1 Testing The Gundam Pilots:

Author: Dragongirl85 E-mail: [email protected] Parings: HeeroxDuo, QuatrexTrowa Disclaimer: I own nothing. Sorry to say it, but I don't. If I did, Relena would be killed a long time ago and the Gundam Boys would be extremely happy (not because Relena was dead. Well, Heero would.) I'm making no money for writing this. Don't sue, you won't get much anyway, unless you want a cranky, old cat, a fucked up cell-phone and a really, really, REALLY old and crappy computer. Rating: PG-13 Notes: The title pretty much says it all. I'm gonna let each of the 5 Gundam pilots take a computer test. Ya know, the once that asks you questions about yourself and stuff. Warning: Crappy English, bad, spelled English words and no plot. Need a Gundam Wing Beta, the quicker, the better. Archive: Sure, but please ask first.:)


Testing, Heero Yuy:

Name: Heero Yuy

Age: 16

Nick Name: The Perfect Soldier.

Left handed or right: I can write with both hands

Are you smart?: .. My IQ is over average.

What's your middle name: Odin

How many personalities do you have: One. Do I need more?

How many piercing do you have: That's none of your business.

What was your first word: ..

Are you superstitious: .. No..

Do you read your horoscope: No, I don't believe in horoscopes

Do you believe in horoscopes: As I said, I don't believe in them.

Can you do a cartwheel: Of course

Do you have contact lenses: My eyesight is just fine so I have no need for it

Do you have a retainer or braces: No.

Do you snore: No.

Do you drool in your sleep: Duo says I do.

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge: . I don't send letters, I write e-mails. Much quicker.

Do you keep a journal: On my laptop, yes

Do you like onions: Mmm, gives an extra flavor in Wufei's spaghetti sauce

Do you like cotton candy: When Duo feeds me with it, yes.

Do you like Pina Coladas: . Yeah, but not to much.

What instrument can you play: Piano.

What words do you overuse: Omae O Korosu

What do you sleep in: Does Duo count?

How many pillows do you have: Duo is my pillow

Do you like to dance: Not after the dance with a horrible female with the name Peacecraft.

Do you like to sing: Not really.

Are you any good at it: Don't think so. I was trained for combat, not for singing!

Do you like to talk on the phone: No.

Do you like it where you live: No. To close to the said Peacecraft girl.

Is your room messy: Not my side of the room.

Do you like finger-paint: *blush* Yeah.

What do you smell like: Duo says I smell like rain and chocolate

Are you organized: Yes.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I sleep with Duo

Do you sleep with your socks on: It depends.

Are you shy: A little.

Do you talk to yourself: No.

Got any lucky charms: A lock of Duo's hair

Are you a morning person: Yes

What's your IO: Over average

Are you a virgin: . Do I have to answer that? Check out some of my previous answers.

Are you proud of that: Well. Duo is so good and. Omae O Korosu!

Do you believe in reincarnation: No.

Do you believe in God: No.

Do you believe in aliens: . Sometimes I wonder what planet Duo came from.

Do you believe in bigfoot: . Who?

Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster: Never heard of it.

What's your favorite feature (on yourself): My ears.

How old do you wish you were: Like I'm now.

What will you name your daughter: . Not Relena, that's for sure.

Son: Odin

Have you ever thought you were gonna die: I've blown myself up once

What religion are you: None.

What's your motto: "Do as your heart tells you"


1. Been kissed? Yes

1. Done drugs? Not voluntary

1. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? Is that a challenge?

1. Been on stage? No

1. Dumped someone else? No

1. Gotten in a car accident? Does any accidents with Wing counts?

1. Watched "Punky Brewster"? What?

1. Been in love? Yes


Shampoo: The one with the smell of strawberries

Toothpaste: Colgate

Soap: Dove

Type of soup: Mushroom

Room in your house: It's Quatre's house

Instrument: Piano


1. Coffee or hot chocolate: Coffee

1. Big or little: It depends.

1. Lace or Satin: Lace

1. New or Old: Old

1. Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: Who?

1. Tome Cruise or Brad Pitt: Duo

1. Vogue or Material Girl: Vogue

1. Jeans or cords: Jeans

1. Sweater or sweatshirt: Sweater

1. T-shirt or Tank top: Tank top

1. Skirt or dress: What kind of question is that?

1. Wool or cotton: Cotton

1. Rose or lily: Lilies

1. The way it is or the way it was: The way it is

1. Oldies or pop: Oldies

1. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes

1. Do you have a best friend: My boyfriend is my best friend

In the last 24 hours, have you.

1. Cried: No

1. Helped someone: I "helped" Duo out of bed

1. Gotten sick: I don't get sick

1. Gone to the movies: Not really time for movies these days

1. Gone out for dinner: Same as above

1. Said "I love you": Yes, this morning

1. Written a real letter: I don't write letters

1. Moved on: Yes

1. Talked to an ex: I don't have an ex

1. Missed an ex: As I said.

1. Talked to someone you have a crush on: Does my boyfriend count?

1. Had a serious talk: Yes

1. Missed someone: When Duo left for work.

1. Hugged someone: Yes

1. Fought with your parents: Parents?

1. Fought with a friend: No

Do you.

1. Wear eye shadow: No

1. Put on a "front": Yes

1. Kiss on the first date: Well, we did but.

1. Have a crush on someone: My boyfriend

1. Eat with you mouth open: No.

1. If you got a tattoo, where would it be and of what: An angel and a
devil together, on my

left shoulder

1. What color is your floor/carpet in your room: Black

1. What was the last CD you bought: I don't by CD's

1. How did you spent your summer: Chasing OZ

1. When was the last time you showered: Right before I started this test.

1. Are you tired: No

1. Are you lonely: No

1. Are you happy: . Not really.

1. Are you wearing a pajamas: No, spandex

1. Are you talking to someone online: Not now

1. What are the initials of your crush/interest/spouse: DM

1. What is your astrological sign: Libra

1. What sign is you crush/interest/spouse: Scorpio

1. What time is it: 21:48


First part finished. Yay! What do you think? Good, awful, stinking, fantastic? Did I ruin the boys completely? Please tell me what the lot of you thought about it. Need feedback, I live for feedback. Please tell me if you want me to continue this. Remember to review. *points at the review button* Thankee!