AN/Warnings: This is it. This is my idea for a story with more than three chapters, that I actually planned out. It's a miracle. Big project for me, so I'll be spending quite a lot of time on this.

Seto angst. Will possibly be a deathfic, which I will try to avoid as long as I can. I already have the last chapter in my mind, though, so it's kind of inevitable. Possibility of light shounen-ai. Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yuugiou, if I did, I wouldn't be making this up, and the entire show would be so much more angst filled. Dr. Umeki is based on a girl I knew when I was in elementary school. She taught me how to write my name in kanji. ^__^ I also did a good amount of research on Seto's illness over the internet.

Hope you enjoy.

Unseen Angels


(Dr. Umeki's Narrative)

Kaiba-kun, the only patient who never actually calls for me on his own free will. Mokuba Kaiba, his younger brother, always forces him to call me, or the younger boy did it himself.

I arrive at the main gate, and ring to be let in.

"Welcome to the Kaiba Estate. Who is speaking?" Came a female voice. I pressed the buzzer again.

"This is Doctor Kazuza Umeki. I'm here to see Seto Kaiba."

There was silence, as the gates slowly opened. I walked up the long cobblestone path, and was let in again at the main door.

The receptionist, a young girl, must of been the same person who let me in. I approached the desk, rapping my fingernails on the desk to catch her attention.

She was arranging papers. When she looked up, she smiled, but it was a worried one.

"You must be Doctor Umeki. Kaiba-kun is in his office, with his brother. You know the way, yes? I'll call him and tell him you're coming." She picked up the phone, and dialed two numbers.

"Hello, Kaiba-kun? Oh, Mokuba! Tell your brother the doctor is here to see him. Okay. Bye." She kept the phone cradled against her ear, and dialed another number. She gave me the thumbs up, and waved me off.

I smiled, bowed in thanks, and walked across the room, to the elevator. Pressing the up button, I tapped my foot as I waited.

I'm a very impatient person.

I had to go up three floors to reach Kaiba-kun's office. When I reached the large doors to his main office, and knocked, I must of startled Kaiba-kun, because I heard the shuffle of papers and Mokuba's giggle.

"Come in." Came his voice. I turned the brass handle, and at the other side of the room were the two brothers.

Kaiba-kun was sitting at his desk, writing something. Mokuba was sitting on one of the couches, swinging his feet back and forth.

When I reached the desk, I bowed quickly, and Kaiba-kun motioned for me to take a seat. I sat down, Mokuba smiled at me, and the continued to swing his legs.

"Alright." He put down his pen, and looked straight at me. It was rather unnerving. "I suppose Mokuba called you here, yes?"

"Yes, Kaiba-kun." It's very strange. I talk to this young man more formally than I talked to my professors at medical school. "May I ask what you think made him do so?" He sighed, and Mokuba spoke for him.

"He's been coughing a lot, and he falls asleep really early, sometimes he's asleep when I get home from school. At first he just had a cough, but it's been getting really bad. I'm surprised he hasn't coughed the entire time you've been here."

Kaiba-kun rolls his eyes. "It's not that bad, Moku-" Ironically, he breaks into a coughing fit. It's a very deep cough, almost a hacking one. He grabs a tissue from his desk drawer, and holds his chest with one hand, as if it's painful to do so.

Mokuba looks at me pointedly, and I nod.

"Kaiba-kun, may I see that tissue?" He looks at me like I'm crazy, but hesitantly hands me the crumpled tissue.

I bite my lip when I see the blood. Mokuba suddenly starts to swing his legs faster, and Kaiba-kun is staring at me.

"How long have you been coughing up blood, Kaiba-kun?" It's my and Mokuba's turn to stare at the young CEO. I suspect he didn't tell his younger brother, either. Then again, that's so like him.

"About a month now. It used to be small amounts, but it's gotten worse." He doesn't even try to make it sound better than it is.

"Do you smoke?" I say this so quickly, he almost misses it. When he comprehends, he glares at me.

"No. Never."

"Gozaburo used to smoke." Mokuba mutters, looking down at the ground. "He used to smoke a lot. Cigars sometimes, cigarettes mostly." I look back at Kaiba-kun, who confirms this.

"He'd smoke at least two packs a day." The older brother adds. "I wouldn't let Mokuba into the room if he was smoking. It was hard, but…" He trails off, and Mokuba nods.

Kaiba-kun starts coughing again, and it quickly turns into a hacking one. When he stops, he's almost out of breath, and his face is pink. He quickly wipes the blood off of his lips, but Mokuba notices it. He looks at me, his eyes begging me to do something.

"Kaiba-kun, I want you to come and see me within the week. It could be tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, anything like that. Okay?" I put my business card on the desk, and he nods, and goes back to whatever paperwork he was doing. It's not the kind of nod a guilty student gives a teacher, it's more of a nod that an annoyed teenager gives a parent. It's an 'I'll think about it' nod. "Kaiba-kun." I say much more urgently. "Promise me."

He looks up at me, his blue eyes staring back defiantly.

"I'll try."

I suppose that's the best answer I can ever hope to get from Seto Kaiba. I really should have used the Mokuba weak point.

"Thank you, Kaiba-kun." I stand up, bow again, and walk out of his office, almost slamming the door behind me. I can faintly hear Mokuba's voice, probably trying to get his brother to go.

I reached the reception, and sighed.

"How is he?" The young receptionist tucked some of her black hair behind her ear.

"I'm worried, Kaiba-kun didn't seem too happy to come visit. If you don't mind, miss…?"

"Just call me Mihoko."

"Mihoko-san, does Kaiba-kun have an opening an hour opening anytime next week? I hate to do this behind his back, but please, just pencil him in if you can. I'd really appreciate it." I plead with her. She nods, and smiles.

"Of course, Dr. Umeki. If Kaiba-kun dies, I'll be out of a job again," She laughed. "I can sneak it in on Tuesday." She winks, takes a pencil, and writes something in on the schedule beneath her. "I'll tell Kaiba-kun on Tuesday morning, he rarely remembers his schedule by himself anyway. If I get fired, it's your fault." She laughed again, and I grinned.

"Thank you so much, Mihoko-san."

"No problem. I'll just have to face the wrath of Seto Kaiba if he finds out. If you even want to mess with Kaiba-kun's schedule again, call me, ne?" She waved as I opened the front door, and I could still see her smiling when she opened the gates for me.


End of Chapter Notes: I never usually write notes at the end. I'm doing this because I couldn't at the top, or I'd give stuff away.

Don't worry, the relationship between Dr. Umeki and Seto is strictly business-like. I just needed a (rather concerned) doctor, and thought her up, as well as the receptionist.

Dr. Umeki and the receptionist (Mihoko) refer to Seto as Kaiba-kun, because it just sounded right, and it wouldn't leave me alone.

Those other characters probably won't be in the next chapter, but the third one for sure.