Chapter 11

Kagome and Sango ended up just walking around the woods talking. "How did he ask you?" Sango asked.

"Well, he ended up telling my friend Houjou first, and then when I asked if he was lying, and he said no, I said yes." Kagome explained.

(Sweat drop) "Inuyasha really isn't one for romantics is he?" Sango asked.

"I didn't expect him to ask romantically, if he even did ask. Actually, I kind of knew he would, I just didn't know when." Kagome said.

"How'd you know?" Sango asked suspiciously.

"Well....." Kagome began, and then launched into the whole story of her past. By the end she had had Sango crying, laughing, and very confused.

"But how were we there? And why did we all live together?" Sango asked.

"Well, Shessomaru found a spell that bound you and Miroku to Inuyasha's life span. We all decided to live together I guess." Kagome said.

"Oh. Well I can't believe what really happened to you! That's horrible. But you do have two sets of memories correct?" Sango questioned.

"Yes, that's why I sort of freaked out when I used the jewel. I got all of my memories back, but I didn't want to remember. I just wanted to forget it all, so I forgot everything." Kagome answered.

"Wow." Was all Sango could say.

"Yeah, wow."

) with Miroku and Inuyasha ()

"Hehehe, so mate-to-be huh?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah, and don't you make any of your nasty comments you pervert. I am content in just being happy right now. So don't say anything!" Inuyasha growled.

"Ok, I won't. Just one question though, what happened to Kagome after you left. The last thing I know she couldn't remember anything." Miroku asked.

"Well...." Inuyasha said, as he too launched into an explanation.

"So the four of us are all living together in the house on the edge of your forest?"

"Yes." Was Inuyasha's short answer.

"Well, that's a very interesting story. But now you have to go to Kagome's school correct? That's horrible." Miroku said sarcastically.

"Yeah, well, I might as well. We did decide to live in this time though. Hopefully that will stick." Inuyasha muttered.

"Good, but have you decided where you are going to live?" Miroku wondered. (a/n I wonder why he's asking this...)

"On the far edge of my forest, why?" Inuyasha asked.

"Because I don't want Sango to be upset should you leave." Miroku answered.

"You love her." Inuyasha stated simply.

"And how would you know that?" Miroku asked.

"You are the most obvious person I know." Inuyasha muttered.

"What was that?" Miroku snapped out.

"Oh, nothing...." Inuyasha said innocently.

) Back to the girls ()

"Kagome, I think we should head back now, it's starting to get dark out." Sango said, looking around nervously.

"Of course, let's go." Kagome agreed, heading back the way they had come.

By the time they reached to village is was dark, and starting to get very cold. They headed straight to Kaede's hut and sat by the fire. Inuyasha looked asleep already, and Miroku was off in his own world.

Kagome went straight over to Inuyasha and lay down next to him, and was instantly asleep. Sango walked over and sat down next to Miroku, watching Kagome and Inuyasha with a faint smile on her face.


"Miroku, can't you keep your hands to yourself for once?" Sango ground out.

"My apologize lady Sango, but my hand has a mind of its own." Miroku said smoothly.

Sango just sighed and looked away from him. She was caught by surprise when she felt two arms around her waist. She looked back to see Miroku had taken her in his arms and placed her in his lap. His hands stayed in the correct place for once. That was the most shocking of all.

"Lady Sango, I want you to know that you are the only women that I do this too, well lately anyway. You are special to me, whether or not you feel the same." Miroku whispered in her ear.

Shock was the only feeling she felt for a moment, before turning around and looking him in the eyes for any hint of lies. She found none.

"I-I feel the same." She squeaked out, smiling slightly.

Miroku grinned, and carefully pressed his lips to hers. After a moment he pulled back. With a little half smile he leaned back and closed his eyes. "Good night Sango."

Sango smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered, "Goodnight Miroku."

) ()

(Ok, I'm going to skip ahead a year, I know that he was supposed to go to school on Monday, and he did, I just am to lazy to write it and I have no clue what I would do. Sorry!)

Kagome sat in a rocking chair in her house. It was a year after Inuyasha proposed, and their life together so far had been an interesting one. A month after her 16th birthday they had mated, and that had started their life together. Another nine months after their mating, they had their first litter of pups. They had 4 all together, three girls and a boy. All half demons, all having their fathers' ears.

Kagome and Inuyasha lived in a little house on the edge of Inuyasha's Forest. The perfect dream house for Kagome. Maybe it wasn't the perfect happily ever after, especially with a temperamental half demon for a mate, but it was hers, and she loved it.

) End ()

Yes everyone, this really is the end. sob I know, I kind of didn't update for a while and I'm sorry!!!

I was wondering if everyone would please read my bio because I have three knew idea's I want do but I'm not sure which I should do first. If you could check those out before reviewing, or maybe e-mail me your favorite I'll keep a poll and post it later. Thanks, and try my other stories if you haven't already, you might like them!!! Well, ttyl people!
