chapter one
Dear Diary,
Today is like any other day in school. I think I failed geometry test
again. My teacher is so stupid! Why does he give us a test every week
anyway? I mean, up until now I failed each test. I'm probably going to be
kicked out, or even worse be left back in school! How emberassing. But then
again it really isn't all that bad. I mean if you fail then you HAVE to get a
At first I was a little resistant. A tutor? Only REALLY stupid people
get those. But when I found out who it was I was so elated and terrified at
the same time! Happy because I only have the biggest crush on him and
terrified because he probably thinks I'm some retard who doesn't know the
difference between a polygon and cosine. But it's not that I'm stupid. I try
REALLY hard. I study at least two hours of geometry every night and I still
fail, which probably makes it worse that I fail because I try. It's like when I
see the test my mind goes blank.
Well, it's nothing I can do now. But at least I get to spend a couple
of hours with him every week. To think we'll be alone! My heart is just
pounding thinking about him! But he can never know that I like him. Because
the truth of the matter is he hates me...
"Aya!!" Tomoyo whined as we left the classroom. "Can't she talk a little
slower? My head is still dizzy from trying to comprehend! Romeo and Juliette!
Supposedly the most tradgic romantic love story... or something like that."
"It is! How can you say it isn't romantic?" I looked at her in a puzzled
"Do you realize this whole play occurs within about four days! They meet, fall
in love, and die in FOUR whole days! And they're about our age to boot,
they're a couple of idiots if you ask me!"
"It isn't about that Tomoyo." I couldn't understand how she wouldn't think it
was a great love story. "It's about passion, being in the moment! Imagine you
were at this costume party. You hated it, you didn't even want to be there in
the first place."
"That would never happen, I'm a party animal!!" I just ignored her little side
comment and continued.
"And then," I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at her intently.
"You see this guy across the room. You don't know who he is but you want
to. And when your eyes meet and its like the room and everyone else in it
disappears. And the only thing you see is him and him staring right back at
you..." I stared off in the far distance imagining this happening to me and my
dream guy. If only he didn't hate me.
"Umm... yeah... really romantic. But they still kill themselves three days after
that." Tomyo put her arm around me lovingly and continued to walk to our
lockers. "I worry about you Sakura. I love you and everything but you're juss
plain weird."
"I'm not wierd, just a romantic."
"Oh hey! My mom brought back the latest fashions from her venture to Hong
Kong. Some of the stuff is pretty cute!" We finally reached our lockers and I
began to open it. "Want to come over and try some on?" I took out my
Geometry textbook and put it in my bag.
"I can't today." I said with disappointment. New clothes? Who could resist
"You can keep what EVER you want!" I shook my head. "Do you have a date
or something?" I began to blush a bright pink. Just imagining myself with a
date with him made me want to vomit. That's when you know you really like
someone - vomit.
"No!" I said immediately. "It's nothing like that!" I began to back away from
her. "I have a tutor coming over that's all! He's not cute or anything AND I
DON'T have a huge crush on him! Well, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!!" And with
that I began to run home.
"Yeah... okay then." Tomoyo stood there bewildered by her friend's weirdness.
I ran as fast as I could to get home early. I couldn't believe how obvious I
was! But my heart was beating a mile a minute when I thought she would find
out about my crush. Tomoyo, my best friend in the world, the one person who
I tell everything to... I haven't told her about my intense crush. Because she
hates him. For as long as I've known her she always has. And he hates me...
for whatever reason... What a messed up situation I was in. If she ever found
out I liked him I wouldn't know what she would do. I couldn't risk losing a
friend. But he hates me... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Good because I know I wouldn't have to risk Tomoyo's and I relationship. And
bad because I so desperately want to be with him. Either way I don't win, I
never win.
'Gosh where is he?' I thought. I couldn't sit still, it felt like forever. I paced
back and forth my living room. Waiting for the doorbell to ring, maybe even
the phone. Anything would be fine! Just don't make me wait anymore, my
stomach is all tied up in knots. What if he was hurt trying to save a bus full of
orphans? He's so brave and everything he would always put other people
before him...
Ding Dong.
I held my breath. I've been anticipating this moment forever and here it is.
And I feel like vommiting again! Okay Sakura, just relax and don't puke on him.
That's the last thing you want to happen. I began to straighten out my
clothes then took a good glance at myself in the mirror. Ok Kinomoto, time to
look as cute as you can be.
Ding Dong.
I slowly place my hand on the knob and all at once turned it. But with all the
excitement and trying to look cute I opened the door way too fast!
"Hey--" THUD! "AHH!!" I screamed.
"Oh my god are you okay?"
I fell to the floor. It felt like the room was spinning out of control.
"Hey are you okay?!" His voice was filled with concern but at the same time I
could sense some amusement. 'Oh no' I thought. 'This CAN NOT be happening!
Tell me I just did not hit myself in the face with the door!'
"Looks like your door gave you a pretty bad bruising..." Gasp! I feel crying
but I can't since I can't even see straight. Suddenly I felt his arms pick me up
from the floor and carry me to another room.
"Wh-Where are we going?" He laid me on what felt like my couch as I heard
him walk back and close the front door. His footsteps were distinct as they
became louder as he came closer. I was somewhat afraid, I didn't know what
to expect. My vision started to become clear again as I somewhat began to
see the shape of his face. 'Oh, he's so hot!!' His face started to come closer
to mine.
'This is it!' I thought with much excitement. I closed my eyes and somewhat
puckered my lips. 5 seconds passed. I opened one eye lid to see what the
hold up was. My vision was finally clear and saw his face.
"AHH!" I screamed and he screamed in response.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he looked at me like I was some psycho.
"What's wrong with me?! Why were you all up in my face, and just WHO are
you?!" I've never felt so violated in my entire life! To think I was about to let
HIM kiss me. He is known for only one thing in my school, and that's getting in
"I was 'all up in your face' because I was juss checking up on that big bump
on your forehead, and secondly I'm your tutor..."
"What?!" I couldn't believe it. This punk is my tutor. "How can you be my
tutor? You hardly show up for school! And what happened to--?"
"Hey, just because I don't show up doesn't mean I don't know the material."
He stood up from the floor and towered over me. His dark brown eyes peirced
my own. He stared at me with such anger. "And that guy," his voice began to
calm down, "well who knows what happened to him. All I know is I'm your
tutor from now on."
"You?! I don't-- I refuse to believe it!"
"Well, that's just too bad. You MUST be preeeettttyyy stupid to have a tutor
like me. And it doesn't take a genius to figure that much out."
I glared at him with such content. Who does he think he is? Talking to me like
that. Only I could put myself down like that! But all I REALLY cared about
where he was. Why wasn't he my tutor? Does he hate me that much that he'd
send a guy like this to me?
"Hey, while I'm here I guess I could introduce myself." He walked over and sat
a couple of inches away from me. He looked at me with such a calm
complexion. "My name is Li, Syoaran Li."
"I'm Sakura Kinomoto..." I said in shock.
"Well, then I think we should get started." He picked up my Geometry book
from the coffee table and began to flip through it. "Besides, I get paid by the
chapter one
Dear Diary,
Today is like any other day in school. I think I failed geometry test
again. My teacher is so stupid! Why does he give us a test every week
anyway? I mean, up until now I failed each test. I'm probably going to be
kicked out, or even worse be left back in school! How emberassing. But then
again it really isn't all that bad. I mean if you fail then you HAVE to get a
At first I was a little resistant. A tutor? Only REALLY stupid people
get those. But when I found out who it was I was so elated and terrified at
the same time! Happy because I only have the biggest crush on him and
terrified because he probably thinks I'm some retard who doesn't know the
difference between a polygon and cosine. But it's not that I'm stupid. I try
REALLY hard. I study at least two hours of geometry every night and I still
fail, which probably makes it worse that I fail because I try. It's like when I
see the test my mind goes blank.
Well, it's nothing I can do now. But at least I get to spend a couple
of hours with him every week. To think we'll be alone! My heart is just
pounding thinking about him! But he can never know that I like him. Because
the truth of the matter is he hates me...
"Aya!!" Tomoyo whined as we left the classroom. "Can't she talk a little
slower? My head is still dizzy from trying to comprehend! Romeo and Juliette!
Supposedly the most tradgic romantic love story... or something like that."
"It is! How can you say it isn't romantic?" I looked at her in a puzzled
"Do you realize this whole play occurs within about four days! They meet, fall
in love, and die in FOUR whole days! And they're about our age to boot,
they're a couple of idiots if you ask me!"
"It isn't about that Tomoyo." I couldn't understand how she wouldn't think it
was a great love story. "It's about passion, being in the moment! Imagine you
were at this costume party. You hated it, you didn't even want to be there in
the first place."
"That would never happen, I'm a party animal!!" I just ignored her little side
comment and continued.
"And then," I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at her intently.
"You see this guy across the room. You don't know who he is but you want
to. And when your eyes meet and its like the room and everyone else in it
disappears. And the only thing you see is him and him staring right back at
you..." I stared off in the far distance imagining this happening to me and my
dream guy. If only he didn't hate me.
"Umm... yeah... really romantic. But they still kill themselves three days after
that." Tomyo put her arm around me lovingly and continued to walk to our
lockers. "I worry about you Sakura. I love you and everything but you're juss
plain weird."
"I'm not wierd, just a romantic."
"Oh hey! My mom brought back the latest fashions from her venture to Hong
Kong. Some of the stuff is pretty cute!" We finally reached our lockers and I
began to open it. "Want to come over and try some on?" I took out my
Geometry textbook and put it in my bag.
"I can't today." I said with disappointment. New clothes? Who could resist
"You can keep what EVER you want!" I shook my head. "Do you have a date
or something?" I began to blush a bright pink. Just imagining myself with a
date with him made me want to vomit. That's when you know you really like
someone - vomit.
"No!" I said immediately. "It's nothing like that!" I began to back away from
her. "I have a tutor coming over that's all! He's not cute or anything AND I
DON'T have a huge crush on him! Well, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!!" And with
that I began to run home.
"Yeah... okay then." Tomoyo stood there bewildered by her friend's weirdness.
I ran as fast as I could to get home early. I couldn't believe how obvious I
was! But my heart was beating a mile a minute when I thought she would find
out about my crush. Tomoyo, my best friend in the world, the one person who
I tell everything to... I haven't told her about my intense crush. Because she
hates him. For as long as I've known her she always has. And he hates me...
for whatever reason... What a messed up situation I was in. If she ever found
out I liked him I wouldn't know what she would do. I couldn't risk losing a
friend. But he hates me... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Good because I know I wouldn't have to risk Tomoyo's and I relationship. And
bad because I so desperately want to be with him. Either way I don't win, I
never win.
'Gosh where is he?' I thought. I couldn't sit still, it felt like forever. I paced
back and forth my living room. Waiting for the doorbell to ring, maybe even
the phone. Anything would be fine! Just don't make me wait anymore, my
stomach is all tied up in knots. What if he was hurt trying to save a bus full of
orphans? He's so brave and everything he would always put other people
before him...
Ding Dong.
I held my breath. I've been anticipating this moment forever and here it is.
And I feel like vommiting again! Okay Sakura, just relax and don't puke on him.
That's the last thing you want to happen. I began to straighten out my
clothes then took a good glance at myself in the mirror. Ok Kinomoto, time to
look as cute as you can be.
Ding Dong.
I slowly place my hand on the knob and all at once turned it. But with all the
excitement and trying to look cute I opened the door way too fast!
"Hey--" THUD! "AHH!!" I screamed.
"Oh my god are you okay?"
I fell to the floor. It felt like the room was spinning out of control.
"Hey are you okay?!" His voice was filled with concern but at the same time I
could sense some amusement. 'Oh no' I thought. 'This CAN NOT be happening!
Tell me I just did not hit myself in the face with the door!'
"Looks like your door gave you a pretty bad bruising..." Gasp! I feel crying
but I can't since I can't even see straight. Suddenly I felt his arms pick me up
from the floor and carry me to another room.
"Wh-Where are we going?" He laid me on what felt like my couch as I heard
him walk back and close the front door. His footsteps were distinct as they
became louder as he came closer. I was somewhat afraid, I didn't know what
to expect. My vision started to become clear again as I somewhat began to
see the shape of his face. 'Oh, he's so hot!!' His face started to come closer
to mine.
'This is it!' I thought with much excitement. I closed my eyes and somewhat
puckered my lips. 5 seconds passed. I opened one eye lid to see what the
hold up was. My vision was finally clear and saw his face.
"AHH!" I screamed and he screamed in response.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he looked at me like I was some psycho.
"What's wrong with me?! Why were you all up in my face, and just WHO are
you?!" I've never felt so violated in my entire life! To think I was about to let
HIM kiss me. He is known for only one thing in my school, and that's getting in
"I was 'all up in your face' because I was juss checking up on that big bump
on your forehead, and secondly I'm your tutor..."
"What?!" I couldn't believe it. This punk is my tutor. "How can you be my
tutor? You hardly show up for school! And what happened to--?"
"Hey, just because I don't show up doesn't mean I don't know the material."
He stood up from the floor and towered over me. His dark brown eyes peirced
my own. He stared at me with such anger. "And that guy," his voice began to
calm down, "well who knows what happened to him. All I know is I'm your
tutor from now on."
"You?! I don't-- I refuse to believe it!"
"Well, that's just too bad. You MUST be preeeettttyyy stupid to have a tutor
like me. And it doesn't take a genius to figure that much out."
I glared at him with such content. Who does he think he is? Talking to me like
that. Only I could put myself down like that! But all I REALLY cared about
where he was. Why wasn't he my tutor? Does he hate me that much that he'd
send a guy like this to me?
"Hey, while I'm here I guess I could introduce myself." He walked over and sat
a couple of inches away from me. He looked at me with such a calm
complexion. "My name is Li, Syoaran Li."
"I'm Sakura Kinomoto..." I said in shock.
"Well, then I think we should get started." He picked up my Geometry book
from the coffee table and began to flip through it. "Besides, I get paid by the