Disclaimer: Like always, I don't own Teen Titans and I never will. That's almost sad.

A/N: Thanks goes out to all my reviewers!! Thanks for all the encouraging comments and so this fan-fiction goes out to all of you!!

First Snow Fall

Raven awoke from her sleep feeling unusually cold. Getting out of bed, Raven pushed the dark curtains slightly to the side to look outside. She gazed in slight amazement as she watched snow fall from the sky. A small smile appeared on her face before she let go of the curtain allowing it to fall back into place. The tinge of joy faded away as she washed up and changed into warmer attire. Stepping out of her bedroom, Raven could hear the rest of the team talking. She followed their voices and wasn't surprised to find them in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Raven, I am glad you awaken from your slumber," Starfire cheerfully greeted from the counter. Cyborg and Beastboy were too busy arguing about what the perfect breakfast consisted of to even acknowledge her presence. Her eyes left the two teammates and fell upon Robin who sat at the table, drinking some hot chocolate.

"You should eat some breakfast," Robin replied as he glanced at her, Raven's turned her attention to him. "Don't worry, I cooked this morning." He smirked as Raven looked to the counter where eggs, bacon, French toast, and tofu were neatly placed on plates. She nodded her head and helped herself to some food and eventually joined Robin on the table. "Did you sleep well?" Robin questioned after a few seconds of silence had passed between the two.

"I suppose," she simply answered as she took a bite out of the French toast. Her eyes focused on her food, but she managed to catch a glimpse of Robin who looked rather disappointed at her failure in keeping up a conversation. "And you?" Raven asked, after swallowing her food.

"I slept well," replied Robin with a smile, a bit satisfied that she had ask even though her eyes were still lowered. He stared at his hot chocolate searching his mind for something else to say.

"Raven, would you care for some hot chocolate? I had just made a new batch," Starfire offered with a big smile on her face, as she held a mug full of hot coco.

"Uh-," Raven hesitated, knowing very well how much a bad idea it was to take up Starfire's offer. She watched as Starfire's face slowly turned to discouragement. "Sure." Raven said with a quiet sigh.

"Wonderful!" cheered Starfire as she placed the mug in front of Raven.

Raven gave Starfire a weak smile hoping the cheerful teammate would leave in satisfaction, but instead she remained watching her. Realizing Starfire wasn't going to leave her until she tried her hot chocolate, Raven picked up the mug and sipped it. Her eyes shot open at the taste and out of reflex she spit it back into the mug. Raven looked up to see Starfire frown. "It's hot," she quickly explained.

"Oh, I must apologize for serving you a too hot beverage to drink. My apologies my dear friend, Raven," Starfire quickly said.

"No, it's okay Star. I should have blown it first. I will drink it once it cools, thank you," Raven said as Starfire nodded her head in agreement.

"Robin would you care for some more hot chocolate as well?" offered Starfire as she turned to him.

"No thank you Starfire. I'm alright," smiled Robin showing her a half filled cup. Starfire smiled back before walking back to offer Cyborg and Beastboy some. He returned his attention back to Raven who resumed eating. "That was nice of you." Raven glanced up at Robin. "You know what you did for Star."

Looking back down at her plate, Raven answered, "Yeah, well. You have to give her credit for all the effort she puts in. Besides you would have done the same."

"You sure about that?" joked Robin as he held up his now empty mug. Carefully watching her, Robin managed to see a small smile appear on Raven's face before she took another bite of her French toast. Robin smiled, although majority of the time Raven appeared to be rather cold- hearted and anti-social she always managed to do or say something that showed she cared despite her attitude towards them.

"Dude! It's snowing!" announced Beastboy as he looked out the window.

"Only now you've realized it?" Cyborg pointed out as Beastboy ignored his comment.

"Well, what are we waiting for? You know what they say, it's the perfect time to play outside when it's the first snow fall of the season!" Beastboy exclaimed as he rushed out of the kitchen to change.

"Come on Starfire before the snow gets dirty," Cyborg said, gaining Starfire's attention.

Starfire squealed in excitement as she left the window. "Robin. Raven. I will see you both outside?" questioned Starfire as she stopped at the doorway of the kitchen. Robin nodded his head and Starfire left to change.

"Will you be joining us outside?" asked Robin as he rose from his chair, to place his dishes in the sink. Raven stared at her plate as she poked her eggs with her fork not sure what to say. "Raven?" Raven looked up to see Robin looking at her. "It would be nice to see you outside more often rather than being cooped up in your room all day." He gave her a small smile before heading to his bedroom.

"I'll consider it," Raven spoke up right before Robin stepped out of the kitchen.

"That's all I ask," smiled Robin as he glanced back at her. She lifted the mug and drank from it. Robin stared at her nearly feeling disgusted.

Raven looked up from her mug and nearly choked when she saw Robin's expression. "It isn't that bad," commented Raven as she placed the mug back down on the table, holding back from laughing at Robin, he look ready to puke. "It just needed a lot more coco powder to drown out the rest of the ingredients Star put in here."

"You're really something else Raven," smiled Robin before he left.

Surprised to hear what he just said, Raven looked up to see Robin gone. 'Exactly what did he mean by that?' thought Raven as she stood up from the chair. She walked to the sink and placed them inside. Trying to forget about what Robin had just said. Gazing outside the window, Robin watched the snow continue to fall as she washed her dishes. A small smile appeared on her face as an image of her teammates playing in the snow flashed in her mind. 'Maybe joining them outside wouldn't be such a bad idea,' thought Raven as she placed her plate on the side.

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