A/N: Thanks very much for the reviews again. Thanks to those of you who left your e-mail address. I replied to most of you but if you didn't receive one don't think I didn't try. Some of them got sent back to me for some reason. I tried over and over but it still wouldn't work. Anyway, thanks for your ideas and suggestions they do help. The things some of you say really affect the story. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Here goes with the opening shower scene. Please review and still leave your e-mail. Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions about my story, please tell me. And if you want to tell me things you don't like about it or just plain think the story sucks you are free to. (

Secrets Revealed
Chapter Five: "Pleasure in the Shower"

Goku stepped into the pouring water first and turned to Vegeta to wait for him to enter. When he got in Goku slid the glass doors shut. As the very warm water poured over Vegeta he winced and jumped away from the falling liquid. He ended up in the circle of Goku's arms as they closed around him. Only then did Goku figure out why Vegeta had done that. He felt the lashes on Vegeta's back and quickly drew his hands away. "Ahh that stung really bad." Goku looked at Vegeta with sympathy. "Aww poor Geta." Vegeta rested his head against Goku's chest and grabbed Goku's arms. He placed them around his waist. At the small of his back it was smooth. The whip had not graced over this bit of flesh.
Vegeta started to lean back slowly into the water. Goku pulled him back in and said, "No, Vegeta, you'll burn yourself again." Vegeta looked at him and backed up again. "I'll get over it. I need to get used to the feeling of the water on it slowly so we can continue this shower. Unless you want me to stand on the other side of you in the cold and watch you take a nice hot shower." Vegeta made a pouting face and Goku smiled. "Of course not Geta. I want you in the water with me every second of it." Vegeta gave a small smile and leaned away from Goku. He stepped back a few times and squeezed his eyes shut tight as the hotness met his back again. Goku noticed Vegeta still had a hold on his arms and was squeezing them. It didn't hurt though since Vegeta wasn't trying to hurt him and since he was stronger than Vegeta.
Vegeta realized what he was doing too and quickly released Goku's arms. Every few seconds Vegeta leaned more of his body back into the water. Goku noticed a button on the wall next to him. "Hey Geta, what's this for?" Vegeta opened his eyes forgetting the pain at his back and looked where Goku was pointing. "Oh, that's a good idea Kaka. I'm glad you noticed that. I forgot all about it. It's to make water, at whatever temperature the water pouring on me is right now, come out of all those holes in the ceiling so that you get wet wherever you stand." Vegeta pushed the button slowly giving Goku time to get ready for the water to come over him. Goku quickly glanced at the ceiling and saw tons of little holes, more like dots, for the water to spatter from. He fixed his head straight again looking at Vegeta right in time. Vegeta pushed the button all the way in and Goku was soon being showered as Vegeta was.
"Oh I like this Vegeta. I should've known you'd have something like this in at least one of your bathrooms with how rich you are." Vegeta knew he was rich so he wasn't going to be shy about it and say something like, "Oh you're too kind, I'm not rich at all." So he just kept his mouth shut and kept showering. By now he had forgotten all about the wounds on his back. "I can't feel the cuts anymore Kaka. I'm used to the feel of it now. So, we can do whatever you want to now." Goku smiled at the "whatever you want to" part. He knew very well that if he didn't pick something to do then Vegeta would. And it would be just the same as what he would pick. They both wanted to do more exploring. They were both very eager to continue what they had earlier started. "Well, hmmm, where'd we leave off Geta?" Vegeta didn't think about it or even move to do anything. He just stared at Goku.
"Well, if I remember right we left off by going as far as kissing and me licking your body. So I think we should pick it up from there. Do you agree Geta?" Vegeta nodded in approval and delight at his thoughts. Goku could practically see images of the two of them floating in Vegeta's eyes. Before Goku could do anything Vegeta was on his knees in front of him. "You licked me. But I never got to taste any of you. You chose my stomach to taste. I choose something else on you." Before Goku could start to explain Vegeta looked up into his eyes. His neck was a little strained since Goku was so much taller and he was now on his knees, which added to the affect. "Yes, I know why you didn't choose a different body part. You would've but you didn't want to scare me or go too far for me. I do appreciate that but now you have my permission to go much further. As far as you want is fine with me. But now it is my turn so I get to go first."
Goku could feel a sort of dizziness going over him. He felt his cheeks redden and his stomach tighten. He was in a way nervous since he had never had this experience before. He and Chi-Chi had made kids but nothing more. They just weren't into each other enough to do other things. They wanted kids together so they did what they had to do to make them. Other than that they weren't interested in doing much more. It wasn't that they didn't feel anything for each other. They did love each other. But they just never really could see that happening between them. But it didn't matter now because the love that was once there was completely gone.
Vegeta dropped his gaze back to the thing in front of him. And not much to his surprise, it was very, very large. He had some images fly across his mind and thought of how much that would hurt if it were in something other than his mouth. He then thought that he was pretty sure it would feel good after a while too. As he thought about it, he realized that it might just make his jaw sore from having to open so wide too. He had a small mouth, and this was huger than a lot of men's. He also noticed that he might gag if he had to take it in too far. But Vegeta had never been one to back down from new things just because his thoughts caught him. He was not even about to back down from things like this just because he wasn't yet used to it. He wanted to get used to it. And he didn't think it would be much of a bad process.
Goku began to sweat under the warmth of the water. It wasn't from being hot. It was from being nervous and hot in another way. He had already noticed Vegeta staring at his manhood, and now he saw that Vegeta was thinking about something. It didn't make him insecure because he was aware of how large he was. And he was in very good shape. It just made him nervous to think of what Vegeta could have been thinking. And you never really knew with someone who had gone through a lot of sexual abuse as a child. He had probably had very twisted experiences. But Goku knew that Vegeta wouldn't try any of those with him. He would never hurt him just for remembering his past. He was probably just thinking like any other normal person does before they do what he was about to do. He was probably thinking how large it was and what it would feel like and taste like. He was probably imagining doing other things involving it than sucking too.
Goku felt his own thoughts wonder off as he grew hard. Vegeta noticed that he hadn't even touched Goku yet and looked up into the man's face to see why he had suddenly grown erect. "What was that for Kaka?" Goku looked down at him and embarrassment washed over him at the fact that Vegeta was aware of what just happened. "Oh, I was just thinking, that's all." Vegeta gave that dangerous smirk of his. "What exactly were you thinking? If you tell me I'll tell you." Goku knew he wasn't going to get out of this one and there was no reason to lie. So he just blurted it out. "I was thinking of how tight your mouth and ass are, and how it would feel for me to enter them." Vegeta got his own feeling of excitement and dizziness. His face burned, now matching Goku's. "I was thinking of you doing just that to me." Goku smiled and Vegeta continued on with that smirk on his face that could mean just about anything.
Goku hated it when Vegeta grinned that way. He loved it at the same time. He hated the fact that he never knew what it meant. He always thought it meant Vegeta was thinking dirty thoughts. But from living with him and watching him very closely he had been proven wrong. Sometimes it meant that, sometimes it meant other things. You could never be sure. That one look held so many different meanings. It hid so many different thoughts. The smirk died down as Vegeta lowered his head once more. He gave one more moment of thought and stood back up. Goku's face was a complete puzzle and Vegeta knew why. "Before you ask, I decided that we should do some foreplay first. I noticed you are excited, but not enough yet. So with that said." Vegeta stood on his tiptoes and put his arms around Goku's neck. By now the taller sayjin was smiling a nervous smile. He always felt this way while he got 'excited.' The tingling feeling all over his body, the tightness of muscles clenching, the almost nauseas feeling in his stomach, the hot flash that made him feel like he was on fire, and the sort of dizziness that danced around in his head.
As always, the feelings only lasted a minute or so. They were washed over the very minute that Vegeta started. Goku came out of his combined feelings of nervousness and became aware of Vegeta's lips on the side of his neck. He noticed that Vegeta was straining to reach him there, so he brought his hands down below Vegeta's buttocks. Right when Vegeta gave a soft moan, thinking that Goku was just playing with him, Goku lifted Vegeta up. "There, so you can reach better." Goku said. Vegeta didn't argue, for he knew of his height, and he just kept going. He was now sucking water off of Goku's neck. Goku was making small noises from the back of his throat. Vegeta went lower and lower. He let his lips trail over Goku's collarbone, biting gently here and there. He then pulled his legs back in a silent way of telling Goku to lower him back down to his feet. Goku caught on instantly and put him back down.
When Vegeta was standing again he licked between the big chest muscles and trailed down to his abs. Every inch brought more moans from Goku. Vegeta kept going until he came to where he was first to start out. He was now back on his knees. Although Vegeta reached his goal of making Goku completely hard, he wanted to do more first. He used one foot to raise himself slightly and started licking around Goku's navel. He was circling it with his tongue and dipping into it every once and a while. That had even more effect on Goku. Instead of his mere moans he was now pleading Vegeta to do more. Vegeta couldn't help it but to literally smile while he continued to tease Goku. Of course Vegeta could do much better 'teasing' than this. He could drive Goku to more of his constant begging. "Please..Ve.geta.more. Please go..lower." Goku was requesting through his gasping breaths. Vegeta himself was getting eager for more. He wanted to hear more of Goku's sounds. He wanted to hear Goku try to talk more through breaths that would be much shorter and much faster.
Vegeta very slowly went back to both knees and brought his tongue down with his head. It slid below his navel and just above his desired area. He never had to rewet his tongue during the whole process thanks to the continuous water flowing over them. As every drop dripped down Goku's body, Vegeta felt it fall onto his tongue. That is what caused him to have to close his mouth over Goku's flesh every now and again in a sucking way to swallow the water. Spitting it out didn't seem very.romantic. And drowning in it just because he didn't want to close his mouth wouldn't be good. So, all he really had to do was swallow, but he didn't want to bring his mouth away from Goku to do that so he just turned it into a sucking action.
Goku bared a glance down at Vegeta's face. He saw that mysterious smirk again and all kinds of thoughts came to his mind. 'Is he going to be rough? Is he thinking of being gentle? Why is he making that face again? Is he just going to stop now and not do anymore? Oh, no! I won't be able to handle that! He has to keep going!' Goku couldn't keep up with his thoughts and Vegeta had his all planned out. "Please Vegeta, please do it." Vegeta looked up and met Goku's eyes. "Well now that you mention it, I just might." He let his smile grow bigger. "Might? What do you mean? You have to. Please, please." Vegeta gave a low laugh and it made Goku smile because he thought that meant Vegeta was going to do it without a doubt now. "I mean, I will 'do it' if you tell me what you want. I don't know what 'do it' means. You have to tell me." Goku stared at him for a few seconds. "Vegeta you know what I mean. You know what I want. You just want to hear me say it." Vegeta nodded. "Exactly."
"Oh, do I have to Vegeta?" Vegeta nodded again. "If you want it done you have to ask. And you must be specific or I won't understand." Goku sighed. "You mean you'll just pretend you don't understand." Again, Vegeta gave the nod. Goku repeated his sigh. Vegeta took note that Goku was still very hard but didn't want him to lose interest since they had just stopped to talk. So he raised his right hand and gripped Goku. Goku shot out a very different sigh this time. More like a quick intake of breath. A gasp. And Vegeta put his head right to the tip of Goku's erection. As Vegeta's head grew closer, in the few seconds that Goku had to think, he thought that maybe Vegeta was just going to do it without him having to say it. But when Vegeta made the next few actions Goku changed his mind and new he was just teasing him more.
Vegeta licked the tip of Goku with the slightest flick of his tongue. It happened so fast but Goku still felt it. Goku let out a very small and quick gasp of pleasure. So small and quick just to match the action. Vegeta placed his lips around the very end on the edge of his tip. He made a puckering mouth just to suck the very tip. He kept doing it for half of a minute. And for half of a minute Goku moaned. Then Vegeta moved his hand and licked the whole length of Goku from underneath him. He started at his scrotum and continued back to the end of him again. Moans were not enough to help him now. Goku did what Vegeta wanted, "P.please.Ge.Geta.do it, suck it, oh god please, now, suck it." Vegeta made a very happy face and a small moan of his own at hearing his koi's desperate words.
He pulled away for just long enough to say "Suck what?" Then he started making fast flicking movements with his tongue again at the tip of Goku. He smiled at the answer forming in his mind. Goku's voice came again. "Su.suck.oh.p.please..just..suck.suck me! Vegeta I want you to suck me! Take it in! A.all o.of it!" Goku was tired of Vegeta's game. He was tired of waiting. Not really tired, he just needed it so bad. Vegeta was still lapping at the tip of Goku's very hard penis. Goku was breathing so fast that it sounded like he was going to hyperventilate. He would have just grabbed Vegeta's head and bucked his hips to thrust himself into Vegeta's mouth, but Vegeta's mouth wasn't in the position for it. He was only licking him at the moment.
Vegeta was moaning uncontrollably too. He got pleasure simply by hearing Goku in pleasure. He felt himself grow very hard. He was actually getting bored with his little game too. He wanted to do it already. But, it was so funny and so pleasurable to hear Goku beg. "Suck you? What you want me to suck your finger? Suck you? I don't think your body will fit in my mouth." Vegeta gave a half smile, not knowing how long Goku would put up with this. Vegeta decided to be kind though. He was just about to take him in fully, but Goku spoke again. "Pl.pl.. please.god.oh.go.god.. please! I.. I'll.. d.do any.. thing.just.god.please.. Veg.eta! Please!" Vegeta was so hard that it hurt now. He was sure Goku felt the same way. He felt bad for making him be in such a strain for so long. Once more though, he said, "Suck what?" Then he quickly surprised Goku and took him in more than halfway. He gave one hard long suck and then pulled away again.
He didn't want Goku to think he was teasing again so he used his right hand to firmly grip him again while he quickly said, "Just kidding, you don't have to say any more baby." He let him go and replaced his hand with his mouth again. He took him in even further than at first this time. With the first intake he thought he wasn't going to ever be able to take him in all the way. But he knew the secret. He just had to relax his throat. The key to it is relaxing. If you tightened it up or thought about it then you would gag. But if you just relaxed then you'd have no problem. He did just that as he took Goku's whole length in. It took only a quick second to do. Goku was letting out shaking breaths along with his moans and gasps now. Vegeta started moving his head back and forth, taking Goku in and out over and over. He sped up greatly, much to Goku's liking. Goku threw his head back and let the water pour on his face. He didn't care; his eyes were closed tight anyway. He didn't even barely notice the water with the pleasure he was feeling.
Vegeta tightened his throat a little bit along with his mouth so Goku could get more out of it. When he did that he noticed Goku moan louder. And, if it was possible, his breathing quickened. Goku felt his legs growing weak and start to shake. He knew that meant he was close to his climax. Vegeta noticed just the same. In between his quick movements of his head he would go to the end and lick around the tip. Now he brought his right hand back up as he began sucking again and used it to play with Goku's testicles while his mouth worked on the shaft. Goku knew he was so close. He felt that heat crawl through him. Vegeta put down his teeth lightly on Goku's skin and started to drag his mouth down the length of him. He repeated that and then went back to sucking. He moved impossibly, for a human, fast, like a sayjin can do, and drove Goku to the edge.
Goku fought to keep his legs under him as he came into Vegeta's mouth. Vegeta proudly swallowed every last bit of seed down his throat. He felt the heat of it all the way down just as hot as it was when it entered his mouth. Goku could tell by the movements of Vegeta's mouth that he was swallowing everything. He looked down and took a mental picture of Vegeta knelt down swallowing him. He looked so precious. Goku would always remember this moment and the way that Vegeta looked on his knees in front of him with his eyes closed and his right hand now resting on Goku's left thigh. When Vegeta swallowed the last bit Goku instantly collapsed, accidentally hitting the button on the wall on his way down. The water that was falling above him stopped suddenly and no drops trickled down the way they do from facets when you turn water off. It just completely stopped.
Goku was now lying on the floor of the shower with Vegeta still kneeling between his legs. Goku sat up and Vegeta watched his every move with satisfied eyes. Goku knew his eyes held the same satisfaction, but a hint of laziness too. That look that always lingers after extreme pleasure. Goku put a hand on each of Vegeta's shoulders and pulled him close. He saw two streams of his fluid dripping down Vegeta's chin. He licked it off and swallowed and then went to Vegeta's lips. They kissed for a second just like that before Goku used his tongue to pry Vegeta's mouth open. Vegeta let him without a fight and they both let their tongues explore each other's mouths. Goku could taste the faint salty taste that was left on Vegeta's tongue and the roof of his mouth. Goku kissed him roughly as if he were going to eat his head off starting with his mouth. Vegeta pulled back and took a deep breath. "Well, I see you like the taste of that just as I do huh?" Goku smiled and nodded.
Goku realized that Vegeta was still being showered in water and the fact that he himself wasn't even cold without it on his own body. He knew that was because the heat from the pleasure he just received. 'There is no way that anybody could possibly cold after that.' "Vegeta, that was great. That was. it is impossible to say what it felt like. I have never felt that much pleasure in my entire life. And I'm glad that it came from someone that I love. Thank you so much for that Vegeta, you're very good with your mouth and hands. I love you." Vegeta returned the love in his own words and they both stood back up and quickly washed each other's bodies and hair.
When they were done they wrapped up in the same huge towel and went to the nearest bedroom. The one they entered was absorbed through Goku's eyes quickly. Like all of the other bedrooms, this one had a bed that looked double king sized too. The whole room was done in silver and royal blue. The bedspread was blue with silver around the edges. The walls were blue with patterns of tiny silver flames. The curtains matched the bedspread and the carpet was blue. They walked to the bed and crawled on together. The towel came off with the unmatched movements of the two very differently sized bodies. They kicked it off of the edge of the bed to the floor. Vegeta pulled the covers and sheets back and they both crawled under the blankets. Goku saw that there were two sheets. One was silver and the other was blue. Vegeta had a unique design in every room but he had a very good taste that showed in them all.
They snuggled together and finally found a comfortable position in a cuddling lay. Vegeta was lying on his left side with Goku behind him on his left side with his arm around Vegeta's waist. Vegeta's body was pressed to the length of Goku's. Except for his head because he was shorter. He laid his head back against Goku's chest and Goku had his head tilted down putting his face in Vegeta's hair. He breathed in his scent and closed his eyes. Vegeta felt Goku pressed hard against his butt. With noticing this he pushed himself back to put pressure on Goku's member once again. Goku then decided it was his turn to pleasure Vegeta.

A/N: Yes, I know the title of this chapter is stupid but I had a title before and decided to change it because I made this whole chapter consist of the shower scene that I promised you all. So I didn't get to really put in the stuff that was going to make the title make sense. I decided to save the chapter title for the next chapter and just gave this one the most sensible one that I could think of. Sorry. I hope you liked this chapter. Please review and don't forget the e-mail.yah blah, blah, blah. Anyway, next chapter is coming and I promise I won't take as long as I took to get this one up. Just to let you all know I do like it when you make suggestions about my fic cuz sometimes I use them or form other ideas from them, so if you have some them please let me know. If you don't that's fine I like to just hear from you anyway. Just so you know the next chapter is going to go into Trunks and Goten and Gohan. AND you can e-mail me at any time you want my e-mail is in my profile and I'll just make it easy and give it to you here [email protected] So even if you leave a review you can still e-mail me. Thanks for reading.