I am back with the last chapter! Whoo yeah finally, finished! I had a lot of fun writing this story. It was strange because you see my friend started writing fanfics and I decided I wanted one of my own. I never in a million years thought that I would post it on the Internet! But hey I did and it worked out....thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed for this fanfic! I didn't think that anyone would have liked it at first but you guys proved me wrong....thanks! I hope I can reach the goal of 300 reviews as this story ends. Please enjoy the very last chapter of No Tama High everybody!

Look on the bright side no more of the disclaimer thing for this story except for this very last one! Oh and one last remember this!

Remember this:


Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha would I type a completely different version of it?

Chapter 36: Fateful Night Part II

'Inuyasha....what should I do?'

/Get out of the way duh!/

'I think I am going crazy, hearing voices....'

/I am you, move it unless you want to get hit!/

'Alright already.' Kagome jumped out of the way just in time. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Fool did you think you were my target," Naraku sneered.

Sango and Rin quickly jumped out of the way. "None of us were his target, it was Kikyo," Sango stated.

Shortly afterward Naraku hit his target and stood before Kikyo. "Surprise, did you think I couldn't hurt you? Well you're wrong I can kill anyone and everyone, even if that Onigumo fool doesn't like it. That guy was always too weak for his own good...falling for a human, how disgusting!"

Kikyo stood up in anger and pain. "What has changed about you, otherwise you couldn't have hurt me....just because your power increased doesn't mean you can hurt me, so what changed?"

Naraku flinched a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by Kikyo. "I just needed my power to excel the love of Onigumo, that was all that changed."

"Wait, on that day Kagura was carrying something rather suspicious, what was it?"

Naraku grinned evilly before hitting Kikyo again, "My heart."

Kikyo struggled getting up, "DIE!" She shot her arrow that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Naraku caught the arrow; it turned into flames and burnt into ash. "Don't underestimate me priestess."

While Kikyo and Naraku were having their fight, Kagome, Sango and Rin ran away. Forget the damn mall, their lives were at stake! "We got to split up, so if Naraku catches up to one of us then the other two can get the guys," Kagome decided.

"Sounds good, but why would he need to come after us, he already has the jewel," Sango questioned.

"Who cares, our lives are on the line here! Let's go already," Rin ran off.

"Kagome, be safe," Sango ran off.

"You too Sango, although I think it is going to be me he is after," Kagome told herself.

/Turn and run the other way!/


/Now before.../

"Where do you think you are going," asked Naraku from in front of her.

Kagome skidded to a stop. "What happened, I thought you and Kikyo were fighting."


'It will buy me time, sometimes I swear you conscience people can be morons!'

/Well if you listened to me in the first place you wouldn't have ran into him!/

'Shut up, that is not the point!'

"We were, I killed her, she was begging me for her pathetic life. I'll make you suffer far worse than she did. Much worse... I will kill you off slowly. In fact why don't I go get your friends?"

'Ha! I will be far gone by then.' All of a sudden Kagome felt herself being pinned to a nearby wall with chains.

"You won't move, you can't do anything more than that pathetic Kikyo could have." Naraku leapt off to find Rin and Sango.

'What do I do now? I can't just sit here and wait to die... sit here that's it!' "INUYASHA SIT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Miroku were all walking on their way home when they heard a faint voice. "INUYASHA SIT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Curse that wench," Inuyasha fell to the ground.

"You smell that little brother?"

"Correction, I am you half brother."

"Your wench, I can smell her scent of fear from here, but...there are two other scents of fear. Also, there is a dying scent that is quickly fading. Monk, pick Inuyasha up and he will tell you which way to go." Sesshomaru leapt off towards the scent he never ever wanted to smell, Rin's scared scent.

'I got to get away from here, I got a feeling something bad is going to happen. It sure as hell doesn't help that it is an eerie, foggy night.' A sound reached Rin's ears. Rin looked straight ahead to see Naraku with his sinister grin plastered on his face. "What do you want with us?"

"Nothing is better than seeing the fear in you weak and pathetic humans. I just love hearing the screams of the people I slaughter. It is also quite enjoyable to see you human scums beg for your life, saying that you will do anything to live. The very struggle of humans for their lives is quite amusing." Naraku leapt towards Rin and slung her over his shoulders. "One down, and one more to go." He leapt off towards Sango's scent.

"You sick, conniving bastard!"

"Careful dear, you're tempting me to drop you off from this height, surely you will fall to your death."

"You wouldn't."

"And why wouldn't I?"

"Like you said before, you like seeing people die slowly, the most painful death possible."

"Now time for your other friend."

Rin looked straight down to see Sango running. "SANGO MOVE!"

Sango turned around and looked straight up to see Naraku with Rin on his shoulders. 'All I can do is stall for time.' "HIRAKSTU!"(Nope no clue how to spell it.) The boomerang swerved in Naraku's direction.

Naraku easily dodged the boomerang, "That the best you can do. Humans are so weak and-" Naraku was cut off as the boomerang came swerving around and hit him in the back.

Sango caught her boomerang and saw Rin falling to her death. She began running towards her friend. 'I am not going to make it!' Then a flash of silver came into view as she saw her friend being caught by Sesshomaru.

"Where is the other girl," Sesshomaru questioned Sango.

"I-I don't know."

Then an arrow came flying out of nowhere towards Naraku. Naraku turned towards it and easily burned the arrow as he had done with Kikyo's. "So you got away from my chains after all bitch."

"Kagome you're alright," Sango shouted.

"Yep, thanks to my puppy," Kagome pat the top of Inuyasha's head.

"Ahem," Miroku coughed.

"Oh and Miroku for carrying Inuyasha for some part of the way," Kagome added.

"I can't believe you let your wench call you puppy," Sesshomaru sighed.

"You're one to talk, I can't believe you let yours call you Fluffy," Inuyasha shouted.

"Please we are in a life or death situation and all you can do is argue about your nicknames," Sango all but yelled.

"You're the first one going down," Naraku pointed at Kagome.

"Why me?"

"You, you look exactly like Kikyo, besides you were the one who broke the jewel fifty years ago. When I was so close to having the jewel it was because of you that I had to wait this long. I still was having to wait until up to a couple of minutes ago." Naraku took a step towards Kagome and Inuyasha stood in front of her. "What will you do now, both of your lovers will be dead? But don't worry you will be with them...in hell where you belong!" Naraku charged at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha took out Tetsusiaga (again I don't know how to spell.) And it transformed into the fang, however Inuyasha was too slow and Naraku hit the sword out of his hands and scratched Inuyasha's arm.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome took a step towards Inuyasha before he yelled at her.

"Kagome get behind Miroku!"

"Alright." Kagome began walking towards Miroku when he yelled at her as well.

"Get behind Sesshomaru, my hole is slowly becoming bigger, it is my fate, my wind tunnel will swallow me soon."

"Miroku..." Kagome kept walking towards Miroku when Sango dragged her away.

"Kagome, don't be so foolish, there still may be hope for Miroku, just don't go near him."

"I don't know Sango, not at the way how Inuyasha is going."

Inuyasha was currently being torn apart by Naraku. He was bleeding in a lot of places, the chest, his arms, and his legs. As Naraku was only bleeding on one arm. "I don't even need the jewel to defeat you! Kanna!"

"Yes, master Naraku?" Kanna appeared out of nowhere, it was strange with that girl it seems she would appear and disappear whenever she pleased.

"Hold the jewel." Naraku tossed the jewel towards Kanna.

"Of course." Kanna caught the jewel gracefully.

Naraku leapt towards Inuyasha to deliver the final blow when some tremendous force pushed him back against a wall. (Guess who did it?....)

"Kagura," said Kagome disbelievingly. "You would help us, but why?"

"Kagura, you dare hurt me, your master," Naraku said threateningly.

Kanna walking in front of Naraku holding the mirror in front of Naraku's face. "Look into my mirror, give me your soul."

"Kanna, you too wish to follow your sister, Kagura, into my body once more?" Naraku grinned evilly.

"You fool, you think we would disobey you when you had power over us," Kagura stated.

"Nothing has changed, I still have power over you!"

"You were in such a rush to get rid of your heart so you could kill Kikyo, however....since you got rid of your heart which was also yours, you no longer have control over us. I am the wind, I am free!"

"Yes, both of us finally free," Kanna commented.

Naraku just stood there flabbergasted. "Tell me Naraku, how does it feel to die at the hands of your own essence?"

"I will see you in hell you two..." Naraku grinned right before he was finished off.

"DANCE OF BLADES! Since you were so kind to bring me to life, I will let you die quickly. DANCE OF THE DRAGON!"

With that Naraku was too weak to survive, and died before his soul could be sucked into the mirror.

"Were you planning this the whole time," Rin questioned.

"Yes, Kanna's purpose was just to paralyze him, we unlike Naraku have a sense of mercy," Kagura told her.

"You are free to do with the jewel as you please, we don't need it," Kanna threw the ball to Kagome. "Until next we meet...."

"...Farewell," Kagura and Kanna both disappeared.

Kagome ran over to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha! You can finally become the demon you wanted to become with this!" She placed the jewel into Inuyasha's hands.

"Kagome. I no longer wish to become demon, when I transformed the first time, I had no sense of mercy, I slaughtered those people....that is not what I wanted to become. I was...frightened. Frightened that those claws might have destroyed you one day Kagome." Inuyasha gave the ball back to Kagome. "I don't need it anymore, I choose to remain the hanyou I am. Kikyo...she wanted me to become human...but now when I think about it...I choose to remain with you as the hanyou I am. When I am with you, I can express what I feel; not what I think I should feel. I just want you to be happy. Is this what you want? To be with me?"

"Yes," Kagome cried into the hanyou's shoulder.

Everyone smiled a real smile. Sango ran over to Miroku and looked at his hand where the wind tunnel usually was....to see it was gone. "Miroku?"


"Now that your wind tunnel is gone, what will you do?"

Miroku seemed to consider the thought. His hand disappeared from Sango's view as she felt a hand on her ass once again. "Go about my normal life and-"

"HENTAI!" Sango continued slapping the daylights out of Miroku.

"And so we have the happy ending we all wanted," Rin stated.

"So, what now," asked Sesshomaru.

"Go on with life, nothing else to do, just enjoy it I suppose."

"Well then that leaves one question."

"That would be?"

"Will we go back to our home?"

Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha all stiffened at Sesshomaru's question.

"I am home," Inuyasha hugged Kagome.

"We can go back to that time whenever we want to," Sango stated.

"I can finally have my children, I want to raise them here," Miroku commented.

"Well then, Sesshomaru, our life...it is with them," Rin told him.

"This is what you want," Sesshomaru questioned.


"Looks like our new life is just beginning."


Finally done with this fanfic! Yes finally done with my very first fanfic! Took me awhile, oh well. There is the ending for you. No I don't plan on making a sequel to this story...ok so maybe the ending was corny, but hey that's the ending for you! I am still not done with Normal Life? The sequel to: World With Real Emotion so you can check those out! Please review so you can tell me how the ending was! Thanks!