Summary: *Slash* Snape and Potter get trapped together inside an enchanted snowglobe of Hogwarts during the holiday season. Who is to blame?
Rating: PG-13
Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a very great and very wise wizard and two very scroogish, younger wizards who were being bloody obstinant about enjoying the festive Christmas season. This greatly disturbed the wise, old man, for he knew that he holidays were a time of joy, peace and above all, love. The wise wizard, known as Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, felt it was time to intervene and bring a more cheerful outlook to these two men. One afternoon, after putting up with yet another of their irritating diatribes, Albus Dumbledore decided he'd had just about enough. He devised a cunning plan. And this is where our story begins.
"Gifts? Those damn owls better not be bringing me anything," Snape growled as he saw the owls fly in and all but two of the birds dropped their deliveries off underneath the large tree setup in the middle of the Great Hall.
Severus' eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as one of the owls dropped a present in front of his plate. "I specifically told you all that I do not want any Christmas presents, holiday cheer or joy to the bloody world."
Harry, who was sitting across from Snape nodded his head in agreement as the second owl delivered a gift to him as well. It was Hedwig and Harry muttered, "Traitor," and did not even bother to give the snowy owl her usual treat. She hooted her own displeasure to him and nipped his fingers none to gently before she flew off.
"What's the matter with HER?" Harry asked no one in particular as he watched her leave.
"Why, pray tell, are you not enjoying the festitivies this year, Mr. Potter?" his surly potions professor asked.
"Because, sir, this is the first year Ron and Hermione aren't here to enjoy the 'festivities,' as you call them, with me," mumbled Harry as he shoved the present off his plate. "They decided to spend their holiday together travelling with Hermione's folks. Therefore, the festivities aren't any fun without family and friends to enjoy them with."
Snape frowned at Harry's words, understanding all too well himself that the lack of family and friends to enjoy the holidays with can be unpleasant.
"Well, are you going to open your present, Mr. Potter? Might as well let everyone else see what trite piece of Christmas goody you received," Snape egged Harry on, hoping that whatever present was inside would give him some form of ammunition to ridicule the boy further.
"Only if you open yours first, sir." Harry would gladly take Snape with him into gift hell if need be.
Snape drummed his fingers on the table, hoping to stall for time. "I will open mine, only if you open yours at the same time, Mr. Potter. There is no way I'm subjecting myself to their prying eyes alone." Snape gestured to the rest of the table, for the others were indeed eyeing them both curiously.
Harry rolled his eyes dramatically. "If you insist, Professor." Harry looked around the table, noticing all the expectant looks directed at the two of them. "On second thought, why don't we take these somewhere more private to open them?
Albus spoke up for the first time since the gifts arrived, "Yes, gentleman, why not take them to my office to open."
Snape drew his wand out and cast a quick spell over the packages to make sure they hadn't been tampered with. When he indicated that they were safe, the two men reached for their gifts, which were festively wrapped alternately in bright red and gold and green and silver paper. They took their gifts and left the Great Hall and followed the headmaster to his office.
Once inside, they each sat down in their usual places. "On the count of three, we'll tear the wrapping off and open them."
"One, two, three!"
Both men ripped the paper off of the gifts and pulled the lids off the boxes at the same time.
"What the... a snowglobe?" Harry exclaimed questioningly.
"It would appear that I have the same gift. A snowglobe of what I wonder?" Snape quirked an eyebrow in curiosity at such a strange gift.
"Well, let's lift them out of the tissue to see."
However, before they got any further than touching the surface of the globe, both wizards vanished in a shower of confetti, followed by a pop that sounded like a Christmas cracker being opened.
"Good luck, dear boys. You will certainly need it." Albus whispered as his two favourite children vanished from the office.
Snape and Harry landed with a thud in a undignified heap and the snowglobes still clutched in their hands. To them it appeared as if they had just been ported to the entrance of the school.
"Get off of me, you insufferable brat! Now!" Severus pushed Harry to the side and rose to his feet, smoothing his robes with his hands. What a menace. He is so ungraceful outside of Quidditch, he can't even land properly after porting and he has to fall all over me.
"My, but your a pushy man, Professor." He's the one who is an insufferable, irritating git. Harry got up from his position on the floor and righted his tangled robes.
"Perhaps, Mr. Potter, we should find the Headmaster and let him know about this."
"Fine. I believe we both know the way."
"Yes, all too well."
If they were surprised at how quiet the castle had become in the short time it took for them to be ported to the entrance, neither one mentioned it. They also did not notice that the decorations were different then they were before they had been dumped unceremoniously on their arses in the entry hall.
Harry looked around at the brightly decorated corridors as they walked to the headmaster's office, his eyes hurt from the glare of the tinsel. Severus was also noticing the bright, gaudy decorations and they reminded him strongly of Albus' fashion sense.
"I'm going to need a headache potion before this day is through..." muttered a still irritated Snape. Harry heard his professor and chuckled,
"Can you spare any extra?" Harry thought he heard Snape growl under his breath, and changed his mind. "On second thought, perhaps I should just take my glasses off. I don't think I can take much more of this joyful display."
Severus wished he had a vision problem like Mr. Potter's at the moment, he would be happy with anything that would take away the sight before him also.
"Oh right, Potter. And am I supposed to lead you around like I were a Guide dog?"
"I'm not blind, you git! I'm just vision impaired."
"Could have fooled me."
Harry harrumphed at his annoying professor and sped up so he wasn't walking next to him.
"Where do you think you're going, Potter?"
"I was under the impression we were on our way to the Headmasters office?"
Snape took offence at Harry's tone. "You've just earned yourself a detention, Mr. Potter. I don't care if it is the holidays."
"Whatever, Snape. Just because you have a bug up your bum, you take it out on me. Honestly, it's not like I've got major plans to go partying or something."
"You, Mr. Potter are not helping my mood any. Please refrain from speaking further."
"Well you're no basket of good cheer either, Professor."
They both fell silent after that and continued to walk quietly to the headmasters office. The cantankerous pair finally reached their destination and headed up the stairs to speak with the headmaster.
The office was empty, no Albus and no Fawkes. Just a letter hanging midair, tied to a piece of mistletoe. Severus pulled it down, and began to read the letter aloud. Off in the distance, the annoying strains of "Silver Bells" began to play.
"Dear Severus and Harry."
~@~ TBC ~@~