Here's chapter four, which officially makes this my longest fan fiction.

We're going to take a break from Seto and Mokuba and join those other main characters. Yeah, remember them? ^__^; I know I'd said I'd give Seto a diagnosis, but I really needed some outside narrative. Jounouchi, Honda, Otogi, Mai, Ryou, Malik and even Sugoroku will all have a much more powerful narrative later in the story.

I think I might of changed Anzu a little, made her a bit deeper, but maybe she is and no one gives her credit for it. ^___^ I personally don't hate Anzu, she deserves much more than what the dub made her out to be.

Anzu: *poses*

Unseen Angels


(Anzu's Narrative)

Yugi was late meeting us a the new Italian restaurant in town.

However, the Yugi Motou that stepped through the door was not the Yugi I knew.

My, no, our Yugi was cheerful and almost bouncy, on the verge of a giggling schoolgirl at times, but painfully shy. When he was worried, he tried to encourage himself with optimism, and always hope for the best. He was basically everything you could want in a friend.

The Yugi that walked through the door almost scared me. He actually looked depressed, which is something I haven't seen in a long time. He practically dragged himself over to our table, where me, Honda, Jounouchi and Ryou were. We were expecting Otogi as well, but that man had his own agenda.

"Yugi? Are you alright?" Honda finally spoke for all of us, with Jounouchi soon right behind him.

"Yeah, you getting beat up again? I swear to God-" Jounouchi looked ready to storm out of the restaurant, but Yugi shook his head.

"It's not that. Kaiba-kun…" He wandered off, looking down at the floor.

"Yugi?" Ryou spoke up, his voice trying to coax an answer out of him. Yugi took a seat in-between Ryou and Jounouchi, and put his head into his cupped hands.

He whispered something, but only Ryou seemed to catch it. "Mokuba? What's the matter, Yugi?"

Yugi sighed, as if something heavy was on his shoulders.

"It's Kaiba-kun-"

"Is he bothering you, Yugi? I'll-" Yugi cut off the blonde once more.

"It's not that, Jounouchi. Kaiba-kun is really sick. I ran into Mokuba on the way here. He said it was cancer." His voice was weak, he was struggling to find words.

Ryou's face went totally blank, before he shook his head and put on his usual worried expression. I stared at Yugi.

"We're talking about the same Seto Kaiba, yes? He's, just, almost invincible." I replied, and Yugi nodded. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

Seto Kaiba was some kind of twisted constant in our lifestyle. He was just always around, as if he was tracking us, or we gave off some kind of intriguing aura. Kaiba-kun was just like our second shadow, our anti-thesis, someone who knew how to prove us wrong.

He was the very thing that made us all stronger. For Yugi and mou hitori no Yugi, it was to make sure Seto Kaiba never went too far, to try and get him to believe in magic, in the Heart of the Cards. For Jounouchi and Honda, he was just another cynical bastard who they had to prove themselves to. I'm not sure about Ryou, but he always seems to know something that even Yugi might not know.

For me, he is just another challenge.

He was our iced-over pond in an endless winter. We skated all over him, thrilled by the fact that he might crack, but terrified that he might take us under with him, and freeze our hearts as well.

You must realize, though, that Seto Kaiba is always the lesser of our two evils, if that's even fair. Sometimes he's a help, and sometimes he's a hindrance. Sometimes he's both. The only thing that gives me hope in that man is the human, the normality I sometimes see when he's with his brother.

But I've never seen him smile. Well, he smirks, but that's not the same. A real smile. Like the endless ones Yugi shares, or Jounouchi and Honda's goofy grins, or Ryou's shy but adorable one.

I'm not exactly fond of Seto Kaiba, but I must admit he's handsome, and he must look gorgeous when he really smiles. Mokuba is adorable when he grins, but I suspect Kaiba-kun's smile is much more shy and quiet.

Oh, God. I'm fantasizing about Seto Kaiba. Have mercy.

"Anzu. Anzu!" Comes Jounouchi's voice. I almost jump out of my seat, and blush five different shades of pink. No more thinking about Kaiba-kun. It's bad for me.

Honda looks up, and there's Otogi, waltzing in like he owns the place. He's actually braiding a small section of his hair, but he stops when he sees our faces.

"Aren't we all happy bunnies today." He grabs a chair from a different table and sits down next to Honda.

"Shut up, Otogi." Jounouchi mutters, and Otogi realizes that even Yugi seems depressed. This automatically means something very bad has, or is about to happen.

"Yugi heard that Kaiba-kun has cancer." I spoke up, and Otogi stared for at me for a minute. He doesn't even know Seto Kaiba like we do (which still isn't much at all, come to think of it), and he even looks distressed.

The pizza arrived, along with Ryou's pasta. Jounouchi grabbed a slice, and chewed thoughtfully. He passed a piece to Honda, and then to everyone else who needed one.

Ryou twirled his linguini, that same strange blank look on his face, as if someone was reprogramming his mind.

"Maybe we should go see him. You know," I offered, leaving out the obvious. Yugi almost laughed, still staring at the table.

"I already went with Mokuba. It's like he doesn't even care."

He looks so adorably sad, it's like I could go over there and just hug him. Not that it would make anything better, but he looks like he needs escape.

I don't think any of us have realized it yet, but Seto Kaiba is much more than another face we know, another duelist to watch out for.

As much as he'd hate to admit it, he's become a part of Yugi & Co., a part of who we are. He's Seto Kaiba, and we all need him to fuction as he always has, not to leave us wondering what he would do in our place, but to yell at us and state the hidden obvious. To just be there and intimidate us, make us feel inferior, so we can strive to be better. Better than the inhuman human that stands before us with cold blue eyes.

As sad as it sounds, Seto Kaiba is our voice of reason, our Guardian Demon. With his strictly technological mind and inhuman morals, he brings us back down from our ego trips and from our victories with his cold words and stabbing glares. His balance on the scale of life might be Mokuba, but we only weigh into the equation when he thinks we deserve it. Going by that, I'm guessing we've been more of a problem to him than a solution.

I wonder if he thinks about us at night. No, not like that, you pervert, but really ever just sat down and thought; 'What am I doing with these people?'. What twist of fate dragged him to us, and what keeps bringing him back? Sure, we're not exactly normal, but he could easily ignore us and get on with his life.

I bite into the pizza, and stare out the front window.

Yugi stands up, and slips his jacket back on. We all look at him for a moment, and he smiles weakly.

"I'm going to go back the Game Shop. See you guys later." I watch him leave, and notice he didn't even touch his pizza.

"Yugi." I mutter, and Otogi steals some pepperoni off of Honda's slice.

Ryou drops his fork onto the floor, shaking violently. His eyes are wide and his pupils big. His lips are moving, he's trying to say something, but it sounds foreign and thick.

"Ryou! Ryou! Can you hear me?!" Honda waves his hand in front of Ryou, but the boy just continues to tremble. Otogi twirls his hair almost compulsively, and I watch, a bit too shaken up to do anything.

Jounouchi, being very brash in these kinds of situations, grabs a cup of ice cold water and throws its contents at the white haired boy. He slowly stops shaking, and his eyes focus again.

"Thank you, Jounouchi. I needed that." He says slowly, quietly, picking out his words with extreme care. He grabs a napkin, and dries his face.

So we sit, in silence.

We don't ask, because Ryou has secrets of his own that we don't want to know about, and that Ryou doesn't want to tell.

Ignorance is bliss, they say. What we don't know can't hurt us.

But knowledge is power.


*is attacked by anti-Anzu fans*

I like Anzu. She's really the kind of person you'd want as a friend. Ah. Did that come out as an Anzu/Seto? I hope not. It's just that I couldn't give those kinds of thoughts that I wanted to express to Jounouchi or Honda, and Yugi already had his little section. Anzu's a teenage girl who's very comfortable with who she is, and I think she's much, much deeper than she lets other people know.

I'm turning into an Anzu fan.

Anzu: It's not a bad thing. ^__^

I'm also keeping Ryou's little outburst a secret for a while. He and his Yami will have a narrative eventually. *pats Ryou*

I live off of reviews. I need them to survive, my precious…[end of bad attempt to get you to review. Do it for Smeagol's sanity.] I'd like to thank everyone who's reviewed so far, it always makes my day to check my Inbox and see reviews. ^___^

Anyways, until next time, may the angst be with you.