I must be insane, starting another story with my others so far behind. Ah well.

Summary: Kagome runs into the woods to be kidnapped and taken to the lord of the Northern Lands. With demonic traits showing and balls being thrown, who knows what's bound to happen?


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter One: Kidnapper!!

Kagome ran recklessly through the dense forest. Twigs, vines, and branches all scratched her legs and arms, scattering small bits of blood across the path she followed. The well worn trail to the well led her straight to the heart of the forest since Kagome's eyes were full fo tears, hindering her sight. The tears rapidly fell down her cheeks resting against her chin before mingling with her blood on the forest ground.

The well soon came up, but the distressed teen didn't notice, plowing on through a much less traveled path. All she wanted was to lose herself in the density of the trees.

~*~*~ Flashback ~*~*~


The quiet whisper was not heard by the couple in the clearing. Inuyasha lay on top of Kikyou, indulging himself and his male desires.



Neither of the pleasure-seekers noticed the thin teen watching this interaction. Her heart crumbling with every moan, disolving with every motion. Tears bounded into her eyes as she silently watched the one she loved have intercourse with a rotted corpse. 'Bested by one not even living.' She thought dejectedly, turning around to leave the scene.


With that she fled, not even waiting to hear the muffled screams coming from the dirt as Inuyasha crushed Kikyou into the very grass they had sex on.

~*~*~ End Flashback ~*~*~

'I hope she drags him to HELL!!' She vicously bit out in her mind, cursing the bastard hanyou with every fiber of her being.

She now had emerged from the other end of the forest, coming out into a big open plain. Patches of just bloomed flowers lay scattered about, birds singing melodies high above. The perfect picture of serenity. The perfect place to unwind before heading home, probably never to return. She sighed, breathing in the sweet aroma of flowers and slowly relaxing.

Until she realized just how lost she actually was.

"Aack!! I've never been here before!! How odd. I came out of the forest." Kagome turned back to the forest to find it. GONE???

"Oh shit." She now stood practically in the middle of nowhere on a mound of grass with a few sweet smelling flowers. Now what?

"What will I EAT? Where will I SLEEP? How will I BATHE?? DRINK??? BRUSH MY TEETH?? CLEAN MY FI." Kagome never finished her thought. Out of thin air popped the strangest thing that Kagome had ever seen. And 'thing' was the best way to describe it.

It had a teddy bear sort of look. Big fat chest that seemed awfully lumpy in odd places, long gangly arms looking as though someone had just pulled them right out of their sockets. Its legs were stumpy, hardly able to support the thing's weight. Stringy brown 'fur' covered its body. Googly eyes were set way too far downwards on the face, almost on the long snout the made up its mouth. Finally, one ear stood proud smack dab in the middle of its forehead.

"What the hell? It must be some kind of mutant bunny rabbit." Kagome muttered, leaning in close to the strange creature, although wearily watching it as though it might leap up and bite her.

"Me Igor! Me Igor! IGOR!!! IGOR!!! IIIIIIGGGGOOOORRRR!!!!" Igor hopped up and down, stressing his name to the teen standing in disbelief in front of him. He suddenly stopped and scrunched up his face in thought while studying Kagome's features. Leaping up suddenly, he grabbed Kagome's arm and dragged her across the plain.

"You do!! Do!! Yes yes yes!!! Do well, yes!"

Stunned, Kagome had no choice but to comply. Once she found her voice she started to question the little thing.

"Will do for WHAT?" She asked, reigning in her anger. This. IGOR. was actually touching her!! Ick!!!

"For my lord. He want pretty girl. Ningen girl. Girl for ball. Ball for man. Girl change. Become like man. Man and girl together. Better for lord, yes." Igor's choppy sentences came out slurred as he bounced along the path at a suprising speed considering Kagome weighed at least four times his own weight.

"Sorry I asked." Kagome mumbled not being able to make out any meaning behind the bear-man's words.

"We approach. Yes. Here."

Excited despite herself, Kagome raised her head eagerly to see just exactly where this hideous thing brought her to. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

MWA HA HA HA HA!!! A CLIFFY!!! But the more reviews I get, the faster I'll write!

Review! Tell me if this story is a keeper or a piece of worthless compost!!
