Disclaimer. Julia Gardens and the plot are mine everything else belongs to the Harry Potter World Goddess J.K.Rowling.

Chapter 9: With snape

As he left the class his feet automatically took him to the great hall for dinner while his mind was trying to digest what he had just heard from Fleur. It was a brutal reminder of all that he had been through as images kept rushing up in his mind. His mind was a whirlpool of confusion and pain as images of his parents' murder and Sirius falling through the veil kept coming up again and again. Harry was surprised that that memory of Sirius hurt him even more than that of his parents, but then he reasoned that he had known Sirius longer than his parents. His grim mood must have been apparent on his face because the next second Hermione, the ever-perceptive one, broke him out of his reverie.

"Harry are you alright?"

"Yeah mate you look really pale"

"It's ok I am fine." Harry lied in an overly happy tone very unconvincingly; so much so that he was sure his friends could see right through his façade.

No sense in making them worry about me thought Harry, and with that he forcefully shoved those depressing thoughts to the farthest corners of his mind where he would not dwell over them anymore anytime soon.

"So Ron what were you saying about the trials for Quidditch." Said Harry changing the subject very convincingly.

Ron's face immediately lit up at the mention of Quidditch and he eagerly began speaking.

"Yeah. Well I thought that we should be holding them up as soon as possible. And since you are the only one on the team besides me I really want you there. So when are you free?"

Harry quickly recalled the timetable and remembered that he had Thursday evenings free.

"I am free tomorrow evening what about you."

"Same here. So it's decided tomorrow evening Quidditch trials." Replied Ron.

By this time Julia joined in the conversation and they started discussing the favourites for the next Quidditch cup meanwhile Hermione started discussing the properties of various magical herbs and plants with Neville.

Dinner was almost over when Harry was suddenly hit with the realization that he had to go to Spy training with Snape. He hurriedly shoved all his dinner in his mouth and somehow managed not to puke.

He quickly thought up a lame excuse to get away and when he had finally got away and was near to the dungeons wondered if his friends had really bought it.

Anyway he thought, nothing could be done now.

He confidently knocked on the door hoping against hope that for once his class with Snape would be civil.

Hoping that Snape would be friendly was too much. Harry no longer believed that snape had the ability to make friends or for that matter keep friends but he could earn his respect he decided and he would try to do just that.

"Come in," came a cold emotionless voice and when he went in he was immediately greeted by a scathing remark from Snape

"Potter you are a minute late. The next time this happens I am going to dock off a lot of points from Gryffindor."

Think of the oath that you just made to yourself outside this very office Harry quickly thought trying to contain his overly volatile temper. Harry quickly counted to ten and then unclenched his fists which he didn't remember ever clenching."

The next statement from Snape shocked Harry to the extent that all of his temper left him, leaving him a bit dazed.

"Good Potter. So you are learning to control your temper that is the first step to becoming a spy. To woo people you may have to say things that are completely against your beliefs."

Harry was immediately hit with and image of Snape agreeing with Voldemort that Dumbledore was a bumbling old fool

Snape for once had appreciated what Harry had done. Hmm I wonder if he is feeling all right wondered Harry.

"Now," He boomed in a loud voice so that Harry was harshly knocked out of his daydreams. " You are a goody good Gryffindor. Get rid of that side. Try thinking more like a Slytherin and you will see how much more easier it is to get out of sticky situations."

"Until you can think more slyly we cannot mover forward. So next week I want you to come prepared for I will test you on how shrewd you actually are. Dismissed"

With that Harry quickly left the classroom. Thinking about what snape had said.

The more he thought about it the more sense it made. He had gotten out of a lot of sticky situation as with the Philosopher's stone by lying to Voldemort and depending on his Slytherin side..

He quickly made his way towards the common room hoping some prefect or teacher on patrol would not stop him. If they did he would have some serious explaining to do.

It seemed that fate was with him that night because he reached Gryffindor tower without incident and when he entered he was relieved to see that it was empty as it was now quite late at night.

He silently crept up the staircase and went to sleep without changing his clothes.

Needless to say he was so tired that he was asleep before his head even hit the pillow.

To be continued …

Author's notes- Thanks to all my reviewers. Speculate as much as you want. Ill answer any questions that you have if it does not give away the entire plot.

Author's notes (2)- First of all I am really sorry that I did not update for a long time mainly because of a writer's block and my exams. Hope you stay with the story and Review. I don't mind Flames as long as they are constructive.

Author's notes (3)- I know my grammar sucks so naturally I need a beta reader. Anyone out there who wishes to beta for me Send me an email at you