This is my first Naruto fanfic.

And this is a Saku X Neji fanfic!^.^

I was in a hurry while i wrote this just that you know eee..

And it kind a sucks -.-'

[inner sakura]

`others thoughts´


It was morning,and a certain pink haired girl was training in the forest alone."geez..I'm so weak!thats probably why i can't go to that A-rank mission."she hit the tree in front of her.After two hours the pink haired ninja was exhausted by all the training "I think...I'm going ..to" and then she fainted and fell to the ground.After twenty minutes two boys

came towards Sakura a raven haired boy and a blond boy,the blond boy was shocked and ran up to her "SAKURA-CHAN!!"he cried.[WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM]sakura's inner self shouted."Naruto your so noisy!"she said and got up from the ground.She felt ill,and then naruto jumped on Sakura so she fell backwards "Sakura-chan it's good that you weren't de-"She hit him on the head.Sasuke just stood there and was kind a annoyed."Naruto no baka!don't you ever do that again!"she cried."but Sakura-chan" he was cut off by Sakuras glare.As she walked out of the forest,Naruto jumped up and down "what is wrong with her!?"Sasuke glanced at Naruto "what?"Naruto said and glanced back.Sasuke just walked away,Naruto was running after Sasuke "HEY sasuke!where are you going?"And he now was beside Sasuke.Sasuke said "It's none of your bussines."Then Naruto stopped and said "Fine!",

and walked away.


Sakura was now home and lay on her bed watching out of the window beside her.

"Aaah...I'm hungry,i'll go and check what food it is."She said as she stood up and started to walk downstairs.She then was in the kitchen and looked in the oven."just some fish..Maybe i'll just eat that tonight,and then i'll go out for some fresh air."She took the fish out of the oven and placed it on the table and ate in silence.Sakura got up from the

chair and left out side.Her parents wasn't home they where on a mission,she felt alone.She then saw a black haired boy on a hill standing under the moon light.She sneakd behind the tree's and was now close,she lookd at his face and saw that it was Neji [Wow his kind a cute!]"No,he's not..or.noo..yes..maybe"She said almost like a whisper.Neji felt the chakara and then turned around to see Sakura behind a tree with her head popping out,she blushed [Damn he saw me!]."You don't have to hide,i already know your there....Haruno"

He said with a smirk,and turned towards the moon again.

She then took two steps to the side and was still near the tree,"What brings you here?"Neji said without

turning around."Ah..em..err..I was just walking around..and then i saw you."Sakura said with her hands together behind her,"..hn.." he said and as she blinked he was gone,she was confused."Well..I'm quite tired i'll just go home."She then walked home to see a dog running "huh?Akamaru?" she looked at the dog beside her and she kneelt."what arer you doing out here?"she said with a smile on her face,Akamaru barked as a running Kiba came."there you are!" he said as he saw Sakura beside Akamaru he raised an eyebrown and asked confused "what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Kiba said.Sakura stood up "Well..i was just going to head home but then i saw Akamaru." she said with a smile on her face.

"Anyways.."she said "I'll have to go home before i fall asleep here." "That's a quite good idea.."Kiba said.

Sakura turned around and started to walk towards her house.


"Finally,i'm home." she said with a lazy face,as she locked the door she got upstairs and throw her self on her bed,as she fell asleep.


Today was the day when Naruto,Sasuke and Kakashi was going to that A-rank mission.

She lie in bed and looking up to see the ceiling.She got up from the bed and took out her pink dress(the one she always wears *-*)and get dressed,then she walked downstairs and looked her in the mirror as she brushed her hair.She ate breakfast and then wen't outside,to see a blond haired girl "Hello forhead-girl!"she said with a grin "what do you wan't Ino-pig?" she raised an eyebrown in respond.

"well you see i was kind a thinking,how about going out for a walk?"Ino said with a smile,"sure.."Sakura

said.And the two ninjas walked along the street,they saw Hinata sitting on a bench alone.Sakura walked towards Hinata and said "what are you doing here alone?" she looked on Hinata."I-I was just..sitting here.."Hinata said with a sad face,"Hinata,do you want to join us?"Sakura said with a smile."S-sure.."Hinata said and stood up,then a blond women came "Ino,you need to go to the flower shop.Because i'm going home i don't feel well."Ino's mother said with a faint smile."sure mom,i'll be right there."Ino walked her mother home as she waved back to Hinata and Sakura "See you guys!".Sakura waved her hand back at her.Sakura turned around to Hinata "Hinata,i'm going to show you a beautiful place."Sakura said with a smile,"o-ok.." Hinata said with her head up.They walked in five minutes as they were infront of a meadow with sakura tree's and flower's,Hinata's eyes widen in surprice "Isn't it beautiful?"Sakura said and smiled "Y-yes Sakura-san,i-its very beautiful."Hinata said with a soft smile.

They sat on the grass "I come here often,when i'm sad it clears my mind."She said as she closed her eyes and smiled,as the wind blew so that her silky hair blew back,Hinata closed her eyes too."This r-really clears your mind."Hinata said softly,Sakura nodded "Do you have anyone you like?"she said as she turned her head towards Hinata.Hinata blushed and said "y-y-yes...." Sakura smiled "You don't have to tell who it is if you don't wan't to,but just that you know if you wan't to keep it a secret i'll keep it"Sakura said with her hands together and smiled."You promise?"Hinata looked at Sakura "I promies" she said with a warm smile,Hinata smiled back,Hinata took a deep breath "i-its N-Naruto-kun.." She said blushing furiously."I knew it.I can see the look's you give to him and your always blushing around him."Sakura said with a smile,"I-I...guess so.."Hinata said.

"Some day he will fall inlove with you,you know that Hinata?"Sakura said whit a grin."a-ah..." Hinata said with her head down,and then she turned her head towards Sakura "Do you have some one you l-like?"said the black haired girl.Sakura looked at Hinata then she turned gaze on a flower in front of her.

"I..don't know anymore..I liked Sasuke but he doesn't care about me.."[HELL NO!that bastard.]Sakura's inner self said with her fists hitting the air."I'm sure you will find some one t-that you like."She said smiling softly at Sakura,"Thank you,Hinata."She said as she smiled back at her friend.

Sakura's stomach was screaming for food,her stomach felt empty."A-are you hungry,Sakura-san?"Hinata said looking at Sakura,"Aaah..I'm kind a hungry .."Sakura said with a sweatdrop."I-if you wan't to you can eat at my home."Hinata said with a faint smile."Well..if thats ok with you.."Sakura said.

"Ofcourse,Sakura-san" Hinata said,"You know what Hinata?" Sakura said with a grin."W-what?"Hinata said looking at sakura confused,Sakura took Hinatas hand and pulled out a pearl bracelet and slid it to her wrist "W-what is this?"Hinata said looking more confused."It's a friendship bracelet."She said smiling at Hinata.

"Thank you,Sakura-san it's very beautiful."Hinata said smiling at Sakura,the bracelet had white pearls one of them had a shining silver pearl.Sakura nodded and pulled out another bracelet "This one is for me.Now both have a friendship bracelet ne?"She said smiling at Hinata,"Y-yes..I've never had a friend before..I'm really happy."Hinata said with a heart warming smile.

"Well now you have and i'm sure you and Ino will get along to!"She said with a grin."Let's go Hinata."She said while standing up,Hinata nodded as they walked home to Hinata.


"Here we are.."In front of a big gate."Wow..this is really big."Sakura said as she was still looking at the gate.And then the gate opened and "Come on in,Sakura-san"Hinata said smiling,Sakura walked beside Hinata and looking around with her eyes to see a beautiful garden and,was cut off by a black haired ninja,she knew who it was Neji.He looked back at her with a glare and she turned her head quickly

[Why was i looking at Neji!?]She then saw Hinatas mother and father standing in the door opening.As they got close Sakura greet them "Hello,mr and mrs Hyuga,my name is Haruno Sakura."She said and bowed with a smile."Nice too meet you Sakura"The women smiled at her,mr.Hyuga nodded.

"I think my mother likes you S-Sakura-san"Hinata said with a smile as they where walking towards Hinata's room."How do you know?"Sakura said raising an eyebrown in respond,"Well..You can see the smile she just gave you."Hinata said looking at sakura."oh..Is that so."Sakura said with a faint smile.

Now they were in front of Hinata's room as Hinata opened the door and stepped in "come in Sakura-san."Hinata said,as Sakura entered the room she began to look around "Pretty room you have here Hinata."Sakura said with a smile,Hinata blushed "Y-you think so?"SHe said with a smal smile on her face.

"Of course!"She said.

They heard a knock on the door as it opened "The dinner is ready girls."Mrs.Hyuga said with a smile,both girls headed to the balcony as they saw a long black table,there was other Hyuga's

sitting there she was kind a nervous not to make a fool of herself.

"You don't have to b-be nervous,you can sit next to me."Hinata said with a whisper,Sakura nodded as both of them sat down,as all of them were there sitting they said a few things and began to eat.Sakura saw Neji across,as he looked back at her,she turned to her food and began to think`Why am i always looking at him?´[He's handsome can't you see that!]her inner self told her `Shut up..´

She told to her inner self.Hinata's mother saw the bracelet on Hinata's wrist and Sakura's wrist,she didn't know what it was "What kind a bracelet is that?"Mrs.Hyuga said with a smile.Sakura looked at her "It's a friendship bracelet."She said,"Oh..I see,it's very beautiful"She said with another of her soft smiles.

Sakura smiled back at Mrs.Hyuga .When all was done eating and wen't to training apart from Hinata and Neji,Neji sat on the couch with arms crossed doing nothing.

"Mrs.Hyuga do you need help with the dishes?"Sakura said,"Yes,please ,and you can call me Kaede."Kaede said with a smile."ok,Kaede."Sakura said and smiled back to her,Neji was looking at them with a rising eyebrown."I'll help you to mother."Hinata said,Kaede was smiling.And after ten minutes they were finished and Sakura remember that her parents were coming home today "Hinata,I have to go home now because my parents is coming home today from their mission."She said looking at Hinata,"Ok,I'll see you tomorrow?"Hinata said while looking at Sakura."Sure Hinata!See you then,bye Hinata and Kaede."the pink haired girl said "Bye sakura-san." She said waving her hand,same did her mother smiling.

She then was heading home."I really like that girl."Kaede said with a smile,"Aaah..She's so nice to me to."She looked at her bracelet and smiled.


"Mom dad,I'm home!"She said happily,but she didn't see anyone "Mom...dad?".She saw a note on the table...

Dear Sakura

We won't come home until

next week,im very sorry honey.

Take care of your self

Love//Mom and dad

Sakura sighed deeply,"please,come home safe."She said with tears in her eyes,but she didn't cry because she doens't wan't to be weak anymore.She walked outside to the meadow and saw some

one sitting there `Neji..what is he doing here?´ she thought.She walked up to Neji and sat down next to him but not so close,she looked at him and said "What are you doing here?"."What..Are you saying that i can't be here,i'ts a free village you know."He said with a smirk [Do you think you smart!!!I'll kick your ass!!]She glared at him and turned her head towards "I didn't say that.."Sakura said.

"..Hnn..."The black haired ninja said with his eyes closed with an evil smile.

"So..What are you doing here?"She said not looking at him,"None of your bussines."He said standing and walking towards the sakura tree and lean towards the tree.[GAARH!WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM?!]

She glared at Neji as he glared back at her.Silence had took over about 12 minutes and no one spoke,Sakura looked at Neji who was leaning towards the tree and crossing his arms "What..do you wan't something?"Neji said as he shoot a glance at Sakura."N-no.." She said looking up at the moon,

"Then stop looking at me it's annoying."He said with a cruel voice.[WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?]"Well EXCUSE me your highness!"She said hitting a fist on the ground,and glared at him."..Hnn..You wan't to fight or what?"He said smirking evily.[I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!]`He's much stronger than me but..what the heck!´ She stood up and her hands became to fists "You think i'm afraid of you?!"She said

smirking at him,"I can see that you don't wan't to fight ..But if you wan't then hit me...if you can."He then looked at her with he's white silver eyes and let out a evil smile.

She was so angry now and HE had made her,She took out a kunai running towards Neji and throw

it but Neji catch the kunai between his fingers and throw it on Sakura it almost hit her arm as she looked at Neji.Neji then ran towards Sakura,Sakura couldn't see it was to fast as she felt something

behind her "couldn't see me eh?" he said smirking.She turned fast around but it was to slow to stab him with her other kunai en her hand.`Damn!´ she thought ,[IM NOT WEAK!HELL NO!]her inner self cheered.

She made a seal with her hand "Kage bunshin no jutsu!"4 Sakura's appeard,`Thanks for teaching be kage bunshin Naruto´She then smirked."Kage bunshin eh?"Neji said,two shadow copies ran towards

Neji and two others on righ and the other one on left,they attacked Neji but he hit them so they became to smoke.`Damn where is the real one´ thought Neji as something fell from above on him

and he laid on the ground with Sakura sitting on his stomach with a kunai en her hand.

Pressing it towards Neji's neck "I won!"She said smirking,"Not yet.."Said Neji smirking,he snatched the kunai she was holding and took her arm,and now she laid on the ground on her stomach "Damn!"she said,Neji sat on her back.(You know coops does that ^.~).He pressed the kunai towards her neck now and moved his lips towards her ear, "Now Haruno who won?"He whispered in her ear.

"I won..I got you down first."She said while laughing,"You really are stubborn."He said and got off her.

She stood up and turned to face Neji "Like your not."She said while she poke a finger at hes chest smirking."Well,im going home i'm quite tired."She said not looking at him,and walked away just to see that Neji was looking at her "You lost to me,Neji!" She said happily and turned around and ran home.

"Yeah right.."He said smirking.


I don't know if i'm going to do a chapter two but if you ppl like it

then tell me!Review!^.^