The "We're Screwed" Chronicles

Author's notes: Here it is, as promised: the new Sirrus and Achenar fic by me! Lady Kat. I apologize for the stupidness of the original S&A banterfic, there was no plot, and I just couldn't make it go. I'm sorry. I know where this one is going, though, so don't fear! Plus, I'm in the mood to write, and that's a good thing. Let's all see how long that lasts.

Disclaimer: I do not own Myst, but if I did, I'd sell tickets there and make a fortune!

Summary: Okay. What if two (yes, I realize it's only supposed to be one, but it's two, work with me here) really stupid travelers stumble upon the Myst book and accidently let both of the brothers out of their prisons? What would they do then(the brothers, not the stupid people.)? And if Atrus still needs someone to go to Riven......OOC-ness abounds. May abound. Might abound. If it suits my purposes. Which it probably will.

"Yes! Yes...I'm free!"

"Oh yes. I'm free! I feel...alive." Incessant giggling accompanied this statement. Suddenly both men stopped. They slowly swiveled around to face one another.

"You," they said in unison.

"I had hoped never to see you again, dear brother," said the one, scooping up the red book behind him and briskly walking out of the library. The hairier man pouted, scooped up the blue book and followed suit.

"Sirrus, don't say that! I know you love me!" He rounded the fountain, breaking the mast of the model ship with a swipe of his hand. "What would you do without me?"

"Possibly keep things intact." Sirrus entered the log cabin. He emerged a few seconds later with a lit match. He held it against his book until it caught, then handed it to his brother. He again copied his brother. Sirrus walked to the edge of the island, waited until the red prison had burned to a sufficent degree, and then plunked it unceremoniously into the waiting water.

"That's unfair, and you know it!" whined Achenar. Plunk. "It was your all idea!"

"Was it? I don't ever remember coming to you and saying, 'Hey Achenar, why don't you kill all of my subjects for fun?' Please remind me when I said that." Sirrus gave his brother a long, pointed stare before moving on.

"Well," he began sheepishly, "You didn't say *that*. But you did want me to destroy the ages!" Achenar grinned smugly, now he'd won. Sirrus approached him slowly, staring him straight in the eyes.

"I wanted you to destroy the ones where we'd caused mass carnage, not to completely obliterate all of them. Now we have no one left to play with." Achenar frowned as Sirrus turned away, maybe he hadn't quite won yet. Sirrus walked briskly to the dock, flipped open the vault, and took the white page. "Come along, dear brother. We have some sucking up to do." Achenar's jaw dropped; he ran up and tore the page out of his brother's hand.

"What are you doing?!" he wheezed. "You're letting Father out?"

"Well, what else do you suggest we do? It's just you, me, and five *unpopulated* ages! That's boring!"

"And I guess you're going to blame this on me?"

"Yes!" Sirrus climbed into the fireplace, Achenar following him.

"You always blame..."

"Achenar, move your knee."


"Because if you don't, I'm not entirely sure I'll be able produce an heir," said Sirrus in an increasingly high soprano.

"Right. Sorry." Achenar pressed himself against the back wall as Sirrus punched in the code. "Where was I...? Yes, that's it! You always blame me for everything!"

"Well, that's because it's wonderfully convienent." Sirrus flipped the red switch. "Idiots are always easy to blame."

"Shut up!" Achenar punched Sirrus in the arm as the fireplace spun around.

"Stop it, brother. We have no time for foolishness. We must convince Father that we are changed men." Sirrus reached for the D'ni linking book.

"I'm changed," Achenar said proudly. "I'm smarter than I was before." Sirrus looked back at his brother in disbelief.

"Perhaps you should let me do the talking."

Atrus read the patch he had just applied to Riven. The world appeared to be stabilizing, perhaps it would become stable enough for him to rescue Catherine. But that was a foolish hope, his efforts were barely sustaining Riven. Atrus realized then that he may never see his beloved Catherine again, not without help.

"Hello, Father."

Life certainly has a sense of humor, doesn't she? Sometimes a little too ironic. Atrus looked up to see his two power-hungry, sadistic, money-grubbing sons standing before him. Well, one was standing, the other was bobbing back and forth rapidly, grinning like a maniac.

" did you two get out?" Sirrus strode foward, placing the Myst page in front of him.

"I would just like to begin by saying: it was all Achenar's fault." Achenar's jaw dropped, he lauched himself forward on to Sirrus' back.

"My fault? My fault? You're the mastermind; you told me so!" Sirrus swung around trying to dislodge his brother from his back; Achenar hung on tight, beating on Sirrus' back with his fists. "I'm tired of being blamed! It's his fault, Faaaather!" Achenar fell off and landed on the ground with a thud. Sirrus straightened his jacket.

"Now, Father, you and I both know Achenar's violent tendencies. I can also tell you that he's a pathological liar."

"He's making it up!"

"How can we believe anything a pathological liar says?" Achenar thought for a minute.

"That's a good point...hey!"

"Enough!" Atrus yelled, silencing the two boys. "We have more important matters to tend to at the moment."

"We...?" questioned Sirrus, his brow furrowing. "But Father, what about...?"

"Shut up. I need you both to go to Riven, rescue your mother, and capture your grandfather, Gehn, in this." He tossed them what appeared to be a D'ni linking book, but Sirrus knew what it really was. A prison book.

"Oooooooh, if I use that here," asked Achenar, bouncing over, "will I link back to the same place I'm standing now?" he reached for the book, giggling.

"No!" screamed both Sirrus and Atrus. "It's a prison book!" finished Sirrus angrily, snatching it out of his brother's grasp. Atrus shook his head, handing Sirrus his journal.

"This will explain everything. Now hurry up." He held up the Riven book. Sirrus and Achenar looked at each other, shrugged, and touched the linking page. In that instant, they were gone. Atrus placed the Riven book back on his desk and stared down at it. He thought of his two sons, and then shook his head bitterly. "We're screwed."

Okay, that's the first chapter! Next chapter: Temple Island! Or something like that. Possibly Village Island, too. Okay, basically as far as I get. It depends how much rambling S&A do. They just kind of start talking; I only write it down. ^_^ Okay, well, please review! I promise I'll update this one!