As they got closer to the castle Tiff anf Tuff began shouting. "Mom, Daddy, we're home!"

Sir Ebrum and Lady Like, along with a bunch of Cappy's including Honey, Iro, and Spikehead came dashing out of the castle garden. King Dedede and Escargoon were also among them.

"Darlings!" Ladt Like cried, embrasing her children as well as Kirby and Renee. "We were so worried!"

"Kids!" Sir Ebrum said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What happened?" Iro asked when Lady Like stopped hugging her children. "Where have you been the last two days?"

"Two days?" Tiff asked in surprised. "That's how long we've been gone? It felt like two years."

"We were running away from a monster that wanted to kill Meta Knight," Tuff blabbed.

The Cappies gasped.

"But why Meta Knight?" Sir Ebrum asked.

"Because he's a-" Tuff stated to say.

Tiff slapped a hand over her brother's mouth. "That's now very important now, is it Mom?" she asked, looking at her mother and grinning nervously.

Lady Like nodded. "Of course not," she said smiling. "The only thing important now is that you're all back safe and sound."

Sir Ebrum noticed Renee, who had been standing there quetly. "And who is this?" he asked.

"That's Renee," Tiff answered. "She came here to see the town and castle."

"But I got more than I bargined for," Renee said with a shy smile. She looked around. "But I'd still like to see the rest of this kingdom before I leave," she added.

Dedede pushed to the front of the crowd. "Sure," he said. "I'll show you around."

Escargoon started laughing for some reason until Dedede smashed his head in.

Renee giggled. "You seem a lot nicer than you were the first day I came here," she commented. "You aren't yelling or cursing."

Dedede's face turned red. "Heh heh heh!" he laughed nervously. "I don't usually act like that."

Once again Escargoon began to laugh. Everyone else started laughing too.

"What ya'll laughing at?" the king demanded.

No one answered they just kept on laughing.

"Isn't it nice to see everything back to normal, Meta Knight?" Sword asked.

"...happy," Blade added.

Meta Knight said nothing. Instead he turned and walked away. Pisces noticed.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked the two knights.

They shrugged.

Pisces decided to find out. She followed the Star Warrior.

She found him standing on a ledge over looking the beach. He had his back to her as he stared at the setting sun. "Meta Knight?" the lady Star Warrior said softly.

At the sound of her voice he turned. His eyes lit up pink at the sight of her. "Oh, Pisces," he said. "I-I didn't hear you approaching."

"Are you alright?" she asked, stading beside him.

"I am fine," he replied.

The woman noticed his eyes glowed blue. "Are you sure?"

He looked up at her. "I was just thinking about the others," he said.

"You mean Kirby, the children, and Sword and Blade?" she asked.

"No... everyone else."

She finally realized what she ment. "You miss them just as much as I do?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

She sat down. "I wish we could see them again," she said, staring at the setting sun. "But we won't. It makes me so depressed. I'll have an empty feeling in my heart, even though I still have you."

He looked at her. "What do you mean?" he asked.

She glanced at him, her purple eyes teary. "Have you forgotten what I told you?" she asked.

"You mean when you asked if I cared?" he inquired.

"You still remember," she concluded.

He nodded. "Yes," he replied. "Like I told you then, I care more than you'll ever know."

She stared at him. "What do you mean?" she asked.

he took her hands in his. "Pisces, I cannot hold this back any longer," he said, his eyes swirling rainbow colors of emotion. "The truth is Pices; I... love you. I always have."

She stared at him a moment not knowing what to say. "You do?" she finally asked.


She smiled softly, blinking back tears. "I love you too," she said.

"You do?"

"Yes, that's why I was always asking if you cared."

Now he understood.

She stood up. When she did her arm bumped the clasp that Dark Knight has loosened on the Star Warrior's mask. It clasp broke and the mask fell to the ground.

She stared at his face and he stared at his mask. He looked up at her, his mouth hanging wide open and his yellow eyes wide. She smiled and he turned away, holding his hands over his face. How embarresing!

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Pisces turned him around and gently moved his hands from his face. 'There's no need to be ashamed by it," she said softly. "I like you just the same... even without you mask."

He was surprised by her reaction. Nobody have ever seen his face! Only a few but that was one time. Like when he posed for their picture...

"Hey, Tiff," Tuff said suddenly.

"What?" she asked looking ather brother.

"Meta Knight and Pisces have been at the beach a long time." he said.


"Let's go see what they're doing there." a sneeky smile spread across his face. "Maybe they're making out."

"Yeah!" Lalala said. "I bet they are kissing!"

"Sounds juicy," Lololo added.

"Poyo!" Kirby squealed.

"Sounds nosy," Tiff put in. "I'm not going to poke into their business... even if they are making out."

"I'd like to see what they're doing." Renee spoke up.

"Really?" Tuff asked hopfully.

The purple haired girl nodded.

"So would I," Sword and Blade spoke up.

The kids stared at them.

The two had taken off their helmets. The children saw them blush deep shades of red. "Well... ya know," Sword stammered. "I'm kind of curious to see them all googly over each other."

Blade smacked his own forehead. How dopy came someones responce be!

Tuff nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

The group ran off. Tiff watched them go then shouted. "Wait for me!" She ran after them.

"I thought you didn't want to come with us, Tiff," Lalala said.

"Yeah," Lololo put in.

"I don't," she said. "I'm only coming along to make sure none of you cause any trouble."

"Yeah, sure you are," Tuff said grinning goofily. He knew better. She was just as curios as everyone else.

When they got to the cliff over looking the bay they saw Pisces and Meta Knight hodling hands and staring at each other.

Tuff stiffled his giggles. "They look like they wanna smooch," he snorted.

"Tuff, shh!" Tiff hissed, putting her finger to her lips. "Do you want them to hear us?"

He fell silent. They all listened.

"So are you going to stay for awhile?" Meta Knight asked, looking expectantly at Pisces.

She blushed. "I have no reason not to," she said. "The only reason I wandered was to find you."

"Isn't that romantic?" Lalala said swooning.

"Shh!" the others hissed in one voice.

"So do you think the king will let me stay?" she asked.

"I am sure he will," Meta Knight replied. "But I am afraid he might start spreading rumors around."

"As long as you don't tell him it won't matter." Her face close to his. "It's not like he actually knows anything."

"I guess you're right," he admitted.

The two fell silent. They looked like they wanted to kiss. Suddenly Kirby couldn't take it any longer. His joy overtook him. He squealed loudly and jumped high in the air. He ran out from behind the rocks.

"Get back here, Kirby!" Tiff hissed, grabbing for the pink puff.

When she did she and the others fell out from behind the rock.

Meta Knight and Pisces, upon hearing the noise, looked in their direction it had come from. They saw eight spys lying in a heap on the ground.

"Het, Meta kNight," Tiss said nervously, getting to her feet. "We were just uh.. looking for Kirby."

She grabbed the little Star Warioored then she and the others all dashed back to the castle in a cloud of smoke.

The two watched them go. Then Meta Knigth chuckled and Pisecs giggled. Soon they were laughing so hard they feel over each other.

After a minute they sobered up. "It looks like I'll have to get used to those guys," she said wiping her eyes.

Meta Knight smiled. "They are not always like this," he told her. "Just most of the time..."

She giggled then bent down and kiss him.

"Come on," she said after a moment. "Let's go."

He nodded and took her hand.

The last rays of the sun reflected off Meta Knight's mask as he picked it up and re-tied it.

The two shared a secret look.

Then, with the last of the sunlight shining on their backs, they walked hand in hand back to the castle totally content and happy.



It's finally finished! I started this story almost two years ago and got so busy with other fics I forgot to update. Well now it's done. Looking over it now I realize it wasn't that great of a story. I should have thought it over more fully before I started writing. Well now it's over and done with. Thans for the reviews people. I'm glad you liked it even though it wasn't that great. Thanks again.

Incidenly my younger sis has also been doing a story about how Meta Knight and Pisces meet. It's actually a lot better than this story so I'd advise you to read it if you want. It's called "Behind the Mask" it's by "Oribella" my sister's pen name. It's real good.