Ok, hopefully this story will work out, I've had the thought in my head for a while now. It may not be very long, depending on what mood I'm in when writing it. Anyvay, on with the story! But first! The evil disclaimer...

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

"This is talking"
'These are thoughts'


"Yugi, please you don't need to do this," Yami spoke to Yugi through mind link, the tone of worry drenched in his voice.

Yugi looked down at the Millennium Puzzle. He was standing in his room late at night, looking out the window at the moon as it's glow lit up the room, spilling over the floor and melting into the darkness. "Yami... you've been in the puzzle for five thousand years, and if there was always a way to get you out you should have said so. Now that Bakura's soul is in the Shadow Realm, and there are no more threats, you can finally be free."

"But Yugi, using your magic to help release me puts your life in danger. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I've made my decision, either you help be, or you sit back and watch."

Yami frown from within his confinement of the Millennium Puzzle. He knew he shouldn't have told Yugi, this could be as dangerous as the Shadow Realm. But he knew there was no stopping Yugi, so he lowered his head and closed his eyes, focusing all his magic.

Yugi was doing likewise, and once he sense they were both ready, he nodded. "Now Yami..." An excruciating pain, like and electric shock, coursed through him, jabbing at ever nerve in his body, causing him to yell in pain and fall to his knees. The pain was immense, his energy was draining, he felt as if life itself was coming to an end.

The it stopped, and he felt an arm stop him from falling to the floor. Looking up weakly, he smiled, "Hey Yami..."

Yami looked down at Yugi and smiled, tears brimming in his eyes as he hugged Yugi. "Thank you..." He whispered.

Yugi returned the hug, but his energy was drained, and he felt his eyes drooping. "I'm kind of tired..." He mumbled as he closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.

Picking Yugi up he lay him in his bed. He thanked him one more time before retreating to a chair at the other side of the room. Sure it wasn't the most comfortable way to sleep, but he'd had much worse. He couldn't believe it... he was no longer a prisoner, he had his own life back! It was just... amazing...

But what he didn't know, is that this event would cause their lives to take a turn for the worst...


To Be Continued


Ok, it sucks, I'm sorry. Hopefully it'll get better, next update the story really starts ^^ hope to see you again, slán slán and please review!
Bay Bay!
[email protected]