Victory at a Price

There had been many losses but not as many as there could have been. The…battle had occurred away from the school, so there were no student deaths but too many other good people had died. Aurors and representatives of the Ministry of Magic were some of those killed. All of the people from Hogwarts made it out of the battle between Voldemort and his lackeys. Except him.

The memory brought tears to Harry's eyes.

Harry shook his head so that he could clear his mind.

"What's wrong Harry?" asked Hermione.

"I was just remembering the…" murmured Harry.

"Oh, I sorry, Harry, I shouldn't have asked." said Hermione with her eyes widening slightly.

"Its nothing to be sorry about asking." replied Harry.

Ron said, "I know this is a bit like pouring salt in the wound but I know you two were closer than the rest of us and I'm terribly sorry that he died."

"I am glad that you two are better, though," Harry said smiling weakly.

He could feel Ron and Hermione looking at him with sadness and worry in their eyes as they watched him trudge away from them.

But neither of them could seem to follow. It was if Harry had erected an impregnable emotional barrier around himself. It was hard to console someone who had just lost one of the few people who cared for him like a father.

I'd already lost Sirius. Why did he have to die, too? thought Harry.

With some sardonic reflection Harry realized that he was, in some ways, taking this death better than he had Sirius's death.

What a difference a few years can make, Harry thought to himself as his mouth twisted up into an ironic smile.

What is the saying again? Harry pondered, ah yes, I remember now, 'A little older and a little wiser.' Who ever came up with that knew must have known from personal experiences of loss.

Down the halls of Hogwarts he plodded along unconsciously glancing up every now and then to make sure he did not run into any misplaced statuary courtesy of Peeves. Eventually, Harry wandered out of the school and onto the grounds with no specific destination in mind.

Eventually, Harry's wandering brought him the location of the showdown. Harry stood there paused in reflection. He looked around at the land that had once been a peaceful place untouched by blood and violence, remembering the chaotic fight that had taken place there not so long ago.

It seems so long ago and not so long ago at the same time, Harry thought.

There were scorch marks on the grass and trees. Looking around some more, he could identify places were people he knew had fallen. Harry's wandering eyes froze on one spot. Walking to that spot he thought of the person who had fallen there.

Harry crouched in front of that location and recalled the last words of that individual, 'Well done, Harry.' He also recalled the actions, the ones that had saved so many lives; remembering the person who had saved him before during the dangers of the past.

Still staring at the spot and with tears glistening in his eyes, Harry said, "I thank you and I'll never forget you Professor Dumbledore."

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J. K. Rowling and the respective publishers. In short, it does not belong to me.

Constructive criticism is appreciated.