Author's Notes: This is the last part of the story.  Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far especially farflung, who reviewed at every chapter, and Tinania Lindaleriel, who paid me the greatest compliment by saying I brought her to tears.  There are further author's notes at the very end that explain some things.  Enjoy and thank you again.




The two friends continued away Eryn Lasgalen in silence; the soft clapping of their horse's hooves the only sound to echo in the vast forest.  Neither wanted to speak, for both knew that words filled with partings and pain could be the only things uttered.  It was time for Legolas to leave; all that he wished to do had been done and he needed his final rest upon the shores of Valinor.  Gimli understood this and, unlike the evening prior, he would not argue his friend into staying.  The dwarf cared for the prince far too much to see him in any further pain.

Legolas, unlike the son of Glóin, did not dwell on the soon parting from the dwarf, but instead, allowed himself to travel through the vast memories that occupied his mind.  He watched each moment as if their were on a screen before his eyes and allowed himself to bask in all that he had seen and done upon the shores of Middle-earth.  It was as his mind drifted that he heard the voice of Thranduil echo in his head.

I beseech you to bring the dwarf with you.

A second after his father's words drifted into his head, Legolas' eyes shot open in surprise.  It was all so clear now; it was as so many had told him again and again.  Gimli was to travel with him!  A smile broke through Legolas' fair features and then a mirth-filled laugh followed. For a long moment, his silver laughter fell from his soft lips, while Gimli stared at the back of his friend's. As quickly as the laughter had started it ended, leaving the companions in silence once more. The son of Glóin waited for the elf to say something, anything, to explain his strange behavior, but nothing was forth-coming. 

"Legolas?" The son of Glóin questioned carefully as he felt concern for his friend's sanity rising.

Without a word, the Lord of Ithilien jumped off the back of his steed and landed gently on the ground. The elf turned around and looked directly at Gimli.  The dwarf was shocked to see something that he had thought was lost from his friend in Legolas' pale eyes: hope. For a moment the dwarf was speechless as he looked into the gray eyes of his friend.

"Legolas?" The dwarf questioned again feeling his voice crack at the sheer intensity of Legolas' stare.  He had long hoped to see such happiness in the elf's orbs again and, seeing it now, made his heart pound erratically in his chest.  He longed to know what made such a change in his friend.

"Come with me."  The archer simply said.

Gimli blinked in confusion. "To where?"

A brilliant smile broke across the elf's face that reached his eyes and the depth of his soul. The son of Glóin found himself smiling in return without even understanding why.

"To Valinor."

The dwarf felt his mouth drop open and a gasp of shock fall from his mouth before he had a chance to silence it. "I cannot go there," he protested unsure what his friend was thinking. "A dwarf in the Undying Lands is incomprehensible."

The prince moved forward and grasped one of Gimli calloused hand. "Elvellon, I do not care whether or not they will accept you there. I want you there and that is all that matters. I need you there, Gimli, for I cannot leave with you still here, but I cannot stay upon these shores."

The dwarf did not know what to say. He was being asked to journey someplace that dwarves were never suppose to go. He was being asked to forsake Middle-earth for a place where he may never be accepted. Yet, looking at Legolas, Gimli knew his answer without a doubt.

"I will come with you."

And that was all that needed to be said. Legolas smiled broadly once again and then moved back onto the proper place in front of Gimli on Thenidaul. He gently urged the horse forward and soon the pair of travelers were on their way. They would still go to the Glittering Caves, but there would be no sad parting among those caves.  Instead, Gimli would journey with Legolas to Ithilien where good-byes to the Elven realm would be done and from there they would depart Middle-earth together.

Their friendship had been forged against all odds. It was been made in the darkest times and survived them. Now, it would survive against all odds and live in the light of the Valar. They would both finally find the peace across the sea both had search for. An elf would be able to put the passing of dear ones to rest in the land of the Undying and a dwarf would be besides him for as long as he could. They were the last of the Fellowship and it was only fitting that they would leave Middle-earth together.

And in a month's time, as their grey ship sailed towards the sea, an end had finally come upon the shores of Arda to the heroic band of Nine that had set out in darkness and returned the light.



End Notes:

The reason for the title and poem is because I found the idea that the Earth is 'but a player's stage' for Elves very fitting and I fell in love with it.

Due to Elladan and Elrohir's parentage they were given the choice as to whether or not they would choose a mortal life or an immortal one. I have always been under the impression that they chose to live a mortal life although this has not been completely confirmed in Tolkien's work.  All the Master said upon that subject is that their choice of Elladan and Elrohir was delayed. So, I am still with the idea that they took the mortal path and remained in Middle-earth till they died.

It is written that Celeborn and Glorfindel stayed after the Three Ring holders had left for Valinor, yet Celeborn took upon residence in southern Eryn Lasgalen since Lothlórien was fading with the departure of the Lady. In this story, they have not yet departed and Celeborn is visiting Imladris; I figured he had to be lonely without Galadriel. They will pass onwards, however, just not at the same time as Legolas and Gimli.

I mentioned Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir's 'uncle'. This Peredhil would be Elros, Elrond's twin brother.

The last line 'an end had finally come upon the shore of Arda…' is a slight alteration upon the words that Tolkien wrote in the appendix of Lord of the Rings. His line is as follows: 'And when the ship passed an end was come in Middle-earth of the Fellowship of the Ring.'

Thank you to all who read and enjoyed this story. I found it hard to write and yet very satisfying because it closed a certain part of the Lord of the Rings that had never been finished. As a plug, I recommend reading Thundera Tiger's tale "Beyond this World" for what happens in Valinor MANY years later. To me, that is the finally ending of the Fellowship and a truly touching story.

Any comments/feedback/questions feel free to e-mail me or review. I like both.