
Only At Night

The dark, thick blanket of night covered everything. The darkness had been there for hours now, and the world was asleep, or at least should be. If you looked hard enough, you might even see a scowl on the moon's face. A scowl directed at a sleepless girl, a redhead, with no intention on falling asleep soon. She was comfortable, warm enough, and all tucked in her sleeping bag, she was even tired, but refused to rest. The stars twinkled and begged her to close her eyes. They knew from the sun, that this girl was a pain during the daytime. Constant bickering, it informed, arguments about the silliest things, I pity those she travels with. If only you could get her to rest, you say she rarely sleeps? And they tried, they really did, but they knew the reason. They knew why the night was her day.

It was her time to love. It was the time to be her true self and love the boy that slept so close to her. The countless stars would admire her passion and pray that some time she could show her real heart during the day, when everyone could see. They were the guardians of night, and the only witnesses to her affections. Surely they could be of no help. Only attempt to comfort her when the tears ran, and try to respond to her wails of pain. It was torture, a slow suicide from the inside out.

Sometimes she dared. She would slip out of her sleeping bag, shivering from the sudden lack of warmth, and approach him. Her pale fingers would dance across his face, and slip through his black hair. They would watch as she closed her eyes, and could only guess that she imagined herself with him. The illusion of him returning her affections. But how? They wondered. No one could match this. This was love pure and raw in it's true form. And that was rarely seen.

She was young too. How could anyone not love her? From what they saw she was beyond beautiful. The world was not worthy for her, she belonged in the heavens with them. They would argue over who was the best, the one that would snatch her up and carry her away. That black haired man didn't know what he owned. And why him? They saw nothing good about him. He never felt her soft caresses, he never attempted to comfort her sobs, but then again he never knew. And if he did? He'd better love her with half of what she gave him.

At times she would swim, if water was nearby. It eased her pain, and surrounded her in all the places she longed for his touch. She'd emerge from the water with her orange hair plastered to her face and neck, and her wet nightgown outlining her body. They'd watch her lay, sprawled out on the ground, and talk to herself, smiling. She'd roll around and giggle, playing with her emotions, she owned at least a bit of the happiness that came with love. But the tears were not far away. They lingered inevitably night and day.

The time soon came where they began to fade. The sun was returning and their time was short. Let it come! They begged for her. Let him see her in the night, with the eyes of the day. She can't endure this forever, time will not stop and wait. What if tomorrow doesn't exist? They spoke to the man with black hair. Wake up at watch her, watch over her during the day. But if you could only see her, if you could only see her at night.

This story is © Rainflower
Thank-You to Nintendo and Game Freak for letting me use their characters (even though they don't know it).
All original Pokemon characters, etc. are © Nintendo and Game Freak, not me!