A Raven's Cry, a Robin's answer By: Irish Elemental

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, and, un fortunately, never will, but I will make my own cartoon! I swear! Raven: A fanfic where Robin and me get together!? Irish (me): Yep! It will great! Even though this is my first fanfic! :) Beastboy: What! I'm the one whose suppose to get Raven! Irish: I'm giving you Starfire BB: ALRIGHT! Cyborg: What about me? Starfire: Beastboy? As you say on earth, 'No way in hell is that gonna happen!' Irish: Cyborg, you're gonna help everyone get together, and I'll give you some girl Cy: SCORE! Irish: And Star, TO BAD!!!!!!!! (evil laugh) BBBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA! Star: WWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1: Raven's emotions

The Titans had just busted the HIVE on a major bank job; it had been a dirty fight. Jinx had thrown them all in a dumpster, Mammoth had knocked them into a construction zone, and Gizmo had sprayed a liquid goo on them. Everyone had gone to their rooms to shower, well Cyborg went to a car wash.

Raven's POV-
We had just beaten the HIVE, again, and I went to my room to shower, it was as I left it. My new computer by my bed, Cyborg had made me one since he blew the fuses that went ONLY to me room, and set my old computer on fire. My bookshelf of the latest dark art techniques in the right hand corner, my insects burning, and my black flame candles flickering, but there was a note on my bed. I picked it up and read it

Dear Raven

Please meet me on the rooftop at 7:00 pm tonight

'Clever, he typed the letter' I thought, I looked at my clock, it was 6:25 pm, I decided to go. I got showered and changed into casual cloths, some baggy pants, sneakers, and a shirt that showed my stomach, I wouldn't normally go out like this unless I was going to a LP concert, or something, but what choice did I have? This is the 5th time that bitch Jinx destroyed my outfit.

I left for the roof, but when I got there I saw Starfire!? "What the hell? Starfire, I'm not a lesbo." I said with all harshness intended, she had already knocked down my door while I hand no cloths on in front of Robin! "Whatever do you mean? I just saw this note addressed to you from someone, it is quiet beautiful, what's a l-e-sb-b-o?" asked Star. "Give me that," I said as I snatched the note from Starfire "Oh, and a lesbo is a girl who has love interests in other girls," I said. The note was written it had said he had heard Star coming so he told me to meet me in the basement. So I went down to the basement leaving a confused Starfire.