"G`night Gabrielle."
"Goodnight, Xena. Are you sure we should let Joxer have first watch?"
"I don`t think there`ll be much trouble tonight."
But she was wrong...
Xena found herself walking through a maze of vine-like cords and hurried people. What was going on? What were these strange clothes she and everyone else were wearing?
"Lucy! There you are. You drive your poor old director crazy." Xena blinked. Lucy? Director? This was getting too weird.
"Where in Tartarus are we?" she demanded.
"On our next season, that`s where! Can you believe it? We have some plans for Gabrielle`s outfit. She`s going to stop fighting for awhile..."
"What? Why?!"
"Eh, some sorta spiritual thing. And that dream Xena`s having will turn out to be a reality, and we`ll even throw in--"
"How do you know about my dream?!" Xena reached for her sword before realizing it was gone.
"I asked the writers. I do know what I`m doing, I keep up with the show. Really!" This strange "director" was really starting to confuse Xena.
"Now, how do you feel about having Calisto come back? It`s in her contract."
"I would feel VERY uneasy!"
"But we have some great scenes! Do you know how many people she gets to kill this time? Oh, she`s great with those death scenes..."
Xena was quite sure now that the man was evil.
"Whoops, publicity time! Go sign some autographs. See ya later." The man started to walk away. She couldn`t let this ally of Calisto escape! Suddenly, she spotted her sword on the other side of the room.
Xena let out a mighty battle cry, propelled herself into the air, and flipped to her trusty sword. What? Everyone was clapping! She whistled for Argo.
A voice called from a little ways away, "Lucy, don`t! She`s eating, you know how she feels about tricks during a meal."
Xena sighed.
"Xena! Xena! Sign my forehead, here`s a pen!" Some harried looking people were rushing gleefully towards Xena. There was no escape.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Xena awoke suddenly. "Phew..."
"Finally! It`s your turn to keep watch. No one came near us, of course, seeing a battle-hardened warrior like me on guard."
"Who else? Hey, Xena, you don`t look so good." Joxer peered into Xena`s startled eyes.
"Yes, Xena, are you alright?" Gabrielle sat up.
"It was just a premonition...a bad dream, that`s all...go back to sleep."