TITLE: Epilogue: In My Daughter's Eyes


DISCLAIMER: See chapter one, In My Daughters Eyes by Martina McBride

A/N: Hey all :-) This is it, the end… I had this written for almost as long as I had the first chapter, I've just delayed in typing for some reason. This is not any major plot point, or really wonderful, it was just how I would like to picture our couples (Olivia and Elliot, and Sam and Bailey) ending up. I hope you enjoy, and have enjoyed my story. Thank you so much for spending your time reading and leaving such wonderful reviews for my fanfic. RaeAnne ---(-

lilmamaday: Oh I knew someone would catch that grin In truth I wasn't sure when I wrote it. I would like to think that he would have, but when I wrote it I wasn't sure… I did know if I wanted to let Jeremy's character to soften, I wanted more of a tormented mind in which no certain answer could be obtained. Though if he didn't I'm not sure I could explain how they found her… does that make any sense? To answer simply, yes he did give up her location. There now I have made up my mind. :-)


In My Daughter's Eyes

"Olivia…" Elliot spoke the name softly. Olivia tried to open her eyes but she was so tired.

"Mmm, Elliot..." her dry lips formed his name.

"Hey there angel, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"How do you think I am feeling… 36 hours of near hell…I feel peachy," she groaned trying to sit up. Elliot softly laughed as he lowered the hospital bed railing with one hand then steadied her with the same hand.

"It's not funny!" she retorted eyeing him. Elliot looked at her with an almost fearful smile, he been through this before but he still felt that small ounce of fear as he hovered over her.

"Careful, careful!" he cautioned.

"I'm not glass honey, I won't break," she said groggily.

He half smiled as he replied, "I know."

Jr. High Graduation

"And now ladies and gentleman our Junior High class valedictorian, Miss Chloe Waters Malone," the Jr. High principal announced and the small auditorium erupted with applause, none as loud as her mother and adoptive father.

"Parents, friends, class mates, today is a very special day. Not because we finally graduate Jr. High, but because like every day it is fresh and new. We all have an opportunity to do something great, something world changing! And this chance makes itself new each and every day. Two very important people taught me that, my parents. They are the inspiration to me, they have taught me to take each day as a special challenge, to take every once I can from every moment because we don't if we'll have another one. But even more then that they taught me to give back. Fellow class mates as we say goodbye to today and to Jr. High lets not just look back at the awesome and not so awesome times we have had, but at tomorrow, let's look toward what we can not only learn from the weeks, months, years to come but what we can add to it! The people we are today we'll never be again, so lets challenge ourselves, let's challenge our world! Thank you..." Chloe smiled broadly as she stepped from the podium amidst thundering applause.

"That was your big sister Emily… pretty cool huh?" Bailey spoke softly and proudly to his year and half old daughter.

"Did I do okay?" Chloe asked anxiously as she rushed to Sam and Bailey who were seated in the front row.

"You were wonderful Chloe… just wonderful!" Sam cried pulling her into a fierce tug sticky tears dampening Chloe's hair.

"Mom!" Chloe protested pulling slightly away, a smile curving her lips despite her objection.

"Oh give your mom a break… her baby is growing up!" Bailey laughed.

Chloe rolled her eyes playfully, "Okay... I love you too mom," she grinned and returned the hug. "And I love you too," Chloe grinned at Bailey hugging him awkwardly as he held Emily, who Chloe kissed on the top of head also.

Sam took Emily and Bailey hugged Chloe again. "Your father would have been so, so, very proud of you…" Bailey whispered into her hair with a pang of hurt and regret tugging at his heart.

"I hope so… but I know that my dad is," she smiled into his dark eyes where she found tears glistening,

"I love you Chloe," he said voice husky as he wrapped an arm around Sam and Chloe as they left the auditorium.

"She has your eyes…" Elliot smiled brushing his hand over his daughter's velvety head as he held her protectively in his arms

"Yeah… maybe, but she looks like her daddy," Olivia sighed happily.

"Poor kid," he laughed handing her back to Olivia who had sat up ready to feed her. The scene of mother and daughter gripped Elliot's heart and he felt a love wash over him that he thought would drown him.

"I love you Olivia Stabler… I hope you know that," he smiled as he leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

"I know… I love you too… and this precious gift that I still can't believe is ours…" she said tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Knock, knock…" a quiet voice came from the door.

"Come in!" Olivia called joyously. Maureen, Kathleen, Dickie and Lizzie entered arms loaded with teddy bears, balloons and flowers.

"Come meet your new sister…" Elliot smiled beckoning them in.

Olivia looked at the people around her and she knew she was blessed, not only did she have this wonderful baby to love… but four other wonderful children, and an amazing husband.

So far away were the thoughts of Jack… Jeremy… of the rape that had brought Olivia into the world, in their place was healing, though there were scars, they are a sign of battles won, of wars won. Healing and love were in the place of fear and doubt, and in these hearts there was a collective sense of salvation. The source of that salvation? Their children… their daughters.