Testing The Gundam Pilots:

Hello people. It's me again. This time with the psycho, totally crazy Lady Une! Give her an applause, will ya? Just like Zechs, she's on the 'People from Gundam Wing that I almost know nothing about' list, but I'll try anyway. Let me know if I screw her up completely, oh and I have to warn you. I'm gonna overdo her A LOT! Enjoy.:)


Testing, Lady Une:

Name: Annie Une, but you can call me Lady Une

Age: 24 [1]

Nick Name: Saint Une, Evil Une, crazy onna

Left handed or right: Right

Are you smart?: Well, I do believe I have a normal amount of intelligence - What kind of question is that?! Of course I'm smart!

What's your middle name: I have no middle name

How many personalities do you have: One - Aw, screw you! You got two, bitch, and you know it!

How many piercing do you have: Two

What was your first word: I believe it was mommy - *snort* It was 'KILL'!

Are you superstitious: Yes

Do you read your horoscope: Yes, I'm very interested in astronomy.

Do you believe in horoscopes: BAH! Of course not!

Can you do a cartwheel: Yes

Do you have contact lenses: I wear classes

Do you have a retainer or braces: I have no need for such a thing

Do you snore: Of course not!

Do you drool in your sleep: Only when I dream about cornel Treize - YUCK! Grow up!

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge: Who write letters? Haven't you heard of e-mail?

Do you keep a journal: Yes

Do you like onions: No

Do you like cotton candy: I would like to choke you with cotton candy!

Do you like Pina Coladas: Yes

What instrument can you play: None

What words do you overuse: Kill

What do you sleep in: Night dress - 'Baby doll'

How many pillows do you have: Two

Do you like to dance: I hate it!

Do you like to sing: No

Are you any good at it: *humph* None of your business

Do you like to talk on the phone: No

Do you like it where you live: I suppose

Is your room messy: No, I like to be organized

Do you like finger-paint: Finger paint is for kids!

What do you smell like: Freshly spilled blood

Are you organized: Yes

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No

Do you sleep with your socks on: No

Are you shy: No

Do you talk to yourself: Yes

Got any lucky charms: My glasses

Are you a morning person: Yes

What's your IO: High

Are you a virgin: No

Are you proud of that: Oh, wouldn't you like to know

Do you believe in reincarnation: Yes

Do you believe in God: No. There is no God, only me!

Do you believe in aliens: Yes

Do you believe in bigfoot: Yes. He's my boss - Don't talk bad about Mr. Treize!

Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster: No

What's your favorite feature (on yourself): My personality

How old do you wish you were: My age is perfect

What will you name your daughter: Middie

Son: Treize - screw you! I will not give my son a stupid name like that!

Have you ever thought you were gonna die: Yes

What religion are you: No one

What's your motto: "Let him live of he's ugly. If there is any chance that the people would sympathize with him, kill him."


Been kissed? Yes

Done drugs? Yes

Eaten an entire box of Oreos? I believe I haven't

Been on stage? Yes

Dumped someone else? No - Yes!

Gotten in a car accident? No

Watched "Punky Brewster"? Yes

Been in love? Yes - No!


Shampoo: Whatever we have. My hair is braided and curled up anyway

Toothpaste: Whatever

Soap: Oh, I like the once that smell like roses - You make me sick!

Type of soup: Cabbage

Room in your house: Weapon stall

Instrument: Give me a piano and I'll smash it!


Coffee or hot chocolate: Coffee

Big or little: Big

Lace or Satin: Satin

New or Old: New

Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: GAH! I will kill them!

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt: Oh, most likely Tom Cruise. He reminds me of Treize

Vogue or Material Girl: Material Girl

Jeans or cords: Cords

Sweater or sweatshirt: Sweatshirt

T-shirt or Tank top: Tank top

Skirt or dress: Skirt

Wool or cotton: Cotton

Rose or lily: Roses - GAH! I hate roses!

The way it is or the way it was: The way it is - The was it was, when I was in control

Oldies or pop: Oldies

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? He wishes

Do you have a best friend: Yes, myself

In the last 24 hours, have you.

Cried: Yes - Weakling

Helped someone: No

Gotten sick: No

Gone to the movies: I don't do movies

Gone out for dinner: Yes

Said "I love you": No

Written a real letter: As I said, I don't write letters!

Moved on: Yes

Talked to an ex: No

Missed an ex: No

Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes - No

Had a serious talk: Yes

Missed someone: No

Hugged someone: No

Fought with your parents: My parents are dead

Fought with a friend: Yes - Sure, if you think the Gundam pilots are our friends

Do you.

Wear eye shadow: Yes

Put on a "front": Every day

Kiss on the first date: No. Make-out on the other hand

Have a crush on someone: Yes- You do, but not me

Eat with you mouth open: No

If you got a tattoo, where would it be and of what: A tiger that looks like it's scratching it's way out of my skin

What color is your floor/carpet in your room: Metallic

What was the last CD you bought: I don't buy CD's

How did you spent your summer: Killing and destroying Mobile Suits

When was the last time you showered: his morning

Are you tired: Yes

Are you lonely: No

Are you happy: I'm never happy

Are you wearing a pajamas: I'm wearing my 'Baby Doll'

Are you talking to someone online: No

What are the initials of your crush/interest/spouse: TK - Screw you!

What is your astrological sign: Virgo

What sign is you crush/interest/spouse: Capricorn

What time is it: 21:44


[1] Wild guess people. Anybody who knows how old Lady Une is? Please let me know.

Well, I've done Lady Une now. I've let her answer as 'Saint' Une sometimes, 'Evil' Une other times, and sometimes both. I know, I overdid it a lot. But I warned you. I told you I would do it. And I'm LOVING it! Remember to review (as always).