eomer and Legolas then back to Haldir's brother, "I was wondering how we could accomplish both in the time allotted. Thank you."

Rumil smiled, "And I thank you and your friends for saving my brother from death at Saruman's hands. You know, I have heard that you and your missing friend are quite the prankster."

Erica leaned over to Legolas and whispered, "If they get together, we are in so much trouble."

Remembering some previous pranks played by Haldir's brothers, the Mirkwood prince answered, "Then we must keep them apart somehow.

Mike noticed his friend's increasing concern, turned back to Rumil, "Perhaps once this adventure has been completed we can get together and compare notes. But for now, it would be best to go to Atlanta and get back as soon as possible."

Eomer took charge and told the elf, "Then let us turn the woman and children over to the elves and get going."


David watched as the other elves rode off, taking the mother and children with the. Turning to Legolas, he mentioned, "Well at least one part of our mission has been completed.

Legolas nodded, "Then let us get started on the other."

Haldir began directing his elves to look for anything unusual when one of them yelled out.  "Sir, I found something!"

Following the elf's voice, the group moved over to where he was pointing to.  There, in front of a large ancient, oak, a shimmering haze appeared.  One could barely make out unusual shapes on the other side.  Mike walked over and stuck his hand into the disturbance.

"Mike, remember my warning about doing something stupid.  My rifle is aimed right at your fat ass."  Erica jeered out, causing a few of the human males to snicker as Mike looked at his butt.

Haldir looked over to Eomer, "Do you know what she is talking about?"

"Back at Helms Deep before you arrived, Erica threatened the next time Mike did something foolish, she'd shoot him first."  Haldir replied.

Eomer turned back to Erica, "Does your friend have a habit of taking risks?"

"Yup" was her response as she made sure her gun safety was off.

"And usually the shit hits the fan when he does."  David informed them.

Mike stopped and yelled back, "Looks like we found it.  From what I can see the portal measures about thirteen feet in height and width.  It should be wide enough for us to enter using a column of twos."


I-20 East, Four Miles West of Six Flags Exit

Douglasville, Georgia

1000 hours

August 8, 2000

The group slowly made their way through without problem.  The dead silence of the Earth they entered was broken by a girl yell.  "Oh Fuck!" 

All turn to her as she jumps off her horse and grabs a bright red cylinder and start to shot it's contents at the smoking M.A.P.

The color drained from David's face as he leapt from his horse.  Running over to the MAP, he quickly opens the access panel.  Black smoke poured from the inside of the vehicle.

"Shit... Shit... Shit..."  Erica mumbles as she sprays the inside of the Machine with fire extinguisher

Haldir and the others watched as Erica and David quickly put out the blaze.  Turning to Mike, Haldir asked, "What is wrong with your machine?"

Mike shook his head, "Just Murphy's Law come to life."

The elf asked, "Who is this Murphy?"

The teen raised an eyebrow and looked back, "Back home, there is a law of nature called Murphy's Law.  Basically it says that if anything can go wrong it will, and at the worst possible moment."

Turning back to the other teens, Mike yelled, "How bad is it?"

"Give me a few to check it out."  Erica remarked as quickly pulled her hand back, burnt from touching a hot chip. Sucking on her sore fingers, she could be heard mumbling, "Son of B..."

"Is it still mobile?" asked the teen

"Damn it, I said give me a few to check it out."  Erica remarked as she sucked on her now burnt finger tips

The teen nodded and turned back to the adults, "We'll have to wait a minute while she checks it out."

After about 15 minutes Erica slams the cover of the M.A.P.  down and starts it up than turns to her hovering leading and says.  "Ok it's mobile but if I loose this charger chip again it will be a worthless piece of junk. So you take it to the Army base and I'll run back to my gramps place to get it." 


While they waited for Erica to run her diagnostics, Haldir and Legolas took the time to look around.  Where once stood open plains, now they were on a wide black surfaced road.  The surface of the road was covered in vehicles that were similar to the one the teens had brought back.  Mike noticed their examination and commented, "Welcome to Georgia.  Just for your information, those metallic wagons more than likely still have the remains of their owners inside.  So I wouldn't get any closer. I can smell the rotting corpses even from here."

Eomer looked into a nearby, Jetta and through the windows, made out the crumpled bodies of what were two adults and three children, crumpled in their seats.  Keeping a stony face, the Rohirrim turned back and suggested, "Mike is correct.  It will be best if we did not spend any more time here than necessary."

A silence feel upon the group as that last bit of information sank in.  David and Erica quickly remounted their horses.  Looking over to their friend, David whispered to Erica, "Better keep an eye on Mike.  This is affecting him more than he lets on.  He hasn't made one joke since we got back."

"Hey Mike I will need to get more back chips for the rechargers or this thing will be useless.  I suggest you and the group go for the ammo and I'll take an extra horse and go for the micro chips and female supplies then we meet up late tonight or tomorrow?"  Erica suggested.

Legolas moved closer to Erica.  Turning back to the others, the elf added, "I will accompany Lady Erica on her errand and make sure nothing happens."

Mike had been pondering the implications of reentering the large graveyard that was once known as Atlanta and didn't hear Erica's suggestion at first.  It took a second attempt before the girl was able to get his attention.  Looking up, Mike answered, "Yeah, that would be a good idea.  Legolas, why don't you go with her?"

At his response Erica walked over to the boy and slapped him up side the head than said.  "Snap out of it!  You're not the only one here hurting.  Remember I got to go home now and face the graves there.  Mike we need you here and now.  We need to plan a place and time to meet because the Walkie Talkies won't work more than 9 miles away."  Erica told him in a matter of fact voice.

The teen rubbed his face.  Looking back to the adults, he apologized, "Sorry guys, I didn't realized how much this still affected me."  Turning back to Legolas, he yelled back, "Keep an eye on her.  We don't know if any bad guys made it through the plague." 

"Mike as much as I like the elf I don't need a body guard."  Erica informed him

Legolas nodded and motioned to Erica that they should get moving.  He turned back to the girl, "Be that as it may.  Nobody should be alone out here.  Neither you nor anybody else."

As the two moved past the others, Legolas motioned for Haldir to come closer.  In a voice that only elven ears could hear, he told the Marchwarden, "Keep an eye on Mike.  He's proven to be strong in battle but this is one fight he cannot face alone."

Mike shook his head and regained a determined look.  Turning back to the adults, he suggested, "I would recommend that we decide on a time and place to get back together following the completion of both of our missions."

Eomer looked over to Haldir, who nodded in agreement.  Raising his hand, the Rohirrim answered, "Very well, what do you suggest?"

The teen thought for a moment, then said, "If we are going to split up, then we need to meet somewhere within a hours ride of both of our destinations.  Thus I would recommend that meet at the Dekalb County Jail off Memorial Drive and Highway 285."

Eomer and Haldir were about to raise questions when Mike raised his hand, "Don't worry Erica, David, and I know the way and will be able to lead our respective parties to the rendezvous sites.  So lets go do what we came here to do.  King Theoden and the others are counting on us."

Erica began giggling at the location Mike selected which caused everyone to look at her.   "Oh it's just Mike and I both know that Jail very will."  Erica said with a smile.

Haldir nods his agreement

Mike merely shook his head and hissed, "Not one word, You hear me!"

"They never proved we were behind that."

"Yeah only because I erased the tapes you forgot about."  Erica remarked than asked on a more serious note.  "When should we meet up? Because, by the time I get to the house then sun will be down."

It had taken the column two hours to reach the intersection of I20 and I285 from their portal outside Douglasville. Mike looked at his wristwatch then back to the girl, "That reminds me, we really need synchronize our watches.  I have 12:00pm."

"What are watches?"  Haldir asked.

"I got 12:01pm."  Erica replied.

"Timepieces from our world," replied David.  "Think of watches as small sundials that

don't need the sun."


"Okay, sunrise should be somewhere around 7:00am this time of year.  We do our things, camp out at our respective locations.  In my case, it'll be the Fort and Erica's the ranch."

"We'll meet up say, 9:00am tomorrow."

"11 am would work better it will give me a chance to shop for female supplies.  That is unless you join in the shopping."  Erica added

Mike turned to the adults and warned, "Don't ask, Do not ask."  Back to Erica, 11:00am it

is.  So lets move out."

Eomer had been about to ask what the girl meant but was stopped by Mike's warning.  Finally, he pointed out, "We need to be at our destinations by nightfall, lets be off."

As Legolas and Erica rode of in the direction of her home David comments to Mike.  "Mike we should have warned him he did fight with us against the Orcs."  Warned David as a slight pain of guilt came over him.

"About what?" asked Mike.

"Duh Mike he's going with Erica shopping for Female supplies.  Remember what happened last time she went shopping?"  David remarked.

"Don't worry, those bad guys are toast.  Besides we need everyone we have to load up weapons and ammo.  If those Fell Beasts are as bad as they are made out to be, we'll need some real heavy firepower to take them out."

"Mike you don't get it.  I think it's her time of the month."  David had to spell out for his friend.

The teen shrugged and rode back to the head of the column. "Better him than us," reasoned the boy.


The main group rode down Interstate 20 and south onto I-285.  The Elves and Rohirrim marveled at the size of the road them and the amount of construction.  Noting the adults wonderment, David commented, "For your information, the city actually spreads out to around a hundred square miles outside the town center.  As for the road we are on, highways like this spread throughout the continent, linking one end to the other."

Mike pointed to the various buildings as they rode.  Finally, they came to the off ramp to highway 166.  Mike pointed towards the sign, "Okay, this is where we get off   We will travel east on this road until we hit main street.  Luckily the streets are all identified by signs so it will be a short ride."  Turning to Eomer, the teen asked, "How do you want to handle it?  I recommend having one group set up camp in the mess hall while the others proceed to the armory." 

The column rode in silence along the city streets.  Corpses still lay where they fell those final days of the plague.  Haldir noticed that both Mike and David had lapsed into silence. Coming alongside Eomer, he tapped the Rohirrim on the shoulder, "The children are beginning to fall into depression.  Which one do you want?  Mike or David?"

"I shall help with Mike."  He replied as he nudged his horse closer to Mike's.

Haldir moved over near David.  Getting the teen's attention, "So what was it like growing up here?"

David looked up, startled, "What?  Oh, it was okay, I mean there was so much to do.  The best thing was the fireworks they shot off from Stone Mountain on New Years and Independence Day."

Mike felt the Rohirrim's presence before the man had a chance to speak.  Looking up, he asked, "Was there something you wanted?"

"I understand having you life changed so quickly.  When my sister and I lost our parents, we were suddenly moved from our home to the home of a man who we barely new.  But in time eased much of the lost but as I found things to do it was easier to bare the pain."  The Rohirrim explained.

Mike gave the Rohirrim a slight smile, "Did I slip once again into melancholy?"

The warrior looked at him as to say "Huh?"

"I forget people from Middle Earth do not have the same vocabulary.  What I meant, Was I becoming depressed again?"

"It would seem so.  Do I need to slap you like your friend did to get you to snap out of it?"  Eomer jokingly replied.

"Before you answer, I guess this place is getting to me again.  There are so many memories.  Just be thankful, we are not near my home and no, one slap is enough."  Pointing to a nearby sign, "We're here.  I'll lead the armory party."

Turning back to David, Mike yelled back, "Hey David why don't you lead the group setting up the camp to the Officer's Open Mess that we stayed at when we were here last?" Turning back to Eomer he continued, "so you ready to get started?"

David nodded and gestured to the four Rohirrim assigned to get the camp ready.


Western Elm Tree Ranch

Snellville, Georgia

2130 hours

August 8, 2000

The sun was starting to set when Erica slowed her horses pace as her eyes started to mist over.  At seeing the teens suddenly change in emotion Legolas slowed his horse to match her pace.    He turns to her and asks.  "What pains you so?"

"Do you remember how Mike keeps saying Gandalf reminds him of my Gramps.  Well you see I buried his body all by myself when my gramps died."  Erica started to explain then she saw the gate to her Ranch drive way and stopped her horse.

Legolas remembered the conversation right after Helms Deep, "And Gandalf claimed you as his grand daughter.  So, is he or isn't he?"

"I don't know... He seems so much like him it's not funny... I swear that wizard will have some very serious questions to answer when this is all over."  Erica says as she gets off her horse to turn off the security system when she notices that last hours that it was turned on.  "Legolas we might have visitors.  But I believe they are family but be on alert."

The elf readied his bow and followed the girl.  "I will stay right with you."

"Easy handsome, I said they might be family... I figure it's my Aunt and her family.  Damn I hope my cuz made it through.  They are the only ones who know the pass codes to get past my Gramps automatic defenses."  Erica explained as she placed her hand on his arm.

"Very well."  Legolas answered as he looks down at her hand while a strange feeling passes over his face at her touch but than it is quickly gone as their eyes meet then he says.  "But we still need to be careful."

A noise broke the tender moment causing both of to immediately jump ready for action.  Legolas with his bow, Erica with her Grandfather's desert Eagle aimed at the source of the noise. The two warriors smiled at the animal that slowly walked towards them.

"Bobo, I didn't know you survived."  The girl said as she reholstered her weapon than slowly walked up to the large black mule, which greeted her with glee.

"He's happy to see you."  Legolas told her as he too replaced his weapon.

"Naw.. You think?"  Erica remarks as the mule started nuzzling her uncontrollably.  "I guess we can take him with us."

Erica disarmed the security system that causes a 9-foot high chain link fence starts to draw back startling the elf.  Erica smiled his reaction and then walked her horse and mule up the path the fence had opened to.  Following the girl's lead Legolas did the same with his horse.  Once both were through Erica turned toward a similar keypad and reactivated the system for at home defense.

Erica just finishing tying the mule to the hitching post when Legolas touched her shoulder and said, "We should make sure that there is no danger."

"I am already on it why do you think we are hitching them here and not putting them in the barn."  Erica remarked than asked.  "Do you hear or see anything?"

For a few moments Legolas looks and listens then replies.  "Since coming to this realm the sent of death is so strong it is making it hard to tell anything."

"Shit.  I guess we do this the hard way, room by room building by building.  Lets start with the main house."  Erica said after she unholstered her weapon.

Following the girls lead Legolas readied his weapon.  Erica took the steps to the front porch one by one as the elf mounted them with her at the same pace.  Erica continually watched for movement or for a sign from the elf that there was trouble but nothing happened.  When they reach the door they found it unlocked and partly ajar.  Erica jumped to one side of it and motioned the elf to do the same.  Using her foot Erica kicked the door open.  They waited but nothing happened.

Legolas entered first with Erica covering his back and slightly enjoying the view.    After finishing searching the main level Erica notices that the alarm for the bunker level is not arm. 

"Down stairs."  Erica quietly told the elf.  This time Erica led the way but like the main it too was empty.  "Ok, second floor now."  Erica said as they headed up the stairs.

"Ok it's empty."  Erica remarked as she walks past a door they haven't opened and checked.

"We haven't check that one."  Legolas pointed out.

"We don't need too."  Erica remarks as she tries to walk by the elf that stood insistently.  "Fine."

The two enter the room that be

Legolas took one look at the room then grinned at the girl.  Picking up some discarded clothes from the floor, he quipped, "You certainly have a unique style."

"I am going to kill her!"  Erica remarks.  "She trashed my room."

"Now who could you be talking about?" asked the elf.

"My lowdown rotten Cousin trashed my room! She went threw my clothes... Ewww she is so going to pay for this.  Wait a sec.. She left the computer.."  Erica says as she sets down on the chair in front of the computer to quickly check the

'What are you doing?" asked Legolas

"Checking to see if Reggie left any messages for me.  You see I left a message for her as to where we were going.  I did it via this machine that way no one else could find out."  Erica explains.

Looking over her shoulder, Legolas asked, "Did she?"

"I don't see much.  She arrived two days ago."  Erica replayed to him than became very sad and started to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"She made the trek here by herself.  My auntie and uncle didn't make it through the Superflu."  Erica explained.

"Then we must find her and take her with us," decided the elf.

"Well from this it says she went out for supplies and she figures she'll be back either tonight or tomorrow."  Erica explains

"Thanks though."

"So we shall wait until the appointed time and if she's not back, we'll search for her."

"Yeah but we should bed the animals down for the night.  I'll leave a message for her if we have to leave before she gets back."  Erica explained as she quickly typed some information on the computer as the elf watched in interest.

Legolas waited for the girl to finish what she was working on and followed her outside.  The two quickly put the animals into the stable.  On the way outside, the elf noticed a patch of disturbed earth.  "Is that?" asked the elf.

"Yeah.  It is."  Erica replied with a tear as she started to walk over there.

The elf followed the girl over to the grave.  "If Gandalf claimed you as his grand daughter, then you must be.  The White Wizard would never lie about such."

"I don't know how but I am going to find out when we get back."  Erica replied as she reached down and placed a hand on the dirt.

"You should be happy that family once lost has returned, not angered."

"I am happy Reggie is alive but I still am not sure if Gandalf is my gramps if he is I feel bad for the others because they went as lucky.  Mike had to watch his mom die.. Then Dena lost her baby bro who wasn't even a year old.  And the others......"  Erica explains.

"Those who died did not die in vain and your friends who lived, there is a reason the Valar saved you."

"Huh who's Valar.  Is he like God or something?"  Erica asked without look away from the grave.

"They are the ones who came before and created that which is Middle Earth," answered the elf.  "When we get back, I think you should have a talk with Lady Galandriel.  She is better at answering such questions."

"I am sure I want to talk to her,"  Erica said as she headed for the door of another building and than spoke really low "Blue Bear."

"Well, let us wait for your cousin then."

"Sure.  I just want to get what we came for.  Then I can introduce you to some good food.  That is after I grab a shower."  Erica answered.

"Very well"


To the Readers: Thus ends the first chapter of Honor and Courage. I am presently working on "Chapter 2, Officers Call" which will continue the coverage of the supply run to Earth. I look forward to hearing back and finding out what is good and bad about the story. As always, read, review and get ready for Chapter 2 which should be out before the showing of The Return of the King.

Merry Prankster