Winter Wish

By Kamehameha

Kameha: For the love of Kami, I don't own Digimon or the plot of the Winter Special of Love Hina, nor the song 'Winter Wish' or the lyrics. This has to have been the longest fanfic I've ever written, other than the Hilarious adventures of Ruki and Izumi… Now that that's over with…

Chibi Yugi: *glomps* Buddy Ol' Pal! Thanks for reviewing!!

KG2: Thanks for reviewing! The cops are getting lazier each passing minute! They didn't even have the brains to think of scanning for fingerprints even if there were fingerprints on the mirror. *mutters* Bakas… But hopefully, I get my Christmas present back… Or at least get a new one… Thanks for caring!

Blue and Green: Yes, odd couples are usually interesting. Thanks for reviewing!

Tamer of Light: Well, I did know what you meant the first time, and I didn't pay that much attention until you reviewed again correcting it. Oh well, I knew what your true intentions were. Hope you get over that writer's block. Try standing on your head and saying fork, it helps! ^-^ Thanks for reviewing! *beams* The 3 Legendary Authors… Rukato Itsumademo!

The Future Queen: Thanks for reviewing!

DigiDestined of Courage: Thanks for reviewing! Hehehehe… *pokes BlackTerriermon* Hehehehe... *pokes him again* Fun… Rukato Itsumademo!

K9: Erm... thanks for reviewing! I did finish it cuz this is the last chapter. ^-^;;; So sorry about the Rena/Guil part…

Classic Cowboy: Thanks for reviewing!

Kameha: By the way, if anyone was wondering, I had this all prewritten and every 5 days, I uploaded the chapters. Kept you all in suspense huh? *hides behind Ruki* Please don't kill me!!! Read and Review!!


Chapter 4: The Finale

~Makino's residence~

"Hello? Takato, what a surprise. Ruki called. Uh huh. Yes. She told you to meet her at Kupori Street. It's the best place for couples to meet. Alright?"

"Thanks again Mrs. Makino."

"And do me a favour, will you Takato? Take good care of Ruki for me."

"I'll do my best, Mrs. Makino." A click could be heard as it signified the other person has hung up.

Rumiko turned to her mother, "Do you think they'll be together forever?"

Seiko looked at her daughter and a short glance at the clock. "Well, it is Christmas Eve. Did you know that if you make a wish on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true?"

She gave her mother a slight nod, and looked outside where the snow began to fall again in the dark night. 'I wish you two luck.'


Takato kept walking, feeling proud that he finally would get to confess to Ruki and that Ruki might answer back this time. And the gift.

"Hm? Where's the gift?" He remembered that he left he gift at the restaurant and continued walking. "I guess I'll pick it up later. I only have 2 hours left until Christmas."



'The gift.' Ruki looked around to see that the gift was not in her hands.


Ding Dong, Kupori Street. The announcement said as the train halted to a stop. Rushed, Ruki heard the announcement and raced towards the exit, hoping not to be late, unknowing that the gift still was left on the seat.

~End Flashback~

"Ah. shit." she muttered to herself as she pivoted and raced back towards the station. "What was I doing?!?!"



Kupori Street, Takato made it to his destination. He stood on the bridge above the traffic. Around him were couples, laughing, chattering, and heck even kissing. 'There sure are a lot of people here. I hope Ruki's going to be here soon.' He thought to himself as he watched the passing cars.


Ruki looked around after arriving to the station. 'Damn, I just remembered that the train just left. There's no way to getting the jacket now.' Her eyes shifted to the man in a black uniform, who looked like a security guard. He wore a badge on his shoulder saying "Shinjuku Police Service" and had a dark covered cap that hid his eyes slightly.

Almost immediately, she dash towards him. "Hey officer, do you know if I could get back an item that I left on the train?"

He looked at her, "Well, trains in this area travel in a circle; it might take a while for it to get back."

"But I need the jacket now!" She barked as she sent him a death glare.

"I'm sorry miss, you'll have to wait until the train comes back to retrieve your lost property." He reminded her.

"Screw you!" She screamed as she stomped off. She felt a strong grip on her shoulder. It felt cold and distant.

"No one talks to an officer that way!" The officer barked as he began to pull Ruki towards him.

"LET GO!" She screamed. It was no use, the grip was too strong and it continued to hold as she struggled.

"Let her go, Hitori-san." A familiar voice ordered. Immediately, the hand loosened causing Ruki able to scramble away from the raged man.

"Hai, Akiyama-sama." The guard obeyed.

"Ryo! What are you doing here?" Ruki demanded as she faced the Digimon King.

"Think of this as my appreciation for the gift you gave me. I don't really understand the letter that much, but I'm on your side this time. That's what friends are for. I'll help you find Takato so you two can be together forever. After all, this is Christmas Eve; did you know if you make a wish on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true?" He replied.

Ruki looked at him thoughtfully and friendly punched him. "You're starting to sound like Juri and my grandma, you know that?"

Ryo nodded and smirked. "Same old Ruki." He glanced over to the guard, "You there! Go search up the train with the lost gift. It shouldn't have gone that far."

"Hai, Akiyama-sama." Almost immediately, the guard began.

"I'd better call Grandma to tell Takato to meet somewhere else."

Ryo nodded, "That might be a good idea."


Hirokazu continued walking as he constantly kicked an empty can around. "Stupid Christmas… I wish I did bring some money so I could get home. It's on the other side of town." He muttered to himself.

He had been walking for a long while, hoping to find Takato and Ruki and tell them about the misunderstandings. Unfortunately for him, he winded up in the strangest place.

"Maybe I shouldn't have intervened in their relationship, what does this have to do with me anyway? I'm just screwing myself up more."

"Well, at least you tried Hirokazu… That's all that matters…."

Hirokazu looked up to see a faint image of Guardromon floating in front of him.



"I guess it would have been smart if I should have brought some money…" Juri told Kenta as they continued to stroll the dark and busy streets.

"I should have brought some more money too…"

"I want to go home…" She stopped and faced Kenta.

"Me too…"

"Well, you will after you find Takato and Ruki right? This is the entire reason why you're doing this, to get those two together. Did you guys forget already?"

Kenta looked to his side to see a faint image of MarineAngemon. "MarineAngemon…"

"I used to think you had a lion's heart Juri, what happened to you? Are you really going to give up?"



Takato grew restless from standing at the exact spot for an hour. No show of Ruki yet. He cheeks were rosy from the cold wind and even the wind was starting to get through his puffy jacket. He began to shiver a bit, feeling his broken leg growing numb.

Glancing around, he spotted a pay phone. 'Maybe I should call her house again to see if she's coming.' He thought as he limped towards the phone. He slowly typed in the numbers; it was beginning to be more difficult to type since his fingers were almost lifeless from the frost that almost covered them.

"Hello? Mrs. Makino? Do you know if Ruki's going to be here soon? Meet her downtown? Umm… Okay…" 'Great… What if this is really a prank?"

"Takato, I know Ruki's is going to be there. She likes you too much to let you down, even Lopmon told me the same thing, so don't worry okays?" A younger girl's voice spoke on the other line.

"Okay. Thanks Shuichon." Takato said with determination. He placed the receiver back and looked at his watch. 'One more hour until Christmas… I hope I'll get there in time.'


"Guardromon…" Hirokazu looked shocked to see his partner again. It was only 3 tamers that were able to get their digimon back. The rest were unable to find the other partners. "You're back…"

"I am… but not for long… Hirokazu, do you think what you did today was right? Teaming up with Juri and Kenta trying to improve on Takato and Ruki's relationship, hoping to help them without knowing you had enough money to get there or back? What do you think?"

"I'm not sure anymore Guardromon… I think I might have made a wise decision. What do you think?"

"I believe the answer lies within, Hirokazu… You did not think selfishly this Christmas; you care about others, that is all that matters… I must get going now, but I know you helped them out a little. Thank you." The digimon spirit faded.

"Is Guardromon playing matchmaker or something? Oh well, I'm off to find those stupid love birds!" With that in mind, he began to march off, in hopes of finding Takato or Ruki.


"Well, you will after you find Takato and Ruki right? This is the entire reason why you're doing this, to get those two together. Did you guys forget already?"


"I used to think you had a lion's heart Juri, what happened to you? Are you really going to give up?"


Kenta looked at his mega level digimon. "Yeah… But I really want to go home… "

"Do you believe that Takato and Ruki will ever have another chance at making their dream come true?"

"I guess… You're right…" Kenta said as he watched MarineAngemon fade away.

"Juri, what do you think?"

"I guess maybe… Takato and Ruki wouldn't have gotten together if it weren't for us." Juri looked at Leomon with a smile. "I'll help find Takato and Ruki, even if we don't make it back by Christmas. It will be a disaster if nothing changes. I want this to be a memorable Christmas for everyone."

Leomon nodded as he began to fade away.

"Well, we should go find Takato and Ruki then shall we?" Juri asked Kenta. He nodded slightly as they both continued to walk.


"Are you sure? I can always give you a lift there." Ryo told her.

Ruki shook her head and replied, "It's alright, it's best that I go look for him myself. I suggest you look for the others, Akiyama-kun."

Ryo nodded and grinned, "Same old Ruki, You can't stand to work with me right?" He watched her exit out of the station, heading for the main busy area of Shinjuku.

"I believe that she has a point. It's best not to intervene with her, she needs to follow her heart this time." The guard told him.

"I guess you're right Hitori-san."


~10 minutes~

(Winter Wish Sung by Yonekura Chihiro)


chiisana shiawase o daiji ni atatameteta 
nee, omou to mune no oku konna ni itaku naru no

How such small happiness is warming our important moment

Hey, inside this heart and mind, I began to feel such kind of feeling

Ruki looked at the time, '10 minutes 'til Christmas… Am I going to make it in time?' She raced across the busy people, trying to look for a certain gogglehead. "TAKATO!!"


~9 minutes~

anata no me anata no koe subete itoshikute...

Your eyes, your voice, all of them I cared the most

"Ruki! Takato!" Hirokazu called out trying to find his two friends. He suddenly spotted Juri and Kenta. "Guys!!!"


~8 minutes~

konayuki ga hoho ni maiori namida ni kawatta
itsumademo soba ni ite kono te o hanasanai de
fuyu no sora kirameku hoshi wa futari o tsutsunda
shiroi kata shiroi iki anata to kanjiteru WINTER WISH

Falling snow pieces that rolling on my cheek are changing my tears

Forever be by my side, don't let go of these hands

Upon the winter sky, the twinkling stars is surrounding both of us

White shoulders, white breath, feeling you deeply as my winter wish

The two watched and waved as Hirokazu approach.

"We have to hurry! We don't' have much time left! Takato and Ruki can't make their wish if we don't find them in time." Juri reminded them.

"Let's go then." Hirokazu and Kenta nodded in agreement.


~7 minutes~

yorisoi aruita umizoi no yuuenchi
nee, kanransha ni notte hikari no machi miyou yo

Walking closer together on an ocean-side park

Hey, watching a far from train that we rode, let's watch the lights of city

"Ruki!" Takato yelled out. He had been searching around for the last 13 minutes. No luck in finding Ruki.

His frostbitten hand attempted to keep his grip on the crouch. It was no use, his grip was slipping. Quickly, his arm gave its all and he tumbled onto the cold and wet sidewalk.

"Ruki…" was the last word he muttered before blacking out.


~6 minutes~

tooku naru umi to awai kissu ga setsunakute... 

Far away from the ocean, and the scent of a kiss honestly given

"Takato!!" Ruki screamed as she frantically searched the area for him. It was too hard to find him, from the crowd of people around her. "Gogglehead!!!"

Suddenly, she glanced over to her side, seeing Renamon. "Renamon!"

Renamon didn't respond, she merely pointed over to the source of the crowd of people. Quickly, Ruki rushed over to see what the commotion was about.


~5 minutes~

hajimari wa konayuki no IVU chiisana SUTORI
dare yori mo aishiteru kono te o hanasanai de
arukidasu futari no mirai naranda ashiato
nukumori mo yasashisa mo anata to dakishimeru WINTER WISH

The beginning of a little story on the eve's falling snow

The true self I've fallen in love with, don't let go of these hands

Walking our future together in each footsteps

How warm, how gentle, hugging you deeply as my winter wish



"Ruki!!! Takato!!!"

The trio continued to search through the crowd of people. Finally, they spotted a familiar limousine.

"Juri, Hirokazu, Kenta!" Jenrya called for their attention as he rolled down the window. The trio approached to see Ryo, Jenrya and Hitori.

"What are you guys doing here?" Juri asked them.

Ryo smirked. "Doing exactly what Ruki wanted me to do, find you guys so you won't get lost."

"Yeah but what about Ruki and Takato?" Kenta asked them.

"Well, tonight is Christmas Eve isn't it? We should let them sort this out on their own. Maybe a miracle might happen. After all, did you know that if you make a wish on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true?" Jenrya explained.

The others looked at Jenrya and smiled. "We've heard that saying so many times." They all said simultaneously as they gave Jenrya a friendly punch.

Suddenly, all eyes directed to the huge TV screen on the side of a building. It showed a women carrying a microphone, and along with that, they saw someone very familiar.



~4 minutes~

konayuki ga hoho ni maiori namida ni kawatta
Falling snow pieces that rolling on my cheek are changing my tears

"Hello everyone! I hope you all are having fun like I am right now. But look at this, a young girl is standing alone on Christmas Eve. How does it feel?" The women carrying the microphone asked her.

Ruki looked at the camera and looked down at the snow covered cement below her. "Takato…"


~3 minutes~

itsumademo soba ni ite kono te o hanasanai de
Forever be by my side, don't let go of these hands

Takato regained consciousness as he looked up to see a familiar face on the large TV screen. His eyes widened and struggled to stand up. "Ruki…" he muttered to himself to find the source of the camera.


~2 minutes~

fuyu no sora kirameku hoshi wa futari o tsutsunda
Upon the winter sky, the twinkling stars is surrounding both of us

"Takato…" Ruki spoke in the microphone. "I'm sorry, I've been being a real jerk lately, not talking to you… making you misunderstand a concept. To tell the truth, I was really surprised to hear you confess your love to me. I was so scared… I ran. I didn't know that it would hurt you that way if I ran off. I just needed time to think about it.

"Takato, these past months I met you, have made me the most happiest person alive. Remember how you came to my house one day, and you told me you had a dream about me. I didn't believe you at first, but then I understand that it was probably destiny that brought us both together. I never really believed it then, but now I understand. You've melted my cold heart, now I know how it feels to love and to be loved by others. That person I want to share my love with, is to you Gogglehead… Takato…"

She paused for a moment and looked up to the camera with more determination. "Takato Matsuda, I love you. I hope you still feel the same way."

She looked at the gift and put on the jacket. As she began to button it, she looked to her side to see a group of tamers racing towards her from a vehicle.

"Ruki!" They all shouted simuntaneously. She smiled at them and finished buttoning up her new jacket.



~1 minute~

The red head glanced over to the source of the calling. It was the person she wanted to see. He smiled at her and came closer.

"Takato…" She whispered and embraced him. "I guess you heard everything didn't you?"

Takato still held her in his arms. "Yes, it made me very happy to meet you too. I love you Ruki Makino…"

His cold hands were warmed by the touch of Ruki's hands. "I love you too Takato."

They both leaned forward and their lips met. The crowd cheered on, especially the tamers. Everyone in Shinjuku who turned on that channel cheered. It was a sight everyone wanted to see. The camera man and the women smiled as they saw the sight of the couple. "Isn't that cute? Did you know that if you make a wish on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true?"

'Well then, I wish that we both can be together forever.' They both thought simultaneously.

shiroi kata shiroi iki anata to kanjiteru WINTER WISH

White shoulders, white breath, with you, the winter wish that I felt


~Several Years Later~

5 year old Hitomi chased her father around the living room. "Please daddy! I want you to read me a bed time story!"

"But it's Christmas Eve, don't you want to wait until Santa comes?" the man asked her daughter.

The little girl shook her head. "I want you to read me a bed time story first!"

The mother sighed as she took Hitomi into her arms and sat down on the rocking chair. "Fine, but then you need to go to bed alright?"

"Okay Mommy…" Hitomi giggled. "Will you tell me the same bed time story you told me last year too?"

The women paused for a moment, then she replied, "Yes… It all began with a young girl named Rika Nonaka and a boy named Takato Matsuki."

"That sounds like your names, Mommy, Daddy."

The women smiled at her daughter's intelligence. "Well, it's similar, but not quite. It's a true story by the way. This is how it begins."

"Did you know that if you make a wish on Christmas Eve, your wish will come true?"


Kameha: *sighs* What did you think of that? Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and… Happy Boxing Day!!! Thanks for all your reviews and inspiration! I love you guys! Remember Rukato Itsumademo!

Note: Thanks to () for pointing out the mistake.