Kawaii Kit: Hey, Guys! It's me with another Yu Yu Hakusho/Inuyasha x-over! I want all of you to vote for the pairings, ok? I hope you all enjoy it!

Don't forget to read and review!

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, but, I DO own a really cool giant Kurama poster! *drools*


Chapter 1: Transformation

"Inuyasha, LEFT!!!!" Kagome's voice echoed through Inuyasha's Forest,

causing flocks birds to rise out of their nests in panic.

"Un!" Inuyasha grunted as he lifted off into a full-out run to the right,

A piece of hair grazing his left arm, unseen by anyone.

Anyone, that is, but Kagome.

"You'll never escape!" Cackled Yura of the Demon Hair in a high,

flirty voice. Another bunch of hair whizzed by Inuyasha, and before Kagome could warn him, sliced through the right part of his stomach.

Inuyasha immediately dropped down, unconscious in pain, blood-HIS blood- pooling around him in a sticky, crimson puddle.

"Inuyasha!!!!" Kagome wailed. Throwing her bow and arrows to the side with a *clank*, she ran to him.

"Oh no you don't!" Yura angrily exclaimed, navigating another clump of hairs, this time, at Kagome.

Quickly, Kagome whipped her head around, watching in horror as the hair closed in on her, intent in cutting her into ribbons.

But, before the hair could reach its target, a bright white light suddenly engulfed Kagome, making her impossible to see through the blinding flash of pure power.

When the light subsided, Kagome was standing there, or the REAL Kagome was. Instead of mid-back length raven hair, was mid-thigh, light cotton-candy pink hair, curled at the bottom. You could see that she was thinner around the waist and had longer legs. Her curves were obvious and she filled out in all the right places.

Her eyes, instead if their normal chocolaty-brown, was such a light blue that it almost looked silver and more feline looking.

Her skin turned even paler and glowed in the sunlight.

Instead of nails, feminine claws took their place and fangs took the place of pearly white teeth.

Her human ears disappeared, replaced by fuzzy, silver fox ears on the tip of her head with light pink fuzzy tips.

Also, a tail protruded from her buttocks, silver with a light pink fuzzy tip.

All in all, she was drop dead gorgeous, deadly beauty.

Even though she was confused, Kagome new that she had to fight Yura and think about what happened to herself later.

In one swift moment, she dashed at Yura with her newfound speed.

Catching Yura off guard, she was able to slice her in her stomach, causing a huge bloody gash.

Yura gasped and leaped back, waiting for her hair to heal her.

When she was preoccupied, Kagome raced to the red skull she had seen before and kept punching it until it cracked.

When she looked up, she was surprised to see a sword millimeters from slicing her head open.

Yura looked at her with an unbelieving expression and turned to dust right before Kagome's eyes.

Quickly, Kagome grabbed Inuyasha and carried him to Kaede's hut for healing. Without Kaede seeing her, she raced off to the well, she had a gut feeling that her mother knew about this all along.

She finally reached the well and leaped in, a familiar sea of blue energy surrounded her and dropped her back into her time period.

She flew out in one graceful jump, and exited the well house.

Entering the shrine, she took a deep breath and screamed,


*thump* ……





Kagome's mother practically threw herself into the room.

With a worried expression clear on her face she shouted,

"Kagome! What's wro---!" she stopped in mid sentence and stared at Kagome with wide eyes and her mouth ajar.

"Oh, my…" she murmured. Taking a deep breath, she said

"Please sit down, Kagome. I'm sure you're confused and curious to why this is all happening."

"You got that right!" Kagome answered, clearly annoyed with the 'secret' her mother had been keeping from her.

"Sit down." Kagome sat across from her mother on the couch, intently listening for her story to begin.

"It all happened a long time ago," she began, a far off look on her face.

"I actually lived in the past, through the well. One day, I met this man, and found out that he was no ordinary human, but a DEMON.

We fell in love, putting aside the fact that we were a different species.

Later, we mated and had a beautiful young half demon girl.

We named the girl…Kagome.

When a war broke out between a strong group of demons,

he told me to take you and escape when he held them off from advancing

any further.

I jumped into the well, and was sent back in time. This was before the shrine had an owner, it was dusty and old, with no one living in it.

I cleaned it up and moved in. I later found out that your father had died in that same war and our house was destroyed as well.

I sealed your demon powers away so that we could live here like normal people. I forgot that the spell will be broken if you are in danger and need your half demon strength.

Later, I fell in love with as human man and had Souta. He died in that car crash as you remember. And that's how it all happened. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Kagome, I just wanted you to live like a normal human girl, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Please forgive me."

By the end of the story, both Kagome and her mother had tears in their eyes, threatening to fall.

Kagome threw herself at her mother and hugged her.

"It's okay, Mama," she whispered softly, " I forgive you, I understand."

"Oh, Kagome!" her mother exclaimed while hugging her close, "I love you so much!"

"I love you too."


Kawaii Kit: How did you like it? Kagome should be meeting the Yu Yu Gang in the next chapter. Please review and tell me how you liked my story and who you want Kagome to be paired with.


~*Kawaii Silver Kitsune*~
