Epilogue - At the Beggining

It had been 2 month's since Goku had left to training Uub. Gohan had been training Pan with the little spare time he had. Videl was usually cooking or training herself.

On this particular day. The son's were trying their hardest to keep Pan entertained. Today was her birthday and they were planning a surprise party.

Gohan had woken her up early to give her his and Videl's present. He tapped her gently.

"Come on sweetie wake up?" Videl asked as she got an idea. "Breakfast is ready"

as if on cue the child sat up. "What!! Yum?"

"Your just like your father" Videl breathed slowly as Gohan helped her out of the bed.

"Daddy your home?" Pan asked wiping her eyes.

"Yes I'm home, now there's something out in the living room for you" Gohan insisted as his daughter looked at him.

"Daddy, you do realize what time it is don't you?" Pan asked picking up the pillow and covering her face.

"Come on please i have to go to work later on, I really want to see your face when you get your present" Gohan said

Pan shot up. "Alright" she answered reaching up for her father. He picked her up and followed Videl out into the living room. He placed her on the ground in front of a box with holes in it. "What is it?"

"Open it up and see" Videl said as the child did that very thing.

Pan picked up the small cub in the box. It was a baby saber tooth tiger. "Awe, is he really mine?"

"Yes, and it's a she" Gohan said as she put the cat on the floor and ran to her father.

"Thank-you so much Daddy" Pan said happily "I love you"

"I love you too" Gohan whispered

"Breakfast'll be ready now" Videl said walking into the kitchen. Pan picked up the cat and began to stroke her chin carefully. The little saber tooth just purred.

Meanwhile Bulma and Bra were decorating the hall in Capsule Corp. And Bra was trying to blow up some of the presents.

"MOMMY" Bra sobbed "I think the balloons arn't going to work"

Bulma was busy pinning up some banners as Vegeta walked in. "Vegeta, would you check on Bra, she's upset about something"

Vegeta just "Hmpfed" and walked over to his daughter. She looked up at him.

"Daddy the balloons arn't going to work" Bra cried

"Blasted girl, your like your mother" Vegeta said as Bra continuoed to cry. She threw herself into Vegeta's arms and stayed there. Slowly, but steadily the Saiyan Prince wrapped his arms around the child. "There you go brat, everything'll be fine"

"Daddy" Bra cried "I wanted to give Pan the best present fo all but i can't even get the ballons right"

Vegeta picked up the balloon and began to clow them up. He felt like an idiot doing it, but if it would shut her up.

Bra looked up at him. "wow?" she said

"There now shut up" he said

"I love you Daddy" Bra said happily as Bulma walked over to the two.

"There, is it hard playing Daddy?" Bulma smirked

"Woman, take care of the Princess" Vegeta said "I don't want any more to do with her"

"Yes, monkey prince from hell" Bulma answered

Marron was fixing up her dress. Yeah, so the party was an hour away, but she had to look good, and whats this a new ring on her hand.

Krillin walked into the room and smiled at his daughter who was now 19. Her long blonde hair was down today, and her blue eyes were lovely.

"Oh Marron, you've grown up so fast" Krillin said "I promised myself i wouldn't cry"

"Oh Daddy" Marron said hugging him. "You'll always be apart of my life, it's just tha Trunks is as well now"

"I know, and i can't wait to give you away" Krillin said kissing her forehead. "You know your taller then me now"

Marron laughed.

Goten and Paris were trying to keep Gotran dressed. He was going through the nudity phase.

"NO" Gotran shouted taking his Gi off.

"GOTRAN YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" PAris shouted chasing after him.

"What's wrong with the naked body, it's such a lovely thing?" Goten asked

"Yeah, when two people love each other, but my mom and Dad are going to be at the party, today i don't want them to think, im not a good mother" Paris snapped as Gotran giggled.

"Ha Ha Mommy" Gotran said pointing to apart of her skirt that was now ripped.

Paris dropped onto her knees. "I can't keep up with a Saiyan, im no Videl"

Goten flew over to Gotran. "Come on Squirt, be good for your mom"


"No buts" Goten said, Gotran nodded Goten walked over to PAris. "Hey they weren't shocked when his first words were 'Screw This'"

"They don't know that that was his first word" PAris said

2 hours later everyone had arrived at Capsule Corperation and was ready, all that was missing.........the guest of honour. Yep Son Pan.

Panna was sitting with ChiChi discussing the gifts they got her. Panna was glad to be alive and see her grand-daughter grow up from a short distance instead of having to look over her from the sky.

"HELLO" a voice cut in

Everyone shooshed as Videl pushed PAn into the room. Pan's eyes lit up as soon as all the lights turned on and she went through all the faces she knew and loved all too well.

I'm lucky to have such a wonderful, caring family and friends Pan thought

"Time to open your presents" Marron said pushing the child to the table. Bra followed.

Videl sat with Gohan smiling. He held her hand tightly.

She's growing up so fast Videl said

I know, makes you wonder where all the times gone Gohan said

You've been away for most of it

I know and I'm really sorry Gohan said I tried making it up to her, but i don't know how

She kissed him. "Just be there for her in the future" Videl whispered in between kisses.

Pan pulled out a cd from one of her presents. It was 'So Fresh hits of autumn year 737' She smiled as she put it in. Just then the tune started for the first song.

We were strangers

Gohan was watching from a distance as a few police cars came flying past. The sirens were still ringing as they stopped and they circled 3 guys. Each with guns. They weren't that scared...that was until they heard a voice.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE" a voice cut in

"OH no, it's V..." the first man said but was cut off as the second man twisted his arms around the girl who was there and pulled her down to the ground. Gohan raised his ki and went super.

First of all, he struck his usual stance. He appeared by the guys and kicked them down; he picked the girl up and flung her up in the air as he finished the job. When he was done. They were practically begging to go to jail. He caught the girl as she dropped, he helped her to her feet.

"Thanks" the girl said standing up and looking at him. Gohan stared. She had long black hair tied up into two low pigtails by her sides. Her ceruleun eyes were gorgeuos and full of so much serenity. "No autographs ok kid"

"Why would i want an autograph?" Gohan asked innocently "Are you famous or something?" and with that he put on the famous Son grin.

The girls face went red. How dare not anyone know who she is. "Do you know who your talking to blondie"

"Uh..you" Gohan answered once again using the famous Son grin.

"Excuse me, my name is Videl Satan" Videl said

'Oh no' Gohan thought 'Why does the name Satan sound familiar?'

"Oh no" Gohan said aloud

"So buddy did you finally realize who I am" Videl said folding her arms, "Have you been living under a rock for seven years or something"

"I..uh..no...I gotta go, bye Videl" Gohan said raising himself into the air and flying off to Orange Star High.

Starting out on a journey

Gohan was in his own room fixing up his tie. Today was his wedding day and he was waiting to see Videl. The bachelor party the night before was the best, only down side, NO Videl.

Goku walked in followed by Goten, both were in tuxedo's. "Hey son?" Goku said happily

"Hey Dad" Gohan said

"Does this mean Videl's my sister now?" Goten asked excitedly

"Yes, Goten" Gohan asked

Meanwhile Eraser was fixing up Videl's hair. Videl's dress consisted of a boob-tube top and long flowing skirt. Her veil had flowers at the top. Eraser's was a long slinky dress.

"Oh you look gorgeous" Eraser said

"This is so not me" Videl answered

"Yes it is, and Gohan will be so surprised" Eraser said

"Look at how fat I am"

"Your not fat"

"Yes, I am"

"NO your not"

"Yes I am"

"Your pregnant"

"ok, ok, ok I gotcha" Videl pointed out as she tickled baby Chelsea. "How's my favorite niece?"

"Yeah, right, she's your only niece" Eraser said

"I don't know, Goten's quite a flirt with the ladies, he'll be a dad soon" Videl said "Oh guess what the doctor said that my baby is a boy"

"Trust you, he'll be so into martial arts he'll be like you" Eraser said

"I know, I know" Videl said

Gohan was standing at the front of the isle with Goten as his best man, Goku was beside the two. Everyone turned to face the isle as a little girl walked down, next to a little boy. They were Videl's cousins. Followed by them were the bridesmaids, Marron, Eraser and Madison another one of Videl's cousins.

Then Videl was next she was with her father.

"Are you nervous?" Hercule whispered as he smiled to everyone.

"A little" Videl answered biting through her teeth.

"Wow" Gohan whispered staring at the beauty walking down the isle.

"Whoa, she cleans up good doesn't she?" Goku said aloud. Goten sweat dropped.

"DAD" Goten said irritated

When Videl made it to the front, Gohan held her hand tightly and reassuringly.

The priestess smiled. She had long black hair tied up in a ponytail and she ahd the deepest black eyes ever.

"Dearly Beloved we are here today to join Miss Videl Louise Satan and MR Gohan Son in holy matrimony" The priestess said

"Gohan do you take Videl, to love and cherish, look after when ill and respect with all your heart, promise never to lie, not to accuse the other of something, not to keep secrets and best of all love eachother for the rest of your lives no matter what?"

"I do" Gohan said Never dreaming What we'd have to go through

Chibi Gohan banged his fists down on the ground as the other warriors gathered around.

"It's all my fault, your gone Dad" He shouted, " Why'd i have to play around with him"

Chibi Videl at the tender age of 6 was sitting outside a hospital room counting the holes on the roof.

"one thousand one hundred and sixty, one thousand on hundred and sixty-one, one thousand one hundred and sixty two"she said as her father walked out.

"Sugar Plum, your mom wants to see you now" Hercule said following his daughter into a room.

The hospital bed was done up comfortably, her mother Panna was attached to a life machine which contiued to display her heart beats. The smell was so clean, it was almost sickening.

"Videl, sweetie, come here?" Panna said

"Mom?" Videl whispered looking into her mother's eyes, no doubt Videl had inherited those lavender eyes which would make any body crumble and obey your orders.

"Now, sweetie,i want you to take care of your father" Panna said

"W-Why? Where are you going?" Videl asked

"Well, there's a place called Heaven..."Panna tried to explain. But didn't have a chance, Videl stood up and walked to the door. she faced her mother one last time.

"YOUR NOT A GOOD MOTHER, I HATE YOU" Videl shouted and slammed the door shut leaving her parents to look at eachother in shock. Now here we are And I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you

Videl sat in the doctors office, she was shaking. She had been sick for more then 1 week. And the doctor was also acting weird. He smiled gracefully when he sat back into his seat.

"Ah, Mrs Son" the doctor said "Your Pregnant"

"P-P-Pregnant" Videl stuttered "No way"

"Now we need to discuss your options" the doctor said handing her some booklets. No one told me I was going to find you

Gohan appeared on the lookout behind Videl, he placed his hand on her shoulder gently. She jumped, and then turned around.

When her eyes laid across the the familiar figure,s he loved, she hugged him tightly.

"OH GOHAN" she cried into him, "DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN"


Unexpected What you did to my heart

Videl looked into Gohan's black eyes. He looked into her Lavender eyes. Tracing his hand along her cheeks.

"Your cute when you blush" he said

"Thanks" she whispered

He leant in. And kissed her ever so deeply.

When I lost hope You were there to remind me This is the start

"NO" Videl screamed from her spot at the the memory. Gohan held her tightly as she screamed. "No more"

"VIDEL LOISE SATAN" Gohan snapped at the girl. She looked up at him, he very rarely called her that, but when he did he was really pissed off.

"There is no need to panic" gohan said "How will you overcome your fear if your like this"


"No buts, your alot stronger thent his, for Dende's sake you married me"

"Gohan" Videl whined

"No, your a strong woman, don't let a minor set back prevent you from doing what you want to do, do you remember in high school what you said to me?"

"No" she answered looking up at him.

"Remember, that first night after buu, you and me were relaxing outside under the moon, you told me 'that nothing can get in the way of your dreams, unless you let it' are you going to ignore your own advice?"

"No" she pouted as he fixed up her top.

"Now you go out there and give it your best" he whisered

"Uh just one problem Wonder Boy"

"Oh and what's that?"

"They haven't called me out yet" and with that she pulled his face down to hers and kissed him deeply.

Life is a road And I want to keep going Love is a river I wanna keep flowing

Goten walked down the isle. He was followed by Pan as the flower girl, she was throwing the flowers everywhere.

I hate this, their all staring at me can't i just Ki blast them out of here Pan thought to herself as Paris's little cousin walked next to her holding the ring.

They were followed by Videl and Gohan with their arms latched. For gods sake, Panny please don't lose it and ki blast everyone around here Videl and Gohan thought as Gohan's tummy rumbled, Videl blushed.

Always thinking with your stomach Videl said to him

Man I'm starving when's the reception? Gohan asked

Oi Videl sweat dropped as London and her boyfriend Max walked up behind them.

Oh my god I don't believe my sister is getting married London thought

Everyone faced the back of the church and applauded the woman.

Paris walked up the front with Sean hooked onto her arm.

"Are you nervous?" he asked through his teeth.

"A bit" Paris answered as they reached the front, Goten reached for her hands and held them tightly.

"Do you Son Goten take, Paris Maxwell as your wife, to love and hold, protect, be there for and care for her when sick?" the priest asked

"I do"

"And do you Paris take Goten to be your husband to love and hold, protect, be there for and care for her when sick?" the priest asked

"I do"

"If anyone believes that these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace?"

Trunks stood up.


Goten looked at his friend with a look that plainly said 'What are you doing?'.

"At first I didn't think that Goten and Paris should marry, but now I'm happy, My best friend is going to make a wonderful husband and he has my blessing, congratulations" and with that he sat down and the whole church clapped.

"Ok now I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride" the priest said as Goten leaned in and Kissed his 'wife' passionately.

Life is a road Now and forever Wonderful journey

Videl was laying in bed, the covers pulled up over her tummy.

Am i really ready for this, i mean im about to have a baby, what if i don't do it right? Videl thought to herself

I'll be there When the world stops turning I'll be there When the storm is through

Pan and Videl were huddled underneath a blanket. This was how Gohan found them.

"What are you two doing there?" Gohan asked

"THERE'S A STORM" both girls said as a huge crackle of thunder was heard. The two jumepd further into the blanket.

"This is priceless" Gohan laughed

In the end I wanna be standing At the beginning with you We were strangers On a crazy adventure

There was a bunch of cops aroudn the local Jewellery store.



Two figures jumped down to the ground and struck some psoes which looked like they were from the YMCA song.



Never dreaming How our dreams would come true

Hercule stood shaking in the middle of the tornament.

"Don't worry sir, im gonna make this look real" Gohan said "Punch me"

"NO" Hercule snapped

"Please" Gohan begged

Hercule did. When he opened his eyes, Gohan was on the ground, 'unconcious'.

The crowd cheered.

Now here we stand Unafraid of the future At the beginning with you I knew there was somebody somewhere Leave me alone in the dark

Pan was preparing with her grandfather as Videl just sat staring at the ground.

"Is the ground alot more beautiful then me" Gohan teased wrapping his arms around her waist.

"No" she whispered as she leaned on him.

"Vi, whats wrong?" he asked

"I just don't want it to happen again" Videl said "I don't want to go through that again"

"Go through what Vi?"

"What happened alst time?"

"Vi nothing's gonna happen" Gohan said rubbing her back realxingly.

Pan stopped training and sat next to her mother. "Mommy whats wrong?" she asked

"Nothing you need to worry about Panny, are you ready?"

"YEAH!!" pan said excitedly

Now I know my dream will live on I've been waiting so long Nothing's gonna tear us apart

Videl pulled her arm out of the man's grip. She was frightened, she'd never seen him like that. He was angry.

"Videl" he said, but she broke free.

"Gohan, what do you think your doing, you have no right to touch me like that" Videl snapped

"Videl, what were you thinking?" Gohan asked

"What was I thinking?" Videl said with a note of sarcasm. "You left me alone for 3 months, and then you wonder what I was thinking"

"Videl why were you kissing that guy?" Gohan asked

"I wasn't Kissing him" Videl said "He's..."

"Well what do you call it?"

Videl stood in the doorway looking at the man. "I don't have to take this, Pan, Sweetie come here, If your not gonna let me talk then there's no point in continuing"

Pan flew into the room smiling. "Yes Mommy?"

"We're going to Grandpa's" Videl said

"Yay!!!" Pan said happily as her mother picked her up and went into the front yard, she leapt into the air and flew off.

"GO AHEAD AND LEAVE" Gohan shouted after her.

Life is a road and I wanna keep going

Chibi Videl at the tender age of 6 was sitting outside a hospital room counting the holes on the roof.

"one thousand one hundred and sixty, one thousand on hundred and sixty-one, one thousand one hundred and sixty two"she said as her father walked out.

"Sugar Plum, your mom wants to see you now" Hercule said following his daughter into a room.

The hospital bed was done up comfortably, her mother Panna was attached to a life machine which contiued to display her heart beats. The smell was so clean, it was almost sickening.

"Videl, sweetie, come here?" Panna said

"Mom?" Videl whispered looking into her mother's eyes, no doubt Videl had inherited those lavender eyes which would make any body crumble and obey your orders.

"Now, sweetie,i want you to take care of your father" Panna said

"W-Why? Where are you going?" Videl asked

"Well, there's a place called Heaven..."Panna tried to explain. But didn't have a chance, Videl stood up and walked to the door. she faced her mother one last time.

"YOUR NOT A GOOD MOTHER, I HATE YOU" Videl shouted and slammed the door shut leaving her parents to look at eachother in shock.

1 hour Panna died. The thought of her daughter hating her was just too much.

Love is a river I wanna keep going on....

"Peverted old man"18 said as Videl laughed."what's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, it's just that well i guess your all like family to me now"Videl said as Gohan put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"More then you know" he whispered into her ear. Bulma smiled as she tapped on her glass the group turned to her.

"don't face me, Gohan would like to say something" Bulma said "Gohan take it away"

Gohan blushed as everyone looked at him eagerly. Especially Videl. He got out of his seat and dropped to one knee whilst holding her hand in his. ChiChi's eyes went big in realisation what he was doing. "Videl would you do me the honour o becoming Mrs Son?"Gohan asked as ChiChi beamed and began to cheer.

Videl stared.Then looked at ChiChi."Um i don't know Gohan" Videl said his jaw dropped.This'll teach ChiChishe thought."I'm just not sure we're ready for this, i mean are you sure, it means we'll have to get our own place, pay for our own things, not live with our parents"

"I'm prepared to do it, if you'll do it with me?"Gohan asked as Videl looked at him.ChiChi jumped out of her seat.

"What are you saying Videl?"ChiChi shouted at the teenager

"I'm saying that im willing to give it a go, if Gohan can put up with me" Videl said as Gohan beamed he quickly slipped the ring her held on her finger.She kissed him,

"thank-you"he whispered.

Starting out on a journey Life is a road and I wanna going

Pan was standing infront of her father.

"Watch me carefully and see if you get anything from it" Gohan isntructed and raised his hand letting a small Ki blast appear, he let it go.

"WOW" Pan said "Will i really be able to do that soon?"

"Yes, now" Gohan said as he stood behind her, he held her hands up. "Keep your hands like this and concentrate your power"

Pan closed her eyes and concentrate and almost instantly a small amount of ki appeared in between her hands.

"Make it bigger" Gohan said


Love is river I wanna keep flowing In the end I wanna be standing

Pan looked around the room in Capsule Corporation. Everyone she loved and cared about was here. Well everyone except Goku. Pan went and sat with her parents.

"What's up Panny?" Gohan as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"I wish Grampa Goku was here?" Pan cried into him "I miss him so much"

"We know you do" Videl said

Pan continued to cry, even as she felt a hand on her head.

Videl and Gohan looked up in shock. For standing right infront of them was none other then Goku.

"GOKU!!?"the two said in shock

Pan looked up and cried even more, before hugging him.

"GRANDPA" She cried into him.

"Come on Pan don't cry you didn't think i'd miss out on your birthday did you?" Goku asked

"Yes" Pan cried

"Um, Goku i think you may want to run" a young boy with a mohawk said

"Why Uub?" Goku asked as ChiChi ran up to him with a fry pan in hand.


"Because he's gotta protect his village" Goku said

"Well, you've gotta protect me" ChiChi said

"But you've got, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Pan, Videl, Trunks, and Gotran" Goku explained but chi chi didn't care cos she just hugged him tightly. "I love you ChiChi"

"I love you too Goku" ChiChi answered

At the beginning with you.

Gohan and Videl looked at eachother.

Lets give them a little time alone Videl suggested

Right Gohan answered reaching for her hand. The two walked outside and sighed.

"You know it's been roughly twelve years since we met" Gohan said

"I know" Videl answered putting his arms around her waist. "And i wouldn't have it any other way"

"Me neither Shorty"

"I love you Wonderboy"

And with that Gohan and Videl kissed. The kiss deepened as Gohan wrapped his arm around Videl's thin waist pulling her closer to him.

As for the moment dear reader our story concludes

Important Authors Note

For those of you who have regularly stuck with me no I am not dead. However I just can't find it in me to rewrite the last few chapters, so this will be the final chapter. It is the original final chapter with a few extra flashbacks to show what you may have missed in the chapter I cut out.

I am sorry to do this I just can't find it in me I don't have the love for this piece anymore. However I am going out in style, as you will see by the length of this chapter. I love you all for sticking by me and liking my work. I hope to see you at many of my other productions.

Thank you all for your support hugs to you all.

If you are interested in Sailor Moon Fanfiction myself and Frying Pan of doom have co written (tis msotly her) a fiction called The REAL story, our name is cosmic frying pan.