Votey Pleasey!

I never thought I'd be posting something like this after the Ho-oh series blunder...

Due to a few requests, I need to know how much peeps really like this story. I've been asked by a few peeps to do a sequel. That would be a little hard, but hey, I think I may enjoy the challenge ^^

What I need you guys to do.. is vote!

First, vote if you think I should do a sequel or not. Simple enough.

NOTE: The sequel would be set 5,000 years into the future, or something like that. There'd be a lot of high-tech stuff that may take a while to figure uot, but I'll just discuss it with me brainstorm buddy =^^=
Oh, and worst of all... all the charrys that weren't in Millennium Items that we know would not be there...


There descendants would ^^ They'd be identical to 'em, more or less, which brings me to the next part of this point...

Names! I'll need names for peeps. They don't necessarily have to be match with anyone, just names. I've already decided on attitudes for some, some have attitude changes.

So just send in names yaz like ^^

Thankies for reading everyone! Hope to get a response, slán slán!
Bay Bay!
[email protected]