Usual Disclaimer: Not Mine. Wish it were. This world and its wonderful inhabitants belong to J.K. Rowling. Only the plot belongs to me.

A/N: The first chapter or so is quite depressing but it's not so bad later on. Warning now this IS A H/D SLASH in later chapters! The rating is a caution for the occasional bad language and sexual references in the early chaps but it comes into play when there are heavier sexual scenes in the later chaps. If you don't like the idea of H/D don't read this. Seriously! I mean it I cant stand people who give out pelters for slash stories - they cant be that bad because - hey, they wasted their time reading it. Pointless activity if you ask me. Anyway, sorry for all those who don't like slash but I know there are some of you out there who cant get enough of it. In this story they're just meant to be so I say it again - don't read if ya don't like!

"Choose." Lucius Malfoy smirked. "You can follow our master, the Dark Lord, or you can help Potter." He let out a derisive laugh at the thought of the latter. In the moments of silence that followed, Lucius' smirk turned slowly into a scowl. "Come now Draco, this is not a hard decision."

Harry stood with his wand held steadily out in front of him, facing his three worst enemies. He wasn't sure where he was but an intelligent guess told him he was underground. The walls were of bare rock and there were passages leading off in all directions from the cavern they were currently standing in. Harry's mind was already racing ahead of itself, thinking of a logical escape route, which seemed impossible. The cavern was dimly lit by torches, obviously under a spell to prevent them being blown out by the draught blowing into the cavern from some of the passageways. The air was musty and smelled faintly of damp and dirt.

A plush, high-backed chair sat at the opposite end of the cave from Harry, quite an anachronism in its surroundings. And in the chair, merely observing the situation unravelling in front of him, was Voldemort.

Draco stood in the centre of the cave, between Harry and his father. With a quick glance at Harry, he replied, "no, I don't suppose it is." He fixed his father with a steely stare of unexplained hatred before turning his back on him and walking towards Harry. He came to rest beside Harry, drawing his wand and also holding it out towards Voldemort and his father. He refused to look at Harry and so missed the distinct flicker of shock that passed over his face.

Harry didn't dwell on it though; they would work as a team for now and sort everything else out later. Instead, he kept his attention focused on his number one enemy and his right hand man.

"Draco," Lucius growled threateningly from the side of his master's chair, "do you know what you are doing?"

Draco nodded slowly, his eyes betraying no emotion.

"You realise that with this decision, you will be severing all ties with your family? You will no longer be part of the prestigious Malfoy bloodline."

"Prestigious? Ha!" Draco spat. "That's a joke! I've followed you like a lost little puppy for long enough, I'm not about to start following some jumped - up, half-blood, joke that's not worth the air he breathes!"

The smirk that had been playing on Voldemort's mouth during the argument between Lucius and Draco now disappeared. "No." He restrained Lucius as he was drawing his wand against his son. "He has made his decision and he shall pay for it in due course. You are an extremely foolish boy." He directed the last sentence towards Draco before turning his attention to Harry. The boy who had, despite all odds, defeated him and survived several times. To Voldemort, their meetings were a source of amusement, although admittedly, he had not planned on the boy having lived this long.

"Ah, my favourite duelling partner." He took in the determined stance of the boy. Something about him niggled away at Voldemort. He was either very powerful or very lucky. Voldemort liked to think it was the latter.

"I'm honoured Tom, but can we just get on with it? I'm not standing here for the good of my health."

"Very well," He sneered, "Lucius, kill the spare."

Harry cringed at these words as memories of Cedric's death flooded his mind. "Oh no you don't." Harry stepped in front of Draco, making it his turn to be surprised, "Fair's fair. It's two on two this time." Harry allowed Draco the chance to prove himself to his father in return for the surprising support.

"Very well Potter. Have it your way. If you wish to fight on the same side as the very person who brought you here, then we shall play your way." Voldemort attempted to make Harry insecure.

Harry allowed himself to look into Draco's eyes and for the first, and most likely only, time his life, he found himself able to trust the enemy.

Harry had gone over these events and those which had followed in his head time and time again since they had happened. He sat alone in the common room, in the early hours of the morning, on the last day of term of his sixth year. His only comforting thought about returning to the Dursley's this summer was that, this year, he could use magic.

As he sat, staring into space, it occurred to him, for the first time, that his friends were worried about him. Had ignored their worried and sympathetic looks. For two weeks now, he had been walking around in a zombie-like state. The purple-blue bags under his eyes were prominent from his extreme lack of sleep and he was constantly sitting alone, staring into space.

They had found it hard to understand why Malfoy was no longer number one enemy. They had found it hard to understand why Harry had bitten their heads off when a snide comment was made against Malfoy. Harry neglected to tell them a few choice facts about his encounter with Voldemort two weeks previously. There were certain facts they would not understand. There were certain facts that Harry, himself could not understand. Like the fact that Malfoy had given up his family for Harry. Like the fact that he had saved Harry's life. Like the fact that he could not or would not meet Harry's eyes since it had happened and refused to speak to him. They would find it hard to understand why Harry longed for Draco to look at him, talk to him or even go back to taunting him. Harry himself found it hard to understand his longings and so chose not burden his friends with his angst.

Time passed quickly as Harry sat, just thinking. Thinking. Something he had been doing rather a lot of recently, he realised. 'Time to buck up' he thought to himself suddenly, heading upstairs to the boys dormitory as he heard the tell-tale noises of his fellow classmates waking and beginning to get ready to go home. 'Home' Harry thought enviously. They were getting on to the Hogwarts Express to go home and he was getting on the express train to Hell.

I know it's kind of depressing but it gets better I promise but pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee review. Let me know if it's crap or not. This story has been written and re-written and this is what I hope is the perfect version. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome.
