A/N: The DBZ characters are taken from about a month after Kid Buu was beaten. They are then sent to a world somewhat like that of X-men: Evolution (characters will be the same age for one) but not exactly the same (like Sentinels (the tall ones) are everywhere for one). The big differences will be obvious. The rest, who cares? I don't want to spoil anything later so I'll just say that not all of the story happens in that universe. You may also a few personality differences in some of the mutants, it's due to this alternate world they're in. Anyway, as always for me "speech", /Thought/ ~telepathy~ and this xxxxxx indicates a change to the X-men world and this zzzzzz means a shift to the DBZ world while this ****** is just a change of scene. *Sigh, I can't believe I'm starting a new story, though this should be somewhat short...*
Chapter One ~ Rescue Mission
Trunks kicked his feet in the cool water of the like rather bored. Goten, Gohan, Goku, and Videl were all still swimming but he felt... out of place. His father was going to come at first but... he wasn't exactly sure why he hadn't and wasn't to sure he wanted know... not with the look in his mom's face. He shivered just remembering that. Still, Piccolo had come and he didn't even know how to have fun.
He looked up from his feet in time to see Goten get dunked by Videl. He was about to get up when a smell floated into his nose. The unmistakable smell of food, of lunch. Namely fish, chicken, beef, carrots, rice, and numerous other things. He glanced back and saw Hercule and Chi-Chi emerge from the capsule house each carrying stacks of food. Behind them came Krillin, and Eighteen, also with food, and then Marron and Bee. Lastly came Buu who had to squish his body to fit through the door. Trunks couldn't help but start to laugh as Buu made himself narrow and looked rather deformed.
Plumping back out Buu looked at him like he was crazy for a second then made his face concave which caused bother Trunks and the now present Goten to bust up. Buu popped his face back out grinning before bending down to pet the yipping Bee and give him a slab of steak. Bee happily picked up the food and ran off to a nearby tree to eat. Meanwhile Chi-Chi, Videl, and Gohan set up the table quickly and everyone sat down to eat. Before they dug in Krillin cleared his throat and held up his glass. "First, a toast." he said. "To the return of peace and our normal lives... at least as normal as they ever get for us." he said with a quick glance at Buu and Eighteen.
This enticed a round of chuckles first followed by cheers of agreement. They all settled down, except for the Sai-jins, and began to eat the pile of food before them. It didn't take long for the four Sai-jins to reduce the mountain of food to nothing with very little help from anyone else. Meal finished Goten and Trunks wondered off to play in the woods, Gohan went to talk to Piccolo, Goku went off to lay on the grass with Krillin and Marron. Chi-Chi, Videl, Hercule, and Eighteen cleared off the table while Buu went to go play with Bee.
The sound of birds and other animals sounded through the thick forest. The sun never really did reach the forest floor and since it was still just rising seemed as though it were still night within the trees. Not that any of the forest animals really cared, nor did the people who called the underground compound here home. Buried beneath the trees and just over a mile below the surface resides what's come to be known as Compound X, home of the X-men.
Professor Charles Xavier had the place secretly constructed as anti-mutant tensions built to unprecedented levels and it seemed war grew near. Shortly after it's completion the first wave of Sentinels began to appear in the major cities of the to handle any 'mutant terrorists' that may appear. A month later Magneto led a group of mutants on an assault against a Sentinel factory and ignited a world wide genocidal war meant to purge mutants from the Earth. Xavier quickly gathered all his students and retreated to the compound only an hour before their former home was destroyed by shower of missiles.
It was from here, Compound X, that Xavier and his X-men fought to end the war. The X-men were currently gathered in the 'war room' discussing a small problem they had. "Look, we can't just leave her there so I say we break in and break her out." Wolverine demanded.
"I understand the sentiment quiet well Logan." Charles said deep in thought. "But we can't launch an assault against Stronghold. It's to dangerous."
"The professor's right." Storm said from where she sat. "Stronghold is to heavily guarded to attack head on. Magneto has tried several times to no avail, there's no reason to think our luck would be any better. Still, we must do something to rescue her."
Charles nodded. "And indeed we will. Magneto contacted me early to request our aid..."
Wolverine growled. "I still don't trust Magnet-head." he said disgustedly.
"Noted." Charles replied with a glance toward the other man. "But we could use his help. It would seem we're not the only ones short an ally. A couple days ago Magneto's most recent headquarters was attacked by an army of Sentinels. Most got away from the attack but Spyke was captured." This got everyone's attention, especially Storm's. "I informed him of Shadowcat's capture and he agreed to aid us in her rescue if we help him."
The room was silent for moment before someone finally said something. "So how do we do this?" Rouge asked.
There was more silence for a second before Charles turned around and pointed a remote at a large screen. "Mystique managed to infiltrate Stronghold early this morning and get this schematic of the building out." he said as a 3-d model appeared on screen of a massive structure both inside and below the Statue of Liberty. "Getting inside shouldn't be to much of problem. Storm is to create a fog to conceal us while Boom Boom creates distractions around the perimeter."
Wolverine snorted again. "I don't trust her either..." he grumbled rubbing the back of his neck. A month before she'd been one of their members but had decided to join Magneto and in the process jammed a number of her little explosives down his shirt. They hadn't actually hurt him that much but for some reason it stung for days. "I still think working with them is a bad idea, we're labile to be double-crossed."
Charles shook his head. "He may not agree with our ideals, or be looking for a peaceful outcome to this war, but he is still on our side." Wolverine grunted but didn't say anything so Charles continued. "Meanwhile Kurt, you are to teleport inside Wolverine and Jean. This diagram has the exact distances so memorize it because you'll be going in blind." Kurt nodded, he didn't like teleporting if he couldn't see, especially with others, but he'd try it to save Shadowcat.
"Good. Once inside Mystique will meet you, she'll be waiting here." A section of the map lit up. "She'll guide you through the compound, Logan, Jean, you'll need uniforms she's gotten out to blend it. Kurt, you're going to be the 'captive' they'll be leading to the cell's. Once there you'll get Shadowcat and Spyke. On the way back out, Logan, you'll go with Shadowcat and Mystique. Kurt, you'll get Jean and Spyke out of the building. If anything goes wrong try and keep a low profile and get out as quickly as possible. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Then let's get moving. Magneto is waiting for us in the old Morlock Tunnels."
Piccolo floated near the lake meditating. He'd had this strange feeling all day, like something was off or wrong somewhere, he just couldn't find where. Even Dende said he felt something was off but he could find nothing wrong either. It was beginning to worry him.
Goten dove into the water with Trunks a few feet behind. The two boys sped through the water for a moment before Goten came flying out, once more with Trunks right behind him. "Your to slow!" Goten called back to his friend doing a barrel roll.
"We'll see who's slow Goten!" he cried going Super Sai-jin and quickly catching the other.
"Hey, no fair!" Goten cried trying to pull free. Since Trunks wouldn't let go he quickly powered up and transformed using the backwash of energy to break lose. Then he powered down again. "You cheated!"
"I did not!"
"Did too!"
"Knock it off!" Piccolo called up. "I don't want to sit through another four hour argument between you two."
Near-by Gohan laughed. "Yeah, I'm surprised Gotenks could ever make up his mind on what to do."
Goten and Trunks both looked down at Gohan and Piccolo, then glanced at each other and grinned. Despite their constant arguments over stupid things they often had the same idea at the same time. Like now for instance. The two pint sized Sai-jins sped across to the other side of the lake, dropped to float just above the water, transformed, and sped toward Gohan and Piccolo with their arms outstretched generating a massive wave in front of them. Both intended targets saw it coming but only Piccolo managed to not get hit by putting up barrier.
"Goten!" Gohan shouted drenched.
"I think it looks good on you Gohan." Videl said walking up and messing up Goten's hair. "Besides, it serves you right for yelling it innocent little Goten." She said the last part with sarcastic tone and smirk.
"Hey!" Goten called up before pushing her into the water. The day pretty much went on like this until the sun began to set and the air to cool. At this point everyone gathered inside the house to sit down for dinner.
Kurt looked around in the growing fog that made the dark night even darker. He had one hand on Jean's shoulder, the other on Logan's. The Professor told him his cue was the sound of Boom Boom's explosives going off. Needless to say, with this growing fog and a few hundred soldiers around he was a bit nervous about this little plan now. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though as he soon heard a few minor explosions from various directions. In a puff of smoke he and his to companion's vanished to reappear inside Stronghold.
There was a woman in a captain's uniform standing in the hallway right before them. At first Kurt thought they'd been discovered already but then saw her eyes flash and realized it was Mystique. "About time." she said holding out a pair of handcuffs. They were quickly fastened to Kurt's wrists before Mystique handed Jean and Logan each a gun. "I am your escort, you are his guards, follow me."
It didn't take long to reach the holding area and they met no resistance from anyone they passed in the halls. "Rather lax security." Logan said as the door closed behind them.
"They believe this place is impenetrable." Mystique replied. "Getting in is the hardest part."
The small group came to a stop in front of two tanks full of green liquid. Inside on tank floated Spyke, the other held Shadowcat. "Kitty..." Kurt said in shock. There were tubes and wires attached to almost every part of her body, the same was true for Spyke.
"We're rather lucky." Mystique said examining the control panel. "They only hold prisoners here for a few days while they extract genetic samples." she said the last part with disgust. "We aren't sure what they're up to here but we know of hundreds of mutants who've gone through these tanks..."
"Let's just get them out." Jean said.
Mystique nodded and activated the drainage system. It only took a moment for the tanks to empty. Then Logan used his claws to break open the tanks. Jean levitated the two former captives down to the ground. It only took a few seconds for the two to wake up. "Where... Jean?" Kitty asked sitting up. "Logan, Kurt! I knew you guys would come."
Logan smiled for a second before turning. "We have to go, now. Kurt, Jean, get Spyke outside. Mystique and I will get Kitty out." Everyone nodded as Spyke picked a few needles out of his armor. The group then split into two to make it easier.
Kurt peeked around the corner then waved Jean and Spyke forward. Cautiously they made their way down the hall to another doorway and looked outside again, and froze. "Not good." he said back to the them. The two took a look around the door and saw for them self. They're escape route was currently blocked by a couple guards.
"No problem." Spyke said prepping a few spikes to launch.
"No." Jean said putting a hand on his arm. "We're not killing anyone Evan." Spyke glared at her for a moment but she didn't turn away.
"Fine. Then what do you suggest?"
Jean turned and looked out at the two guards. She closed her eyes and focused. After only a moment they began to sway on their feet and then both suddenly toppled over. "There, I've put them to sleep." she said faintly. It was obvious she'd strained her self knocking both of them out at once. "Let's go." They ran quickly across the room and reached the opposite wall. Kurt grabbed both of them and teleported outside. When they reappeared they were only a few feet from Storm who was still keeping the fog up.
Kitty pulled Logan and Mystique through a wall as a guard rounded the corner. "We would have to go the heavily guarded way." she said poking her head through the wall to check if it was clear. "Let's go." The three re-emerged into the hall and continued on.
Logan stopped suddenly and looked back. "I knew we couldn't trust her." he growled. Mystique was gone. "Kitty, just head to the end of the hall and go through the wall down there, it'll get you out. I'm going to find Mystique."
"No buts, just do it." He demanded. Then he turned and followed Mystiques scent down another hall. After a few yards he found her in a small room taking something from a safe. "There you are."
She rounded on him and he got a clear view of what she held. It was a medium sized device, about the size of basketball. It was smooth all around and looked like it was nothing more than a metal ball. By the way Mystique was holding it however, he knew it must be something important. "I'm coming." she said walking quickly past him and into the hall.
The two made their way quickly down the hall and found Kitty still waiting there. "I thought I told you to get out?" he growled. She just shrugged. He grumbled something about kids being a pain but said nothing audible and they passed through the wall. They were greeted by an explosion a few feet away. Logan turned and readied his claws for battle when he saw the Sentinel nearing they position. Then he spotted the unconscious Mystique and the dropped metal thing. As Kurt suddenly popped in out of no where Logan quickly picked up the device. A second later they were back with the other X-Men. Then Kurt vanished as he took Mystique and Spyke to where Magneto waited. A moment later, after he returned, everyone boarded the Blackbird and began the trip back to Compound X.
A/N: So, what do you think? I know not much happened in the Z universe but this is just the first chapter, most of this was build up for later chapters. Anyway, read and review please!
Chapter One ~ Rescue Mission
Trunks kicked his feet in the cool water of the like rather bored. Goten, Gohan, Goku, and Videl were all still swimming but he felt... out of place. His father was going to come at first but... he wasn't exactly sure why he hadn't and wasn't to sure he wanted know... not with the look in his mom's face. He shivered just remembering that. Still, Piccolo had come and he didn't even know how to have fun.
He looked up from his feet in time to see Goten get dunked by Videl. He was about to get up when a smell floated into his nose. The unmistakable smell of food, of lunch. Namely fish, chicken, beef, carrots, rice, and numerous other things. He glanced back and saw Hercule and Chi-Chi emerge from the capsule house each carrying stacks of food. Behind them came Krillin, and Eighteen, also with food, and then Marron and Bee. Lastly came Buu who had to squish his body to fit through the door. Trunks couldn't help but start to laugh as Buu made himself narrow and looked rather deformed.
Plumping back out Buu looked at him like he was crazy for a second then made his face concave which caused bother Trunks and the now present Goten to bust up. Buu popped his face back out grinning before bending down to pet the yipping Bee and give him a slab of steak. Bee happily picked up the food and ran off to a nearby tree to eat. Meanwhile Chi-Chi, Videl, and Gohan set up the table quickly and everyone sat down to eat. Before they dug in Krillin cleared his throat and held up his glass. "First, a toast." he said. "To the return of peace and our normal lives... at least as normal as they ever get for us." he said with a quick glance at Buu and Eighteen.
This enticed a round of chuckles first followed by cheers of agreement. They all settled down, except for the Sai-jins, and began to eat the pile of food before them. It didn't take long for the four Sai-jins to reduce the mountain of food to nothing with very little help from anyone else. Meal finished Goten and Trunks wondered off to play in the woods, Gohan went to talk to Piccolo, Goku went off to lay on the grass with Krillin and Marron. Chi-Chi, Videl, Hercule, and Eighteen cleared off the table while Buu went to go play with Bee.
The sound of birds and other animals sounded through the thick forest. The sun never really did reach the forest floor and since it was still just rising seemed as though it were still night within the trees. Not that any of the forest animals really cared, nor did the people who called the underground compound here home. Buried beneath the trees and just over a mile below the surface resides what's come to be known as Compound X, home of the X-men.
Professor Charles Xavier had the place secretly constructed as anti-mutant tensions built to unprecedented levels and it seemed war grew near. Shortly after it's completion the first wave of Sentinels began to appear in the major cities of the to handle any 'mutant terrorists' that may appear. A month later Magneto led a group of mutants on an assault against a Sentinel factory and ignited a world wide genocidal war meant to purge mutants from the Earth. Xavier quickly gathered all his students and retreated to the compound only an hour before their former home was destroyed by shower of missiles.
It was from here, Compound X, that Xavier and his X-men fought to end the war. The X-men were currently gathered in the 'war room' discussing a small problem they had. "Look, we can't just leave her there so I say we break in and break her out." Wolverine demanded.
"I understand the sentiment quiet well Logan." Charles said deep in thought. "But we can't launch an assault against Stronghold. It's to dangerous."
"The professor's right." Storm said from where she sat. "Stronghold is to heavily guarded to attack head on. Magneto has tried several times to no avail, there's no reason to think our luck would be any better. Still, we must do something to rescue her."
Charles nodded. "And indeed we will. Magneto contacted me early to request our aid..."
Wolverine growled. "I still don't trust Magnet-head." he said disgustedly.
"Noted." Charles replied with a glance toward the other man. "But we could use his help. It would seem we're not the only ones short an ally. A couple days ago Magneto's most recent headquarters was attacked by an army of Sentinels. Most got away from the attack but Spyke was captured." This got everyone's attention, especially Storm's. "I informed him of Shadowcat's capture and he agreed to aid us in her rescue if we help him."
The room was silent for moment before someone finally said something. "So how do we do this?" Rouge asked.
There was more silence for a second before Charles turned around and pointed a remote at a large screen. "Mystique managed to infiltrate Stronghold early this morning and get this schematic of the building out." he said as a 3-d model appeared on screen of a massive structure both inside and below the Statue of Liberty. "Getting inside shouldn't be to much of problem. Storm is to create a fog to conceal us while Boom Boom creates distractions around the perimeter."
Wolverine snorted again. "I don't trust her either..." he grumbled rubbing the back of his neck. A month before she'd been one of their members but had decided to join Magneto and in the process jammed a number of her little explosives down his shirt. They hadn't actually hurt him that much but for some reason it stung for days. "I still think working with them is a bad idea, we're labile to be double-crossed."
Charles shook his head. "He may not agree with our ideals, or be looking for a peaceful outcome to this war, but he is still on our side." Wolverine grunted but didn't say anything so Charles continued. "Meanwhile Kurt, you are to teleport inside Wolverine and Jean. This diagram has the exact distances so memorize it because you'll be going in blind." Kurt nodded, he didn't like teleporting if he couldn't see, especially with others, but he'd try it to save Shadowcat.
"Good. Once inside Mystique will meet you, she'll be waiting here." A section of the map lit up. "She'll guide you through the compound, Logan, Jean, you'll need uniforms she's gotten out to blend it. Kurt, you're going to be the 'captive' they'll be leading to the cell's. Once there you'll get Shadowcat and Spyke. On the way back out, Logan, you'll go with Shadowcat and Mystique. Kurt, you'll get Jean and Spyke out of the building. If anything goes wrong try and keep a low profile and get out as quickly as possible. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Then let's get moving. Magneto is waiting for us in the old Morlock Tunnels."
Piccolo floated near the lake meditating. He'd had this strange feeling all day, like something was off or wrong somewhere, he just couldn't find where. Even Dende said he felt something was off but he could find nothing wrong either. It was beginning to worry him.
Goten dove into the water with Trunks a few feet behind. The two boys sped through the water for a moment before Goten came flying out, once more with Trunks right behind him. "Your to slow!" Goten called back to his friend doing a barrel roll.
"We'll see who's slow Goten!" he cried going Super Sai-jin and quickly catching the other.
"Hey, no fair!" Goten cried trying to pull free. Since Trunks wouldn't let go he quickly powered up and transformed using the backwash of energy to break lose. Then he powered down again. "You cheated!"
"I did not!"
"Did too!"
"Knock it off!" Piccolo called up. "I don't want to sit through another four hour argument between you two."
Near-by Gohan laughed. "Yeah, I'm surprised Gotenks could ever make up his mind on what to do."
Goten and Trunks both looked down at Gohan and Piccolo, then glanced at each other and grinned. Despite their constant arguments over stupid things they often had the same idea at the same time. Like now for instance. The two pint sized Sai-jins sped across to the other side of the lake, dropped to float just above the water, transformed, and sped toward Gohan and Piccolo with their arms outstretched generating a massive wave in front of them. Both intended targets saw it coming but only Piccolo managed to not get hit by putting up barrier.
"Goten!" Gohan shouted drenched.
"I think it looks good on you Gohan." Videl said walking up and messing up Goten's hair. "Besides, it serves you right for yelling it innocent little Goten." She said the last part with sarcastic tone and smirk.
"Hey!" Goten called up before pushing her into the water. The day pretty much went on like this until the sun began to set and the air to cool. At this point everyone gathered inside the house to sit down for dinner.
Kurt looked around in the growing fog that made the dark night even darker. He had one hand on Jean's shoulder, the other on Logan's. The Professor told him his cue was the sound of Boom Boom's explosives going off. Needless to say, with this growing fog and a few hundred soldiers around he was a bit nervous about this little plan now. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though as he soon heard a few minor explosions from various directions. In a puff of smoke he and his to companion's vanished to reappear inside Stronghold.
There was a woman in a captain's uniform standing in the hallway right before them. At first Kurt thought they'd been discovered already but then saw her eyes flash and realized it was Mystique. "About time." she said holding out a pair of handcuffs. They were quickly fastened to Kurt's wrists before Mystique handed Jean and Logan each a gun. "I am your escort, you are his guards, follow me."
It didn't take long to reach the holding area and they met no resistance from anyone they passed in the halls. "Rather lax security." Logan said as the door closed behind them.
"They believe this place is impenetrable." Mystique replied. "Getting in is the hardest part."
The small group came to a stop in front of two tanks full of green liquid. Inside on tank floated Spyke, the other held Shadowcat. "Kitty..." Kurt said in shock. There were tubes and wires attached to almost every part of her body, the same was true for Spyke.
"We're rather lucky." Mystique said examining the control panel. "They only hold prisoners here for a few days while they extract genetic samples." she said the last part with disgust. "We aren't sure what they're up to here but we know of hundreds of mutants who've gone through these tanks..."
"Let's just get them out." Jean said.
Mystique nodded and activated the drainage system. It only took a moment for the tanks to empty. Then Logan used his claws to break open the tanks. Jean levitated the two former captives down to the ground. It only took a few seconds for the two to wake up. "Where... Jean?" Kitty asked sitting up. "Logan, Kurt! I knew you guys would come."
Logan smiled for a second before turning. "We have to go, now. Kurt, Jean, get Spyke outside. Mystique and I will get Kitty out." Everyone nodded as Spyke picked a few needles out of his armor. The group then split into two to make it easier.
Kurt peeked around the corner then waved Jean and Spyke forward. Cautiously they made their way down the hall to another doorway and looked outside again, and froze. "Not good." he said back to the them. The two took a look around the door and saw for them self. They're escape route was currently blocked by a couple guards.
"No problem." Spyke said prepping a few spikes to launch.
"No." Jean said putting a hand on his arm. "We're not killing anyone Evan." Spyke glared at her for a moment but she didn't turn away.
"Fine. Then what do you suggest?"
Jean turned and looked out at the two guards. She closed her eyes and focused. After only a moment they began to sway on their feet and then both suddenly toppled over. "There, I've put them to sleep." she said faintly. It was obvious she'd strained her self knocking both of them out at once. "Let's go." They ran quickly across the room and reached the opposite wall. Kurt grabbed both of them and teleported outside. When they reappeared they were only a few feet from Storm who was still keeping the fog up.
Kitty pulled Logan and Mystique through a wall as a guard rounded the corner. "We would have to go the heavily guarded way." she said poking her head through the wall to check if it was clear. "Let's go." The three re-emerged into the hall and continued on.
Logan stopped suddenly and looked back. "I knew we couldn't trust her." he growled. Mystique was gone. "Kitty, just head to the end of the hall and go through the wall down there, it'll get you out. I'm going to find Mystique."
"No buts, just do it." He demanded. Then he turned and followed Mystiques scent down another hall. After a few yards he found her in a small room taking something from a safe. "There you are."
She rounded on him and he got a clear view of what she held. It was a medium sized device, about the size of basketball. It was smooth all around and looked like it was nothing more than a metal ball. By the way Mystique was holding it however, he knew it must be something important. "I'm coming." she said walking quickly past him and into the hall.
The two made their way quickly down the hall and found Kitty still waiting there. "I thought I told you to get out?" he growled. She just shrugged. He grumbled something about kids being a pain but said nothing audible and they passed through the wall. They were greeted by an explosion a few feet away. Logan turned and readied his claws for battle when he saw the Sentinel nearing they position. Then he spotted the unconscious Mystique and the dropped metal thing. As Kurt suddenly popped in out of no where Logan quickly picked up the device. A second later they were back with the other X-Men. Then Kurt vanished as he took Mystique and Spyke to where Magneto waited. A moment later, after he returned, everyone boarded the Blackbird and began the trip back to Compound X.
A/N: So, what do you think? I know not much happened in the Z universe but this is just the first chapter, most of this was build up for later chapters. Anyway, read and review please!